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United States Postal Service (USPS) clerks sort mail at the Lincoln Park carriers annex in Chicago, Illinois on November 29, 2012. (Photo: Reuters)

United States Postal Service (USPS) clerks sort mail at the Lincoln Park carriers annex in Chicago, Illinois on November 29, 2012. (Photo: Reuters)

The Non-Manufacturing Index (NMI) came in at 58.6 in May, slightly higher than the forecast and an indication U.S. service sector growth was stronger than anticipated. The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) gauge was expected to come in at 58.0 after a slight decline in April.

“The majority of respondents are optimistic about business conditions and the overall economy,” Anthony Nieves, Chair of the ISM Non-Manufacturing Business Survey Committee, said. “There continue to be concerns about the uncertainty surrounding tariffs, trade agreements and the impact on cost of goods sold.”

The New Orders Index came in at 60.5%, a gain of 0.5% from the already elevated reading of 60% in April. The Employment Index rose 0.5% to 54.1% from the April reading of 53.6%. The Prices Index rose 2.5% from the April reading of 61.8% to 64.3%, indicating that prices increased in May for the 27th consecutive month.

The 14 non-manufacturing industries reported growth in May — listed in order — are: Wholesale Trade; Mining; Real Estate, Rental & Leasing; Construction; Retail Trade; Management of Companies & Support Services; Professional, Scientific & Technical Services; Transportation & Warehousing; Public Administration; Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting; Accommodation & Food Services; Finance & Insurance; Utilities; and Other Services.

The only industry reporting a decrease is Information.

The Non-Manufacturing Index (NMI) came in at

Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn, unsuccessful candidate to run the Democratic National Committee, speaks during the general session of the DNC winter meeting in Atlanta, Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017. (Photo: SS)

Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn, unsuccessful candidate to run the Democratic National Committee, speaks during the general session of the DNC winter meeting in Atlanta, Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017. (Photo: SS)

Representative Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), is expected to run for Minnesota attorney general. The last-minute entrance into the crowded race is anticipated on Tuesday, according to multiple sources.

“I will make a decision tomorrow because it’s the filling deadline,” Rep. Ellison told the leftwing website Politico.

With the decision, Rep. Ellison will be one of dozens of candidates for attorney general funded by Nazi sympathizer and billionaire socialist George Soros. The radical financier has been engaged in an effort to win statewide attorney general races since President Donald Trump took office, and he has met with the congressman to discuss strategy.

The decision raises several questions surrounding the Democratic Party’s electoral changes in November. His exit from the DNC would leave the far-left wing party all but voiceless at a time when Chairman Tom Perez continues to intrude and interfere with primaries to benefit establishment candidates.

It is no secret Rep. Ellison has grown increasingly frustrated with being in the minority. His decision insinuates he is no longer as bullish on the Democratic Party’s chances to reclaim control of the U.S. House of Representatives.

But it also allows him to skate on the recent controversy surrounding his support for antisemitism. That antisemitic history derailed his bid for DNC chairman last year.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which originally backed him over Mr. Perez, bailed on his bid to be the new DNC chair after never-before heard audio surfaced in which he made controversial comments about the state of Israel. Worth noting, big name Democrats in the U.S. House and Senate did not abandon him, nor did the party’s base.

The Minnesota congressman has repeatedly denied having any membership in or relationship with the Nation of Islam or it’s leader, Minister Louis Farrakhan, despite widespread reports to the contrary. In the past, Rep. Ellison has defended the racist and antisemitic leader, whom he once called a “role model.”

Minister Farrakhan recently confirmed Deputy Chair Ellison was in fact a member of the antisemitic group. In a video first obtained by Wired Sources, the controversial and radical religious leader said Rep. Ellison only left the Nation of Islam before he wanted to run for office.

“Keith Ellison… You ain’t got a picture of Keith? Well, let me talk about him. Now Keith was in the Nation in 1995,” Mr. Farrakhan said during a keynote address in February, which drew responses of “that’s right!” from the crowd. “He was selling the Final Call newspaper. Beautiful brother. And, being in Minnesota, he wants to help his community. He’s a lawyer, so he wants to help his community. So, he wants to be a congressman.”

The Final Call is a newspaper published in Chicago. It was founded in 1979 by Minister Louis Farrakhan and serves as the official newspaper of the Nation of Islam. It is also the official communications, or propaganda organ of the Nation of Islam, used to recruit young college students.

Meanwhile, the race for attorney general in Minnesota could field as many as five opponents. However, none of them will have the level of financial support as Mr. Ellison or donors with pockets as deep as Mr. Soros.

Keith Ellison, D-Minn., whose run for DNC

President Donald Trump speaks during a swearing-in ceremony for Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the White House. (Photo: Reuters)

President Donald Trump speaks during a swearing-in ceremony for Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the White House. (Photo: Reuters)

The Justice Department (DOJ) announced they have added 311 new Assistant U.S. Attorneys “to assist in priority areas” such as the opioid criss, immigration and violent crimes. The decision, which is the largest increase in AUSAs in decades, comes on the 500th day of the Trump Administration.

“Under President Trump’s strong leadership, the Department of Justice is going on offense against violent crime, illegal immigration, and the opioid crisis—and today we are sending in reinforcements,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement. “We have a saying in my office that a new federal prosecutor is ‘the coin of the realm.'”

President Donald Trump campaigned on the opioid crisis and, as commander-in-chief, has made the scourge of opioid abuse a central focus of his administration.

In April 2017, the Trump Administration announced it would provide grants to all 50 states to combat opioid addiction. The funding was the first of two rounds to be allocated under the 21st Century Cures Act.

In August 2017, President Trump officially declared the opioid crisis a national emergency. The Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis said that executive action would make the opioid crisis a top priority and allow the Cabinet to take “bold steps” against drug abuse.

In March 2018, the White House unveiled the Initiative to Stop Opioids Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand. The three-pronged strategy targets the factors the Commission and others identified as fueling the opioid crisis.

Only one day later, Attorney General Sessions issued a guidance memo to U.S. Attorneys “strongly” encouraging them to pursue the death penalty in drug-related prosecutions. In the guidance memo, Mr. Sessions told U.S. Attorneys they should pursue capital punishment when appropriate.

He listed specific statutes that include certain racketeering activities (18 U.S.C. § 1959); the use of a firearm resulting in death during a drug trafficking crime (18 U.S.C. § 924(j)); murder in furtherance of a continuing criminal enterprise (21 U.S.C. § 848(e)); and dealing in extremely large quantities of drugs (18 U.S.C. § 3591(b)(1)).

The Trump Administration’s efforts to combat the opioid crisis have bled unavoidably into healthcare fraud.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and DOJ released a joint report in April 2018 showing the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Takedown event was the single largest healthcare fraud bust in history.

The (FY) 2017 Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program report shows for every dollar the federal government spent on healthcare-related fraud and abuse in the last three years, they recovered $4. In FY 2017, the Trump Administration’s efforts recovered $2.6 billion in taxpayer dollars from individuals and entities.

Meanwhile, the new AUSA’s will be allocated as follows: 190 violent crime prosecutors, 86 civil enforcement prosecutors, and 35 additional immigration prosecutors.

The Justice Department said many of the civil enforcement AUSA’s will support the newly created Prescription Interdiction & Litigation Task Force, which targets the opioid crisis at every level of distribution.

“When we can eliminate wasteful spending, one of my first questions to my staff is if we can deploy more prosecutors to where they are needed. I have personally worked to re-purpose existing funds to support this critical mission, and as a former federal prosecutor myself, my expectations could not be higher,” Mr. Sessions added. “These exceptional and talented prosecutors are key leaders in our crime fighting partnership.”

The Justice Department has added 311 new

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). (Photo: AdobeStock/bbourdages)

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). (Photo: AdobeStock/bbourdages)

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7 – 2 in favor of a Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake for a same-sex couple based on his sincerely held religious beliefs. The ruling in Hughes v. United States found the Colorado Civil Rights Commission violated the Free Exercise Clause; and “its order must be set aside.”

The case before the Court dates back 5 years, and the issue was whether a Christian business owner could be forced to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding. Charlie Craig and David Mullins went to Masterpiece Cakeshop in 2012 to order a cake for their same-sex marriage.

Jack Phillips, the owner of the Denver-area bakery, refused based on sincerely-held religious belief. Mr. Phillips, who describes himself as a “cake artist,” is also a Christian. He closes his business on Sundays and refuses to make other cakes that conflict with his religious beliefs, including those that contain alcohol or have Halloween themes.

The Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruled Mr. Phillips’ refusal violated state discrimination laws and that he had “no free speech right” to turn down Craig and Mullins’ request.

However, the court found the Civil Rights Commission to be hostile to Christian belief.

The Court wrote in the majority that “the delicate question of when the free exercise” of the baker’s religion must yield to an otherwise valid exercise of state power needed to be determined in an adjudication in which religious hostility on the part of the State itself would not be a factor in the balance the State sought to reach.”

Chief Justice John Roberts, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Elena Kagan, and Neil Gorsuch joined Anthony Kennedy in the majority opinion. Justice Kagan concurred, joined by Justice Breyer; Justice Gorsuch concurred, joined by Justice Alito. Justice Clarence Thomas concurred in part and in the judgment.

Appeals in similar cases are currently pending, including one at the Supreme Court from a florist who didn’t want to arrange flowers for a same-sex wedding.

[pdfviewer width=”740px” height=”849px” beta=”true/false”]https://www.peoplespunditdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Hughes-v-United-States-SCOTUS-Ruling.pdf[/pdfviewer]

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7 -

President Donald J. Trump speaks during a celebratory bill passage event following the final passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act by Congress. (Photo: AP)

President Donald J. Trump speaks during a celebratory bill passage event following the final passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act by Congress. (Photo: AP)

Better economic performance is the most important reason to adopt pro-growth reforms such as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA).

Even small increases in economic growth – especially if sustained over time – can translate into meaningful improvements in living standards.

But there are several reasons why it won’t be easy to “prove” that last year’s tax reform boosted the economy.

And there are probably other factors to mention as well.

The takeaway is that the nation will enjoy good results from the 2017 tax changes, but I fully expect that the class-warfare crowd will claim that any good news is for reasons other than tax reform. And if there isn’t good news, they’ll assert this is evidence against “supply-side economics” and totally ignore the harmful effect of offsetting policies such as Trump’s protectionism.

That being said, some of the benefits of tax reform are already evident and difficult to dispute.

Let’s start by looking at what’s happening Down Under, largely driven by American tax reform.

The Australian government announced Monday that the Senate will vote in June on cutting corporate tax rates after an opinion poll suggested the contentious reform had popular public support. …Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s conservative coalition wants to cut the corporate tax rate by 5 percent to 25 percent by 2026-27… Cormann said the need to reduce the tax burden on businesses had become more pressing for future Australian jobs and investment since the 2016 election because the United States had reduced its top corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. “Putting businesses in Australia at an ongoing competitive disadvantage deliberately by imposing higher taxes in Australia … puts Australian workers at an oncoming disadvantage and that is clearly the point that more and more Australians are starting to fully appreciate,” Cormann told reporters. Cormann was referring to a poll published in The Australian newspaper on Monday that showed 63 percent of respondents supported company tax cuts.


What’s remarkable is not that Australian lawmakers are moving to lower their corporate rate. The government, after all, has known for quite some time that this reform was necessary to boost wages and improve competitiveness.

The amazing takeaway from this article is that ordinary people understand and support the need to engage in tax competition and other nations feel compelled to also cut business tax burdens.

All last year, I kept arguing that this was one of the main reasons to support Trump’s proposal for a lower corporate rate. And now we’re seeing the benefits materializing.

Now let’s look at a positive domestic effect of tax reform, with a feel-good story from New Jersey. It appears that the avarice-driven governor may not get his huge proposed tax hike, even though Democrats dominate the state legislature.

Why? Because the state and local tax deduction has been curtailed, which means the federal government is no longer aiding and abetting bad fiscal policy.

New Jersey’s new Democratic governor is finding that, even with his party in full control of Trenton, raising taxes in one of the country’s highest-taxed states is no day at the beach. Gov. Phil Murphy…has proposed a $37.4 billion budget. He wants to raise $1.7 billion in new taxes and other revenue… But some of his fellow Democrats, who control the state legislature, have balked at the governor’s proposals to raise the state’s sales tax and impose a millionaires tax. State Senate President Steve Sweeney has been particularly vocal. …Mr. Sweeney previously voted for a millionaire’s tax, but said he changed his mind after the federal tax law was passed in December. The law capped previously unlimited annual state and local tax deductions at $10,000 for individual and married filers, and Mr. Sweeney said he is concerned an additional millionaire’s tax could drive people out of the state. “I think that people that have the ability to leave are leaving,” he said.

Of course they’re leaving. New Jersey taxes a lot and it’s the understatement of the century to point out that there’s not a correspondingly high level of quality services from government.

So why not move to Florida or Texas, where you’ll pay much less and government actually works better?

The bottom line is that tax-motivated migration already was occurring and it’s going to become even more important now that federal tax reform is no longer providing a huge de facto subsidy to high-tax states. And that’s going to have a positive effect. New Jersey is just an early example.

This doesn’t mean states won’t ever again impose bad policy. New Jersey probably will adopt some sort of tax hike before the dust settles. But it won’t be as bad as Governor Murphy wanted.

We also may see Illinois undo its flat tax after this November’s election, which would mean the elimination of the only decent feature of the state’s tax system. But I also don’t doubt that there will be some Democrats in the Illinois capital who warn (at least privately) that such a change will hasten the state’s collapse.

The benefits of the Tax Cuts and

Former President Bill Clinton said in an interview over the weekend that he doesn’t owe an apology to Monica Lewinsky, the former White House intern with whom he engaged in an inappropriate sexual affair.

“No,” he told NBC in an interview airing Monday on the “Today” show. “I do not. I have never talked to her. But I did say publicly on more than one occasion that I was sorry.”

“I apologized to everybody in the world,” Mr. Clinton said, clearly insinuating that was sufficient.

He also lamented how he was a victim in the scandal, reminding viewers and the interviewer that he left the White House $16 million in debt.

“Nobody believes that I got out of that for free,” he added. “I left the White House $16 million in debt.”

Former President Bill Clinton is now worth roughly $80 million.

Bill Clinton said he doesn't owe an

Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman. (Photo: Reuters)

Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman. (Photo: Reuters)

U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Huntsman is pushing for a summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, a push that has been underway for several months. Fox News reported the effort “has been an ongoing project” of the ambassador since taking the post in Moscow last year.

“This has been an ongoing project of Ambassador Huntsman, stretching back months, of getting a formal meeting between Putin and Trump,” a source said.

Moscow claimed last year that President Trump had invited President Putin to the White House. But the Trump Administration has repeatedly announced sanctions against Russian entities and members of Mr. Putin’s inner circle in response to the Skripal poisonings, continued violence in Donbass, and Moscow’s support for Iran.

As Tsarizm has noted repeatedly, the Russian narrative of “meet with Putin or get a war” pushed by the Kremlin has come amid rising anti-American sentiment in Russia.

U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Huntsman is

Men work on a construction site for a luxury apartment complex in downtown Los Angeles, California March 17, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

Men work on a construction site for a luxury apartment complex in downtown Los Angeles, California March 17, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

The U.S. Commerce Department via the Census Bureau said the construction spending was estimated at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $1,310.4 billion in April. The 1.8% gain above the revised March estimate of $1,286.8 billion is more than double forecast.

With April, construction spending is 7.6% (±1.5%) higher than the April 2017 estimate of $1,217.7 billion. During the first four months of 2018, construction spending amounted to $387.0 billion, already 6.6% (±1.2%) above the $363.1 billion for the same period in 2017.

Worth noting, the Employment Situation report out earlier this morning showed construction added 25,000 in May, and has added a whopping 286,000 jobs over the past 12 months.

Also This Week: Personal Income and Outlays: Wages, Consumer Spending Gain

That followed the ADP National Employment Report released on Wednesday, which showed construction led the way in private sector job creation in the goods-producing sector at a higher 39,000.

Also worth noting, the construction spending report is often very volatile. However, year-on-year readings are very useful for gauging trends.

Private Construction

Spending on private construction was at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $1,014.3 billion, 2.8% (±0.8%) higher than the revised March estimate of $986.6 billion. Residential construction was at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $556.3 billion in April, or 4.5% (±1.3%) higher than the revised March estimate of $532.4 billion.

Nonresidential construction was at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $458.0 billion in April, which is 0.8% (±0.8%)* above the revised March estimate of $454.2 billion.

Public Construction

In April, the estimated seasonally adjusted annual rate of public construction spending was $296.1 billion, 1.3% (±2.0%)* below the revised March estimate of $300.1 billion. Educational construction was at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $74.2 billion, nearly the same as (±2.3%)* the revised March estimate of $74.2 billion.

Highway construction was at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $88.0 billion, 1.0% (±6.3%)* below the revised March estimate of $88.8 billion.

Also This Week: Jobless Claims Fall More than Expected Ahead of Employment Report

The U.S. Commerce Department via the Census

Workers assemble built-in appliances at the Whirlpool manufacturing plant in Cleveland, Tennessee August 21, 2013. (Photo: Reuters)

Workers assemble built-in appliances at the Whirlpool manufacturing plant in Cleveland, Tennessee August 21, 2013. (Photo: Reuters)

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Manufacturing Index (PMI) slightly beat the consensus at 58.7%, but new orders indicate far greater strength than the headline suggests. The gain this month represents an increase of 1.4% from the April reading of 57.3%.

“Comments from the panel reflect continued expanding business strength,” Timothy R. Fiore, Chair of the ISM Manufacturing Business Survey Committee said. “Demand remains strong, with the New Orders Index at 60 or above for the 13th straight month, and the Customers’ Inventories Index remaining at very low levels.”

The New Orders Index rose 2.5% to 63.7%, up from the April reading of 61.2%. The Production Index rose 4.3% to 61.5%, a gain from 57.2%. The Employment Index rose 2.1% to 56.3%, up from 54.2%. The Supplier Deliveries Index ticked up 0.9% to 62%, up from a reading of 61.1%. The Inventories Index fell 2.7% to 50.2%, a down from 52.9%. The Prices Index rose 0.2% to 79.5% in May, up from 79.3% and indicating higher raw materials prices for the 27th consecutive month.

No industry reported a decrease in PMI in May compared to April.

Of the 18 manufacturing industries, 16 reported growth in May, in the following order: Textile Mills; Nonmetallic Mineral Products; Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components; Printing & Related Support Activities; Fabricated Metal Products; Furniture & Related Products; Machinery; Chemical Products; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; Computer & Electronic Products; Petroleum & Coal Products; Plastics & Rubber Products; Miscellaneous Manufacturing; Transportation Equipment; Paper Products; and Primary Metals.


“We are currently overselling our forecast and don’t see an end to the upswing in business. We are very concerned, however, about the tariffs proposed in Section 301 and are focusing on alternatives to Chinese sourcing.” (Transportation Equipment)
“Very difficult to hire skilled and unskilled labor.” (Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products)
“We are concerned about the strong dollar affecting our export orders as well as the steel tariffs, which are causing domestic steel prices to rise.” (Fabricated Metal Products)
“Strong demand from (agricultural) business; solid demand in all other business segments.” (Chemical Products)
“Sales remain strong. Lead times and direct material costs are soaring.” (Machinery)
“Suppliers are seeing price increases and trying to pass them on.” (Miscellaneous Manufacturing)
“Continued talk around steel tariffs has resulted in price increases for domestic line pipe, while HRC seems to be moving sideways. Temporary exemptions for allies and an agreement with South Korea have not calmed the market.” (Petroleum & Coal Products)
“Growth seems to be coming in the construction industry, but at a slower pace than expected with delays due to weather in the U.S. Business in (Latin America) is way up, and Canada is off to a decent start.” (Nonmetallic Mineral Products)
“Industry demand is causing price increases. Fuel prices are also on the rise, and there have been (price) increases associated with that.” (Primary Metals)
“Severe allocation, long lead times and upward price pressure, particularly in the electronic components market, continue to hamper our ability to meet customer demand and our shipping schedule.” (Computer & Electronic Products)

The ISM Manufacturing Index (PMI) slightly beat

3D illustration of Civil Asset Forfeiture title on legal document. (Photo: AdobeStock/Hafakot/PPD)

3D illustration of Civil Asset Forfeiture title on legal document. (Photo: AdobeStock/Hafakot/PPD)

On several occasions, I’ve shared horror stories of government brutality and asserted that all decent people should be libertarians. If you still are not convinced, today we’re going to look at seven stories about so-called civil asset forfeiture, which is a sanitized term. Most people call it stealing.

Or “policing for profit.”

Let’s look at how this third-world scam operates, starting with a disgusting example of asset forfeiture from Reason.

Rustem Kazazi, an American citizen, was just trying to get on a plane to return to his native Albania last October, from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. He was initially flying to Newark where he’d catch a connection to Albania. …Given facts about the Albanian banking and finance system and the advantages of cash there, he chose to turn his life savings into U.S. dollars and bring them with him to cover expenses related to the above house needs and his long stay rather than deal with bank transfers… Kazazi ran his carry-on luggage through the x-ray machine, like we all must. In that luggage was his life savings in cash, $58,100. There was zero attempt to be clandestine or smuggle-y about it. It was divided into three labeled and marked stacks of $100 bills, all in one envelope with $58,100 written on the outside.

Here’s how despicable bureaucrats reacted.

TSA agents noticed the money. …They called Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) on Kazazi, who took him off to a private room to grill him, as well as strip him naked… They kept his money, without telling him why, then tried to get him to just get on his flight without it. The receipt they handed him made no reference to the specific amount they’d confiscated. When he refused initially to just go on with his day as if he hadn’t just suffered a horrible crime, they escorted him out of the airport. …In December CBP finally formally informed him via a “Notice of Seizure” that they’d taken $57,330 from him, $770 less than he insists was actually taken. The Kazazis filed all the officially required forms and notices to proceed with trying to get their money back… CBP agents tried to finagle the Kazazis into withdrawing their demand for federal court action, but failed.

The good news is that the invaluable Institute for Justice has intervened.

Kazazi and his family today filed a formal motion for return of property…with the assistance of consistent civil-forfeiture-justice fighters from the Institute for Justice… Let’s hope the courts do the right, and legal, thing, demand CBP obey the law and return the stolen money.

And here’s a nauseating example of theft-by-government from Texas.

For nearly a decade, Anthonia Nwaorie dreamed of starting a medical clinic in her hometown in Southern Nigeria. Last October, the 59-year-old nurse was boarding a plane in Houston with medical equipment, supplies, and about $41,000 in cash — which had taken her years to save — when Customs and Border Protection officials stopped her. …Nwaorie said she was detained for hours. She missed her flight to Nigeria and the customs officers seized all her money. …CBP took the money because Nwaorie, a U.S. citizen since 1994 who lives in Katy, had not declared that she was taking more than $10,000 out of the country — a technical requirement that her lawyers say is not well-publicized…six months after her money was taken, Nwaorie has not been charged with a crime.

Once again, the great people at IJ are involved.

Lawyers at the Institute for Justice, an Arlington, Virginia-based public interest law firm, say her case demonstrates just how abusive the practice of civil forfeiture — which allows the government to take property that is believed to be tied to a crime — can be. ….the Institute for Justice filed a class-action lawsuit against the agency on Nwaorie’s behalf, demanding that CBP return her money without forcing her to sign any written agreement. They’re also asking a federal court in Houston to void all such agreements that might have been signed by others trying to get seized property back.

George Will opined about another reprehensible example from Texas.

On Sept. 21, 2015, Serrano drove to the Eagle Pass, Tex., border crossing, intending to try to interest a Mexican cousin in expanding his solar panel installation business in the United States. …they searched his truck — this was unusual for a vehicle leaving the country — and one agent said, “We got him!” …Having found five .380-caliber bullets in the truck’s center console — he has a concealed-carry permit but had no weapon with him — they handcuffed him and seized his truck under civil forfeiture, saying it had been used to transport “munitions of war.”

The heroes at IJ are on the case.

Assisted by litigators from the Institute for Justice (IJ), whose appearance on the West Texas horizon probably panicked the government into pretending to be law-abiding, Serrano wants to make the government less larcenous and more constitutional when it is enriching itself through civil forfeiture. …Serrano is suing for restitution but also seeking a class-action judgment on behalf of others who have been similarly mistreated. …Robert Everett Johnson is one of the IJ lawyers… Johnson says: “Imagine being detained at an airport checkpoint because you innocently forgot to take a tube of toothpaste out of your luggage. But rather than asking you to throw it out or put it in a plastic bag, the TSA agents told you they were seizing all of your luggage, including the toothpaste tube.” That happened to Serrano at the hands of a government — the one north of the border — that felt free to say, “You have no rights here.”

Here’s an example of this despicable practice from Wyoming.

Phil Parhamovich…had spent years restoring and selling houses, cars, and musical instruments, often clocking 12-hour workdays, to save up more than $91,000. And now it was all going to pay off: He would buy a music studio in Madison, Wisconsin… Then came the police stop… By the time it was over, police in Wyoming would take all of Parhamovich’s money — the full $91,800. Parhamovich, who has no criminal record, was not accused of or charged with a serious crime; he only got a $25 ticket for improperly wearing his seat belt and a warning for “lane use.” …state officials said they consider the cash “abandoned.” The state has even moved to forfeiture the money without notifying Parhamovich of the relevant court hearing until after it happened.

You won’t be surprised to learn who got involved to protect Parhamovich’s rights.

According to Parhamovich and his attorneys with the advocacy group, the Institute for Justice, this is another classic example of policing for profit and the problems it causes. Police initiated the stop for a minor traffic violation, but quickly escalated it further and further until they took a man’s life savings — all to use that money for their own law enforcement purposes.

This story has a happy ending (except for the fact that the cop isn’t in jail for stealing).

Wyoming lawmakers, citing this story, have now banned the roadside waivers that police used to wrongly take Phil Parhamovich’s $91,800. Previously, Parhamovich…got…his money back during a court hearing.

The IRS also participates in this thuggish racket, as reported by the Washington Post.

Oh Suk Kwon, who left South Korea for America in 1976, served as a fleet mechanic in the U.S. Army. After four years in the military, decades of working in an electrical plant and as an auto mechanic, after raising the kids and seeing them off to their adult lives, Kwon finally bought a gas station in Ellicott City in 2007. It meant everything to him. Just a few years after he opened it, zealous government investigators…seized all of the station’s money on a hunch — and wiped the family out. No, they weren’t money launderers or terrorists or mobsters or tax evaders. The government found no evidence of criminal activity. …the gas station went under, and Kwon’s wife died amid the stress of it all…the agency won’t give Kwon his money back. …He’s heartbroken that the country he loves is treating him this way.

The story has additional examples.

…fervent investigations targeted scores of small businesses in Maryland. The best known of these was South Mountain Creamery… the creamery was accused of structuring — farmer Randy Sowers also said his bank teller told him to keep the deposits under $10,000 to cut paperwork — the farm’s entire operating budget was seized. …The government eventually found out that the cows weren’t drug mules and the chickens weren’t gangsters and allowed Sowers to sign a settlement agreement to get back half of about $60,000 that the IRS took. Sowers did it because he needed that money to keep the farm going. Another Maryland farmer, Calvin Taylor, had about $90,000 seized in 2011 after the government snagged him in a similar investigation. He couldn’t take the time to fight the charge, either, and agreed to a settlement where the government returned about $41,000.

Once again, the IJ people are fighting to protect people from rapacious government.

The farmers didn’t walk away from the fight. Backed by the libertarian Institute for Justice, Sowers, Taylor and others testified before Congress, petitioned and fought for three years to get their cash back.

The awful thugs at the IRS also stole money in Connecticut.

David Vocatura watched $68,000 disappear. He was at his family’s bakery in Norwich, Connecticut, when a squad of armed IRS agents filed into the store. The agents wanted to know if Vocatura and his brother Larry were trafficking drugs or running a prostitution ring. The brothers had no idea what they were talking about. …the IRS refused to believe Vocatura’s Bakery was operating on the up and up. Agents said the business raised red flags because of a series of cash deposits in sums under $10,000, the amount at which banks are required to report transactions to the federal government. …The agents had no evidence of other wrongdoing, but thanks to a controversial law enforcement tool known as civil asset forfeiture, they didn’t need any to seize every penny in the Vocaturas’ bank account… The IRS has…[been] subjecting David, 53, and his brother Larry, 69, to a series of increasingly aggressive legal maneuvers — including threats of significant prison time and additional fines — in an attempt to strong-arm them into permanently forfeiting their assets.

Naturally, IJ is riding to the rescue.

…the Institute for Justice, a libertarian public interest law firm, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut on behalf of Vocatura’s Bakery, demanding that the IRS promptly return their money. …Hours after the suit was filed, the IRS said it would finally give the Vocaturas their money back.

But the jackboots in government are vindictively going after the family.

Peter S. Jongbloed, assistant U.S. attorney for the District of Connecticut, served the Vocaturas a grand jury subpoena calling for them to turn over every financial record from the six years between March 2007 and April 2013, so the agency could finally begin investigating the business’s tax and regulatory compliance. …“At this point, the government is in so deep, they’ve put these guys through three years of hell — and held onto their money for three years — and so they feel like they need to justify it,” said Robert Everett Johnson, an attorney for the Institute for Justice who is representing the Vocaturas. “So now they’re going to conduct this investigation into the bakery in some effort to try to find something that will make it look like they were doing the right thing all along.”

Let’s review one final example of banana-republic law enforcement, this time from Alabama.

The morning of June 29, 2010, began much like any other at FAR Computers in Ensley. Frank Ranelli, who has owned the computer repair business for more than two decades, was doing some paperwork in his windowless office when he heard loud banging on the front door. When he answered it, he was unaware that about 20 officers with the Homewood and Mountain Brook police departments were surrounding his store, some wearing flak jackets and carrying assault rifles. Within moments, a Homewood police sergeant had declared a room full of customers’ computers, merchandise and other items “stolen goods,” Ranelli recalled. …The police proceeded to confiscate more than 130 computers – most of which were customers’ units waiting to be repaired, though some were for sale – as well as the company’s business servers and workstations and even receipts and checkbooks. …Nothing ever came of the case. The single charge of receiving stolen goods was dismissed after Ranelli demonstrated that he had followed proper protocol in purchasing the sole laptop computer he was accused of receiving illegally. Yet none of the property seized by police that summer morning more than seven years ago has been returned to him.

The article references the stellar work of IJ.

Alabama’s laws, however, still provide the state’s citizens with few protections from the practices, earning the state a “D- for its civil asset forfeiture laws” in a November 2015 report by the Institute for Justice, a Virginia nonprofit advocacy law firm. Alabama laws stack the deck against victims of asset forfeiture by establishing a “low bar to forfeit” and not requiring a conviction to do so; offering “limited protections for innocent third-party property owners”; and letting “100% of forfeiture proceeds go to law enforcement,” the report stated. …In a time of increasingly tight budgets for many law enforcement agencies, seizing property offers an opportunity for them to increase revenue without politicians having to raise taxes.

The good news (relatively speaking) is that some states are trying to curtail this evil practice.

The bad news is that cops in some states have figured out how to stealregardless.

In theory, New Hampshire has reformed its asset forfeiture laws. The state passed a bill in June 2016 to keep police from seizing and keeping people’s property unless those people have been convicted of a crime. And yet New Hampshire Public Radio reports this week that the state’s cops are still trying to keep stuff seized from people who have been accused but not actually convicting of criminal behavior. …when the reforms were passed…there was a big loophole. The U.S. Justice Department’s “Equitable Sharing” program allows local law enforcement agencies to partner with the feds for busts, then funnel the forfeiture through the looser federal program, which doesn’t require convictions, back into the local police budgets. Doing this allows them to skirt any state-level restrictions on asset forfeiture.

In other states, the establishment is going nuts trying to preserve their shady scam.

…a local prosecutor and police officer say the state will be welcoming violent drug cartels if a Republican lawmaker gets his way. State Sen. Kyle Loveless has been trying to muster support this year for a bill that would reform a controversial law enforcement tool known as civil asset forfeiture. …Loveless sees this as a fundamental violation of people’s rights to due process and property and says the lax standards have gotten innocent people in Oklahoma caught in the civil asset forfeiture net. On Thursday, he sparred with Tulsa County District Attorney Steve Kunzweiler and Eric Dalgleish, a major at the Tulsa Police Department, over the merits of his bill to require a criminal conviction to permanently take someone’s property. …Kunzweiler, the district attorney, said the extra level of protection was unnecessary and that raising the bar for forfeiture would effectively roll out a welcome mat to ruthless drug traffickers from Mexico. …Dalgleish later said that cartels were keeping a close eye on Loveless’ legislation and even lobbying for its passage.

Shame on Kunzweiler and Dagleish. What reckless and dishonest demagoguery.

And three cheers for Sen. Loveless, who deserves a lot of love for putting the principles of the Constitution first.

Sadly, the Trump Administration is on the side of theft-by-government, which is especially disappointing since there was a small move in the right direction during the Obama years.

CATO economist Dan Mitchell rattles off numerous

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