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I sometimes sardonically comment about Democratic politicians playing Santa Claus, but Republicans can play that game as well.

Trump and his allies in Congress recently agreed on a big-spending budget deal that lavishes more money on both the Pentagon and domestic programs, and that was only a few weeks after agreeing on a tax reform plan that lower taxes (though only for nine years).

Even if I like part of what’s been happening, that kind of populist approach at some point becomes unsustainable. And when the D.C. swamp ultimately has to choose between lower taxes or higher spending, they’ll go with the latter and make things even worse by jacking up the tax burden.

My frustration is apparent in this recent interview.

And I’m not the only one who sees the long-run dangers.

In a column for the Wall Street Journal, Professor Edward Lazear of Stanford explores the economic damage of ever-expanding government.

The budget deal President Trump signed earlier this month will send federal spending and the deficit skyrocketing. On top of this spending explosion, the administration now plans to add a $500 billion infrastructure bill. …over time high spending necessitates high taxes, and high taxes reduce work and restrain growth. Economic trends in developed nations consistently show that low taxes and hard work are linked to robust growth.

He looks at some of the cross-country evidence.

European countries trail the U.S. in working hard and controlling taxes, and their economies have lagged in comparison. France has a tax-to-GDP ratio of about 44%, and in Italy it’s 43%. The French and Italians work almost 30% fewer hours per person than Americans. Notably, the French economy has flatlined since 2010 while Italy’s has contracted. …Data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development suggests that a 1% increase in a nation’s tax rate is associated with a 1.4% decrease in hours worked per person in the working-age population.

Here’s the part that resonated with me. It’s excessive spending that ultimately is the problem.

…taxes are ultimately dictated by spending. Countries can borrow to finance short-run spending, but they must eventually levy taxes to repay the loans. Whether a government raises taxes now or later to pay for expenditures is a minor consideration compared with its decision to spend in the first place. …Higher spending goes hand in hand with higher taxes, higher deficits, fewer worked hours and less growth. The international comparisons suggest that a 4% increase in spending is associated with a decrease of roughly 0.5 percentage point in the average annual growth rate. Furthermore, it is spending—rather than the deficit—that correlates with sluggish growth. …Deficits often coincide with low growth because deficit increases are usually caused by heightened spending, not reduced taxes. Raising taxes, or keeping them high without lowering spending, stifles growth.

Heck, even the OECD has produced research on the negative impact of government spending on economic performance.

And this approach can lead to a downward spiral.

To the extent that government spending goes to programs such as welfare that directly discourage work, it has an additional growth-reducing effect. When fewer people work, those who do must be taxed even more to cover public expenses. These heightened taxes on labor discourage work in turn, pushing more potential workers toward government support.

In other words, if we stay on this path, we’ll eventually become Greece. Not a good idea, to put it mildly.

Since we’re on the topic, let’s look at some additional evidence. Three economists from Australia and the United Kingdom did a meta-analysis of studies on the relationship between government spending and economic growth. Here are some of the findings.

One of the most contentious issues in economics is whether ‘big government’ is good or bad for economic growth. …Theoretically, big government can have both negative and positive effects on growth. …In this study, we include all effect-size estimates reported by empirical studies that examine the direct effect of government size on growth.

Here’s what they found.

… findings indicate that: (i) total government expenditures have a medium and adverse effect on per-capita income growth in developed countries only; (ii) the effect of government consumption on per-capita income growth is also medium in developed countries and in developed and LDCs pooled together; and (iii) neither total expenditures nor government consumption has a significant effect on per-capita income growth in LDCs.

I’m not surprised that they didn’t find a strong link in poor nations. The data show that those countries are generally too mismanaged and corrupt to collect much revenue. Therefore, as I noted in my recent analysis of Indian economic policy, they can’t spend much.

What’s primarily holding back those countries is weak rule of law, excessive regulation, and protectionism.

But I’m digressing. The study also acknowledges the Rahn Curve, though they call it the Armey Curve.

…government size tends to have a negative effect on per-capita income growth as the level of income increases. This finding ties in with the Armey curve hypothesis (Armey, 1995), which posits an inverted-U relationship between government size and economic growth. The theoretical argument here is that government size may be characterised by decreasing returns. Another theoretical argument relates to the distortionary nature of taxes, which is minimal for low levels of taxation, but beyond a certain threshold, they grow rapidly and become extremely large.

Quite true.

Sadly, some people mistakenly conclude that if a little bit of government is associated with more prosperity, then a bloated public sector must be even better.

On a related note, Professor Alexander Salter dismisses the assertion (pushed by international bureaucracies) that big government is a pre-condition for prosperity. Here’s some of what he wrote.

Why are Western countries like the United States and Germany so much richer today than other countries around the world? …One explanation for the success of the West is, in a word, liberty. Over the last few hundred years, classical liberal ideas such as the rights of man and the rule of law put constraints on European governments’ power, which resulted in a strong protection of private property rights. This resulted in meteoric economic growth, which delivered the modern cornucopia of wealth. …Free countries get rich; unfree countries stay poor.

But there’s a competing theory.

…another explanation — state capacity…is the idea that economic development requires strong, centralized states to uphold the rule of law and provide crucial public goods. …The state capacity literature in economics…places heavy emphasis on a single, strong, central legal authority. In this framework, the fractured and decentralized legal authorities in medieval and early modern Europe are now seen as antithetical to economic development.

Salter is skeptical of the second theory.

…it is undeniable that economic growth in the West did not take off until the rise of modern nation-states. … While governance institutions obviously began centralizing at the beginning of the modern era, …that’s insufficient as a causal explanation. …the state capacity literature has a hard time dealing with a very troubling counterexample: the totalitarian states of the 20th century: like the USSR and China. These states had plenty of capacity, as evidenced by their ability to murder millions of their own citizens… Needless to say, these kinds of things aren’t conducive to economic development.

So he concludes that the first theory must be the answer, at least in part.

…whatever is “doing the work” of promoting economic growth, it is upstream of the creation of states. …State capacity may or may not be a valuable steppingstone to an explanation, but it is not itself an explanation that social scientists should accept. …it seems the old hypothesis — that the big ideas of classical liberalism created Western economic growth — is worth another look!

My bottom line, for what it’s worth, is that the classical-liberalism approach is the necessary condition, but that doesn’t automatically make it a sufficient condition.

In a column last year on the emerging micro-state of Liberland, I tried to square the circle. Here’s some of what I wrote after looking at the literature on state capacity.

…the key to prosperity is having a state strong enough and effective enough to provide rule of law, but to somehow constrain that state so that it doesn’t venture into destructive redistribution policies. This is why competition between governments played a key role in the economic development of the western world. When governments have to worry about productive resources escaping, that forces them to focus on things that help an economy (i.e., rule of law) while minimizing the policies that hinder prosperity (i.e., high taxes and spending). …America’s Founding Fathers dealt with the same issues… Their solution was a constitution that explicitly limited the size and scope of the federal government. …that system worked reasonably well until the 1930s.

I find this issue fascinating, but I suspect most people are more concerned about the real-world consequences rather than the theoretical underpinnings.

So I’ll end on a pessimistic note by observing that we normally get bad fiscal policy from Democrats and worse fiscal policy from Republicans (Reagan being the only modern-era exception).

President Donald Trump is doing little to

Hope Hicks, longtime adviser to President Donald Trump, walks to her seat before the start of the daily briefing in the Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017. (Photo: AP)

Hope Hicks, longtime adviser to President Donald Trump, walks to her seat before the start of the daily briefing in the Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017. (Photo: AP)

White House Communications Director Hope Hicks said Wednesday that she was resigning from her role in the Trump Administration after months of deliberation. Ms. Hicks, 29, is one of President Donald Trump’s longest-serving advisers.

The former model joined the 2016 presidential campaign without any political experience yet tightened up what was an often loose operation under her predecessors. Ms. Hicks said that she had “no words” to express her gratitude to the president, but didn’t specify as to what day would be her last.

“Hope is outstanding and has done great work for the last three years,” President Trump said. “She is as smart and thoughtful as they come, a truly great person. I will miss having her by my side, but when she approached me about pursuing other opportunities, I totally understood. I am sure we will work together again in the future.”

Ms. Hicks stepped in to replace Anthony Scaramucci as the head of the 40-person strong communications department. He resigned after only 10 full days on the job, a demand made by the then-new Chief of Staff General John F. Kelly.

“I quickly realized what so many have learned about Hope: She is strategic, poised and wise beyond her years,” General Kelly told The New York Times. “She became a trusted adviser and counselor, and did a tremendous job overseeing the communications for the president’s agenda including the passage of historic tax reform. She has served her country with great distinction. To say that she will be missed is an understatement.”

She was the fourth person to serve as communications director and lasted the longest — 196 days. Scaramucci took over the job that had been vacant since late May. Mike Dubke, rumored to have been a leaker, left after only 88 days on the job. Sean Spicer, the former White House Press Secretary, took over as acting communications director for 49 days before he resigned when Mr. Scaramucci was hired on July 21.

White House Communications Director Hope Hicks said

Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam, confirmed Democratic Committee (DNC) Deputy Chair Keith Ellison, D-Minn., was in fact a member of the anti-semitic group. In a video first obtained by Wired Sources, the controversial and radical religious leader said Rep. Ellison only left the Nation of Islam before he wanted to run for office.

“Keith Ellison… You ain’t got a picture of Keith? Well, let me talk about him. Now Keith was in the Nation in 1995,” Mr. Farrakhan said in a keynote address this weekend, which drew responses of “that’s right!” from the crowd. “He was selling the Final Call newspaper. Beautiful brother. And, being in Minnesota, he wants to help his community. He’s a lawyer, so he wants to help his community. So, he wants to be a congressman.”

The Final Call is a newspaper published in Chicago. It was founded in 1979 by Minister Louis Farrakhan and serves as the official newspaper of the Nation of Islam. It is also the official communications, or propaganda organ of the Nation of Islam, used to recruit young college students.

The Minnesota congressman has repeatedly and recently denied having any membership in or relationship with the Nation or Mr. Farrakhan, despite widespread reports to the contrary. In the past, DNC Deputy Chair Ellison has defended the racist and anti-Semitic leader, whom he once called a “role model.”

It wasn’t only time he took the position, either. Joanne Jackson, the then-executive director of The Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism, came under fire in 1997 for saying Jews are the most racist white people and that Farrakhan was a racist, Ellison defended her.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which originally backed him over Tom Perez for DNC chair, bailed on his bid to be the new DNC chair after never before heard audio surfaced in which he made questionable comments about the state of Israel. However, big name Democrats in the U.S. House and Senate did not abandon him, nor did the leftist grassroot base.

Now, new revelations have surfaced indicating Rep. Ellison continued to have a relationship with Mr. Farrakhan even after he joined the U.S. Congress. His office has attacked the media for asking questions about the meetings between the two in 2013 and 2015. The Wall Street Journal reported a dinner meeting took place in September 2013.

Mr. Farrakhan later claimed that Rep. Ellison was one of three Democratic congressmen who attended a private dinner with him and with Iranian President Hassan Rohani in 2013.

“I’m not here to bash him,” Mr. Farrakhan said. “I’m not here to bash my brother. Let me tell you something. When you want something in this world, the Jew holds the door.”

Recently, a never before seen picture of Barack Obama with Mr. Farrakhan also surfaced. The former president has also repeatedly denied having ties to the radical religious leader. Then-Senator Obama and members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) met with him in 2005.

Askia Muhammad, a Nation member and photojournalist who took the picture, said a “staff member” for the CBC contacted him “sort of in a panic” after he took the photo.

“I sort of understood what was going on,” Muhammad told Talking Points Memo (TPM). “I promised and made arrangements to give the picture to Leonard Farrakhan,” the minister’s son-in-law and chief of staff.

“I was really, I guess, afraid of them.”

Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation

U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, DC. (Photo: People's Pundit Daily/Pixabay)

U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, DC. (Photo: People’s Pundit Daily/Pixabay)

periodically fret that individualism is dying in the United States and that Americans are morphing into handout-loving Europeans.

Well, the spirit of 1776 is not completely dead. There are still some Americans who stand up against the greedy, grasping, and oppressive state. I heartily applaud the guy in this video (and not just for personal reasons) for doing what I have thought about many times.

Sonny Bunch, writing for the Washington Free-Beaconapplauds pro-liberty vandalism.

Obviously we shouldn’t cheer all those who destroy the state’s property or all those who circumvent efforts to enforce the law. But some laws are unjust. Some of the state’s property serves to oppress. Sometimes you need a hero. …some laws are good and just. Prohibitions against rape and murder, for instance. We need them. Without laws we are savages. But speed cameras are not included in the “good and just” category. They are revenue-producing monstrosities designed to suck people of their money in order to fill the coffers of bureaucrats… If the corruptocrats in D.C. try to imprison this hero, I promise to lead the resistance in an effort to spirit him southward. We shall protect you, brother. You are one of us now.

I fully concur.

Moreover, this apparently wasn’t a one-off gesture. Washingtonian reports that numerous cameras were knocked out of action.

An unidentified man suspected of smashing 11 of the District’s traffic cameras that produce tickets for drivers who speed or run red lights is being celebrated by some as a hero after DC Police released footage of one camera’s violent demise. Police say that the cameras, located mostly around Northeast DC, were reported to be malfunctioning last Tuesday. When officers checked out the locations, they found the cameras damaged as a result of vandalism.

By the way, I have no objection to cameras that nail jerks who blow through an intersection 3 seconds after a light has turned red. Those are people who risk innocent lives.

But the cameras I’ve noticed are set in spots where the speed limit is set absurdly low. In other words, they are the modern-day version of the speed traps that used to characterize corrupt small towns.

Some people object to speed cameras but think red-light cameras are okay. As already noted, I agree with their safety concerns, but that’s not how government operates.

They’ve turned red-light cameras into a scam, as explained in this Reason video. Greedy politicians actually do dangerous things like shortening the yellow light simply because they want to produce more cash. No wonder they actually cause accidents!

Moreover, Holman Jenkins of the Wall Street Journal explained several years ago how cameras are first and foremost set up to generate money, not to promote safety.

And here’s something else that irritates me. I’m guessing that the cops will put a lot of time and energy into tracking down the guy who knocked the cameras out of commission. Why? Because this is an issue that generates revenue for politicians.

Which raises the bigger issue of whether law enforcement resources are wisely allocated. We saw in Florida that local cops ignored dozens of calls and warnings about the nutjob loser who killed the students in Parkland, Florida (the FBI also dropped the ball as well since they were tipped off). I wonder how often those same cops were busy operating speed traps, engaging in asset forfeiture, and otherwise shaking down residents for cash?

The good news is that the heroic vandal who has gone after D.C.’s cameras is just the tip of the iceberg. Arizona residents basically killed a revenue-camera scam with civil disobedience. And Houston voters voted to shut down the shakedown being operated by their city government.

This spirit of resistance should be nationwide.

Applauding the alleged suspect for destroying a

From left to right: Governor Jerry Brown, D-Calif., John Kerry, D-Mass., Governor Andrew Cuomo, D-N.Y., and Governor Jay Inslee, D-Wa., meet in Governor Cuomo's office in New York City. (Photo: Courtesy of the New York Governor's Office)

From left to right: Governor Jerry Brown, D-Calif., John Kerry, D-Mass., Governor Andrew Cuomo, D-N.Y., and Governor Jay Inslee, D-Wa., meet in Governor Cuomo’s office in New York City. (Photo: Courtesy of the New York Governor’s Office)

In 2016, here’s some of what I wrote about the economic outlook in Illinois.

There’s a somewhat famous quote from Adam Smith (“there is a great deal of ruin in a nation“) about the ability of a country to survive and withstand lots of bad public policy. I’ve tried to get across the same point by explaining that you don’t need perfect policy, or even good policy. A nation can enjoy a bit of growth so long as policy is merely adequate. Just give the private sector some “breathing room,” I’ve argued.

I subsequently pointed out that politicians in Illinois were doing their best to suffocate the private sector, and also warned that a tax hike would push the state even closer to a day of reckoning.

Let’s apply this same analysis to California.

So here are some excerpts from a column I wrote about the Golden State in 2016

Something doesn’t add up. People like me have been explaining that California is an example of policies to avoid. Depending on my mood, I’ll refer to the state as the France, Italy, or Greece of the United States. But folks on the left are making the opposite argument. … statists…do have a semi-accurate point. There are some statistics showing that California has out-performed many other states over the past couple of years. … California may have enjoyed some decent growth in recent years as it got a bit of a bounce from its deep recession, but it appears that the benefits of that growth have mostly gone to the Hollywood crowd and the Silicon Valley folks. I guess this is the left-wing version of “trickle down” economics.

So what’s happened in California since I wrote that article?

Well, lots of California-type policies.

And where does that leave the state? Is California heading in the wrong direction faster or slower than Illinois?

Victor Davis Hanson’s column in Investor’s Business Daily has a grim assessment. He explains that California residents pay a lot for lousy government.

Some 62% of state roads have been rated poor or mediocre. There were more predictions of huge cost overruns and yearly losses on high-speed rail — before the first mile of track has been laid. One-third of Bay Area residents were polled as hoping to leave the area soon. Such pessimism is daily fare, and for good reason. The basket of California state taxes — sales, income and gasoline — rates among the highest in the U.S. Yet California roads and K-12 education rank near the bottom. …One in three American welfare recipients resides in California. Almost a quarter of the state population lives below or near the poverty line. Yet the state’s gas and electricity prices are among the nation’s highest. One in four state residents was not born in the U.S. Current state-funded pension programs are not sustainable. California depends on a tiny elite class for about half of its income tax revenue. Yet many of these wealthy taxpayers are fleeing the 40-million-person state, angry over paying 12% of their income for lousy public services.

In effect, statist policies have created two states, one for the rich and the other for the poor.

…two antithetical Californias. One is an elite, out-of-touch caste along the fashionable Pacific Ocean corridor that runs the state and has the money to escape the real-life consequences of its own unworkable agendas. The other is a huge underclass in central, rural and foothill California that cannot flee to the coast and suffers the bulk of the fallout from Byzantine state regulations, poor schools and the failure to assimilate recent immigrants from some of the poorest areas in the world. The result is Connecticut and Alabama combined in one state.

Jonah Goldberg is not quite as pessimistic. He opines that the state has certain natural advantages that help it survive bad policy.

California attracts an enormous number of rich people who think it’s worth the high taxes, awful traffic, and even the threat of tectonic annihilation to live there — for reasons that literally have nothing to do with the state’s liberal policies.Indeed, most of the Californians I know live there despite those policies, not because of them. No offense to South Dakota, but if it adopted the California model of heavy regulation, high taxes, and politically correct social engineering, there’d be a caravan of refugees heading to states such as Wyoming and Minnesota. …Wealthy liberal Californians can be quite smug about how they can afford their strict land-use policies, draconian environmental regulations, and high taxes. And wealthy Californians can afford them — but poor Californians are paying the price.

Regarding the state’s outlook, I’m probably in the middle. Goldberg is right that California is a wonderful place to live, at least if you have plenty of money. But Hanson is right about the deteriorating quality of life for the non-rich.

Which may explain why a lot of ordinary people are packing up and leaving.

A columnist from the northern part of the state writes about the exodus of the middle class.

The number of people packing up and moving out of the Bay Area just hit its highest level in more than a decade. …Operators of a San JoseU-Haul business say one of their biggest problems is getting its rental moving vans back because so many are on a one-way ticket out of town. …Nationwide, the cities with the highest inflows, according to Redfin are Phoenix, Las Vegas, Atlanta, and Nashville.

And a columnist from the southern part of the state also is concerned about the middle-class exodus.

What could immediately cripple state finances, though, is out-migration by the state’s sliver of rich taxpayers. Especially now that there’s a limit on how much the federal tax system subsidizes California’s profligacy.

Here are some worrisome numbers, as reported by the Sacramento Bee.

Will high taxes lead the state’s wealthiest residents to flee the Golden State for the comparable tax havens of Florida, Nevada and Texas? Republicans reliably raise that alarm when Democrats advocate for tax increases, like the 2012 and 2016 ballot initiatives that levied a new income tax on very high-earning residents. But now, with the federal tax bill cutting off deductions that benefited well-off Californians, the state’s Democrats suddenly are singing the GOP song about a potential millionaire exodus. …Democratic state lawmakers are worried because California relies so heavily on the income taxes it collects from high earners to fund government services. The state’s wealthiest 1 percent, for instance, pay 48 percent of its income tax, and the departure of just a few families could lead to a noticeable hit to state general fund revenue. …Among high-income brackets, about 38 percent of Californians who earn more than $877,560 – the top 1 percent – would see a tax hike. About 25 percent of Californians earning between $130,820 and $304,630, also would see a tax increase… “The new tax law is kind of like icing on the cake for some who were thinking about moving out of the state,” said Fiona Ma, a Democrat on the tax-collecting Board of Equalization who is running for state treasurer. …Joseph Vranich, who leads an Orange County business that advises people on where to locate their businesses, called the tax law “one more nail in the coffin” that would cause small- and middle-size entrepreneurs to leave California.

Politicians and tax collectors get resentful when the sheep move away so they no longer can be fleeced.

This powerful video from Reason should be widely shared. Thankfully it has a (mostly) happy ending.

One of the reasons the state has awful tax policy is that interest groups have stranglehold on the political system. And that leads to ever-higher levels of spending.

Writing for Forbes, for example, Josh Archambault examines the surge of Medicaid spending in the state.

Over the past ten years, Medicaid spending in California has almost tripled, growing from $37 billion per year to a whopping $103 billion per year—including both state and federal funding. And things have only accelerated since the state expanded Medicaid to a new group of able-bodied adults. …nearly 4 million able-bodied adults are now collecting Medicaid, which was once considered a last-resort safety net for poor children, seniors, and individuals with disabilities. …California initially predicted that its ObamaCare expansion would cost roughly $11.6 billion in the first three fiscal years of the program. The actual cost during that time? An astounding $43.7 billion. …Though California represents only 12 percent of the total U.S. population, it receives more than 30 percent of all Medicaid expansion spending.

And the Orange County Register recently opined about the ever-escalating expenses for a gilded class of state bureaucrats.

California’s annual state payroll grew by 6 percent in 2017, an increase of $1 billion and twice the rate of growth of the previous year. …Employee compensation is one of the largest components of the General Fund budget. In 2015-16, salaries and benefits accounted for about 12 percent of expenditures from the General Fund, a total of over $13 billion. …pay increases drive up pension costs. …The administration estimated that the annual cost to the state for the pay raises would be $2 billion by 2020-21, but the LAO said that didn’t take into account the higher overtime costs that would result from higher base pay, or the extra pension costs from that overtime. …if an economic downturn caused state revenues to decline, taxpayers would still have to pay the high and rising salaries for the full length of the contract.

The last sentence is key. I’ve previously pointed out that California has a very unstable boom-bust fiscal cycle. The state looks like it’s in good shape right now, but it’s going to blow up when the next recession hits.

Let’s close by acknowledging that poor residents also pay a harsh price.

Kerry Jackson’s article in National Review is rather depressing.

California — not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia — has the highest poverty rate in the United States. According to the Census Bureau’s Supplemental Poverty Measure — which accounts for the cost of housing, food, utilities, and clothing, and which includes non-cash government assistance as a form of income — nearly one out of four Californians is poor. …the question arises as to why California has so many poor people… It’s not as if California policymakers have neglected to wage war on poverty. Sacramento and local governments have spent massive amounts in the cause, for decades now. Myriad state and municipal benefit programs overlap with one another; in some cases, individuals with incomes 200 percent above the poverty line receive benefits, according to the California Policy Center. California state and local governments spent nearly $958 billion from 1992 through 2015 on public welfare programs.

That’s probably a partial answer to the question. There’s a lot of poverty in the state because politicians subsidize idleness. In effect, poor people get trapped.

The author agrees.

…welfare reform passed California by, leaving a dependency trap in place. Immigrants are falling into it: Fifty-five percent of immigrant families in the state get some kind of means-tested benefits… Self-interest in the social-services community may be at work here. If California’s poverty rate should ever be substantially reduced by getting the typical welfare client back into the work force, many bureaucrats could lose their jobs. …With 883,000 full-time-equivalent state and local employees in 2014, according to Governing, California has an enormous bureaucracy — a unionized, public-sector work force that exercises tremendous power through voting and lobbying. Many work in social services. …With a permanent majority in the state senate and the assembly, a prolonged dominance in the executive branch, and a weak opposition, California Democrats have long been free to indulge blue-state ideology.

And one consequences of California’s anti-market ideology is that poor people are falling further and further behind.

Is California heading in the wrong direction

A single family home is shown with a sale pending in Encinitas, California May 22, 2013. (Photo: Reuters)

A single family home is shown with a sale pending in Encinitas, California May 22, 2013. (Photo: Reuters)

The National Association of Realtors said the Pending Home Sales Index (PHSI) fell in January to its lowest level in over 3 years, as supply shortages leave buyers with few options. The PHSI fell 4.7% to 104.6 from a downwardly revised 109.8 in December 2017.

The index is now 3.8% below a year ago and at its lowest level since October 2014 (104.1).

“The economy is in great shape, most local job markets are very strong and incomes are slowly rising, but there’s little doubt last month’s retreat in contract signings occurred because of woefully low supply levels and the sudden increase in mortgage rates,” NAR chief economist Lawrence Yun said. “The lower end of the market continues to feel the brunt of these supply and affordability impediments.”

The number of available listings at the end of January was at an all-time low for the month and a startling 9.5% below a year ago.

“With the cost of buying a home getting more expensive and not enough inventory, some prospective buyers are either waiting until listings increase come spring or now having to delay their search entirely to save up for a larger down payment,” Mr. Yun added. “Even though contract signings were down, Realtors indicated that buyer traffic in most areas was up January compared to a year ago.”

The PHSI in the Northeast fell 9.0% to 87.0 in January and is now 12.1% below a year ago.

“The exception was likely in the Northeast, where the frigid cold snap the first two weeks of the month may have contributed some to the region’s large decline,” Mr. Yun said.

In the Midwest the index fell 6.6% to 98.2 in January and is now 4.1% lower than January 2017. Pending home sales in the South fell 3.9% to 121.9 and are now 1.1% lower than last January. The index in the West ticked down 1.2% to 97.9 and is 2.5% below a year ago.

“As new multi-family supply catches up with demand and slows rents, some large investors may begin putting their holdings of affordable single-family homes up for sale, which would be great news, particularly for first-time buyers,” Mr. Yun said. “Furthermore, sellers last year typically stayed in their home for 10 years before selling (an all-time high)2; although higher mortgage rates will likely discourage some homeowners from wanting a new home with a higher rate, there are possibly many pent-up sellers who may look to finally trade-up or move down this year.”

In 2018, existing-home sales are forecast to be around 5.50 million – roughly unchanged from 2017 (5.51 million). The national median existing-home price this year is forecast to gain by 2.7%. In 2017, existing sales increased 1.1% and prices rose 5.8%.

The National Association of Realtors said the

SUV parts are fabricated in the stamping facility at the General Motors Assembly Plant on June 9, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

SUV parts are fabricated in the stamping facility at the General Motors Assembly Plant on June 9, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) MNI Chicago Business Barometer fell 3.8 points to 61.9 in February, down from 65.7 in January. That’s the lowest level since August 2017, but still remains at an elevated level and there have been overheating concerns for months.

While all 5 Barometer components slid for the month and for the second straight, it is still up 8% on last February and above the 2017 average of 60.8.

“Disruptive weather conditions this month and large promotions at the back-end of last year appear to have weighed on demand and output in February, but despite the Barometer’s broad-based decline activity remains upbeat,” said Jamie Satchi, Economist at MNI Indicators. “That said, a large proportion of firms are anxious about the cost of input materials, and warn they could pass on these higher costs to consumers if inflationary pressures do not abate.”

The New Orders indicator fell to a six-month low and largely fueled the Barometer’s decline. The Production indicator also fell in February, down to a level last seen lower in September. However, despite these declines, both indicators also remained at elevated levels juxtaposed to recent years.

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) MNI

Americans Overwhelmingly Say They Would Feel Safer If Armed Guards Were in Schools

President Trump holds a discussion about school shootings with governors at the White House, February 26, 2018. (Photo: Reuters)

President Trump holds a discussion about school shootings with governors at the White House, February 26, 2018. (Photo: Reuters)

While the overall public is more split on whether to allow armed teachers in public schools, a majority of American parents support the proposal. In the wake of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, President Donald Trump proposed allowing trained, armed teachers to defend children.

A new national survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports finds 52% of Americans with school-age children support the plan, while just 38% oppose it. That compares to a 48% to 43% split in the overall adult population in opposition. Married Americans favor the proposal 51% to 41%.

A whopping 72% of American parents said they “would feel safer” if their child attended a school “with an armed security guard,” and 66% of American adults overall also agree. Married Americans also agree by a large 71% to 20% margin.

A week after the high school shooting, the PPD-BDP Sunshine State Battleground Poll found Florida voters overwhelmingly favor posting armed personnel on campus during school hours over stricter gun laws, 56.7% to 43.3%, respectively.

“We’ve seen this many times before in the aftermath of a mass shooting. The immediate reaction gives stricter gun laws a bump in support,” Rich Baris, Director of Big Data Poll said. “We measured that in Florida a few days after the shooting, but warned readers that support was soft. It’s now collapsing.”

The national survey of 1,000 American adults was conducted from February 25-26, 2018 by Rasmussen Reports. The partisan split was 28% Republican, 35% Democrat and 37% “Other.”  The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. See methodology.

While the overall public is more split

Consumer Confidence graphic reporting the Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index.

Consumer Confidence graphic reporting the Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index.

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index soared in February to 130.8 (1985=100), up from 124.3 in January to a near 18-year high. The Present Situation Index increased from 154.7 to 162.4, while the Expectations Index improved from 104.0 last month to 109.7 this month.

“Consumer confidence improved to its highest level since 2000 (Nov. 2000, 132.6) after a modest increase in January,” said Lynn Franco, Director of Economic Indicators at The Conference Board. “Consumers’ assessment of current conditions was more favorable this month, with the labor force the main driver. Despite the recent stock market volatility, consumers expressed greater optimism about short-term prospects for business and labor market conditions, as well as their financial prospects. Overall, consumers remain quite confident that the economy will continue expanding at a strong pace in the months ahead.”

Consumers’ views of present-day conditions also continued to improve in February and their views of business conditions moderately increased from January. The percentage saying business conditions are “good” increased marginally from 35.0% to 35.8%, while those saying business conditions are “bad” decreased from 13.0% to 10.8%.

Consumers’ assessment of the labor market was significantly more favorable, as the percentage claiming jobs are “plentiful” increased from 37.2% to 39.4%. Those claiming jobs are “hard to get” fell from 16.3% to 14.7%.

Consumers views on the short-term outlook are more optimistic in February, with the percentage of consumers anticipating business conditions will improve over the next six months gained from 21.5% to 25.8%. Those expecting business conditions will worsen ticked down from 9.8% to 9.4%.

Consumers’ overall outlook on the job market also improved.

The proportion expecting more jobs in the months ahead increased notably from 18.7% to 21.6%, while those anticipating fewer jobs fell marginally from 12.5% to 11.9%. When it comes to their short-term income prospects, the percentage of consumers expecting an improvement also increased notably from 20.6% to 23.8%, though the proportion expecting a decrease rose slightly from 7.9% to 8.6%.

The Consumer Confidence Survey is a monthly survey based on a random sample probability-design and is conducted Nielsen Holdings plc (NYSE: NLSN), a global performance management company.

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index soared

U.S. President Donald Trump waves at the Celebrate Freedom Rally in Washington, U.S. July 1, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

U.S. President Donald Trump waves at the Celebrate Freedom Rally in Washington, U.S. July 1, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

President Donald Trump will run for reelection in 2020 and has named his former data guru Brad Parscale as his campaign manager, People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) has confirmed. The story was first reported by Drudge, who ran the siren on the top of his front page for the first time in a notable time, rightly noting that it’s the earliest reelection announcement for an incumbent president.

Drudge reported:

**WORLD EXCLUSIVE** TUE FEB 27 2018 10:05 AM ET** Just one year into his presidency, Trump will stun the political world TODAY by announcing he is running for re-election in 2020. Digital guru Brad Parscale will be named campaign manager, DRUDGE REPORT has learned… MORE… The bold move comes 980 days before Election Day, a historical record. Obama announced 582 days out… MORE…

PPD Election Projection Model and Big Data Poll Director Richard Baris praised President Trump’s choice for campaign manager on Twitter. As one of the only pollsters and the only forecaster to call the greatest political upset in U.S. history correctly, he has repeatedly argued Mr. Parcsale did not get the credit he deserves in the media.

President Donald Trump will run for reelection

People's Pundit Daily
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