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Former U.S. Treasury Secretaries Henry Paulson, left, and Robert Rubin, right, attend a panel discussion titled "The Global Economy" at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California April 27, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

Former U.S. Treasury Secretaries Henry Paulson, left, and Robert Rubin, right, attend a panel discussion titled “The Global Economy” at the Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California April 27, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

Left-wing columnists at the Washington Post have hit upon a theme. In late October, Ruth Marcus wrote a column asserting that tax cuts are “dangerous.”

I explained why her argument was nonsensical, but that clearly didn’t have any impact since Robert Rubin has a new column in the same paper with the same theme. He claims to have identified five “dangers” in the Republican tax plan.

It’s a remarkably weak list, but I guess it merits a response, both because Rubin served as Bill Clinton’s Treasury Secretary and because I feel compelled to once again slap down the claim that tax cuts are dangerous.

I debunk each one of Rubin’s points below, but you’ll also notice that I first restate (fairly, I think) what he’s really trying to say since his writing style is so bureaucratically obtuse.

Rubin Claim #1:

…business confidence would likely be negatively affected by creating uncertainty about future policy and heightening concern about our political system’s ability to meet our economic policy challenges.

What he’s really saying: We don’t know what will happen in the future (“uncertainty”) and it would be good if taxes were higher so politicians could spend more (“ability to meet…challenges”).

Why he’s wrong: Since it’s very difficult for today’s politicians to restrict the behavior of future politicians, it is true that there will be policy uncertainty. But that’s just as true if we leave the corporate tax rate at 35 percent as it will be if the rate is reduced the 20 percent. I’m also unimpressed by his desire for government to have more cash to meet challenges since it’s far more likely that government is the cause of problems rather than the solution.

Rubin Claim #2:

…our country’s resilience to deal with inevitable future economic and geopolitical emergencies, including the effects of climate change, would continue to decline.

What he’s really saying: If there’s a tax cut, politicians will have less money, which means it will be harder (a “decline” in “resilience”) to spend money in the future.

Why he’s wrong: Once again, I feel compelled to point out that very few problems can be solved with more government spending. Indeed, that’s usually a recipe for making a problem worse — the welfare state, for example. But the most glaring flaw with Rubin’s argument about “future…emergencies” is that there’s no long-run tax cut. The GOP tax plan is revenue-neutral after 10 years. So how can a plan that doesn’t lower the long-run revenue baseline impact the government’s ability to do anything?

Rubin Claim #3:

…funds available for public investment, national security and defense spending…would continue to decline as debt rises, because of rising interest costs and the increased risk of borrowing to fund government activities.

What he’s really saying: Less tax money going to Washington could mean higher interest payments (“increased risk of borrowing”), which would displace other forms of spending.

Why he’s wrong: There’s actually some truth to this argument, at least in the first 10 years when there actually is a tax cut. If I was being snarky, I could ask why Rubin wasn’t making the same argument when the faux stimulus was being debated. Or when the ObamaCare boondoggle was being discussed. Why does he think deficits are only bad when tax cuts are on the agenda, but deficits are “stimulus” when spending goes up?

I may sue for whiplash since folks on the other side keep changing their minds on red ink.

Rubin Claim #4:

Treasury bond interest rates would be highly likely to increase over time because of increased demand for the supply of savings and increased concern about future imbalances.

What he’s really saying: A tax cut will lead to higher deficits, which will lead to higher interest rates (“increased demand for the supply of savings”).

Why he’s wrong: I believe in supply-and-demand curves, so it’s theoretically true that interest rates should increase when government competes against private borrowers. That being said, even big shifts in U.S. deficits are just a drop in the bucket in a world where global capital markets amount to tens of trillions of dollars. Here’s a slide from a speech I gave to the Leadership Program of the Rockies earlier this month in Denver. If I had space, I would have added “but in reality the impact is minimal” to the third sentence.

Rubin Claim #5:

…at some unpredictable point, fiscal conditions…would likely be seen as sufficiently serious to cause severe market and economic destabilization.

What he’s really saying: Tax cuts will mean more red ink, which could ultimately lead to a Greek-style fiscal crisis (“severe..destabilization”).

Why he’s wrong: It’s certainly true that America faces very worrisome long-run fiscal problems, but those challenges are entirely due to a rising burden of government spending. And since the GOP plan is only a tax cut in the first 10 years, it’s absurd to say the GOP plan will have any meaningful impact on that dismal outlook. If Rubin really was concerned about America’s fiscal situation, he would be aggressively arguing for genuine entitlement reform.

I could have shortened that entire section by collapsing his five “dangers” into one teenager-type rant: “OMG, the economy will be in danger with tax cuts and the government won’t be able to spend on good things.”

To which I could have replied: “LOL.”

To be fair, there actually is a semi-serious section in Rubin’s column. He summarizes the left’s economic argument against lower tax rates.

…tax cuts will not increase growth and, given their fiscal effects, would likely have a significant and increasingly negative impact. The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center’s latest report estimated that, over 10 years, the average increase in our growth rate would be roughly zero, counting the crowding out of private investment by increasing deficits but not counting other adverse effects of worsening our fiscal outlook. The Penn Wharton Budget Model, using the same approach, estimates virtually no increase in long-term growth. …These estimates reflect three underlying views held by mainstream economists. First, individual tax cuts will not materially induce people to work more. Second, corporate tax cuts will likely have limited effect on investment or decisions about where to locate business activity, given the many other variables at play. Third, deficit-funded tax cuts will have little short-term effect on growth, except perhaps for some temporary overheating, because we are at roughly full employment.

Now allow me to translate: It is quite possible to generate bad numbers if you build models that, 1) assume lower tax rates have very little impact on incentives to engage in productive behavior, and 2) assume larger deficits cause interest rates to increase significantly and therefore measurably reduce investment.

The real question is whether those theoretical models are correct given so much of the empirical evidence on the other side. After all, what are you going to believe, the models or your lying eyes?

Five reasons why former Treasury Secretary Robert

New residential homes are shown under construction in Carlsbad, California September 19, 2011. (Photo: Reuters)

New residential homes are shown under construction in Carlsbad, California September 19, 2011. (Photo: Reuters)

The New Residential Construction report by the U.S. Census Bureau showed housing starts and building permits posted extremely strong gains in October.

Building Permits (Forecast: 1,125,000)

Privately-owned housing units authorized by building permits in October came in at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,297,000, 5.9% (±1.4%) higher than the revised September rate of 1,225,000 and 0.9% (±1.6%)* higher than the rate of 1,285,000 a year ago. Single-family authorizations in October were at a rate of 839,000; this is 1.9% (±1.7%) higher than the revised September figure of 823,000.

Authorizations of units in buildings with five units or more were at a rate of 416,000 in October.

Housing Starts (Forecast: 1,190,000)

Privately-owned housing starts in October were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,290,000, a whopping 13.7% (±10.5%) higher than the revised estimate of 1,135,000 in September. However, it is 2.9% (±10.1%)* lower than the October 2016 rate of 1,328,000. Single-family housing starts in October came in at a rate of 877,000, or 5.3% (±12.1%) higher than the revised September figure of 833,000.

The October rate for units in buildings with five units or more was 393,000.

Housing Completions

Privately-owned housing completions in October were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,232,000, or 12.6% (±12.2%) higher than the revised September estimate of 1,094,000. It’s 15.5% (±11.7 percent) above the October 2016 rate of 1,067,000. Single-family housing completions in October were at a rate of 793,000, or 2.6% (±11.1 percent) higher than the revised September rate of 773,000.

The October rate for units in buildings with five units or more was 433,000.

The New Residential Construction report by the

Gloria Allred, who represents the woman making the most serious allegation against Roy Moore, now says she had not asked her client if she saw him sign her yearbook. Beverly Young Nelson accused the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate of sexually assaulting her when she was a 16 year-old waitress in Alabama.

Phillip L. Jauregui, attorney for Judge Roy Moore, called on Gloria Allred to subject the yearbook brought forward by an accuser to handwriting analysis. Allred refused to produce the yearbook for independent analysis unless a Senate hearing is involved.

On MSNBC’s “MTP Daily,” Allred collapsed.

“You know, I don’t — I haven’t asked her if she saw him, but we did describe what happened that evening in question,” she admitted. “What she alleges was that she put it on the counter; that I think she asked to sign — or that he did sign it. That’s all.”

For the record, Senate hearings are not forums for fact-finding exercises. They’re political charades where an independent analysis could never take place. Ms. Nelson claimed that Judge Moore offered to write a note in her yearbook, which she accepted.

The inscription in the yearbook reads “Roy Moore D.A,” which was purported to stand for “District Attorney.” Others have pointed out and, Mr. Jauregui further stated, that the judge at the time was a D.D.A., not a DA. They also made the stunning claim that the “D.A.” matches initials on the divorce records for “Delbra Adams,” who was Judge Moore’s assistant at the time.

“Judge Moore says he can’t remember ever signing his name with DA after it. But he had seen it before. You know where he had seen it?” Mr. Jauregui asked. “When he was on the bench, his assistant whose initials are capital D. A. Delbra Adams would stamp his signature on a document and put capital D. A.”

“That’s exactly how this signature appears on the divorce decree that Judge Moore signed dismissing the divorce action of Beverly Nelson.”

He also noted how the inscription clearly appears to be written in two different color inks.

Yearbook produced by Beverly Young Nelson, who alleges the inscription was made by Judge Roy Moore in 1977.

Yearbook produced by Beverly Young Nelson, who alleges the inscription was made by Judge Roy Moore in 1977.

Read More – Roy Moore’s Lawyer Demands Yearbook Be Subjected to Handwriting Analysis


TUR: Does your client, Beverly Young Nelson, remember him signing it?

ALLRED: She remembers — well, she remembers being with him. It was on the counter. She alleges that he took it, that he signed it and she was thrilled that he had signed it, because, as far as she knew, he was a D.A. and that was an important position.

TUR: So she saw him sign it?

ALLRED: I don’t believe at the time she had a clue whether he was an assistant D.A. or a D.A., but he signed it, she took it. As far as she knows, I mean, there’s no reason for her to think it’s anybody’s but his signature.

TUR: But did she see him sign it?

ALLRED: You know, I don’t — I haven’t asked her if she saw him, but we did describe what happened that evening in question. What she alleges was that she put it on the counter; that I think she asked to sign — or that he did sign it. That’s all.

TUR: I ask this, because it seems you’re not 100% sure that it is his signature, and if you’re not 100% sure that it is his signature, why would you show it at a press conference?

ALLRED: Well, why would — you know, why does anybody doubt that it is his signature?

Gloria Allred, who represents the most serious

Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) and unveil legislation to overhaul the tax code on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., November 2, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) and unveil legislation to overhaul the tax code on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., November 2, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

The U.S. House of Representatives approved tax reform, sending the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to the U.S. Senate where it has a slimmer margin of error. The bill, if it passes both the upper and lower chamber, would be the most significant accomplishment to date for the Trump Administration.

It passed by a vote of 227 to 205, with 13 moderate Republicans in high state and local tax states voting against it.

“This is nothing short of extraordinary. Getting 227 members to agree on something as complicated is extraordinary. This country has not rewritten its tax code since 1986,” House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said. “The powers of the status quo in this town are so strong. Yet 228 members broke through that today.”

The Republican-controlled Senate will need 50 votes for Vice President Mike Pence to cast the tie-breaking vote. It is expected to go to conference. President Donald Trump, who has been hands-on during the entire process, made a last-minute trip up to Capitol Hill Thursday to meet with the Republican conference before the vote.

“I want to thank the President of the United States. I want to thank his administration. From the very start we have said that failure is not an option,” Speaker Ryan added. “This is about giving hardworking taxpayers bigger paychecks. This is about giving people hope and a new opportunity.”

The U.S. House of Representatives approved tax

Leeann Tweeden, asleep on the flight back to the United States from Afghanistan, groped by now-Senator Al Franken, D-Minn.

Leeann Tweeden, asleep on the flight back to the United States from Afghanistan, groped by now-Senator Al Franken, D-Minn.

Leeann Tweeden, the morning news anchor on TalkRadio 790 KABC in Los Angeles, provided a photo image of Senator Al Franken groping her while she slept. She also alleged in her story that he forcefully kissed her and stuck his tongue down her mouth without her consent during a 2006 USO Tour in Afghanistan.

The image shows Senator Franken, then a comedian, groping her during the flight back to the United States (US).

The story begins in December of 2006, when Ms. Tweeden went on her ninth USO Tour to entertain U.S. troops, her eighth to the Middle East since September 11, 2001. She was joined by country music artists Darryl Worley, Mark Wills, Keni Thomas, and some cheerleaders from the Dallas Cowboys. But the headliner was then-comedian Al Franken.

“My father served in Vietnam and my then-boyfriend (and now husband, Chris) is a pilot in the Air Force, so bringing a ‘little piece of home’ to servicemembers stationed far away from their families was both my passion and my privilege,” she wrote. Franken had written some skits for the show and brought props and costumes to go along with them. Like many USO shows before and since, the skits were full of sexual innuendo geared toward a young, male audience.”

She goes on to reveal that he had wrote a kiss into the skit, and alleged Senator Franken repeatedly pressed the need to “rehearse” the kiss. She rebuffed his advances numerous times until he forcefully grabbed her, pulled her head in and stuck his tongue into her mouth.

When I saw the script, Franken had written a moment when his character comes at me for a ‘kiss’. I suspected what he was after, but I figured I could turn my head at the last minute, or put my hand over his mouth, to get more laughs from the crowd.

On the day of the show Franken and I were alone backstage going over our lines one last time. He said to me, “We need to rehearse the kiss.” I laughed and ignored him. Then he said it again. I said something like, ‘Relax Al, this isn’t SNL…we don’t need to rehearse the kiss.’

He continued to insist, and I was beginning to get uncomfortable.

He repeated that actors really need to rehearse everything and that we must practice the kiss. I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me. We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth.

I immediately pushed him away with both of my hands against his chest and told him if he ever did that to me again I wouldn’t be so nice about it the next time.

I walked away. All I could think about was getting to a bathroom as fast as possible to rinse the taste of him out of my mouth.

I felt disgusted and violated.

Tweeden said she went on to perform the skit as written, but would turn her head so that he could not kiss her on the lips. Franken retaliated against her with insults. He drew devil horns on at least one of her headshots she had been autographing for the U.S. troops.

On Christmas Eve, they boarded a C-17 cargo plane and began a 36-hour trip back from Afghanistan to Los Angeles. Tweeden says she was exhausted after 2 weeks of nonstop travel and performances, and fell asleep.

“It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one,” she says, referring to the picture above. “I couldn’t believe it. He groped me, without my consent, while I was asleep. I felt violated all over again. Embarrassed. Belittled. Humiliated. How dare anyone grab my breasts like this and think it’s funny?”

“I told my husband everything that happened and showed him the picture.”

The revelation comes two days lawmakers acknowledged that sexual harassment is prevalent on Capitol Hill. Senator Franken originally issuing a brief apology and said he didn’t recall the incident the way Ms. Tweeden told it, but eventually issued a longer apology and said he will “gladly cooperate” with an ethics investigation.

Read Leann Tweeden’s Full Story Here

UPDATE: Media Equalizer Co-Founder Melanie Morgan has come forward recounting her own experience with Senator Al Franken, whom at the time was a comedian, liberal radio host and activist. Ms. Morgan’s allegations describe a disturbing encounter that was brought on by a disagreement with Senator Franken during an August, 2000 edition of ABC’s Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher.

She had a dispute with Franken over the OMB’s budget numbers during their appearance on a panel together with William Baldwin and then-Colorado Lt. Governor Joe Rogers.

“I was invited and unaware of who his guests were going to be that night. I’ve since learned that though few know this, Al Franken was actually a writer for the show,” she said. “I made a statement about the budget numbers, Franken challenged me, I challenged him back. It was about spending priorities, actually just a mundane discussion. But he obsessed over it.”

Ms. Morgan alleges after the show he wouldn’t leave the argument alone, and eventually called the producer who gave her home telephone number to the would-be senator against protocol. He called her home repeatedly to berate her and only stopped when she threatened “to call the police and make a report that he was harassing me.”

“He approached Carol, the show’s producer and demanded my home phone number, which was a clear violation of network protocol. I had thought that was the end of the story and was shocked when he started calling my home, badgering me repeatedly,” she said. “I became fearful and called Carol to complain and asked her to tell him to back off. But he made another call after that. I thought that he might end up stalking me at my home in Northern California, it was that bad.”

“By the third phone call I was outraged and terrified, as he is really disturbed,” Morgan recounted.

Leeann Tweeden, the morning news anchor on

Judge Roy Moore, left, and his wife Kayla Moore, right, celebrate his primary victory over incumbent Senator Luther Strange.

Judge Roy Moore, left, and his wife Kayla Moore, right, celebrate his primary victory over incumbent Senator Luther Strange.

While Establishment figures in D.C. run for the hills, Republicans in Alabama are affirming their support for Judge Roy Moore for U.S. Senate. The Alabama Republican Steering Committee met Wednesday and removed a candidate fora  local judicial position, but took no action against Judge Moore.

“On Wednesday evening, the Alabama Republican Party Steering Committee, comprised of 21 members, met to discuss the events and circumstances regarding the December 12 U.S. Senate race. The ALGOP Steering Committee supports Judge Roy Moore as our nominee and trusts the voters as they make the ultimate decision in this crucial race,” they said in a statement. “Judge Moore has vehemently denied the allegations made against him. He deserves to be presumed innocent of the accusations unless proven otherwise. He will continue to take his case straight to the people of Alabama.”

On Tuesday, the Shelby County Republican Executive Committee met and issued a unanimous resolution supporting Judge Moore and have led conservatives standing behind him amid a series of sexual misconduct allegations.

Beverly Young Nelson accused Judge Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was a 16 year-old waitress in Alabama. Nelson, 56, made the allegations at a press conference on Monday with high profile attorney Gloria Allred. She said Judge Moore was a regular at the Old Hickory House, a restaurant once located off of Highway 431 in Gadsden, Alabama, and offered a signed yearbook as proof.

But the validity of the yearbook inscription presented as exculpatory evidence is now in question.

Phillip L. Jauregui, attorney for Judge Moore, called on Ms. Allred to subject the yearbook brought forward by an accuser to handwriting analysis. Thus far, she is refusing to do so.

Former Alabama Chief Justice and Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Roy Moore, left, and Beverly Young Nelson, center, with Gloria Allred, right.

Former Alabama Chief Justice and Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Roy Moore, left, and Beverly Young Nelson, center, with Gloria Allred, right.

Representative Mo Brooks, R-Ala., who ran against Judge Moore in the primary, said Wednesday night he will vote for him in December. His continued support is significant because he comes from Madison and does have infrastructure and influence in the more populous Northern part of the state.

“America faces huge challenges that are vastly more important than contested sexual allegations from four decades ago,” Rep. Brooks told AL.com in a text message. “Who will vote in America’s best interests on Supreme Court justices, deficit and debt, economic growth, border security, national defense, and the like?”

“Socialist Democrat Doug Jones will vote wrong. Roy Moore will vote right. Hence, I will vote for Roy Moore.”

Rep. Brooks also argued that Judge Moore’s Democratic opponent supports partial- and late-term abortion, a position viewed to be wildly radical in the state of Alabama.

“There are millions of people in America who would lie in a heartbeat if it meant adding another Democrat to the Senate,” Rep. Brooks said.

While other women have come forward — who allege misconduct decades ago ranging from groping to pursuing — the most serious charge came from Ms. Nelson. However, Mr. Jauregui argued the inscription is clearly written in two different color inks and claimed their analysts believe it’s highly likely it does not match Judge Moore’s signature.

He brought attention to the disparity in the way “7” was written after “Christmas” and before “Olde Hickory House,” which consequently is misspelled.

Yearbook produced by Beverly Young Nelson, who alleges the inscription was made by Judge Roy Moore in 1977.

Yearbook produced by Beverly Young Nelson, who alleges the inscription was made by Judge Roy Moore in 1977.

“Not once, not one time have I ever seen him acting inappropriately toward any woman,” Mr. Jauregui said. “That’s the man I know and have known for 24 years.”

He also noted that Ms. Nelson claimed during her press conference with Ms. Allred that she had no contact with Judge Moore after the alleged assault. But that’s not the case. In 1999, Ms. Nelson filed for a divorce against her husband and, as it turns out, the case ended up before Judge Moore. That stands in contrast to her story and is a difficult detail to overlook.

The inscription in the yearbook reads “Roy Moore D.A,” which was purported to stand for “District Attorney.” Others have pointed out and, Mr. Jauregui further stated, that the judge at the time was a D.D.A., not a DA. They also made the stunning claim that the “D.A.” matches initials on the divorce records for “Delbra Adams,” who was Judge Moore’s assistant at the time.

Handwriting analysts who spoke with People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) say it is impossible to make a determination without the actual yearbook, which the Moore campaign wants Ms. Allred to produce for independent review. If she continues to refuse, it is unclear whether the Moore campaign can compel her to produce it.

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kty., who views the race as a proxy war between the Establishment in D.C. and former White House advisor Steven Bannon, says Judge Moore should “step aside.”

“I believe the women. Yes.”

Rep. Brooks, when asked if he believed Judge Moore over the women, said he believed “that the Democrats will do great damage to our country.”

While Establishment figures in D.C. run for

Former Alabama Chief Justice and U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore speaks to supporters, Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2017, in Montgomery, Ala. Moore, who took losing stands for the public display of the Ten Commandments and against gay marriage, forced a Senate primary runoff with Sen. Luther Strange, an appointed incumbent backed by both President Donald Trump and heavy investment from establishment Republican forces. (Photo: AP)

Former Alabama Chief Justice and U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore speaks to supporters, Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2017, in Montgomery, Ala. Moore, who took losing stands for the public display of the Ten Commandments and against gay marriage, forced a Senate primary runoff with Sen. Luther Strange, an appointed incumbent backed by both President Donald Trump and heavy investment from establishment Republican forces. (Photo: AP)

Phillip L. Jauregui, attorney for Judge Roy Moore, called on Gloria Allred to subject the yearbook brought forward by an accuser to handwriting analysis. Beverly Young Nelson accused the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate of sexually assaulting her when she was a 16 year-old waitress in Alabama.

Nelson, 56, made the allegations at a press conference on Monday with high profile attorney Gloria Allred. She said Judge Moore was a regular at the Old Hickory House, a restaurant once located off of Highway 431 in Gadsden, Alabama.

UPDATE: Gloria Allred responded during an interview on CNN, the least trusted name in news. She refused to produce the yearbook for independent analysis unless a Senate hearing is involved. For the record, Senate hearings are not forums for truth-seeking exercises. They’re political charades where an independent analysis could never take place.

According to her allegation, Judge Moore had offered to give her a ride home but instead pulled the car around behind the restaurant. She says he then locked his car doors, grabbed her, and attempted to violently force her face into his crotch. She allegedly resisted, incurring bruises before he released her.

“I tried to get away, but he reached over and locked the door so I could not get out,” she said. “I thought he was going to rape me. At some point, he gave up.”

Ms. Nelson claimed Judge Moore told her, “You are just a child and I am the District Attorney of Etowah County; if you tell anyone, no one will believe you.” He then let her out of the car.

She claims that Judge Moore offered to write a note in her yearbook, which she accepted.

“I felt flattered and I said yes,” she stated. Moore then allegedly wrote in her yearbook a flirtatious note: “To a sweeter, more beautiful girl I could not say Merry Christmas. Christmas 1977, Love, Roy Moore D.A., Olde Hickory House.”

Yearbook produced by Beverly Young Nelson, who alleges the inscription was made by Judge Roy Moore in 1977.

Yearbook produced by Beverly Young Nelson, who alleges the inscription was made by Judge Roy Moore in 1977.

However, at a press conference Thursday, Mr. Jauregui noted how the inscription is clearly written in two different color inks and claimed their analysts believe it’s highly likely it does not match Judge Moore’s signature. He brought attention to the disparity in the way “7” was written after “Christmas” and before “Olde Hickory House,” which consequently is misspelled.

The restaurant has since closed, but it was not spelled with an “e,” but rather “Old Hickory House.”

Handwriting analysis can be difficult even when the actual material is provided and the Moore campaign wants Ms. Allred to produce the yearbook for independent review.

“Not once, not one time have I ever seen him acting inappropriately toward any woman,” Mr. Jauregui said. “That’s the man I know and have known for 24 years.”

He also noted that Ms. Nelson claimed during her press conference with Ms. Allred that she had no contact with Judge Moore after the alleged assault. But that’s not the case. In 1999, Ms. Nelson filed for a divorce against her husband and, as it turns out, the case ended up before Judge Moore. That stands in contrast to her story and is a difficult detail to overlook.

The inscription in the yearbook reads “Roy Moore D.A,” which was purported to stand for “District Attorney.” Others have pointed out and, Mr. Jauregui further stated, that the judge at the time was a D.D.A., not a DA. They also made the stunning claim that the “D.A.” matches initials on the divorce records for “Delbra Adams,” who was Judge Moore’s assistant at the time.

“Judge Moore says he can’t remember ever signing his name with DA after it. But he had seen it before. You know where he had seen it?” Mr. Jauregui asked. “When he was on the bench, his assistant whose initials are capital D. A. Delbra Adams would stamp his signature on a document and put capital D. A.”

“That’s exactly how this signature appears on the divorce decree that Judge Moore signed dismissing the divorce action of Beverly Nelson.”

Campaign Chairman Bill Armistead, who introduced Mr. Jauregui, did not respond to a request to take questions at the press conference.

UPDATE: While the allegations against Judge Roy Moore are very serious and all should be taken seriously, so too should they be vetted. Ms. Nelson claimed to be a Trump voter, but People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) found her voter registration status was listed as inactive.

Beverly Young Nelson Voter Registration

Beverly Young Nelson Voter Registration

Ms. Nelson also claimed Judge Moore reached over her to lock the doors while they were inside the vehicle, trapping her inside. Automatic door locks were technically offered in limited high-end vehicles in the 1970s — considering the possibility she recalled details of the assault incorrectly — but a passenger wasn’t locked inside the vehicle. The door opened from the inside when the handle was pulled.

Child locks were not available in automobiles until the 1980s.

We will continue to responsibly report these allegations.

Phillip L. Jauregui, attorney for Judge Roy

From L-R: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation Chelsea Clinton, discuss the Clinton Global Initiative University during the closing plenary session on the second day of the 2014 Meeting of Clinton Global Initiative University at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona March 22, 2014. (Photo: Reuters)

From L-R: Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation Chelsea Clinton, discuss the Clinton Global Initiative University during the closing plenary session on the second day of the 2014 Meeting of Clinton Global Initiative University at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona March 22, 2014. (Photo: Reuters)

Peter Schweizer, the President of the Government Accountability Institute, said undercover audio details Russians discussing bribes to the Clinton Foundation. Mr. and author of Clinton Cash, Mr. Schweizer, revealed the existence of the tapes during an appearance with “Hannity” on Tuesday.

“We now have this whistle-blower that has come forward who reportedly has audio recordings of Russian officials talking about using bribery to get favors from the Clintons, giving donations to the Clinton Foundation,” he said. “That has yet to appear, but I think that will be pretty strong. The third part of this ingredient is we have the actual flow of money.”

“Tens of millions of dollars to the Clintons as this deal is going down.”

A bombshell report a few weeks ago revealed the FBI uncovered a massive bribery, corruption and racketeering scheme before the Obama Administration approved the deal. The Trump DOJ soon after cleared a confidential informant for the FBI to testify before Congress on Uranium One.

Mr. Schweizer’s remarks came a few hours after lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee peppered Attorney General Jeff Sessions with questions on Capitol Hill.

Then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, who is now the Deputy Attorney General and the man who appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller, oversaw the investigation. Mr. Rosenstein’s name is on the motion to seal the details surrounding the informant.

Senator Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called for another special counsel to investigate the Obama-Clinton era deal, particularly given Mr. Mueller’s role in the investigation. While his committee has launched a probe as well, only the powers granted to a federal prosecutor can get to the bottom of what appears to be a clear cut Clinton quid pro quo.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller Leaking Like A Sieve, Conduct Disturbs Legal Experts

A growing number of lawmakers in both the House and Senate have joined Chairman Grassley in that call.

Partial transcript via Breitbart as follows:

HANNITY: Joining us now, the man who got the started, author of the book, “Clinton Cash,” Peter Schweizer, Fox News contributor, former deputy assistant to the President, Sebastian Gorka. Peter, you got this started, you watch this unfold today, and I want to get your initial reaction. I also want to talk about — I want you to give us the money aspect to this as it relates to the Clintons, who paid who, when and where, and how active and involved were they in this deal?

SCHWEIZER: Well, look, Sean, I’ve always felt the evidence was very clear. And I don’t know that hesitation is at the Department of Justice. There were several facts that no one debates. Fact number one, you have the Kazakh uranium minister Moukhtar Dzhakishev in a 2010 video deposition describing in great detail how Bill and Hillary Clinton shook him down and shook down Kazakh officials to compel them to give uranium assets to Frank Giustra, who is the founder of Uranium One. Nobody disputes that. That is clear.

We now have this whistle-blower that has come forward who reportedly has audio recordings of Russian officials talking about using bribery to get favors from the Clintons, giving donations to the Clinton Foundation. That has yet to appear, but I think that will be pretty strong. The third part of this ingredient is we have the actual flow of money. Tens of millions of dollars to the Clintons as this deal is going down.

I would dare say, Sean, anybody in Washington, D.C., elected office, from President Trump to Vice President Pence, the members of Congress or the Senate, if that body of evidence existed, there would be an investigation today on corruption charges and bribery. I just think it’s that crystal clear.

HANNITY: Dr. Gorka, let’s go back to the simple part of uranium one in the sense. We import uranium, the foundational material for nuclear weapons, that means we don’t have enough. Why would anybody ever think it’s a good idea to give Vladimir Putin 20 percent? Especially as we have now learned through investigative reporting, Putin’s agents in America were involved in bribery, extortion, racketeering, money laundering and kickbacks. These are now facts. [Robert] Mueller knew it, and Eric Holder knew it. Why would we give away uranium, or rights to uranium when, in fact, we need uranium?

GORKA: Why? Because the key people involved in that sale were paid off to the tune of millions. I want to make a statement here, Sean. PETA needs to be recognized for the person who put this all together, but what you just did in two segments ago, those graphics, Sean, I pray to the good lord that one day they will be used in a court of law to bring justice back to America. The New York Times, CNN, The Washington Post will not show you the truth and you and your team put it out so everyone can see it. I said it before, and it made the left blow up, but I will say it again. The Rosenberg’s were executed for giving away the secrets on how to make a bomb. The Clinton crime cartel sold those things that you need to make a bomb, which is American uranium, and they gave it to a Russian government that is in league with rogue nations. None of that should ever have been sold to anybody.

HANNITY: Mueller knew as the FBI Director. It was an FBI informant. That means Holder had to know. They have not only has four-plus years’ experience as an undercover agent, informant, they also have tapes, and they also have documents, and they also have emails, and they slapped an NDA on this guy, like putting a muzzle on him. Wait until he now discloses this. I’m imaging this is devastating — Sebastian first.

GORKA: Look, you’ve done the amazing mapping of all the corruption, the pay for play, the emails server and everything else. You can do it again for simply network analysis. Look at who was in key decision-making positions for the last eight years. Look at the connections between the directors of the FBI, Comey, Mueller. Look at the AGs Holder, Lynch. This is really important — look at who Rob Rosenstein’s best buddies are for the last 10 years and the fact that this is still at the top of the Department of Justice today in the Trump administration. Just the network analysis tells you that there is something rotten in the heart of Denmark, and it is now time to clean it out.

HANNITY: It is so extensive because I keep talking about this dual justice system, Peter. It is the dossier, propaganda bought and paid for by Hillary and the DNC. It doesn’t make sense to give away our uranium, ever. I’ll give you the last word.

SCHWEIZER: Yeah, you are exactly right, Sean. And look, the Clinton defense thus far has been pitiful. Essentially they say, first of all, nine government agencies have reviewed this. That has nothing to do with bribery. The fact of the matter is bribery exist whether it’s a close vote or not. The second offense, Hillary Clinton is saying that she was not involved in the decision. I’m sorry, but she does not have a great track record of speaking the truth. The person that they sort of prop out, Assistant Secretary of State Fernandez to say she was not involved in this decision — four days before he first made that statement, Sean, he is in the Podesta email saying he wants to do whatever he can to help Hillary Clinton get elected. He is not a disinterested party. This has to be investigated.

HANNITY: The media has been so wrong. The day of vindication is getting closer and closer, mark my words.

Peter Schweizer, the President of the Government

Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) and unveil legislation to overhaul the tax code on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., November 2, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) and unveil legislation to overhaul the tax code on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., November 2, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

Senate Republicans late Tuesday accepted an amendment to their version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that would repeal the individual mandate. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, said repealing the requirement to buy insurance aims “to help provide additional relief to low- and middle-income families.”

House and Senate conservatives, many of whom have not given up on dismantling the Democrat’s health insurance overhaul, applauded the move. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., a champion of the populist wing of the GOP, said the move will be a big boon for working Americans.

“I’m pleased the Senate Finance Committee has accepted my proposal to repeal the Obamacare individual mandate in the tax legislation,” Sen. Cotton said. “Repealing the mandate pays for more tax cuts for working families and protects them from being fined by the IRS for not being able to afford insurance that Obamacare made unaffordable in the first place. I urge the House to include the mandate repeal in their tax legislation.”

It’s unclear whether House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., will accept the amendment. The House has put out its own version of tax reform, which the U.S. Constitution requires to introduce legislation related to taxation. Conservatives on the conservative Republican Study Committee endorsed the addition of the amendment and called on the House to amend their own version.

Grading the Republican Senate Tax Plan

“Adding the repeal of the individual mandate to tax reform could be the most consequential step this Congress takes to date in fulfilling our promises to the American people to both reform the tax code and repeal ObamaCare,” the group said in a statement. “Repealing the individual mandate is the right policy decision. It frees Americans to make their own health care decisions and saves over $300 billion. It appears the Senate is keeping its promises. The House should do the same. Let’s repeal the individual mandate and restart the process of repealing ObamaCare.”

However, Speaker Ryan pushed back in response when asked about the move during a town hall hosted by Fox News, adding the House version of the tax reform bill didn’t include it because “we didn’t want to needlessly complicate” the vote. He gave a very evasive answer claiming the previous vote to repeal the individual mandate was proof “we’re on record in favor of this.”

He said adding the repeal of the individual mandate will likely cost the House moderate Republican votes, many of the same lawmakers being those who represent states with high state and local taxes. The House and Senate versions of the bill dismantled the state and local tax deductions.

Grading the Republican House Tax Plan

“Obviously, we’re in favor of repealing the individual mandate,” Speaker Ryan said, “but we didn’t want to needlessly complicate the passage of tax reform. So, we want to see the Senate go first and see if they can get that done and then we’ll discuss whether or not it gets included at the end.”

To satisfy so-called moderates, the Senate Finance Committee also added an amendment put forward by Sens. Dean Heller, R-Nev., and Tim Scott, R-S.C., which increases the child tax credit to $2,000. Previous versions of the bill increased the credit from the current $1,000 to $1,650, an amount opponents argued didn’t incentivize families to work enough.

The proposal has the support of Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Mike Lee, R-Utah, who have led the fight to increase the child tax credit. It is also a top priority for the White House and has been championed by Ivanka Trump.

Senate Republicans accepted an amendment to the

A factory worker at a New York manufacturing plant. (Photo: Reuters)

A factory worker at a New York manufacturing plant. (Photo: Reuters)

The Empire State Manufacturing Survey “continued to expand strongly” to 19.4 in November after hitting a 3-year high last month, though it missed the 26.0 median forecast. However, The new orders index climbed to 20.7 and the shipments index came in at 18.4, both indicating solid gains and activity.

Looking ahead to the next 6 months, firms were very optimistic as the index for future business conditions increased 5 points to 49.9. The index for future new orders rose 9 points to 53.7, a multiyear high.

Employment and the average workweek were expected to increase in the months ahead, while the capital expenditures index gained 4 points to 25.4. The technology spending index declined 6 points to 10.8.

The Empire State Manufacturing Survey "continued to

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