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President Barack Obama speaks to the media at a meeting with activists in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016. From left to right are, Brittany Packnett, co-founder of Campaign Zero and BLM-aligned activist, Mr. Obama, Rep, John Lewis, D-Ga., and Senior White House Adviser Valerie Jarrett. The meeting focused on criminal justice reform, and other law enforcement issues during his final year in office. (Photo: AP)

President Barack Obama speaks to the media at a meeting with activists in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016. From left to right are, Brittany Packnett, co-founder of Campaign Zero and BLM-aligned activist, Mr. Obama, Rep, John Lewis, D-Ga., and Senior White House Adviser Valerie Jarrett. The meeting focused on criminal justice reform, and other law enforcement issues during his final year in office. (Photo: AP)

President Donald Trump ran and won as the law and order candidate, hammering on the rise in violent crime across the nation under Barack Obama in 2015. Hillary Clinton and Democrats countered by claiming overall, with the exception of 2015, violence crime has fallen significantly since the 1970s.

So, what’s the verdict?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on Monday released the 2016 edition of its Crime in the United States (CIUS) report, a data subset of the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). President Trump was right. Violent crime was on the rise under his predecessor, and it wasn’t just a moderate increase attributable to an economic downturn, as is often the case.

The report, which covers January-December 2016, confirms the violent crime increase that began in 2015 after decades of decline. The Department of Justice (DOJ) said in a response that it “was not an isolated incident.” The violent crime rate increased by 3.4% nationwide in 2016, the largest single-year increase in 25 years.

The nationwide homicide rate increased by 7.9%, bringing the total increase in the nationwide homicide rate to more than 20% since 2014.

FBI agents remove boxes and other items from the offices of Imagina in Miami, Florida December 3, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

FBI agents remove boxes and other items from the offices of Imagina in Miami, Florida December 3, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

“For the sake of all Americans, we must confront and turn back the rising tide of violent crime. And we must do it together,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement. “The Department of Justice is committed to working with our state, local, and tribal partners across the country to deter violent crime, dismantle criminal organizations and gangs, stop the scourge of drug trafficking, and send a strong message to criminals that we will not surrender our communities to lawlessness and violence.”

Previously released data were also revised for 2015. The 2016 report adjusted and corrected the 2015 violent crime rate to 3.3%, up from the initially reported 3.1%. With the corrected data, the increases in the violent crime rate for 2015 and 2016 each represented the largest single-year increases in the violent crime rate since 1991.

In 2016, the homicide rate increased by 7.9%, while the corrected numbers show the homicide rate skyrocketing by 11.4% in 2015. Combined, the homicide rate increased by more than 20% from 2014 to 2016. Rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults also each continued to increase nationwide in 2016.

Using the legacy and revised definitions, rapes increased by 4.8% and 3.2%, respectively. Robberies increased by 1.2% and aggravated assaults by +4.7.

New FBI statistics reveal the violent crime

[brid video=”166598″ player=”2077″ title=”Newt Gingrich Hillary Clinton Is a Racist Demagogue”]

September 25, 2017 – 3:03 – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich rips Hillary Clinton for calling President Donald Trump’s national anthem remarks racial in nature.

“Hillary Clinton is a racist demagogue,” he said. “Let’s be blunt. Let’s be straight up about this thing. She can’t possibly debate on the merits any of the things we’re talking about.

When asked by Fox News anchor Sean Hannity if he meant “racial demagogue, the former speaker made it pretty clear.

“I mean she is using racism as a deliberate weapon,” he clarified. “She is dividing the country on racial grounds as a deliberate political weapon in exactly the model of modern liberalism, which can’t possibly survive if they don’t constantly going back to racism. Their racism.”

“Donald Trump said nothing about race. He talked about defending the flag, defending our national anthem. How you take that and translate it into racism tells you everything you need to know about the sickness of the left.”

[brid video="166598" player="2077" title="Newt Gingrich Hillary Clinton

President Donald Trump, left, poses for a portrait in the Oval Office, while Senator John McCain, right, of Arizona speaks with reporters. (Photos: AP)

President Donald Trump, left, poses for a portrait in the Oval Office, while Senator John McCain, right, of Arizona speaks with reporters. (Photos: AP)

President Donald Trump tweeted a 6-minute video compilation of Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., vowing to repeal ObamaCare in order to get reelected. The 2008 Republican nominee has now three times foiled his party’s attempt to make good on a 7-year promise to voters.

“A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O’Care,” the President posted with the video. “My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!”

As People’s Pundit Daily (PPD) reported, Sen. McCain ran out of previously-used excuses not to support legislation replacing a law that has disproportionately impacted his state for the worse. The bill introduced by Sens. Bill Cassidy, R-La., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., the latter being a longtime friend of Sen. McCain, picked up the support of his state governor on Monday.

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, who Sen. McCain cited as a reason not to support previous ObamaCare replacement bills, said “Graham-Cassidy is the best path forward to repeal and replace ObamaCare.”

Sen. McCain was 1 of 7 Republican senators who rejected a “straight repeal” of ObamaCare in July. He survived a primary challenge from Dr. Kelli Ward in 2016 by claiming he would repeal ObamaCare, and used the issue in the general election, as well. But he was 1 of 3 Republicans senators who also voted against a “skinny repeal” just one day later.

Graham-Cassidy, the third and latest attempt to replace the law, repeals the individual and employer mandates, as well as the 2.3% medical device tax. It replaces money spent on tax credits and Medicaid expansion with block grants to states, which would allow Governors to experiment with insurance reforms.

Yet, last week, Sen. McCain announced the party and voters could not count on him to keep his promise.

President Donald Trump tweeted a 6-minute video

Former U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner departs U.S. Federal Court, following his sentencing after pleading guilty to one count of sending obscene messages to a minor, ending an investigation into a "sexting" scandal that played a role in last year's U.S. presidential election, in New York, U.S.,September 25, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

Former U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner departs U.S. Federal Court, following his sentencing after pleading guilty to one count of sending obscene messages to a minor, ending an investigation into a “sexting” scandal that played a role in last year’s U.S. presidential election, in New York, U.S.,September 25, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

Former U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner has been sentenced to 21 months in prison by a New York federal judge for sending obscene messages to a 15-year-old minor in 2016. The disgraced former lawmaker was a Clinton ally and is the husband of Huma Abedin, longtime aide to Hillary Clinton.

Standing in the federal courthouse in New York City, Weiner, 53, sobbed through his statement to the court. He bowed his head, put his face in his hand and sobbed as the judge imposed the sentence. He was also ordered to pay a $10,000 fine but no restitution, though the teenage victim requested it from the court.

“This was a serious crime. It’s a serious crime that deserves serious punishment,” Judge Denise Cote said as the convicted sext fiend wept in shame.

Courtroom sketch of disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, longtime ally of the Clintons and husband to Hillary Clinton's aide Huma Abedin, as the judge sentences him to 21 months in federal prison.

Courtroom sketch of disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner, longtime ally of the Clintons and husband to Hillary Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin, as the judge sentences him to 21 months in federal prison.

When the courtroom had cleared, Weiner sat crying in his chair while his lawyers consoled him by patting him on the back. His mother, sitting next to his father and brother Jason, also sat crying on the bench behind him.

Abedin, the serial sexter’s soon-to-be ex-wife, was nowhere to be seen.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) seized his electronic devices and found more documents on his laptop sent to and from Hillary Clinton and Wiener’s wife, which were classified. In truth, the sentence was relatively light considering a conviction of the crime carried up to 10 years in prison.

Federal prosecutors demonstrated the former congressman from Brooklyn began a 2-month long sexting relationship with the teen from North Carolina shortly after she messaged him on Twitter in January 2016. He argued that he was addicted to a sick obsession with sexting strangers — as opposed to an obsession with underage girls — but is now in recovery.

“If I fail, I know what will happen,” Weiner said. “But with God’s grace, I will not.”

He made a plea for probation, claiming he wanted to continue his treatment that includes sessions with Sex Addicts Anonymous. But prosecutors demanded prison time, citing his most recent sexting relationship with a minor that began on the evening of January 23, 2016. A high school student messaged him on Twitter, to which he responded with a flurry of “provocative” messages despite knowing the teen was in high school.

Weiner must surrender himself to prison by November 6, 2017. His lawyer put in a request for Schuylkill Federal Correctional Facility in Pennsylvania, or another low-security prison near New York.

Clintonite Anthony Weiner has been sentenced to

U.S. President Donald Trump, right, and the President of the European Council Donald Tusk meet in Brussels on May 25, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

U.S. President Donald Trump, right, and the President of the European Council Donald Tusk meet in Brussels on May 25, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

It is an oft-repeated truism that progressivism (socialism) endeavors to equalize outcomes in society, while traditionalism (capitalism) seeks to equalize opportunities. In the light of current world events it is worth reevaluating this truism, specifically, insofar as it pertains to the phenomena of Donald Trump.

At the outset, it is important to explicitly state that both progressive and the traditional societies allow for the existence of supra-societal political and technocratic elites. These elites have different names of course, but essentially they are the same and serve the same purpose.

In the USSR, these elites consisted of the communist party nomenklatura and the top engineering and scientific talent. In America today, we talk of the Deep State, Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, academia, and top technical talent at Google and Amazon with their stock options. In Europe, China, Japan, Russia, and Israel, similar elites exist and it is those elites that wield the real power in their respective countries.

These elites were known to and hated by the Framers of the American Constitution. The elites of their day were overweight with hereditary nobility, which led them to believe that the absolute negation of the existence of such inherently privileged class of people in America would solve the problem. Interestingly, the scientific foundations of the soon to follow industrial revolution were already being laid at the time of the framing of the Constitution, but the transformational effects of these mathematical formulae were as yet hidden from view.

In any case, the technological explosion of mid-19th century necessitated a transfer of power from the states to the federal government, while at the same time creating a permanent technocratic class in the United States. Thus, the modern American elites were born and the Constitution diminished.

We will return to the topic of the elites in later paragraphs, but for now let’s address the very different fates of the regular citizens in progressive and traditional societies.

Progressive dogma seeks to homogenize the outcomes, meaning the actual standard of living, the actual experience of living for all non-elite members of society. Since human beings vary widely in their physical and cognitive abilities, levels of motivation, and perception of what constitutes a desired outcome, this goal is difficult to achieve. In Karl Marxian class-static societies built upon the twin foundations of farmers and factory workers, outcome equalization mechanisms can also be static, managed by the elites in the form of five-year plans.

These were the Soviet and early Chinese models of socialism. The achievement of complete homogenization of non-elite outcomes was the elusive state of communism, a state of utopia sought by the Russian and Chinese communist parties, which periodically issued amusingly precise forecasts as to when this state of bliss would be achieved.

The ever increasing pace of technological innovation and the penetration of technology into every segment of society created an increasingly dynamic environment in which classic Marxist homogenization mechanisms could no longer be even partially successful. As a result, classically Marxist societies ceased to exist; China, the biggest of these, transitioned to its traditional mode of free market meritocratic oligarchy, paying less than passing lip service to outcome equality.

The USSR, its foundational ideology incapable of delivering even the minimal standards of living in the modern era, collapsed and broke into pieces with all of its constituent parts abandoning the idea of outcome equality and adopting various forms of free market capitalism.

In a possibly less well-known development, Israel experienced a fate similar to other Marxist countries. Prior to the late 1980’s Israel’s governing ethos was one of socialist outcome equality, the Kibbutz, a purely Zionist invention, serving as the forward marker, an ideal of sorts, for a society in which non-elite outcomes are completely homogenized. However, Israel was not immune to the technologically induced dynamism of the information revolution.

By the early 1980’s Israel’s economy began to dangerously falter.

Soaring inflation hurt primarily the most vulnerable segments of society and considering the necessity for enormous defense expenditures, outcome equality became impossible to maintain. Israel was well on the road to becoming Maduro’s Venezuela, but instead of pursuing this path to self-destruction it jumped off the progressive bandwagon and sharply reformed its political system to that of a (mostly) free market.

Startup Nation, with all the warts of extreme income inequality was the result. GDP soared and with it the standard of living for most (though unfortunately not all) citizens.

Today, it is only Western Europe that is clinging to the progressive ideals. Since it is not immune to the same trends that made outcome equality impossible to achieve elsewhere, Western Europe adopted a number of mechanisms to enforce this dogma on its societies.

First came a significant expansion of the elites; these now included not only the bureaucrats, the academia, and top scientific personnel, but also the hundreds of thousands of engineers working in such semi-government organizations as Airbus. These people receive guaranteed salaries and benefits not only for their working years, but well beyond and into retirement, making them immune to the vagaries of non-elite life.

Second came an attempt at social engineering designed to homogenize outcomes by homogenizing the non-elite humans that generate these outcomes. This thinking is at the root of the progressive assault on such commonsense and even biological boundaries as sex, IQ, and motivation levels. Syphoning off, as early as elementary school high-IQ and high-motivation individuals–to be trained in private schools and universities to become part of the elites–Western Europe hopes that the remaining pool of human “raw material” can be homogenized to a degree that would guarantee a situation wherein no matter how fast spins the centrifuge of life.

It will not be able to de-homogenize the human mixture that the elites pour into it.

The mass migration from primarily Muslim countries recently engineered by the Western European elites can be thought of as the addition of a chemical catalyst to the homogenization reaction of the non-elite human raw material in Western Europe. Since most Eurocrats have technical educations, I suspect that they think of this in exactly these terms.

The addition of people used to lower standards of living and having radically different cultural and religious baggage serves to weaken the natural resistance culturally secure individuals may have towards being homogenized. The elites must have predicted the “side effects” of this policy in the form of the rise of the so called “far-right” (in reality simply traditionalist) parties like the French Front National and German AfD (Alternative for Germany), but their bet that these side effects could be marginalized and isolated at the ballot box seems to be (so far) borne out by events.

The newest and biggest progressive project is, of course, the attempted progressive takeover of America. This project was well underway with eight full years of the died in the wool progressive president Obama, who managed to put in place a delayed-action IED (improvised explosive device) designed to simultaneously blow up the existing system of healthcare delivery in America and make its replacement with a homogenized (for non-elites) universal healthcare system unavoidable.

Such a healthcare system is a cornerstone of any progressive society and must be in place before further progressive agenda items can be realized. It is hardly worth mentioning that since the Constitution is at its core an indictment of progressivism as the highest level of tyranny–or “charter of negative liberties,” as Obama called it–the success of the progressive project in America would delegate the American Constitution to the wastebasket of history where all other constitutions reside.

American progressives are employing the same toolkit that was pioneered by their European counterparts, expanding the elites to include all full-time employees of companies such as Google and Amazon, effacing boundaries between sexes, attacking Christianity as the bulwark of American cultural identity, and inviting unchecked migration from poor countries. The degree of success that was achieved by the deployment of these weapons however, proved to be markedly different in America than in Europe.

The American immune system, those antibodies planted so long ago by those Old White Men, seems to have belatedly sprung into action. The American nationalist traditionalist movement, unlike its Western European counterparts, did not find itself with one or two seats in the nosebleed section of Congress, but in the Oval Office.

Like their European counterparts, American progressives have

An SUV moves through the assembly line at the General Motors Assembly Plant in Arlington, Texas June 9, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

An SUV moves through the assembly line at the General Motors Assembly Plant in Arlington, Texas June 9, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

The Dallas Federal Reserve said the Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey continued to report strong factory activity growth despite the effects of Hurricane Harvey. The results stand in stark contrast to the Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI), which fell to negative territory post-Harvey.

The closely-watched production index only slightly decreased to 19.5 in September from 20.3 in August, suggesting factory output still grew at about the same pace. The general business activity index increased to 21.3, its highest reading in 7 months. The company outlook index posted its 13th consecutive positive reading, gaining 9 points to 25.6.

Labor market measures suggested faster employment growth and longer workweeks this month.

The employment index came in at 16.3, its highest level since April 2014. Twenty-eight percent (28%) of firms noted net hiring, compared with 11% noting net layoffs. The hours worked index rose 4 points to 18.4.

Upward pressure on prices increased, while wage pressures held steady in September. The raw materials prices index pushed up eight points to 34.5, its highest reading since July 2011. The finished goods prices index climbed seven points to 17.5, its highest level in 7 months. The wages and benefits index was essentially unchanged at 26.4.

Expectations regarding future business conditions continued to improve.

The indexes of future general business activity and future company outlook remained elevated at 34.5 and 39.9, respectively. Other indexes for future manufacturing activity showed mixed movements but remained solidly in positive territory.

Next release: Monday, October 30

Data were collected Sept. 12–20, and 111 Texas manufacturers responded to the survey. The Dallas Fed conducts the Texas Manufacturing Outlook Survey monthly to obtain a timely assessment of the state’s factory activity. Firms are asked whether output, employment, orders, prices and other indicators increased, decreased or remained unchanged over the previous month.

Survey responses are used to calculate an index for each indicator. Each index is calculated by subtracting the percentage of respondents reporting a decrease from the percentage reporting an increase. When the share of firms reporting an increase exceeds the share reporting a decrease, the index will be greater than zero, suggesting the indicator has increased over the prior month. If the share of firms reporting a decrease exceeds the share reporting an increase, the index will be below zero, suggesting the indicator has decreased over the prior month. An index will be zero when the number of firms reporting an increase is equal to the number of firms reporting a decrease. Data have been seasonally adjusted as necessary.

The Dallas Federal Reserve said the Texas

Manufacturing workers at the LCI Industries glass components plant in Elkhart, Indiana. (Photo: AP)

Manufacturing workers at the LCI Industries glass components plant in Elkhart, Indiana. (Photo: AP)

The Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) came in at -0.31 in August instead of the 0.11 forecast, indicating Hurricane Harvey had an impact on factory activity. It’s the lowest monthly reading since August of last year and the three-month average, at -0.04, is only the second negative score this year.

Two of the 4 broad categories of indicators that make up the index fell from July, while 2 of the 4 categories made negative contributions to the index in August.

The CFNAI was constructed using data available as of September 21, 2017.

At that time, August data for 51 of the 85 indicators had been published. For all missing data, estimates were used in constructing the index. The July monthly index value was revised to +0.03 from an initial estimate of –0.01, and the June monthly index value was unchanged from last month’s estimate of +0.16.

Revisions to the monthly index were due to revisions in previously published data and the differences between the estimates of previously unavailable data and subsequently published data.

The Chicago Fed National Activity Index (CFNAI) came

President Executive Order (Photo: AP)

President Executive Order (Photo: AP)

The White House announced an expansion of President Donald Trump’s travel ban to include 8 nations that did not meet new security standards developed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

The Trump Administration shared these new requirements with foreign governments back in July, and those that did not meet them were given 50 days to make required changes. Inadequate identity-management protocols, information-sharing practices and/or other current risk factors were cited as grounds for travel restrictions.

As a result, the proclamation also placed certain travel limitations and restrictions on travelers from North Korea, Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen. The White House said these limitations and restrictions are conditional and meant to be temporary. Restrictions on Venezuela only apply to certain government officials.

“Following an extensive review by the Department of Homeland Security, we are taking action today to protect the safety and security of the American people by establishing a minimum security baseline for entry into the United States,” President Trump said. “We cannot afford to continue the failed policies of the past, which present an unacceptable danger to our country. My highest obligation is to ensure the safety and security of the American people, and in issuing this new travel order, I am fulfilling that sacred obligation.”

The President also decided to exclude Iraq even though it did not meet the baseline after the Secretary of Homeland Security recommended nationals traveling to the U.S. be subject to additional scrutiny. Further, the President and the Secretary of Homeland Security determined that while Somalia generally satisfies the minimum information-sharing requirements, it presents special circumstances that warrant specific restrictions and security enhancements to protect the American people.

“We cannot risk the prospect of malevolent actors using our immigration system to take American lives,” White House Chief of Staff John Kelly said in a statement.

The “Executive Order Protecting The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States,” which bars the issuance of visas to citizens of six majority-Muslim nations identified as hotbeds of terrorism by the Obama Administration, was due to expire on Sunday.

After a series of legal challenges in judge-shopped courts known for their leftwing activism, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) twice sided with the Trump Administration and permitted it to go forward until oral arguments were heard on October 10, 2017. On June 26, the Court unanimously and largely reinstated the travel ban until oral arguments were heard, though they left it open to limitation.

But on September 12, the Court granted the Trump Administration’s request to block a lower court ruling allowing them to more strictly enforce the order.

“If you can’t screen people effectively to know who’s coming into your country, then you shouldn’t allow people from that country to travel,” National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster added.

The initial executive order came on the heels of the DHS revealing nearly a third of the 1,000 domestic terrorism cases currently being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) involve those admitted to the U.S. as refugees.

Officials said some of those 300 came to “infiltrate” the U.S., while others were radicalized once they were in the country. The report represented the first official solid tie between the refugee resettlement program and an increase in domestic terrorism.

“It is the President’s solemn duty to protect the American people and with this order, President Trump is exercising his authority to keep our people safe,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said.

The People’s Pundit Daily (PPD Poll) Big Data Poll has repeatedly found majority support for President Trump’s executive order.

The White House announced an expansion of

Former Alabama Chief Justice and U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore speaks to supporters, Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2017, in Montgomery, Ala. Moore, who took losing stands for the public display of the Ten Commandments and against gay marriage, forced a Senate primary runoff with Sen. Luther Strange, an appointed incumbent backed by both President Donald Trump and heavy investment from establishment Republican forces. (Photo: AP)

Former Alabama Chief Justice and U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore speaks to supporters, Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2017, in Montgomery, Ala. Moore, who took losing stands for the public display of the Ten Commandments and against gay marriage, forced a Senate primary runoff with Sen. Luther Strange, an appointed incumbent backed by both President Donald Trump and heavy investment from establishment Republican forces. (Photo: AP)

A new Alabama Senate poll finds Judge Roy Moore crushing Democrat Doug Jones 52% to 30%, a commanding lead of more than 20 points. Incumbent Senator Luther Strange also leads the former U.S. attorney, but by a smaller 49% to 36% margin.

The Emerson College Poll results are the complete opposite of Big Media talking points that have been fed to voters for weeks. Alabama is not only solidly Republican but also conservative, and Judge Moore, who is known as the Ten Commandment’s Judge, is out of step with D.C. mediates, not with the Heart of Dixie.

Read Also: Alabama Senate Poll: Strange Closes the Gap, But Moore Still Holds Solid Lead

That’s clearly what PPD’s editor and polling head Richard Baris was colorfully saying on Twitter.

The Emerson Poll also found Judge Moore still leads Sen. Strange 50% to 40%, but that gap has narrowed from the 40% to 26% margin in their last survey. Voters in Alabama also approve of the judge more than the other candidates, though all of them are underwater and pale in comparison to President Donald Trump.

Forty-three percent (43%) approve of Judge Moore, while 46% disapprove. That’s still better than Sen. Strange, who has a 33% approval and 52% disapproval spread. Jones has a 27% approval and 26% disapproval spread. Worth noting, approval isn’t the same as favorable.

President Trump has a 61% favorable and 32% unfavorable spread, but of likely GOP Alabama primary voters, his popularity soars to 80% favorable.

A new Alabama Senate poll finds Judge

President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Senator Luther Strange in Huntsville, Alabama on September 22, 2017. (Photo: AP)

President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Senator Luther Strange in Huntsville, Alabama on September 22, 2017. (Photo: AP)

While Senator Luther Strange has closed the gap in the final week, Judge Roy Moore still holds a solid lead in the latest and final Alabama Senate poll by Emerson College. President Donald Trump visited Huntsville on Friday to headline a rally for Senator Strange, who was forced into a runoff in the race to face Democrat Doug Jones in the general election.

The eventual winner will be heavily favored to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the U.S. Senate.

Judge Moore still leads Sen. Strange 50% to 40%, but that gap has narrowed from the 40% to 26% margin in the last Emerson College Poll. With a 61% favorability rating, which rises toa whopping 80% among likely GOP Alabama primary voters, President Trump’s support has no doubt helped the incumbent.

However, even among his supporters, Judge Moore holds a slight 49% to 47% lead. That’s without question a significant improvement for Sen. Strange since the last poll, in which Moore led among the Trump base by a larger 51% to 32%.

Nevertheless, as PPD’s editor and polling head Richard Baris laid out in a recent analysis of the race, the incumbent still has an uphill battle to win. In the first round, Judge Moore received 38.9% of the vote, or 162,570 total votes, while Sen. Strange earned 32.8%, or 136,910 total votes.

“As our county-by-county post-election analysis explained, it isn’t enough for Sen. Strange and President Trump to increase turnout in the second round of voting on Tuesday,” he explained. “They will have to change minds for the appointed incumbent to have a chance.”

President Trump has attempted to undo the punishing narrative that tied the incumbent to the very unpopular Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The senator from Kentucky has had his allied-political action committees (PACs) dump tens of millions of dollars into the race and, thus far, it had no measurable impact.

It was only until the popular president got involved that polls have shown at least some tightening in the final weeks. Regardless, Baris says, the Big Data models bode badly for the president’s endorsed candidate.

He continues:

Giving the frontrunner roughly half of the support that backed Rep. Mo Brooks and others, there are still an 24 additional counties in which Judge Moore could carry the majority in the two-way matchup, including several larger counties.

It’s no accident the president chose to visit Huntsville, which is located in Madison County. That’s Rep. Brook’s home base and it went his way with 50% of the vote juxtaposed to 27% for Sen. Strange and only 19% for Judge Moore.

A brand new 0ptimus survey conducted from Friday to Saturday also had the anti-establishment candidate at 55.4% and the Trump/McConnell-backed incumbent at 44.6%. A similiar 80% of those surveyed and 86% of GOP primary voters know President Trump endorsed Sen. Strange, but Judge Moore continues to maintain his lead.

The PPD Big Data Poll taken during the second week in September found Judge Moore leading Sen. Strange by 9 points, 52% to 43%. While more than 8 in 10 Republican primary voters in Alabama had a favorable opinion of President Trump, roughly 70% said his endorsement wouldn’t make a difference. The PPD Poll also found the challenger taking voters who previously back Rep. Mo Brooks by a 2 to 1 margin.

While it was even in the last Emerson Poll, supporters of Rep. Brooks, who won 20% of the vote in the first round in August, are now backing Judge Moore 67% to 21%.

“The Emerson Poll is now starting to look like the PPD Poll as it relates to Brooks voters,” Baris added in a response to the new poll. “As we’ve shown with the models, unless our polling data are wrong Sen. Strange is going to lose.”

A FOX10 News/Strategy Research Poll released just this weekend found a near-identical spread, with 54% saying they’ll vote for Judge Moore and 46% saying they’ll back Sen. Strange. While 20% of those polled said the president’s endorsement did make a difference, 80% said it did not.

On to the general election, Judge Moore is now crushing Jones 52% to 30%.

While Senator Luther Strange has closed the

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