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Attorney General Jeff Sessions, center, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, to his right, hold a press conference announcing the dismantling of the largest dark website in the world on July 20, 2017. (Photo: AP)

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, center, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, to his right, hold a press conference announcing the dismantling of the largest dark website in the world on July 20, 2017. (Photo: AP)

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Friday that the Justice Department (DOJ) has charged four criminal leakers and tripled the number of investigations. President Donald J. Trump has repeatedly called for prosecutions of these leaks, which has assaulted the Trump Administration at unprecedented numbers.

“While the Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters, it is important for the American people—and for those who might be thinking about leaking sensitive or classified information—to know that criminals who would illegally use their access to our most sensitive information to endanger our national security are, in fact, being investigated and prosecuted,” Attorney General Sessions said.

He revealed that since January, DOJ has more than tripled the number of active leak investigations compared to the number pending at the end of the Obama Administration.

“And we have already charged four people with unlawfully disclosing classified material or with concealing contacts with foreign intelligence officers,” he said.

On Thursday, The Washington Post reported the leaked transcripts of President Trump’s conversations with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. Even Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the Ranking Member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the leak was outrageous and is a dire threat to national security.

“No one is entitled to surreptitiously fight their battles in the media by revealing sensitive government information,” Attorney General Sessions said. “No government can be effective when its leaders cannot discuss sensitive matters in confidence or to talk freely in confidence with foreign leaders.”

Circa News reported that FBI General Counsel James A. Baker is the “top suspect” in one of these investigation into leaks. He is suspected of leaking of classified information that originated from the Justice Department to the media in order to damage the President.

“We are taking a stand. This culture of leaking must stop,” he said. “So, today, I have this message for the intelligence community: The Department of Justice is open for business. And I have this warning for would-be leakers: Don’t do it.”

The attorney general said the Justice Department is also reviewing policies regarding media subpoenas, adding that while the government much respect the role that the press plays, it is not unlimited. The Senate Homeland Security Committee released a 24-page report titled “State Secrets: How and Avalanche of Media Leaks is Harming National Security.” It estimated the Trump Administration has had about one leak per day.

The committee concluded that the Trump Administration faced an “alarming” amount of media leaks that posed a threat to national security. People’s Pundit Daily has estimated that the White House has seen roughly 7 times the number of leaks than the previous two administrations.

“They cannot place lives at risk with impunity,” he said. We must balance their role with protecting our national security and the lives of those who serve in our intelligence community, the armed forces, and all law abiding Americans.”

In June, the New York Times outed the name of a clandestine operator, a spy, working for the Central Intelligence Officer (CIA) in Iran. The media also revealed the origin nation of intelligence shared with Russia. They did the latter to hurt President Trump, but inevitably put the operators embedded with the Islamic State (ISIS) at risk.

The examples are plentiful, including information shared with U.S. intelligence officials dealing with details of the Manchester bomber. Again, it was meant to embarrass President Trump while he was aboard.

“Finally, here is what I want to tell every American today: This nation must end the culture of leaks. We will investigate and seek to bring criminals to justice,” Attorney General Sessions concluded. “We will not allow rogue anonymous sources with security clearances to sell out our country any longer.”

“These cases are never easy. But cases will be made, and leakers will be held accountable.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday that

National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster answers questions at a White House press briefing. (Photo: AP)

National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster answers questions at a White House press briefing. (Photo: AP)

National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is “subverting” President Donald Trump on “everything” relating to foreign policy, particular foreign interventions. The President ran and won on an “America First” agenda that seeks to keep the nation out of foreign conflicts.

But according to a new report by The Daily Caller (TheDCNF), who spoke with former members of the National Security Council (NSC), Gen. McMaster is a “sycophant” of retired Army Gen. David Petraeus and is trying to move the Trump Administration away from the President’s campaign promises.

“Everything the president wants to do, McMaster opposes,” another former senior official told TheDCNF in what they say was a “wide-ranging” interview. “Trump wants to get us out of Afghanistan — McMaster wants to go in. Trump wants to get us out of Syria — McMaster wants to go in. Trump wants to deal with the China issue — McMaster doesn’t. Trump wants to deal with the Islam issue — McMaster doesn’t.”

“You know, across the board, we want to get rid of the Iran deal — McMaster doesn’t. It is incredible to watch it happening right in front of your face,” the official said. “Absolutely stunning.”

Mr. McMaster has repeatedly clashed with the populist forces in the Trump Administration and represents a more neoconservative (neocon) wing of the Republican Establishment. Last Thursday, Derek Harvey, a senior director for the Middle East brought on by Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn who remained close to Steve Bannon, was removed from the NSC after Secretary of Defense James Mattis, a McMaster ally, complained.

McMaster did lose a battle over the Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) covert operations in Syria, which as People’s Pundit Daily has reported, funds so-called rebels verifiably under the command of al-Qaeda. President Trump shut down the operation after watching a video of the rebels executing a young boy.

However, he won a victory with the hiring of Cyril Sartor to serve as senior director for Africa, given prior relationship with the CIA. The official said he fully expects the National Security Advisor to continue to purge “campaign Trump” loyalists over the next two weeks.

“I just fear there is a real creeping of status quo thinking that is taking over the place,” another official said. “I was upset while I was there in seeing how empowered Obama holdovers under McMaster were to essentially perpetuate Obama-era policies.”

It was initially believed that Mr. Harvey’s deputies–Joel Rayburn and Michael Bell–would remain on the NSC. But earlier this week Michael Bell took over Harvey’s position and they were removed. Deputy National Security Adviser K.T. McFarland, a brilliant realist foreign policy and Flynn ally, was pushed out of the NSC in April, though she remained in a weakened position until May.

“The Trumpian view that we were trying to put forward was shut down,” he declared.

National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is "subverting"

Job seekers wait to meet with employers at a career fair in New York City, October 24, 2012. (Photo: Reuters)

Job seekers wait to meet with employers at a career fair in New York City, October 24, 2012. (Photo: Reuters)

The Labor Department said the U.S. economy added 209,000 jobs in July, labor participation increased and the unemployment rate was 4.3%. The unemployment rate is now at the lowest level it’s been since May 2001.

The less-cited but perhaps more important employment-population ratio basically held up at 60.2% in July, but is up by 0.4% over the year.

These results are much stronger than the median forecast calling for only 183,000 jobs, and even more than the Econoday consensus forecast of 178,000. Of the total 209,000, a whopping 205,000 were jobs created in the private sector as opposed to total nonfarm payrolls.

In May, the government added 37,000 jobs, though it was unusually strong for the year.

Manufacturing added 12,000 jobs in July, while construction added 18,000. While the number in mining increased by a smaller 1,000 jobs, it has risen an average of 7,000 each month since its low from October 2016. Mining collapsed under the Obama Administration, but has surged since the election of President Donald Trump.

With more jobs being created in high-payer sectors, as opposed to the service sector dominating job creation almost exclusively, wages have begun to rise again.

In July, wages posted a strong 0.3% increase, as average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 9 cents to $26.36. Still, over the year, average hourly earnings have risen by 65 cents, or 2.5%. In July, average hourly earnings of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees increased by 6 cents to $22.10.

The Labor Department said the U.S. economy

Donald Trump holds a rally in West Virginia.

Donald Trump holds a rally in West Virginia.

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice, a Democrat, announced at a Trump rally he is switching his party affiliation to the Republican Party.

“I’ll tell you as West Virginians, I can’t help you anymore being a Democrat governor,” Gov. Justice said to a roaring crowd. “Tomorrow, I will be changing my registration to Republican.”

The West Virginia Republican Party Chairman Conrad Lucas welcomed Gov. Justice into the fold. “We look forward to Governor Justice reflecting the conservative values of our Party and platform,” he said.

“We’re thrilled that Governor Jim Justice wants to join our efforts,” said Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker of the Republican Governors Association (RGA).

President Trump held the rally in Huntington, West Virginia on Thursday night just as news broke that Special Counsel Robert Mueller impaneled a grand jury in Washington. Finding no evidence of so-called “Russian collusion,” which People’s Pundit Daily has reported is not a crime nor is there any evidence of one, Mr. Mueller is attempting to find a crime despite growing calls for him to resign over ethics conflicts.

President Trump addressed the development first reported by The Wall Street Journal on Thursday. He said the Russia investigation “makes them feel better when they have nothing else to talk about.”

“Democratic lawmakers can continue their Russian obsession or they can serve the interests of the American people,” he said.

President Trump said federal investigators should be looking into Hillary Clinton, her husbands paid speeches in Russian that was followed by the secretary approving the Uranium 1 Deal, which gave 20% of U.S. uranium resources in the hands of “very angry Russians.”

“We didn’t win because of Russia, we won because of you,” he told the crowd of thousands. “Are there any Russians here tonight? There are no Russians in West Virginia or Ohio.”

The Special Counsel to the President Ty Cobb welcomed the news.

“Grand jury matters are typically secret,” Mr. Cobb said. “The White House favors anything that accelerates the conclusion of his work fairly.…The White House is committed to fully cooperating with Mr. Mueller.”

Despite his approval rating slipping nationally, President Trump remains very popular in West Virginia and most of the battleground states he won in November. Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters and all 55 counties in the state supported him in November. His approval rating remains above 60% in the states.

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice, a Democrat,

Graphic: President Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America. (Photo: People's Pundit Daily)

Graphic: President Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America. (Photo: People’s Pundit Daily)

President Donald Trump’s approval rating took a hit in the month of July, falling to 41% in the People’s Pundit Daily Big Data Poll (PPD Poll).

“The healthcare defeat was so devastating that blame is trickling up to President Trump in the White House,” said Richard Baris, editor and head of PPD’s Big Data Poll. “That may be fair or it might not be; that’s not for me to say. But Americans are beginning to wonder if this Republican president and majority can govern effectively.”

White voters eroded from 52% approve to 49%, while the percentage disapproving held at 40% for the second time in three surveys. Previously, the percentage of white voters disapproving of the president has generally remained in the mid 30s.

The spread among black voters worsened from -69 to -73, while it actually improved slightly among Hispanics from -33 to -31. Asian voters were largely unchanged at -37, though that particular demographic has been the most steady in opposition to President Trump since he was inaugurated on January 20, 2017.

Only 11% of Republicans think he is “at least somewhat” to blame, while 84% say Republicans in Congress are at least somewhat to blame.

“There was a very close relationship between the roughly 1 in 10 Republican voters who put some blame on President Trump and his slight deterioration among party loyalists,” Baris said. “Still, the vast majority of the damage this month came from persuadable voters, some of whom worry about chaos and some inaction.”

Unlike other oft-cited surveys, PPD Battleground State Polls pegged President Trump’s victories on the statewide level in all but two states we identified as battlegrounds within tens of percentage points, including Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. In Ohio, the PPD Poll underestimated his support by roughly 4 points.


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The PPD Poll follows level 1 AAPOR standards of disclosure and WAPOR/ESOMAR code of conduct. All publicly released surveys are subscriber– and individual reader donations-funded, not sponsored by any other media outlet, partisan or political entity.

The national poll was conducted from July 27 to August 2 and is based on 1367 interviews of likely voters participating in the PPD Internet Polling Panel. The PPD Poll has a 95% confidence interval and is not weighted based on party affiliation (party ID), but rather demographics from the U.S. Census Current Population Survey–i.e. age, gender, race, income, education and region.

Partisan affiliation is derived from a proprietary likely voter model and demographic weighting, not the other way aroundThe sample identified a partisan split of 32% Republican, 36% Democrat and 32% Independent/Other. Read about methodology here.

President Donald Trump's approval rating took a

A Boeing worker is pictured in the wing system installation area at their factory in Renton, Washington, U.S., February 13, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

A Boeing worker is pictured in the wing system installation area at their factory in Renton, Washington, U.S., February 13, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

The U.S. Census Bureau said no Thursday that factory orders surged 3.0% in June, gaining $14.0 billion to $481.1 billion. The extremely positive report beat the 2.7% median economic forecast and followed a 0.8% and 0.3% in May and April, respectively

Factory orders were largely fueled by a more than doubling in monthly aircraft orders. Excluding transportation equipment, orders actually fell 0.2% in June following a 0.1% in May and no change in April.

Shipments fell 0.2%, or $0.1 billion to a virtually unchanged to $236.2 billion. The decline was driven by transportation equipment, which fell $0.4 billion or 0.5% to $78.8 billion.

Inventories of manufactured durable goods in June, up eleven of the last twelve months, increased $1.8 billion or 0.5% to $397.4 billion.

But the 1.3% surge in unfilled orders is a major positive in the report , which had been flat. Unfilled orders for manufactured durable goods in June increased $14.2 billion to $1,135.7 billion.

Without aircraft, the factory sector would still be struggling to take off this year.

The U.S. Census Bureau said no Thursday

A waitress serves a steak and fried shrimp combo plate to a customer at Norms Diner on La Cienega Boulevard in Los Angeles, California May 20, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

A waitress serves a steak and fried shrimp combo plate to a customer at Norms Diner on La Cienega Boulevard in Los Angeles, California May 20, 2015. (Photo: Reuters)

The Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM) Non-Manufacturing (NMI) Index cooled to 53.9% in July, down from 56.9% in June. Still, the report points to underlying strength. Inventories are at 56.5, delivery times slowing and, perhaps most importantly, backlog orders (52.0) continue to rise.

Business activity and production slowed to 55.9, down from an overheated 60.8 in the prior report. Employment slowed to 53.6, which is not a positive sign for tomorrow’s jobs report, though the weekly jobless claims report showed that labor market demand remained strong and long-term unemployment was at historic lows.

Prices increased from 52.1 to 55.7.

The 15 non-manufacturing industries reporting growth in July — listed in order — are: Accommodation & Food Services; Information; Educational Services; Other Services; Utilities; Public Administration; Wholesale Trade; Retail Trade; Mining; Real Estate, Rental & Leasing; Construction; Transportation &Warehousing; Health Care & Social Assistance; Professional, Scientific & Technical Services; and Finance & Insurance. The two industries reporting contraction in July are: Management of Companies &Support Services; and Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting.

The Institute for Supply Management's (ISM) Non-Manufacturing

Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley

Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley

Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley has decided to form an exploratory committee to weigh a challenge to incumbent Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill. The development is a big boon to Republicans and very bad news for one of the most vulnerable Red State Senate Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.

Sen. McCaskill, 64, is one of 10 Senate Democrats in a state carried by President Donald J. Trump in November. Worse still, ticket-splitting fell to 0% in 2016, an ominous sign for the incumbent.

The Missouri GOP has been trying to recruit the popular and articulate Attorney General Hawley, who clobbered his Democratic challenger in 2016. He won 61.1% to just 38.9% for Teresa Hensley, or by more than 500,000 votes.

In April, prominent Republican supporters released a public letter urging him to take on Sen. McCaskill, who only survived in 2012 because she ran against a highly-flawed candidate. Some of the signers included former Sen. John Danforth, former Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder and prominent donor David Humphreys.

While People’s Pundit Daily hasn’t yet released the 2016 PPD Senate Election Projection Model, the Missouri Senate race is rated will be rated a Toss Up/Battleground when it is published later this week. The PPD Model has been the most accurate model on the Internet since it was established in 2014.

Mr. Hawley, 37, will launch an exploratory committee this week as part of his “process to consider becoming a candidate,” according to spokesman Scott Paradise. The state campaign committee “has ceased expenditures and the soliciting or accepting of donations while he considers becoming a federal candidate.”

He is loved among Republicans and even got a call from Vice President Mike Pence in July urging him to run.

The attorney general previously worked as an associate professor at the University of Missouri School of Law. He was 1 of 15 lawyers in a landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, in which Hobby Lobby and other faith-based businesses challenged the ObamaCare contraception mandate.

Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley has decided

Weekly Jobless Claims Graphic. Number of Americans applying for first-time jobless benefits.

Weekly Jobless Claims Graphic. Number of Americans applying for first-time jobless benefits.

The Labor Department said on Thursday first-time claims for jobless benefits fell by 4,000 to 240,000 for the week ending July 29, 2017. The 4-week moving average was 241,750 a decrease of 2,500 from the previous week.

The previous week’s average was revised up by 250 from 244,000 to 244,250.

No state was triggered “on” the Extended Benefits program during the week ending July 15.

The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate was a very low 1.4% for the week ending July 22, unchanged from the previous week’s unrevised rate.

The highest insured unemployment rates in the week ending July 15 were in Puerto Rico (3.8), New Jersey (2.7), Connecticut (2.5), Pennsylvania (2.3), Alaska (2.2), California (2.1), Rhode Island (2.1), Massachusetts (2.0), Illinois (1.8), and New York (1.7).

The largest increases in initial claims for the week ending July 22 were in Missouri (+1,470), California (+306), South Dakota (+96), Michigan (+58), and Alaska (+13), while the largest decreases were in New York (-9,135), Georgia (-3,062), Alabama (-2,740), South Carolina (-2,123), and Pennsylvania (-2,016).

The Labor Department said on Thursday first-time

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller arrives at an installation ceremony at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. on Monday, Oct. 28, 2013. (Photo: AP)

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller arrives at an installation ceremony at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. on Monday, Oct. 28, 2013. (Photo: AP)

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has assembled a team to investigate President Donald Trump that can accurately be characterized as a Democrat hit squad. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mr. Mueller to be special counsel after fired FBI Director James Comey leaked government memos for that explicit purpose.

Mr. Mueller, himself a former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is a longtime friend and mentor to Mr. Comey.

As People’s Pundit Daily previously reported, Justice Department (DOJ) ethics policies and the law governing special counsels clearly prohibit Mr. Mueller from serving in the role due to their relationship. Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., a top member of the House Judiciary Committee, is calling for him to resign.

“Bob Mueller is in clear violation of federal code and must resign to maintain the integrity of the investigation into alleged Russian ties,” Rep. Franks said in a statement. “Those who worked under them have attested he and Jim Comey possess a close friendship, and they have delivered on-the-record statements effusing praise of one another.”

Despite the law, Mr. Mueller has thus far refused to resign. Instead, he continues to hire an army of partisan prosecutors riddled with ethics conflicts. A controversial member of the team has even been accused of breaking the law, and has a reputation for leading politically motivated witch hunts.

People’s Pundit Daily reviewed records from the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) and it was problematic, to say the least.

James Quarles is widely known for his prosecutorial work on Watergate. Less widely known is his 30-year history of reaching into his pockets to fund Democratic candidates. He has given roughly $30,050 exclusively to various Democrats over the last 3 decades, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Jeanine Rhee not only donated at least $9,150 to Democratic candidates but gave the maximum allowed contribution under the law to Mrs. Clinton in 2015 and 2016. She also donated to Mr. Obama, as well as Democratic Sen. Mark Udall of New Mexico, Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

The latter sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee chaired by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Ia., which is currently investigating Mr. Comey for potentially criminal behavior. Sen. Whitehouse is also the Ranking Member of the Senate Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, which plays a role in the congressional probe into Russian election meddling.

Worse still, she also worked as a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation. Even worse still, her job was to to block Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that could’ve forced Bill and Hillary Clinton to answer questions under oath about their pay-for-play operations disguised as a family-run charity.

Andrew Weissmann has given at least $4,300 to Democratic candidates, including Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton. But it’s his reputation as a politically-motivated prosecutor that is equally, if not more troubling than his political preferences.

He has a history of serious ethics violations, which were brought up before the First Judicial Department Disciplinary Committee in New York.

The Justice Department said Mr. Weissmann and then-Chief White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler “plainly suppressed” evidence favorable to the defense when he was a federal prosecutor leading the Enron Task Force.

While the Fifth Circuit ruled that the more than 6,000-plus pages of evidence withheld from former Merrill Lynch manager James A. Brown’s attorneys would not have helped his case at trial, it’s not the end of the story.

Sidney Powell, who served as lead counsel in more than 500 federal appeals, filed an ethics complaint against Mr. Weissmann along with William Hodes, one of the bar’s leading ethics experts. It alleged he not only hid evidence but also called “cooperating witnesses” who gave what he knew to be false testimony.

“During his years on the Enron Task Force, Prosecutor Weissmann was widely known for intimidating witnesses, hiding evidence, and unethical and heavy-handed, if not illegal, tactics,” said Powell, who has written about the case for the legal site Seeking Justice.

Fortunately for him, the New York Bar decided to secretly kick it over to the Office of Professional Responsibility at DOJ. The Justice Department was supposed to be making the case against him, but ended up on both sides of the complaint. It was an ethics nightmare that ended without accountability.

“As long as he held the power to indict, however, few dared speak out,” Powell added. “He repeatedly threatened to indict people who contradicted his view of the Enron cases.”

The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) unanimously overturned the conviction that Mr. Weissman and the Enron Task Force secured for the accounting firm Arthur Andersen.


Because of Mr. Weissmann’s unethical actions, specifically giving jury instructions that removed criminal intent from the law and improperly portrayed the law Andersen was charged with breaking.

The jury was told that “even if petitioner honestly and sincerely believed its conduct was lawful, the jury could convict,” which was not true.

Arthur Andersen was charged under 18 U.S.C. § 1512(b)(2)(A) and (B), which is to “knowingly … corruptly persuad[e] another person … with intent to … cause” that person to “withhold” documents from, or “alter” documents for use in, an “official proceeding.”

Chief Justice William Rehnquist wrote in the opinion that the instructions were so vague that they “simply failed to convey the requisite consciousness of wrongdoing.”

“Indeed, it is striking how little culpability the instructions required,” the former Chief Justice wrote. “Only persons conscious of wrongdoing can be said to ‘knowingly corruptly persuade.”

But the law didn’t seem to matter to Mr. Weissmann and the Enron Task Force, just as fidelity to the law governing special counsels doesn’t seem to matter for Mr. Mueller. Greg Andres, a recent addition to the 16-person team, donated at least $3,700 to Democrats and is married to Ronnie Abrams, a U.S. district judge in Manhattan.

She was nominated to the bench in 2011 by… drumroll… Barack Obama.

Andrew Goldstein, the most recent addition to the special counsel team, donated at least $3,300.

“No one knows Mr. Mueller’s true intentions, but neither can anyone dispute that he now clearly appears to be a partisan arbiter of justice,” Rep. Franks said. “Accordingly, the law is also explicitly clear: he must step down based on this conflict of interest.”

People’s Pundit Daily has learned that more lawmakers will come out and openly call for Mr. Mueller to resign on the basis of these conflicts. He has already lost the confidence of the House Judiciary Committee, which last week sent a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions requesting he appoint another special counsel to investigate “the real criminals”–James Comey and Loretta Lynch.

Mr. Comey admitted under oath Ms. Lynch, the former attorney general under Mr. Obama, told him to call the Clinton email probe a “matter,” not an investigation, as People’s Pundit Daily first reported on May 11. As sources in the report stated prior Mr. Comey’s testimony vindicating their previous claim, the decision not to prosecute Mrs. Clinton was not at all unanimous, as he claimed in his testimony under oath.

“Comey was never an investigator or agent. Special agents are trained and were insulted that Comey included them in his artificial ‘we,’” one agent, who spoke on the condition of anonymity said. “To suggest all agreed there was not enough to prosecute, was misleading. It’s false. Trained investigators agreed that there was more than enough. He stood in the way.”

Indeed, agents said he pulled the rug out from underneath them in order to protect Ms. Lynch after she was caught holding a secret meeting with Bill Clinton on her government airplane at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. The highly-improper meeting, which took place during the ongoing investigation, was only revealed after a local reporter noticed the overlap in their travel schedules and decided to poke around.

“Until Mueller resigns, he will be in clear violation of the law, a reality that fundamentally undermines his role as Special Counsel and attending ability to execute the law.”

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Special Counsel Robert Mueller has assembled a

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