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Gov. Sam Brownback signs a welfare reform bill into law in Topeka, Kan., Thursday, April 16, 2015. (Photo: AP)

Gov. Sam Brownback signs a welfare reform bill into law in Topeka, Kan., Thursday, April 16, 2015.
(Photo: AP)

President Donald J. Trump plans to nominate Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback to serve as Ambassador for the Office of International Religious Freedom. The White House confirmed the nomination on Wednesday night.

Gov. Brownback, 60, is expected to resign as governor and conservative Lt. Gov. Jeff Colyer will serve in his place. He is a favorite of the Christian right for taking principled stances on abortion and religious freedom.

He won the governor’s office in 2010 as a U.S. senator with roughtly 63% of the vote and went on to win reelection in 2014, despite what was thought to be a close race. But voters recently rejected his tax plan in a referendum vote, leaving his politically weakened at home.

Gov. Brownback was raised on a family farm in eastern Kansas before becoming a lawyer. He served as his state’s agriculture secretary from 1986 to 1993 and was subsequently elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1994 during the “Republican Revolution.” That year, led by Newt Gingrich and offering a Contract with America, the GOP took control of both the House and the U.S Senate for the first time in 40 years.

Two years later, he ran and won the senate seat once held by Bob Dole, who previously resigned to run for president. Gov. Brownback, a Methodist who converted to Catholicism in 2002, won a full six-year term in 1998 and another in 2004. His religious devotion has led him to crusade for helping the poor in struggling nations.

President Donald J. Trump plans to nominate

A Wal-Mart Stores Inc employee works in one of the company's distribution centers in Bentonville, Arkansas. (Photo: Reuters)

A Wal-Mart Stores Inc employee works in one of the company’s distribution centers in Bentonville, Arkansas. (Photo: Reuters)

Walmart Stores Inc (NYSE:WMT) on Wednesday unveiled a “policy roadmap” to create 1.5 million new jobs and “renew” the U.S. manufacturing sector. The 10-point plan (viewable below) aims to “recapture” an estimated $300 billion in imported consumer goods and spur growth in domestic manufacturing.

“As we’ve worked over the last four years alongside our suppliers toward our goal to source an additional $250 billion in products that support American jobs, we’ve learned a great deal about the challenges our suppliers face in domestic manufacturing,” said Cindi Marsiglio, Vice President for U.S. Sourcing and Manufacturing. “The good news is we’ve also learned how to overcome the challenges and, because of our experience, Walmart is uniquely positioned to help facilitate broad engagement in accelerating the expansion of U.S. manufacturing.”

The company met with government and business leaders in Washington to discuss their plans only days after the Trump Administration wrapped up “Made in America Week.” The White House showcased companies in all 50 states that made products in the country.

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) reported last month its closely-watched manufacturing index (PMI) came in at 57.9 in June, beating the 55.1 consensus forecast. It was the strongest reading in almost 3 years, since August 2014.

Under the Trump Administration, Walmart believes there is an opportunity to cut into the $650 billion of consumer goods that are currently imported, including furniture, cookware, and sporting goods.

“Every $100 billion of retailer spend that is on-shored has the potential to create over 500,000 direct manufacturing jobs, which could potentially result in an additional 1.5 million indirect jobs,” the “Policy Roadmap to Renew U.S. Manufacturing” states. “With the right policies and industry tactics, the U.S. can strengthen our manufacturing industry and drastically reduce long-term unemployment by both driving job creation and upskilling a workforce capable of excelling in newly created manufacturing positions.”

Shares of Wal-Mart Stores Inc closed up 0.38, or 0.48% to $78.90 per share on Wednesday.

[pdfviewer width=”740px” height=”849px” beta=”true/false”]https://www.peoplespunditdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Walmart-Policy-Roadmap.pdf[/pdfviewer]

Walmart Stores Inc (NYSE:WMT) on Wednesday unveiled

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 20: U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) (C) approaches the microphones before talking with reporters with Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) (L), Sen. John Thune (R-SD) and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) (R) following the weekly GOP policy luncheon at the U.S. Capitol June 20, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo: Reuters)

WASHINGTON, DC – JUNE 20: U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) (C) approaches the microphones before talking with reporters with Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) (L), Sen. John Thune (R-SD) and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) (R) following the weekly GOP policy luncheon at the U.S. Capitol June 20, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo: Reuters)

The U.S. Senate voted to reject a conservative amendment for a “straight repeal” of ObamaCare with a two-year window to replace the failing law, breaking a 7-year promise to voters.

Seven Republicans–including Shelley Moore Capito, W.Va., Susan Collins, Me., Dean Heller, Nev., John McCain, R-Ariz., Rob Portman, Ohio, Lamar Alexander, Ala., and Lisa Murkowski, Alaska–joined Democrats to make the vote 55 to 45.

All but Sen. Collins of Maine voted “Yes” on an almost identical bill in 2015, when Republicans voted 52-47 to repeal ObamaCare because they knew it would be vetoed by Barack Obama. Now that Republicans have the chance to cast a meaningful vote, keep a 7-year promise to voters with a president willing to sign it, they caved.

The amendment, which was offered by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kty., was not expected to pass the upper chamber. Every single one of the 46 Democrats and 2 independent-in-name only liberal senators all voted against the measure.

“It’s a victory for conservatives that we did get a vote for a clean repeal,” Sen. Paul said after the vote.

But the result clearly frustrated other Republican senators, with many expressing outright disbelief that their colleagues flip-flopped on legislation they had voted for just two years ago.

“I think everybody in there, maybe except for one senator, promised their supporters, their voters that they supported repeal of Obamacare,” Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said. “A lot of them said ‘root and branch.’ Now, we’re so far away from that. I’d just remind my colleagues, remember what you promised your voters.”

On Monday, President Donald J. Trump unloaded on both Republicans and Democrats. Flanked by “ObamaCare victims” at the White House, he laid out a blistering critique of “a small group of politicians and special interest” who “engineered a government takeover of health care.” He said D.C. politicians on both sides have made one “meaningless promise” after another to the American people on ObamaCare.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell may attempt to move forward what senators have referred to as “skinny” repeal. That proposal repeals part of ObamaCare, such as the individual and employer mandates, as well as the medical device taxe.

During a rally in Ohio on Tuesday night, President Trump issued a warning to Republicans about repealing ObamaCare.

“Any senator who votes against repeal and replace is telling America that they are fine with the ObamaCare nightmare, and I predict they’ll have a lot of problems.”

The U.S. Senate voted down an amendment

A 787 Dreamliner being built for Air India is pictured at South Carolina Boeing final assembly building in North Charleston, South Carolina. (Photo: Reuters)

A 787 Dreamliner being built for Air India is pictured at South Carolina Boeing final assembly building in North Charleston, South Carolina. (Photo: Reuters)

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDEXDJX:.DJI) closed up 97.58 points, or 0.45% to a new record high of 21,711.01.

Boeing Company (NYSE:BA) rose 20.92 points, or 9.84% to $233.45 per share after posting strong earnings.

The S&P 500 (INDEXSP:.INX) and the Nasdaq Composite (INDEXNASDAQ:.IXIC) also hit fresh new intraday highs, the former closing up 0.7, or 0.03% to 2,477.83, while the latter closed up 10.57 points, or 0.16% to 6,422.75.

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Oil prices hit a two-month high after the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said domestic crude supplies continued to fall last week. Crude Oil WTI (CL) ended the session up 4.47%, rising to $48.73 a barrel.

Get a complete stock market overview of major stocks, indexes, currencies and commodities on PPD Markets.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDEXDJX:.DJI) closed

President Donald J. Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos meet with parents and teachers at Saint Andrew Catholic School in Orlando, Florida, March 3, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

President Donald J. Trump and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos meet with parents and teachers at Saint Andrew Catholic School in Orlando, Florida, March 3, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said President Donald J. Trump will donate his second quarter salary to the Department of Education.

“This quarter, the President of the United States will be donating his salary to the Department of Education,” Ms. Sanders said at the daily White House Press briefing on Wednesday.

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos accepted the donation, which totals $100,000, and said the President’s salary will be used to “host a STEM-focused camp for kids at the Department of Education.”

“I want to start by saying how grateful I am to the President for this generous gift,” Secretary DeVos said. “The President has truly shown his commitment to our nation’s students and to reforming education in America so that every child, no matter their ZIP code, has access to a high quality education.”

President Trump promised during the campaign to donate his salary and has made good on that promise during the first two quarters. In the first quarter, he told reporters in the White House Press Corps to choose a charity or focus for him.

“He and I have had many conversations about how best to put students’ needs first and to ensure we are setting them up for a lifetime of success,” Secretary DeVos added. “There is much work to be done, but we are certainly on the right track thanks to the President’s leadership.”

STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach.

“Today’s and tomorrow’s economy requires engaged students, boys and girls, are prepared for STEM careers. That’s why we have decided to use the President’s 2nd quarter salary to host a STEM-focused camp for students at the Department of Education,” Secretary DeVos said in closing. “We want to encourage as many children as possible to explore STEM fields in the hope that many develop a passion for these fields.”

“We look forward to this exciting endeavor. Again, thank you to President Trump for this generous gift.”

[brid video=”154368″ player=”2077″ title=”Education Secretary Betsy DeVos President Trump Donating 2Q Salary to DoE”]

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Paul Ryan takes questions about the Senate health care bill during his weekly press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., July 13, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

Paul Ryan takes questions about the Senate health care bill during his weekly press conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., July 13, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

It’s depressing to see how Republicans are bungling the ObamaCare issue. But it’s also understandable since it’s politically difficult to reduce handouts once people get hooked on the heroin of government dependency (a point I made even before Obamacare was enacted).

Unfortunately, I fear that the GOP might bungle the tax issue as well. I was interviewed the other day by Dana Loesch on this topic and highlighted several issues.

Here’s the full discussion.

What’s especially frustrating about this issue is that taxes should be reduced. A lot.

Brian Riedl of the Manhattan Institute debunks six tax myths. Here they are, followed by my two cents.

Myth #1: Long-term deficits are driven by tax cuts and falling revenues

Fact: They are driven entirely by rapid spending growth

Brian nails it. I made this same point earlier this year. Indeed, because the tax burden is projected to automatically increase over time, it is accurate to say that more than 100 percent of the long-run fiscal problem is caused by excessive spending (particularly poorly designed entitlement programs).

Myth #2: Democratic tax proposals would significantly reduce the deficit

Fact: Their most common proposals would raise little revenue

Once again, Brian is right. There are ways to significantly increase the tax burden in America, such as a value-added tax. But the class-warfare ideas that attract a lot of support on the left won’t raise much revenue because upper-income taxpayers have substantial control over the timing, level and composition of their income.

Myth #3: Taxing millionaires and corporations can balance the long-term budget

Fact: These taxes cannot cover Washington’s current commitments, much less new liberal wish lists

Since even the IRS has admitted that upper-income taxpayers finance a hugely disproportionate share of the federal government, it hardly seems fair to subject them to even more onerous penalties. Especially since the IRS data from the 1980s suggest punitive rates could lead to less revenue rather than more.

Myth #4: The U.S. income tax is more regressive than other nations

Fact: It is the most progressive in the entire OECD

There are several ways to slice the data, so one can quibble with Brian’s assertion. But when comparing taxes paid by the rich compared to taxes paid by the poor, it is true that the United States relies more on upper-income taxpayers than any other developed nation. Not because we tax the rich more, but because we tax the poor less.

Myth #5: The U.S. tax code is becoming more regressive over time

Fact: It has become increasingly progressive over the past 35 years

Brian is right. Child credits, changes in the standard deduction and personal exemptions, and the EITC have combined in recent decades to take millions of households off the tax rolls. And since the U.S. thankfully does not have a value-added tax, lower-income people are largely protected from taxation.

Myth #6: Tax rates do not matter much to economic growth

Fact: They are among the most important factors

There are many factors that determine a nation’s economic success, including trade policyregulationmonetary policy, and rule of law, so a good tax code isn’t a guarantor of prosperity and a bad tax system doesn’t automatically mean malaise. But Brian is right that taxation has a significant impact on growth.

In the interview, I said that I had two fantasies. First, I want to junk the corrupt internal revenue code and replace it with a simple and fair flat tax.

Second, I’d ultimately like to shrink government so much that we could eliminate the income tax entirely.

Many people don’t realize that income taxes only began to plague the world about 100 years ago.

If we can somehow restore the kind of limited government envisioned by America’s Founders, the dream of no income tax could become a reality once again.

But if Republicans can’t even manage to cut taxes today, when they control both the executive and legislative branch, then neither one of my fantasies will ever become reality.

America desperately needs tax cuts and tax

Senate Judiciary Committee Democratic Sens. Al Franken, D-Minn., left, Chris Coons, D-Del., center, and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., right. (Photo: C-SPAN)

Senate Judiciary Committee Democratic Sens. Al Franken, D-Minn., left, Chris Coons, D-Del., center, and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., right. (Photo: C-SPAN)

Senate Democrats used a parliamentary rule Wednesday to cut short a hearing before a witness with new information could give damning testimony against Fusion GPS. Bill Browder, the CEO and co-founder of Hermitage Capital, was set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about the shadowy firm being hired to conduct “smear campaigns.”

Funded by Democrats, Fusion GPS hired former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele to gather opposition research against then-Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. The result was the Kremlin-sourced discredited Trump dossier, which Democrats widely circulated knowing it contained discredited information.

Mr. Bowder was going to testify on Russia’s misdeeds and also raise fresh allegations against Fusion GPS. He was also going to testify that the smear campaign was orchestrated by Natalia Veselnitskaya–the Russian attorney who sought a meeting at Trump Tower with Donald Trump Jr., his brother-in-law Jared Kushner and then-presidential campaign manager Paul Manafort.

Mr. Steele almost exclusively used sources linked to the Kremlin and Russian President Vladimir Putin. As The Washington Times reported, he has identified his sources in the dossier as “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure,” a former “top level Russian intelligence officer active inside the Kremlin,” a “senior Kremlin official” and a “senior Russian government official.”

Mr. Browder released written testimony ahead of the hearing. However, his public testimony was shut down when Democrats took the unprecedented step of invoking a “two-hour rule” masked as a protest to repeal ObamaCare. The seldom-used rule bars committees from meeting more than two hours after the full Senate begins a session.

He is now expected to testify Thursday against Fusion GPS, an intel company founded by two former Wall Street Journal reporters, including Glenn Simpson.

“Veselnitskaya, through Baker Hostetler, hired Glenn Simpson of the firm Fusion GPS to conduct a smear campaign against me and Sergei Magnitsky in advance of congressional hearings on the Global Magnitsy Act,” Mr. Browder wrote.

He also stated in his prepared testimony that Fusion GPS helped to organize a Washington D.C.-based premiere of a “fake documentary” about Mr. Magnitsky and himself.

“While they were conducting these operations in Washington D.C., at no time did they indicate that they were acting on behalf of Russian government interests, nor did they file disclosures under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA).”

“This was one of the best examples of Putin’s propaganda.”

Natalia Veselnitskaya sitting with Barack Obama’s Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul during a congressional hearing on Russia and Ukraine on June 14, 2016.

Natalia Veselnitskaya sitting with Barack Obama’s Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul during a congressional hearing on Russia and Ukraine on June 14, 2016.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Ia., the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has been asking about the connection between Democrats, the Russians and Fusion GPS since March 2017. He also pressed James Comey, the fired former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), what role the fake dossier had in his investigation against Trump associates and Russian meddling.

“Mr. Simpson’s company, Fusion GPS, is the same firm that oversaw the creation of the unverified Trump Dossier,” Chairman Grassley said in his opening statement. “It is vital for the Committee to fully understand Fusion’s failure to register under FARA and its role in the creating and spreading of the dossier.”

He noted Fusion GPS helped to “orchestrate a propaganda campaign” to repeal the Magnitsky Act.

“There are public reports that the FBI used the dossier to kickstart its Russia investigation—Did the FBI know that Fusion pitched Russian propaganda for another client as it pushed the Trump dossier?” he asked.

Before being cut short by the Democrat’s parliamentary trick, Chairman Grassley questioned Ms. Veselnitskaya’s intentions behind her seeking a meeting with Don Jr. at Trump Tower.

“Was it just a clumsy bait-and-switch effort in their unregistered propaganda and influence campaign? They offered dirt on the opponent to get the meeting and then made their pitch against the Magnitsky Act?” he asked. “Or was it an offer of collusion? Or maybe both?”

Ms. Veselnitskaya was also tied to Fusion GPS when the chairman disclosed last month that they were players in the case involving Prevezon Holdings, a company run by Russian businessman Denis Katsyv.

Mr. Katsyv retained Ms. Veselnitskaya after he became the target of the U.S. Department of Justice in a civil asset forfeiture case. The Justice Department alleged Prevezon benefited from a money-laundering scheme in Russia that was uncovered in 2008 by Mr. Magnitsky, a Russian attorney and auditor who was tortured and murdered.

In response, the U.S. Congress passed into law the Magnitsky Act, which Trump Jr. claims Ms. Veselnitskaya made the topic of their conversation during the meeting in June 2016. According to WikiLeaks cables, Hillary Clinton was opposed to the Magnitsky Act.

On May 25, 2015, Clinton campaign staffer Jesse Lehrich wrote the following to the campaign’s rapid response group.

“With the help of the research team, we killed a Bloomberg story trying to link HRC’s opposition to the Magnitsky bill to a $500,000 speech that WJC gave in Moscow.”

WJC is William Jefferson Clinton, otherwise known as former President Bill Clinton. According to Mrs. Clinton’s ethics disclosure form filed while she was serving as secretary of state, Mr. Clinton was paid $500,000 by the Russia-based finance company Renaissance Capital for a speech he made in Moscow on June 29, 2010. Russian President Vladimir Putin himself called him to express his gratitude for it.

Senate Democrats used a parliamentary rule to

[brid video=”154332″ player=”2077″ title=”Tulsi Gabbard Defends President Trump on Ending CIA Ops in Syria”]

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Ha., defended President Donald J. Trump’s decision to end the covert Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operation in Syria. The Washington mainstream media exploded over the news, with The Washington Post running a headline claiming that the move serves Russia.

“It’s been widely reported that for years now that the CIA was providing arms, intelligence, money and other types of support to these armed militants who were working hand-and-hand and often times under the command of al-Qaeda in Syria. This isn’t a matter of we are giving weapons to other people and they’re falling into the wrong hands. We are directly arming armed militants who are working under the command of al-Qaeda all in this effort to overthrow the Syrian government.”

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Ha., defended President Donald

FILE PHOTO - House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) speaks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol, hours before an expected vote to repeal Obamacare in Washington, D.C., U.S. on May 4, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)
FILE PHOTO – House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) speaks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol, hours before an expected vote to repeal Obamacare in Washington, D.C., U.S. on May 4, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., has been released from the hospital after being readmitted and his condition downgraded last month.

“Congressman Steve Scalise has made excellent progress in his recovery from a life-threatening gunshot wound six weeks ago,” the hospital said in a statement. “Yesterday, he was discharged from MedStar Washington Hospital Center and is now beginning a period of intensive inpatient rehabilitation.”

Rep. Scalise, 51, was shot in June at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park by a leftwing gunman. He received several blood transfusions to combat blood loss and needed multiple surgeries after suffering a gun shot wound to his hip area. The House Whip was transferred out of the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) on Thursday, June 22 and remained in fair condition until July, when he was readmitted and his condition was downgraded to “serious” amid new concerns of infection.

“He is in good spirits and is looking forward to his return to work once he completes rehabilitation,” MedStar Washington Hospital Center added. “He and his family are grateful for the care he received from the trauma team as well as the other doctors, nurses, and staff of MedStar Washington Hospital Center. The family also appreciates the outpouring of prayers and support during this time.”

Nebraska Democrat: ‘I’m Glad Scalise Got Shot. I Wish He Was F–king Dead’

James Hodgkinson, of Belleville, Illinois, was identified as the man who shot the House Whip and three others–including Capitol Police special agent Crystal Griner, Tysons Food lobbyist Matt Mika and congressional staffer Zach Barth–as Republicans were practicing for the Congressional Baseball Game.

Hodgkinson, 66, a leftwing activist and supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., was shot and killed by police during the attack. He carried a hit list containing the names of six Republicans.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise has been

A real estate sign advertising a new home for sale is pictured in Vienna, Virginia, outside of Washington, October 20, 2014. (Photo: Reuters)

A real estate sign advertising a new home for sale is pictured in Vienna, Virginia, outside of Washington, October 20, 2014. (Photo: Reuters)

The U.S. Census Bureau reported Wednesday that new home sales in the U.S. improved to a 610,000 annualized rate in June, but supply rose only slightly. That’s 0.8% (±12.1%) higher than the revised May rate of 605,000 and 9.1% (±14.4%) higher than the June 2016 estimate of 559,000.

The seasonally-adjusted estimate of new houses for sale at the end of June was 272,000. This represents a supply of 5.4 months at the current sales rate.

The median sales price of new houses sold in June 2017 was $310,800, while average sales price was $379,500.

The U.S. Census Bureau reported Wednesday that

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