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President Donald Trump on Friday ordered tighter restrictions on Americans traveling to Cuba and a clampdown on U.S. business dealings with the Castro regime. (Photo: Reuters)

President Donald Trump on Friday ordered tighter restrictions on Americans traveling to Cuba and a clampdown on U.S. business dealings with the Castro regime. (Photo: Reuters)

President Donald J. Trump on Friday in Miami, Florida announced his new Cuba policy, which reverses much of the Obama era easing of travel and trade. He was warmly received by Cuban-Americans and the symbolic importance of the policy wasn’t lost on those in attendance at the event.

While it is fair to say the move marked a major campaign promise kept to the Cuban-American population in the nation’s largest battleground state, it also fair to say it doesn’t rollback everything the previous administration did.

“You can’t put the genie back in the bottle 100 percent,” a senior administration official conceded Thursday.

But there are significant changes made that prevent the Castro regime from enriching themselves through concessions given by the Obama administration’s concessions and restrictions to dealings that benefit the regime and its military.

“Our new policy begins with strictly enforcing U.S. law. We will not lift sanctions on the Cuban regime until all political prisoners are free, all political parties are legalized and free and supervised elections are scheduled,” the President said. “We challenge Cuba to come to the table for a new agreement that is in the best interest of their people and our people, including Cuban-Americans.”

One of the most important changes deals with transactions with the Business Administration Group, S.A — GAESA — which will now be prohibited. GAESA is the company of the Cuban Armed Forces that controls 60% of the Cuban economy, or as the Trump Administration put it “virtually every profitable sector of the economy.”

Here’s what the White House says it will do.

President Donald J. Trump is changing the policy of the United States toward Cuba to achieve four objectives:

  1. Enhance compliance with United States law—in particular the provisions that govern the embargo of Cuba and the ban on tourism;
  2. Hold the Cuban regime accountable for oppression and human rights abuses ignored under the Obama policy;
  3. Further the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States and those of the Cuban people; and
  4. Lay the groundwork for empowering the Cuban people to develop greater economic and political liberty.

Summary of Key Policy Changes:

  • The new policy channels economic activities away from the Cuban military monopoly, Grupo de Administración Empresarial (GAESA), including most travel-related transactions, while allowing American individuals and entities to develop economic ties to the private, small business sector in Cuba. The new policy makes clear that the primary obstacle to the Cuban people’s prosperity and economic freedom is the Cuban military’s practice of controlling virtually every profitable sector of the economy. President Trump’s policy changes will encourage American commerce with free Cuban businesses and pressure the Cuban government to allow the Cuban people to expand the private sector.
  • The policy enhances travel restrictions to better enforce the statutory ban on United States tourism to Cuba. Among other changes, travel for non-academic educational purposes will be limited to group travel. The self-directed, individual travel permitted by the Obama administration will be prohibited. Cuban-Americans will be able to continue to visit their family in Cuba and send them remittances.
  • The policy reaffirms the United States statutory embargo of Cuba and opposes calls in the United Nations and other international forums for its termination. The policy also mandates regular reporting on Cuba’s progress—if any—toward greater political and economic freedom.
  • The policy clarifies that any further improvements in the United States-Cuba relationship will depend entirely on the Cuban government’s willingness to improve the lives of the Cuban people, including through promoting the rule of law, respecting human rights, and taking concrete steps to foster political and economic freedoms.
  • The policy memorandum directs the Treasury and Commerce Departments to begin the process of issuing new regulations within 30 days. The policy changes will not take effect until those Departments have finalized their new regulations, a process that may take several months. The Treasury Department has issued Q&As that provide additional detail on the impact of the policy changes on American travelers and businesses.

President Donald J. Trump's new Cuba policy

U.S. President Donald Trump walks beside Belgium's Prime Minister Charles Michel (R) upon arriving at the Brussels Airport, in Brussels, Belgium, May 24, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

U.S. President Donald Trump walks beside Belgium’s Prime Minister Charles Michel (R) upon arriving at the Brussels Airport, in Brussels, Belgium, May 24, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

Don’t be fooled.

Those in America’s political press working overtime to run President Donald Trump out of the White House aren’t really trying to save democracy from “dying in the darkness.”

The real saving mission they’re on is much more personal. It’s one aimed at trying to save their credibility.

In many ways, it’s perfectly understandable why so many in the political press would like nothing more than for the Trump presidency to just simply go away.

By any honest assessment, Trump, orchestrator of the “Make America Great Again” campaign, took everything they thought they knew about how politics should be played on the national stage and completely eviscerated it.

From memorably branding his Republican primary opponents on social media to masterfully exploiting free television appearances to publicly antagonizing some of the most revered media outlets in the country, Trump abandoned political conventionality entirely in favor of shock and awe.

The now-president’s antics had cable news commentators genuinely shrieking in horror daily and nightly all throughout the run-up to last year’s general election.

Pundits with the benefit of column space continually wrote piece after piece detailing how Hillary Clinton was going to blow Trump off the electoral map and preserve Barack Obama’s legacy.

As far as the political press was then concerned, there was absolutely no way that Trump could win the presidency.

It was an impossibility.

Polling data they cited ad nauseam assured them it wouldn’t happen.

Needless to say, the political earthquake that shocked the world on November 8, 2016 was an epic embarrassment that many purported political experts still aren’t anywhere close to getting over.

Not only were some of the biggest names out there in American politics exposed as being completely out of touch with the country’s mood last fall, they were shown to severely lack in imagination.

Never in their wildest dreams did prognosticators working in the political press ever conceive that such a significant portion of the electorate – enough to allow Trump to decisively take the Electoral College – absolutely had it with political correctness, career politicians, and business as usual in Washington.

To the political media’s dismay, voters that ultimately decided the 2016 presidential election weren’t obsessing over identity politics, climate change, wanting to reign in law enforcement, or further empowering the regulatory state.

What those voters wanted – what happened to be the sweet spots Trump understood better than anyone else – were jobs, a growing economy, control along the southern border, ObamaCare to be revamped, adherence to law, and the gloves to finally be taken off in the global fight against ISIS.

Sadly, instead of trying to learn anything from so badly misreading the electorate and being oblivious to the populist rage that fueled it, many continuing to opine on politics in the country’s major newspapers and over the airwaves have spent over six months diving straight into an eerie form of groupthink.

Aside from all but declaring that absolute truths in politics are now vitally essential to the country’s survival, those in the political press continue to go out of their way to treat anything Trump-related – no matter how benign – as cataclysmic events.

Each and every day is a new constitutional crisis. Every decision Trump makes is unprecedented. Anything and everything reminds them of Watergate.

Some have even taken to literally begging the public at large for leaks.

Without question, many in America’s political press are working angry and determined. They’re also very much sickened to have to admit they missed the rise of Trump from the onset. Truth be told, they’re far more distraught that the president has already revealed something many in the country now believe more than ever before.

Many of those that cover politics in the media for a living really do know next to nothing, at all.

Don’t be fooled. The media isn't working

President Donald J. Trump places his hand over his heart as Luis, a Cuban-American dissident, plays the Star Bangled Banner during the President's announcement of his new policy on Cuba in Miami, Florida on June 16, 2017. (Photo: People's Pundit Daily)

President Donald J. Trump places his hand over his heart as Luis, a Cuban-American dissident, plays the Star Bangled Banner during the President’s announcement of his new policy on Cuba in Miami, Florida on June 16, 2017. (Photo: People’s Pundit Daily)

President Donald J. Trump on Friday announced his new Cuba policy in Miami, Florida, rolling back several Obama era policies to ease restrictions on trade and travel. The U.S. Embassy will remain in Havana and transfers of cash that have already been made will be honored.

“Effectively immediately, I am cancelling the previous administration’s completely one-sided deal with Cuba,” President Trump said to an ecstatic crowd of Cuban-Americans. “Today, I am announcing a new policy just as I promised the Cuban people. It will seek a new deal that benefits the Cuban people and America.”

In attendance at the event were Vice President Mike Pence, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Florida Governor Rick Scott. Sen. Rubio, himself a Cuban-American, gave a brief speech in which he told attendees a story about a phone call he made to the President the day after Election Day.

“The first thing he said was, ‘What are we going to do to help the Cuban people,” Sen. Rubio said.

Both the senator and governor have been vehement opponents of the easing of restrictions agreed upon by the Obama administration. In return, the U.S. got nothing.

President Trump made it clear on Friday, “those days are over.”

“We now hold the cards. The previous administration’s easing of travel and trade does not help the Cuban people,” he said. “They only enrich the Cuban regime.”

President Donald J. Trump announces his new Cuba policy in Miami, Florida on June 16, 2017. (Photo: People's Pundit Daily)

President Donald J. Trump announces his new Cuba policy in Miami, Florida on June 16, 2017. (Photo: People’s Pundit Daily)

“Today Cuba is ruled by the same people who murdered tens of thousands of its citizens. It sought to spread their failed and oppressive ideology throughout our hemisphere.”

President Trump will sign an executive order directing the U.S. Treasury and Commerce Departments to provide regulations to prohibit direct financial transactions with the military intelligence and security services.

“Our new policy begins with strictly enforcing U.S. law. We will not lift sanctions on the Cuban regime until all political prisoners are free, all political parties are legalized and free and supervised elections are scheduled,” the President said. “We challenge Cuba to come to the table for a new agreement that is in the best interest of their people and our people, including Cuban-Americans.”

President Trump called on the Cuban regime to hand over “fugitives,” specifically naming the New Jersey cop-killer Joanne Chesimard. Now going by the name of Assata Shakur, Chesimard was found guilty of killing New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster in 1973 before she escaped from prison and fled to Cuba, where notorious socialist dictator President Fidel Castro gave her asylum.

“The Castro regime has shipped armed to North Korea and harbored cop-killers and terrorists,” he said. “My administration will never excuse it or turn a blind eye to it. We remember what happened.”

The FBI designated Chesimard a domestic terrorist, making her the first woman to be placed on the agency’s Most Wanted Terrorist List.

“You have no choice. The harboring of fugitives will end,” he said. “Our Embassy remains open in the hope our countries can forge a much better path.”

“With God’s help, a free Cuba is what we will soon achieve,” President Trump said.

President Donald J. Trump announced his new

UNITED STATES - JUNE 2: House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., speaks to the media following the House Republican Conference meeting in the Capitol on Tuesday, June 2, 2015. (Photo: AP)

UNITED STATES – JUNE 2: House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., speaks to the media following the House Republican Conference meeting in the Capitol on Tuesday, June 2, 2015. (Photo: AP)

House House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., “remains in critical condition” but showed improvement after he was shot Wednesday morning at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park.

After receiving several blood transfusions to combat blood loss as a result of a gun shot wound to his hip area, doctors were having trouble controlling post-trauma bleeding.

“Earlier today, Congressman Steve Scalise underwent a second surgery related to his internal injuries and a broken bone in his leg,” MedStar Washington Hospital Center said in a statement late Thursday. “He remains in critical condition, but has improved in the last 24 hours. The congressman will require additional operations, and will be in the hospital for some time.”

James Hodgkinson, 66, a leftwing activist and supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has been identified as the man who shot the House Whip, and 3 others. Sen. Sanders confirmed he had worked on his campaign and said he was “sickened” by the action, but then added “real change can only come about through nonviolent action.”

He opened fire on Republican members of Congress Wednesday morning as they practiced for the annual Congressional Baseball Game in the Del Ray neighborhood of Alexandria, Virginia. It’s located roughly 10 miles from Washington D.C.

The game went on as planned on Thursday and raised more than $1 million for Congressional Sports for Charity. President Donald J. Trump visited Scalise, 51, in the hospital on Wednesday, and sent a video message that was played at the start of the game.

“By playing tonight, you are showing the world that we will not be intimidated by threats, acts of violence, or assaults on our democracy,” President Trump said. “The game will go on.”

UPDATE: MedStar Washington Hospital Center

Press briefing remarks by Dr. Jack Sava, Director of Trauma for MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Shared on behalf of the Scalise family, June 16, 2017, 3:15 p.m.

We are aware that many in the nation are concerned about the patients brought to us for care, after the shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, on Wednesday, June 14. I want to provide some background and an update.

Special Agent Crystal Griner with the United States Capitol Police sustained a gunshot wound to the ankle, and remains hospitalized in good condition.

Congressman Steve Scalise sustained a single wound from a rifle, entering in the area of his left hip. The bullet traveled straight across toward the other hip, in what we call a transpelvic gunshot wound. The round fragmented, and caused significant damage to bones, internal organs and blood vessels. I understand he was awake initially, but due to severe bleeding, by the time he arrived at MedSTAR by helicopter, he was in shock.

My partners, Dr. Tony Shiflett and Dr. Christine Trankiem, as well as other doctors and nurses, saw him in the trauma center, and immediately transported him to the operating room for surgery. In the OR, he was in critical condition and received many units of blood transfusion for ongoing hemorrhage from multiple locations. He received truly amazing anesthesia care from Dr. Scott Frank and Dr. Eric Skolnick. Largely due to their work, we were able to get him through the operation and take him to Interventional Radiology, where Dr. Arshad Khan performed another procedure to further control bleeding.

From there he was taken to intensive care under the care of Dr. Chadi Abouassaly. Over the course of Wednesday night, we were encouraged to see evidence that we had controlled the bleeding. Yesterday, (June 15, 2017) Dr. Trankiem and I performed a second operation, and Dr. Rob Golden, our director of orthopaedic trauma, repaired a bone in the leg.

The Congressman remains in critical condition. Over the last 36 hours, we have been encouraged to see some improvement in his condition. We have controlled the internal bleeding, and his vital signs have stabilized.

The Congressman will require additional operations to manage abdominal injuries and other broken bones. He will be in the hospital for some time. Predicting the length of that hospital stay will be much easier after a few more days have passed. After discharge he will need a period of healing and rehabilitation.

On behalf of the MedSTAR Trauma team, I’d like to thank the special agents on the scene for their outstanding life-saving response, and I’d like to thank the first responders for the excellent care given to all the people injured. We are aware here at the Hospital Center of their critical role, and we salute their commitment and dedication.

Bio: Jack Sava, MD, FACS

Jack Sava, MD, FACS, is the director of Trauma at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, a Level I Trauma Center. He also directs the General Surgery Residency Program. He has specialized training in General Surgery, Critical Care and Trauma.

Dr. Sava received his undergraduate degree in philosophy from the University of California at Berkeley, and his medical degree from McGill Medical School in Montreal. His internship was at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, followed by a surgical residency at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital and a fellowship in Trauma/Critical Care at LAC+USC Medical Center.

He is a member of numerous surgical associations, has lectured locally and nationally, and has authored many abstracts, journal articles and book chapters in his field.

Other Physicians Mentioned in Statement

Tony Shiflett, DO, Trauma Surgeon
Christine Trankiem, MD, Trauma Surgeon
Chadi Abouassaly, MD, Trauma Surgeon
Scott Frank, MD, Anesthesiologist
Eric Skolnick, MD, Anesthesiologist
Arshad Khan, MD, Vascular Interventional Radiologist
Robert Golden, MD, Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon

June 15, 2017, 8:10 pm

Earlier today, Congressman Steve Scalise underwent a second surgery related to his internal injuries and a broken bone in his leg. He remains in critical condition, but has improved in the last 24 hours. The Congressman will require additional operations, and will be in the hospital for some time. At the request of the family, we will continue to provide periodic updates.

June 14, 2017, 8:15 pm

Congressman Steve Scalise sustained a single rifle shot to the left hip. The bullet traveled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs, and causing severe bleeding. He was transported in shock to MedStar Washington Hospital Center, a Level I Trauma Center. He underwent immediate surgery, and an additional procedure to stop bleeding. He has received multiple units of blood transfusion. His condition is critical, and he will require additional operations. We will provide periodic updates.

House House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La.,

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with representatives of Russian major animation studios in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, May 31, 2017. (Photo: Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with representatives of Russian major animation studios in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday, May 31, 2017. (Photo: Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

Russia said Friday that it killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and other leaders in a strike in late May, a claim U.S. officials could not confirm. According to a statement, the Russian ministry said al-Baghdadi was killed in a Russian strike in late May along with other senior group commanders.

“We cannot confirm these reports at this time,” U.S. Army Col. Ryan Dillon said.

The ministry said an air raid on May 28 targeted an ISIS meeting held on the southern outskirts of Raqqa in Syria, which also killed about 30 mid-level militant leaders and about 300 other fighters. The Russians further claimed they had information indicating the meeting was a leadership gathering to discuss withdrawing from Raqqa, the group’s self-proclaimed capital in Syria.

The U.S. State Department had offered $25 million for information that leads to the location of al-Baghdadi, his arrest and conviction.

Russia said Friday that it killed ISIS

UNITED STATES - JUNE 2: House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., speaks to the media following the House Republican Conference meeting in the Capitol on Tuesday, June 2, 2015. (Photo: AP)

UNITED STATES – JUNE 2: House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., speaks to the media following the House Republican Conference meeting in the Capitol on Tuesday, June 2, 2015. (Photo: AP)

House House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., “remains in critical condition” though improved after he was shot Wednesday at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park. MedStar Washington Hospital Center said in a statement updating his status that the other patient “is in good condition.”

“Earlier today, Congressman Steve Scalise underwent a second surgery related to his internal injuries and a broken bone in his leg. He remains in critical condition, but has improved in the last 24 hours,” Medstar said. “The Congressman will require additional operations, and will be in the hospital for some time. At the request of the family, we will continue to provide periodic updates.”

After receiving several blood transfusions to combat blood loss as a result of a gun shot wound to his hip area, doctors are reportedly having trouble controlling post-trauma bleeding.

James Hodgkinson, 66, a leftwing activist and supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has been identified as the man who shot the House Whip, his aide and at least 2 others. Sen. Sanders confirmed he had worked on his campaign and said he was “sickened” by the action, but then added “real change can only come about through nonviolent action.”

He opened fire on Republican members of Congress Wednesday morning as they practiced for the annual Congressional Baseball Game in the Del Ray neighborhood of Alexandria, Virginia. It’s located roughly 10 miles from Washington D.C.

“We were like sitting ducks,” Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said. “Without the Capitol Hill police it would have been a massacre.”

Sen. Paul, who along with others credited Rep. Scalise’s security detail as the reason mass casualties were avoided, described the scene as “sort of a killing field.”

Hodgkinson, of downstate Belleville, Illinois, had reportedly been living with his wife in Virginia for the past two weeks. His social media page was riddled with Trump-hating posts showing he was duped by the Democrat- and media-fueled conspiracy theory that President Donald J. Trump “colluded” with Russian officials to influence the 2016 presidential election.

That charge has now been thoroughly been debunked on a bipartisan basis by the Senate Intelligence Committee, and even by fired former FBI director James Comey.

Offering prayers for the all of the victims’ “swift recovery,” President Trump praised the “heroism” of Capitol Police officers during the attack.

House House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La.,

Rod Rosenstein, nominee to be Deputy Attorney General, testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington March 7, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

Rod Rosenstein, nominee to be Deputy Attorney General, testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington March 7, 2017. (Photo: Reuters)

In light of James Comey’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee last Thursday, the PPD Editorial Board called on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to dissolve the special counsel. The fired FBI director admitted to leaking documents with the explicit aim to force the appointment of a special counsel, which is now led by his friend, mentor and predecessor.

Since that call, Robert Mueller has stacked his team with partisan Democratic activists who double as federal prosecutors. Let’s look at just one of the numerous examples.

Jeannie Rhee, who gave maximum campaign contributions to Hillary Clinton in 2015 AND 2016, previously worked as a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation. Her job was to block Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that could’ve forced Bill and Hillary Clinton to answer questions under oath about pay-for-play operations at the family-run charity.

Prior to that, Rhee also donated $2,300 to Obama in 2008 and $2,500 in 2011, as well as Democrats Mark Udall of New Mexico, Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island. She was donating to the Democratic National Committee Services Corp., while she was still working at the Justice Department (DOJ).

This is Mr. Mueller’s team, which is exactly what we anticipated when we called on him to resign last week. But as People’s Pundit Daily reported earlier this week, having to force this discussion in the public sphere is an outrage.

With Mr. Comey volunteering himself as the star witness, Justice Department ethics policies and the statute governing special counsels clearly prohibit Mr. Mueller from serving in this role.

Section II(c) of the DOJ Government Ethics Outline demands “No DOJ employee may participate in a criminal investigation or prosecution if he has a personal or political relationship with any person or organization substantially involved in the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or prosecution, or who would be directly affected by the outcome.”

28 USC Section 528 requires “the disqualification of any officer or employee of the Department of Justice, including a United States attorney or a member of such attorney’s staff, from participation in a particular investigation or prosecution if such participation may result in a personal, financial, or political conflict of interest, or the appearance thereof.”

“Such rules and regulations may provide that a willful violation of any provision thereof shall result in removal from office.”

This is not a suggestion.

That first editorial has now been mirrored by others and there is a growing chorus shouting the obvious: Mueller Must Go!

William G. Otis, former special counsel for President George H.W. Bush and adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center, added to these calls on Wednesday. Citing the very same statutes and ethics policies reported by People’s Pundit Daily, Mr. Otis wrote an op-ed in USA Today calling on Mr. Mueller to “take a cue from Sessions” and resign.

There is much to be said for all this, none of it happy-making. One thing that can be said with clarity is that, under the ethics rules cited by Sessions, Mueller has a long-term relationship with Comey that “may result in a personal … conflict of interest, or the appearance thereof.”

Mueller is therefore disqualified. I hope and suspect that Mueller, whom I believe to be a partisan of the rule of law, will see this. If he doesn’t, I hope Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will.

Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein told Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, that he would not fire the special counsel unless he thought “there were good cause.”

“Senator, I’m not going to follow any order unless I believe those are lawful and appropriate orders,” Mr. Rosenstein said. “Special counsel Mueller may be fired only for good cause, and I am required to put that cause in writing. That’s what I would do. If there were good cause, I would consider it.”

Let us get this straight. Fidelity to the law isn’t officially a “good cause” anymore?

If our nation’s top cops do not follow their own laws and ethics policies, which clearly prohibit Mr. Mueller from leading the special counsel investigation, then why the hell are the rest of us following them?

What “good cause” do we have?

These double-standards may be par for the course in the corrupt cesspool that is the District of Columbia, but in real America, we view them as fundamental violations of the American social contract.

In light of these revelations, we are asking Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein why he is ignoring the law and his own department’s ethics guidelines. These concerns must be addressed within a week, or we will proceed to speculate on the answers with sourced information we have thus far declined to make public.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has ignored

President Executive Order (Photo: AP)

President Executive Order (Photo: AP)

President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order on Thursday to expand apprenticeship programs in an effort to close the skills gap. The disparity in labor skills and demand has weighed heavily on American businesses, who overwhelmingly support the President’s program.

“We’re empowering these companies, these unions to go out and create new apprenticeships for millions of our citizens,” President Trump said. Flanked by his daughter Ivanka Trump and Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta, both of whom have made the initiative a priority, the President said that the order helps businesses “place students into great jobs without crippling debt.”

“Instead apprentices earn while they learn,” he added.

The executive order gives businesses, trade unions and other third-party entities more flexibility to develop “high-quality” technical education programs eligible for expedited review by the Department of Labor.

President Trump is also urging Congress to take action and Republicans next week have agreed to vote on the Perkins Act, which increases funding for technical education programs to $1.23 billion by 2022. It also returns oversight authority from federal officials to local authorities, yet still the bill has bipartisan support.

President Donald J. Trump, center a podium, announces an executive order to expand apprenticeships in an effort to close the skills gap in America. (Photo: White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer via Twitter)

President Donald J. Trump, center a podium, announces an executive order to expand apprenticeships in an effort to close the skills gap in America. (Photo: White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer via Twitter)

Earlier this week, Secretary Acosta told reporters that the skills gap has become a serious obstacle to prosperity for working Americans.

“There are currently 6 million job openings in the United States — vacant jobs that can be filled,” he said. “This is the highest number of job vacancies ever.”

He cited a Business Roundtable survey released just last week found that 95% of business executives reported trouble finding qualified workers.

“Americans want to work. American companies want to hire,” Mr. Acosta said. “The issue is a mismatch between available jobs and prospective employees’ job skills.”

The executive order, which was developed along with the Labor Department, will allocate more funding and create a task force of business leaders to promote the programs across new business sectors. The task force will also assess whether the job-training programs currently in place are even effective.

The President, his daughter and Secretary Acosta, have argued the training programs are affordable alternative opportunities to a four year college degree. The Trump Administration noted Thursday that 90% of apprentices find employment upon completing their training programs and the average starting salary is $60,000, higher than a college graduate.

Graduates of the apprenticeship programs also enjoy a “$300,000 lifetime increase in earnings” without the burden of debt from student loans.

President Donald J. Trump signed an executive

A factory worker at a New York manufacturing plant. (Photo: Reuters)

A factory worker at a New York manufacturing plant. (Photo: Reuters)

The Empire State Manufacturing Survey rebounded strongly to 19.8 in June, crushing the median economic forecast of 5.0 by a factor of four. That’s an increase of 21 points from the previous month, which most analysts believed to be a minor setback in an otherwise strong report on regional data.

New orders jumped back out of contraction with a 23-point gain to 18.1, as did unfilled orders at 4.6. That indicates hiring will pick up in the region as manufacturing companies search for new employees to fill the order. The shipments index increased to 22.3.

The Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Business Outlook Survey released earlier Thursday morning also showed stronger-than-anticipated regional manufacturing activity.

Worth noting, national indexes, including the ISM Manufacturing Index Report on Business, has yet to reflect the gains shown in regional surveys.

The Empire State Manufacturing Survey rebounded strongly

People's Pundit Daily
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