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Former President Bill Clinton, Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation Chelsea Clinton, discuss the Clinton Global Initiative University during the closing plenary session on the second day of the 2014 Meeting of Clinton Global Initiative University at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona March 22, 2014. (PHOTO: REUTERS)

Former President Bill Clinton, Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation Chelsea Clinton, discuss the Clinton Global Initiative University during the closing plenary session on the second day of the 2014 Meeting of Clinton Global Initiative University at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona March 22, 2014. (PHOTO: REUTERS)

review of tax returns and regulatory filings found Clinton family charities are in clear violation of New York law governing contributions by foreign governments. Yet, Democratic New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who has endorsed Hillary Clinton for President and donated to the campaign, said his office believes the Clinton family charities are “in step” with state laws.

But, despite the review being buried by most media outlets, experts say they are not “in step” and Mr. Schneiderman is “not doing his job in that case.”

As a Scripps Washington Bureau report correctly noted, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires charities to disclose the total amount of contributions received from all governments, both foreign and domestic, on their federal tax returns. However, though federal codes do not require a charity to make government donors public, instructions for FORM CHAR500 provided by Mr. Schneiderman’s office states charities operating or raising funds in New York must list them.

(2) CHAR500 article 7-A schedules.

(ii) Schedule 4b (government contributions [grants]) or a successor form schedule is required for organizations that received a contribution or grant from a government agency during the reporting period and shall include the name of each agency from which contributions were received and the amount of each contribution.

According to Title 13 (13 CRR-NY 91.5)–the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and regulations of the State of New York governing charitable organizations–charities must publicly and annually “list the name of each agency” and “the amount of each contribution” received from any “government agency.”

ny-ag-instructions-for-char500-p4“Organizations that received a contribution (grant) from a government agency during the reporting period must answer ‘Yes’ to question 4.b. and on the CHAR500 and must complete and submit Schedule 4b,” the instruction states. “List the name of each agency from which your organization received a government contribution (grant) and the grant amount.”

An applicable exemption is granted only if “total gross receipts were less than $25,000” or “total assets did not exceed $25,000 at any time during the reporting period.”

But that’s not all.

The New York Attorney General’s Office requires the total amount of government contributions disclosed to the state to equal what the charities report to the IRS on Line 1e. The IRS Rule for Line 1e states:

Line 1e: Enter the total amount of contributions in the form of grants or similiar payments from local, state, or federal government sources, as well as foreign governments. Include grant amounts from U.S. possessions.

Line 1e applies to “organizations that report more than $15,000 total” contributions from aforementioned entities. Yet, from 2010-2014, every year it has filed disclosures with the state, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) has ignored this requirement.

For instance, in 2010, when CHAI supposedly broke with the Clinton Foundation, they only reported $242,099 in “Total Government Contributions” to the state of New York. That figure included only domestic grants. But for the same time period in 2010 it reported to the IRS a whopping $26,740,319 in foreign and domestic government grants.

From 2010 to 2014, there is a $225 million gap between what CHAI alone reported to the state and what they reported to the IRS, clear and repeated violations of the law. They only reported $8.2 million in domestic government grants to New York, indicating the vast majority of donations solicited during that period came from foreign governments. Further, while most questions surrounding foreign contributions have focused on the Clinton Foundation, the Scripps Washington Bureau review found CHAI received more than six times the amount in the years the two entities “split.”

Worse still, the Clintons and officials at their charities obviously believe that Mr. Schneiderman’s position as attorney general grants them special preferential treatment under New York State law. CHAI spokesperson Regan Lachapelle told Scripps that if AG Schneiderman’s office wanted more information, it can ask for it.

“We believe that we are following instructions by recording the (domestic government grants) we receive on the New York form and indicating that we will provide them with foreign government donor information if they would like it,” Lachapelle wrote in an email. “We clearly state in our cover letter that we would provide details on funding from international governments upon request.”

Lachapelle said the charity provided “aggregate” amounts of all government grants to New York that are found on its federal tax returns.

“We believe we are in compliance,” Lachapelle wrote. “The state of New York has not notified us otherwise. The officials in New York have never questioned our way of doing this.”

New York state's Attorney General Eric Schneiderman speaks during a news conference to announce his office is filing a securities fraud lawsuit against the banking and financial services firm Barclays, Wednesday, June 25, 2014, in New York. The suit alleges that Barclays told investors that it had set up safeguards to protect them from predatory high-frequency traders. But it says Barclays actually catered to those traders. (Photo: AP/John Minchillo)

New York state’s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman speaks during a news conference to announce his office is filing a securities fraud lawsuit against the banking and financial services firm Barclays, Wednesday, June 25, 2014, in New York. The suit alleges that Barclays told investors that it had set up safeguards to protect them from predatory high-frequency traders. But it says Barclays actually catered to those traders. (Photo: AP/John Minchillo)

Of course not. The why is obvious. A review shows each and every disclosure from CHAI since it allegedly broke from the Clinton Foundation has been filed under Mr. Schneiderman’s tenure at the New York Attorney General’s Office.

“He’s not doing his job in that case,” David Nelson, an attorney and former partner at the accounting firm of Ernst & Young, who served on the regulations and legislation committee of the Council On Foundations told Scripps Washington Bureau. “The Clinton Foundation cannot say they are in compliance with New York regulations.”

The committee Mr. Nelson sits on is the philanthropic equivalent of the American Bar Association. But the answer to why he’s not doing his job is equally obvious.

Disclosures from 2015 show he donated $2,700 to Clinton’s campaign, the maximum amount allowed under federal law. He also serves on the Clinton campaign’s leadership council for the state of New York, which is dedicated to “aiding the campaign with rapid response, organization building, grassroots organizing events, recruiting volunteer leaders, and identifying leaders for Get Out The Vote activities.”

These irregularities found in the filings of Clinton family charities leave no question as to whether Mr. Schneiderman is allowing his office to be used as an extension of Clinton syndicate. He announced Monday his office issued a cease and desist order to the Trump Foundation barring all fundraising activity, immediately. The development comes after a a report alleged the Trump Foundation was not properly registered to solicit funds under New York law.

He’s running a “politically motivated probe into Donald Trump’s charity,” Chris White of LawNewz.com concluded.

2011-cf-char500-first-filing-p1“Schneiderman could have waited until November 9 without compromising the investigation,” Professor Stephen Gillers, an ethics professor with the NYU School of Law said in response to the evidence. “To the public it will appear that Schneiderman acted not in the interest of his client, the State, but for whatever influence his announcement might have on the election outcome.”

From 2010-2013, the Clinton Foundation didn’t even bother disclosing foreign monies to the state of New York. In fact, for three of those four years, preparers checked “No” on box 4b on regulatory form CHAR500. Andrew Kiessell, the Chief Financial Officer at the Clinton Foundation, signed the form claiming it received no government grants, at all.

A review of tax returns and filings

Most of the civilized world has come to regard killing someone held in captivity as barbaric. The death penalty has been abolished in the European Union and 19 U.S. states. Governors in four states that do permit capital punishment — Colorado, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Washington — have imposed a moratorium on executions.

The rest of America is getting there. For the first time in almost 50 years, less than half the public supports the death penalty, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Even states that still put inmates to death seem to be losing the stomach for it. The United States is set to carry out fewer executions this year than it has since the early ’90s.

This November, voters in two very different places, Nebraska and California, will have an opportunity to remove state-sanctioned killing from their books. (Going the other way, a referendum in Oklahoma calls for amending the state constitution to protect the use of the death penalty.)

The most heated battle over the death penalty has taken place in Nebraska. It’s also the most significant one, for it shows how conflicted even conservative Americans have become over the practice. In fact, Nebraska hasn’t performed an execution in nearly 20 years. Conservatives in red states such as Missouri, Kentucky, Kansas, Wyoming and South Dakota, meanwhile, have sponsored bills to end the death penalty.

In Nebraska, lawmakers from both parties voted last year to eliminate the death penalty and replace it with mandatory life in prison for first-degree murder. Nebraska’s pro-capital punishment governor, Pete Ricketts, vetoed the bill. The Legislature overturned the veto.

Ricketts then pushed a successful petition drive to put the matter on the ballot. Nebraskans will vote on whether to accept the Legislature’s decision to strike the death penalty and instead require life without parole.

The outcome is hard to predict. “In certain issues, particularly with a populist strain, Nebraska is not nearly as doctrinaire conservative as people might think,” Paul Landow, professor of political science at the University of Nebraska Omaha, told me.

Ernie Chambers, a progressive from Omaha and the longest-serving state senator in Nebraska history, has introduced a measure to repeal the death penalty 37 times. “That kind of persistence has left an indelible mark on the issue,” Landow noted.

In California, a ballot measure to end the death penalty failed four years ago. This time, there are two referendums that seem at odds with each other. One would abolish the death penalty. The other would speed up the appeals process and thus hasten executions.

The case against the death penalty is well-known by now. Capital punishment exposes a state to the moral horror of killing an innocent person. Over the past 40 years, some 156 people on death row have been exonerated, many with the help of DNA evidence.

Citing church doctrine on the sanctity of life, the Nebraska Catholic Conference is urging voters to retain the repeal of the death penalty. One who opposes abortion on “pro-life” grounds, its argument goes, must also oppose the death penalty.

There’s little evidence that the death penalty deters murder. That leaves the questionable value of retribution — that erasing the monster who committed a heinous crime will bring comfort to the victims’ loved ones.

More and more survivors are countering this line of reasoning. Despite having suffered immeasurably, they hold that executing the criminal would just add to the toll. The state would somehow be justifying the crime of murder by committing it.

The movement away from capital punishment is clearly gathering force. This is one good direction in which our history is moving.

The death penalty has been abolished in

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gives a thumbs up as he speaks during a campaign rally, Friday, July 29, 2016, in Colorado Springs, Colo. (Photo: AP/Evan Vucci)

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gives a thumbs up as he speaks during a campaign rally, Friday, July 29, 2016, in Colorado Springs, Colo. (Photo: AP/Evan Vucci)

The three largest unions representing the three largest police departments in Colorado have endorsed Republican Donald Trump for president, the Denver Post reported. The Denver Police Protective Association, the Aurora Police Association and the Colorado Springs Police Protective Association on Monday announced their endorsements.

Combined, the three unions represent more than 2,700 police officers serving communities in the crucial battleground state, which used to vote reliably Republican. However, years of immigration has essentially changed the demographic composition of the state, which Democrats hope to make more like New Mexico.

In a news release, representatives from each union said “only” Mr. Trump will support law enforcement and ensure safer communities.

“After thoughtful consideration, we wholeheartedly believe Mr. Trump is the only candidate that will protect law-abiding citizens from those who choose to break the law,” said Nick Rogers, president of the Denver police association.

Last month, the New York businessman, who has made law and order and centerpiece of his campaign, won the support of the Fraternal Order of Police nationwide and the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). The latter slammed his rival Hillary Clinton for what most police departments see as siding with violent elements within Black Lives Matter. During the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, President John McNesby and the membership of Philadelphia Lodge 5 FOP ripped Mrs. Clinton for booking the families of victims’ found to be at fault in deadly exchanges.

The Fraternal Order of Police is insulted and will not soon forget that the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton are excluding the widows, and other family members of Police Officers killed in the line of duty who were victims of explicit, and not implied racism, and ‘being on duty in blue,'” Mr. McNesby said. “It is sad that to win an election Mrs. Clinton must pander to the interests of people who do not know all the facts, while the men and women they seek to destroy are outside protecting the political institutions of this country.”

Mr. Trump frequently talks about the increase in crime in the country. According to a recent report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), violent crime rose nationally between 2014 and 2015. Meanwhile, Mrs. Clinton continues to repeat the nation’s police officers, as well as the nation as a whole, suffers from “implicit bias” against minority races.

The three largest unions representing the three

One hundred years ago, on October 2, 1916, a new public high school building for black youngsters was opened in Washington, D.C. and named for black poet Paul Laurence Dunbar. Its history is a story inspiring in many ways and appalling in many other ways.

Prior to 1916, the same high school had existed under other names, housed in other buildings — and with a remarkable academic record.

In 1899, when it was called “the M Street School,” a test was given in Washington’s four academic public high schools, three white and one black. The black high school scored higher than two of the three white high schools. Today, it would be considered Utopian even to set that as a goal, much less expect to see it happen.

The M Street School had neither of two so-called “prerequisites” for quality education. There was no “diversity.” It was an all-black school from its beginning, and on through its life as a high quality institution under the name Dunbar High School.

But its days as a high quality institution ended abruptly in the middle of the 1950s. After that, it became just another failing ghetto school.

The other so-called “prerequisite” that the M Street School lacked was an adequate building. Its student body was 50 percent larger than the building’s capacity, a fact that led eventually to the new Dunbar High School building. But its students excelled even in their overcrowded building.

Some students at the M Street School began going to some of the leading colleges in the country in the late 19th century. The first of its graduates to go to Harvard did so in 1903. Over the years from 1892 to 1954, thirty-four of the graduates from the M Street School and Dunbar went on to Amherst.

Of these, 74 percent graduated from Amherst and 28 percent of these graduates were Phi Beta Kappas. Other graduates from M Street High School and Dunbar became Phi Beta Kappas at Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth and other elite institutions.

Graduates of this same high school pioneered as the first black in many places. These included the first black man to graduate from Annapolis, the first black woman to receive a Ph.D. from an American institution, the first black federal judge, the first black general, the first black Cabinet member and, among other notables, a doctor who became internationally renowned for his pioneering work in developing the use of blood plasma.

How could all of this come to an abrupt end in the 1950s? Like many other disasters, it began with good intentions and arbitrary assumptions.

When Chief Justice Earl Warren declared in the landmark 1954 case of “Brown v. Board of Education” that racially separate schools were “inherently unequal,” Dunbar High School was a living refutation of that assumption. And it was within walking distance of the Supreme Court.

A higher percentage of Dunbar graduates went on to college than the percentage at any white public high school in Washington. But what do facts matter when there is heady rhetoric and crusading zeal?

There is no question that racially segregated schools in the South provided an inadequate education for blacks. But the assumption that racial “integration” was the answer led to years of racial polarization and turmoil over busing, with little, if any, educational improvement.

For Washington, the end of racial segregation led to a political compromise, in which all schools became neighborhood schools. Dunbar, which had been accepting outstanding black students from anywhere in the city, could now accept only students from the rough ghetto neighborhood in which it was located.

Virtually overnight, Dunbar became a typical ghetto school. As unmotivated, unruly and disruptive students flooded in, Dunbar teachers began moving out and many retired. More than 80 years of academic excellence simply vanished into thin air.

Nobody, black or white, mounted any serious opposition. “Integration” was the cry of the moment, and it drowned out everything else. That is what happens in politics.

Today, there is a new Dunbar High School building, costing more than $100 million. But its graduates go on to college at only about half the rate of Dunbar graduates in earlier and poorer times. Politics can deliver costly “favors,” even when it cannot deliver quality education.

One hundred years ago, a new public


A site in the Syrian town of Babila that were reportedly hit by Russian airstrikes on Wednesday. (Photo: Khalil Ashawi/Reuters)

The U.S. State Department suspended negotiations with Russia aimed at ending the violence in Syria, blaming Russian and Syrian attacks on civilian targets. The failed bilateral talks follow previous failed attempts at a ceasefire, which broke down in mid-September after President Bashar al-Assad bombed rebel-controlled neighborhoods.

“This is not a decision that was taken lightly,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said in the statement. “The United States spared no effort in negotiating and attempting to implement an arrangement with Russia aimed at reducing violence, providing unhindered humanitarian access, and degrading terrorist organizations operating in Syria.

“Unfortunately, Russia failed to live up to its own commitments.”

While viewed by the Obama administration as a violation of the terms of the ceasefire, the attack came shortly after the Obama Administration expressed “regret” for an airstrike targeting Islamic State (ISIS) militants that mistakenly killed Syrian military forces. The White House was awaiting a response from the Russian-backed Syrian president, whose military called the strike a “serious and blatant attack on Syria and its military” and “firm proof of the U.S. support of Daesh and other terrorist groups.”

Daesh is the Arabic acronym for ISIS, whom the military said was able to take a hill overlooking an air base because of the U.S. airstrike.

Following the airstrike, the U.S. military suspended its air campaign against the ISIS terror group in eastern Syria and CENTCOM officials said the U.S. military was “certain” about the outcome of the strike and had been watching al-Assad’s forces “for a few days” believing they were ISIS militants. But Russian President Vladimir Putin in mid-September called into question the U.S. commitment and ability to the recent cease-fire.

He said that the White House wasn’t prepared to break with “terrorist elements” opposing President Assad’s forces.

In response to the State Department, President Putin deployed an advanced anti-missile system to Syria for the first time. The SA-23 Gladiator anti-missile and anti-aircraft system, which has a maximum effective range of roughly 150 miles, arrived in Syria last weekend “on the docks” of a Russian naval base along Syria’s Mediterranean coastal city of Tartus.

The move serves as the latest indication that Moscow intends to increase its military supporting of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria against the U.S.-backed rebels.

Russian Foreign Ministry said Monday that the U.S. has “done all it could to destroy the atmosphere encouraging cooperation.”

“We would like to bring Washington back to understanding that it can’t introduce sanctions against us in areas where it’s quite painless for the Americans, and at the same time continue selective cooperation in areas it sees as advantageous,” it said.

Worth noting, the war on the ground is also a war for hearts and minds, an effort which the Obama administration has damaged severely.

In July, a U.S. air strike in Syria killed more than 85 civilians, including children, but that was as they were fleeing from ISIS. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the airstrikes appear to have been a case of mistaken identity, with the U.S.-led coalition misidentifying them as ISIS militants. Nevertheless, the U.S. airstrikes accidentally came down on roughly eight families in the ISIS-controlled village of Tokhar, which is near Manbij in northern Syria.

Scores of ISIS fighters are still defending the city and are keeping thousands of civilians from leaving, using them as human shields.

The U.S. State Department suspended negotiations with

Sign on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) HQ building, Washington, DC

Sign on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) building, Internal Revenue Service HQ, Washington, D.C.

With the illegal release of Donald Trump’s tax returns, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)–and, therefore the Obama executive branch–has shown itself to be still targeting and oppressing the political opposition to the Obama-Clinton crime syndicate. After the disclosure of the IRS preventing tax-free status for Tea Party and other political groups in the last election cycle, congressional investigations followed.

However, no convictions or impeachments were obtained, due to weak Republican leadership. Congress failed in its constitutional duties.

Using the agencies of the federal government to oppress and persecute opposing views used to be something only seen in Russia and other totalitarian systems. Vladimir Putin loves to use the Russian tax authorities to go after his enemies. However, the United States in now no better than a banana republic when it comes to corruption in government. The United States can no longer “give advice” or “push Ukraine and other corrupt systems to move toward freedom and democracy when the U.S. no longer is a free country.

The corruption seen in the Obama administration is simply astounding. Refusing to enforce immigration laws, targeting opposition groups with multiple agencies, corruption in the VA, the Secret Service, the FEC, the FCC, the Labor Relations Board, etc., etc, has shown the federal government no longer works for the people, has thrown the rule of law into the gutter, and agencies are now simply organs for state control.

This corrupt crime enterprise is also now completely wedded to the Leftist media which is no better than Soviet Pravda. The state media apparatus no longer even tries to hide its corrupt cheerleading. Journalism no longer exists, except on the internet.

Mr. Trump didn’t break any laws; all he did was lose some of his own money. What the IRS did is illegal. What the New York Times did is illegal. What Hillary Clinton has done with pay-for-play at the State Department is illegal. What Hillary did with her private server and selling out national secrets is illegal.

But no one cares about the rule of law anymore on the Left. It’s all about maintaining power at all costs. Even Republicans went after Richard Nixon, who by the way never used the IRS against his opponents. He thought about it, but never did. The Left shows no such honor.

I am embarrassed to be an American with the current government in power.

This article first appeared on (Copyright © 2016) The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.

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Using the agencies of government to oppress


The Institute for Supply Management’s Manufacturing Report On Business Survey. (Photo: REUTERS)

The Manufacturing ISM Report On Business, the Institute for Supply Management gauge of national factory activity crawled out of contraction to 51.5 in September. That’s an increase of 2.1 percentage points from the August reading of 49.4 percent.

However, while the manufacturing sector grew overall, more industries reported contraction than expansion.

Of the 18 manufacturing industries, 7 are reporting growth in September in the following order: Nonmetallic Mineral Products; Furniture & Related Products; Textile Mills; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; Computer & Electronic Products; Miscellaneous Manufacturing; and Paper Products.

The 11 industries reporting contraction in September — listed in order — are: Printing & Related Support Activities; Petroleum & Coal Products; Wood Products; Apparel, Leather & Allied Products; Transportation Equipment; Machinery; Plastics & Rubber Products; Primary Metals; Fabricated Metal Products; Chemical Products; and Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components.

September 2016




PMI® 51.5 49.4 +2.1 Growing From Contracting 1
New Orders 55.1 49.1 +6.0 Growing From Contracting 1
Production 52.8 49.6 +3.2 Growing From Contracting 1
Employment 49.7 48.3 +1.4 Contracting Slower 3
Supplier Deliveries 50.3 50.9 -0.6 Slowing Slower 5
Inventories 49.5 49.0 +0.5 Contracting Slower 15
Customers’ Inventories 53.0 49.5 +3.5 Too High From Too Low 1
Prices 53.0 53.0 0.0 Increasing Same 7
Backlog of Orders 49.5 45.5 +4.0 Contracting Slower 3
New Export Orders 52.0 52.5 -0.5 Growing Slower 7
Imports 49.0 47.0 +2.0 Contracting Slower 2
OVERALL ECONOMY Growing Faster 88
Manufacturing Sector Growing From Contracting 1

Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business® data is seasonally adjusted for the New Orders, Production, Employment and Supplier Deliveries Indexes.

*Number of months moving in current direction.

The Manufacturing ISM Report On Business, the

[brid video=”67126″ player=”2077″ title=”Michael Moore Full Interview &#39Trump Can Win&#39″]

Far-left liberal filmmaker Michael Moore has claiming for months that he believes Donald Trump will win the election in November, citing the failures of the elitist class. Moore, who lives in the Rust Belt state of Michigan, told Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press” again that Mr. Trump “can pull this off” because the establishment has abandoned voters and annihilated the middle class.

Making it clear that he didn’t want Mr. Trump to win, he still warned Todd–who is definitely a mediaite, or media elitist–that Rust Belt voters see Donald Trump as “their human Molotov cocktail that they get to go into the voting booth on November 8th.”

“I’ve been trying to say for months here, I live in Michigan. And, and across the Midwest, across the Rust Belt, I understand why a lot of people are angry. And they see Donald Trump as their human Molotov cocktail that they get to go into the voting booth on November 8th and throw him into a political system that has made their lives miserable,” he said. “At the convention, I was worried, Democrats, the Clinton campaign, were all doing an end zone dance when they were only on the 50 yard line. And, and the celebrating after the debate– everybody needs to have their game face on here and realize that Trump can win.”

“He can pull this off. And, and everybody has to, has to be full force here. Otherwise, it’s, it has a chance of happening.”

Todd, who was boasting that media elites have lined up about the New York business, was pretty much told what America thinks of him. Moore said no one cares outside of the political class what the media think “with good reason.” In real America, voters don’t trust the media and because they, too, have failed them.

“People don’t trust the media,” Moore added. “They don’t listen to it, and for good reason, because the, the media has let them down. The, the rich and the powerful have let them down. They used to believe in that. They used to vote for the rich and powerful. And a lot of them aren’t going to do that this time. And they, for some strange reason, see Donald Trump as their, as their means to get back at, at, at this system.”

In Moore’s homestate of Michigan, which has previously been reliably Democratic, polls show Hillary Clinton’s lead shrinking, down to as little as 3 points in the most accurate state polls. However, as Moore noted, she lost the state in the primary to Sen. Bernie Sanders in an upset. The polls showed Mrs. Clinton easily carrying the state, by upwards of 30 points in some surveys. It was the biggest polling blunder since the 1984 New Hampshire Democratic primary.

“I don’t think people do trust the Democrats. How else could a socialist win 22 states? I mean in my state of Michigan, Bernie Sanders won. If, if, if Hillary Clinton and the Democrats had a difficult time with him, that should have been the red flag to everybody that there is a, a, a mood out there where people are upset at the Democrats and the Republicans,” Moore said.

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore has been claiming

WikiLeaks founder and editor-in-chief Julian Assange appears on Fox and Friends. (PHOTO: Fox News)

WikiLeaks founder and editor-in-chief Julian Assange appears on Fox and Friends. (PHOTO: Fox News)

UPDATED: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will now appear via video link Tuesday morning at their tenth anniversary celebration in Berlin. He’s a last-minute addition to the roster of festivities taking place this week in Germany. However, it is unclear whether he will use the video link to drop an “October Surprise” on Hillary Clinton.

ORIGINAL STORY: Citing “security concerns,” the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks has canceled what has become a highly-anticipated document dump on Hillary Clinton set for Tuesday. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said in August that the worst and “most serious” leak about Mrs. Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and Benghazi was yet to come.

NBC’s Jesse Rodriguez reported that the announcement, which was to be made from the balcony of London’s Ecuadorian Embassy where Assange has takeb sanctuary for years, was canceled due to “security concerns.” Wikileaks has not said when it will now make its “announcement.”

[brid video=”60547″ player=”2077″ title=”WikiLeaks Julian Assange “The Most Serious Relates to Upcoming Publications””]

“The most serious relates to upcoming publications,” the controversial editor-in-chief of the anti-secrecy group said on on Fox and Friends. Mr. Assange, in response to a viewer’s question, also stated that the corruption in Washington D.C. “goes all the way to the top,” a reference to President Barack Obama.

WikiLeaks first began to make headlines regarding the U.S. presidential election when they dumped emails showing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) collaborated with the Clinton campaign to harm Sen. Bernie Sanders politically. However, the media corruption and collaboration was perhaps the most concerning revelation in the emails.

Reporters at the Washington Post, such as Greg Sargent, and Politico were literally writing whatever they were told to write by the DNC. Yet, not a single reporter has been reprimanded let alone fired.

[brid video=”60546″ player=”2077″ title=”WikiLeaks Julian Assange Emails Show Corruption in D.C. “Goes All the Way to the Top””]

Assange has reportedly received numerous threats and, in August, liberal commentator Bob Beckel actually suggested on TV that someone should murder him. Beckel, who also once admitted on election night during 2014 that Democrats steal Virginia in Fairfax County by filling in fraudulent absentee ballots, said that someone should “shoot the son of a bitch!”

Citing "security concerns," the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks

Plywood conceals spray paint on Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. after it was vandalized by Black Lives Matter. (Photo: AP)

Plywood conceals spray paint on Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. after it was vandalized by Black Lives Matter. (Photo: AP)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Video posted to Twitter shows a man vandalizing Trump International Hotel in D.C., Donald Trump’s new luxury hotel built at the historic Old Post Office. Despite the video, D.C. police spokeswoman Aquita Brown said they have no suspects after someone spray-painted the phrases “black lives matter” and “no justice no peace” on the front of the building Saturday afternoon.

The crime occurred just after 4 p.m. on Saturday. On Sunday, the phrases were covered up plywood. The Trump International Hotel opened on September 12 after Trump Organization won a 60-year lease from the federal government to transform the historic Old Post Office building on Pennsylvania Avenue into a hotel.

Video posted to Twitter clearly shows a

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