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I have long marveled at liberals’ air of superiority and lack of self-reflection, which have always been particularly evident among liberal media elites and journalists. They tend to view themselves as sacrosanct and above scrutiny.

Perhaps this attitude sprang from the British and, later, American tradition that the press is the Fourth Estate. It doesn’t just serve to inform the people and make them better contributors to the democratic process. It is the virtual fourth branch of government, operating as a watchdog on the formal branches to further check their potential abuses of power.

It is a heady concept to believe you function to keep the powerful in check. It is even more so when no one has ever told you that you, too, need to be kept in check. As a result, some journalists seem to believe that what they do is so important that nothing will deter them from ambitiously exposing to the public every titillating morsel of information, even if that information might unnecessarily harm people or the national interest. To some of the most self-righteous among them, catering to the public’s “right to know” is like an unbending religious ritual that transcends every other value in the universe and justifies the vomiting of all information, no matter its actual value to the public or its likelihood of gratuitously harming others.

If you’ve ever watched a panel interview of major-network talking heads, you have heard their professions that they have a crucial role in keeping our government honest. That’s fine as far as it goes, but it is rarely tempered by humility and an awareness that they, too, are capable of corruption and vulnerable to the trappings of power. They are astonished that anyone would ever question their noble character and honorable intentions. It is as if they are saying, “As to the dissemination of news, we are gods, and gods do not need oversight.”

You could especially see their indignation at the rise of the alternative media — e.g., conservative talk radio, Fox News Channel, blogs, other Internet news sources and conservative speech on a variety of social media platforms. Surely, you’ve seen some of the major news media figures of yesteryear shaking their heads in consternation over the lack of proper journalistic processes in the alternative media, which, they contend, has resulted in sloppy and biased reporting.

It has amazed me to witness their delusional self-assessment. For all of their puffery, it was their own arrogance, bias, corruption, sloppiness and unfairness that led to the rise of the alternative media. Despite their nearly monolithic liberal views, the mainstream media figures truly believed their own work was above reproach.

They’ve neither been chastened nor learned from the rise of their competition, which could be clearly seen in a recent exchange between CNN’s Brian Stelter and Donald Trump’s national spokeswoman, Katrina Pierson. Stelter tried to shame Pierson into admitting that Trump’s attack on the media’s honesty was misguided and destructive.

Kudos to Pierson for adeptly dismantling her smug CNN interrogator. No matter what you think about Trump, she put on a clinic on how to turn the tables on liberal media bullies. One of the many reasons Trump is resonating is that he refuses to be bullied by political correctness, the political establishment and the media. He has provided a template for fighting back, and his spokeswoman put it into practice in that exchange. She refused to accept Stelter’s false premises about Trump’s alleged misbehavior and “factual inaccuracy” and instead redirected the discussion to media bias and dishonesty, putting Stelter on the defensive and often leaving him sputtering.

The clincher, however, was Stelter’s last line of questions. He said it really worries him that by claiming the media are dishonest, Trump and others are “helping to erode trust in the press. The Fourth Estate, of course, is the press. So don’t you think that might contribute to America being less great?”

I’m tempted to say that I couldn’t believe my ears. But truthfully, this is exactly the point I’ve been trying to make here. Stelter might as well have just said outright that he believes the liberal media are special, indispensable and above scrutiny.

What he obviously doesn’t grasp is that the media’s role as government watchdog doesn’t exempt it from accountability for its own excesses and abuses. After all, the three branches of government aren’t beyond scrutiny just because they keep one another in check. And the media are no less vulnerable than the government to the trappings of power and to corruption and abuse. That’s why freedom of speech and freedom of the press are so vital to our system.

The First Amendment doesn’t just apply to an elite group of print and broadcast media outlets, as much as those elitists seem to wish it did. It applies to every American citizen and every media institution, including conservative talk radio, Fox News and other alternative media sources.

The takeaway here is that in their heart of hearts, many in the liberal media champion free speech not across the board but selectively, to ensure the unbalanced dissemination of their own biased viewpoint. This is why they are so threatened by the advent of the alternative media, why they and their liberal colleagues in government are forever trying to invoke the Fairness Doctrine to suppress alternative viewpoints, and why almost all efforts to suppress speech in this country come from the political left.

Don’t be fooled by the liberal media’s phony protests about their essential role in preserving good and honest government, because it is not honest government they seek but one that advances their shared liberal agenda.

Whatever we do, let’s make sure we fight vigorously and incessantly to guarantee the robust dissemination of freedom of speech and freedom of the press for every person and institution that chooses to exercise these rights. This is the best check against abuses by government officials and also those by the media.

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Liberal media elites and journalists tend to

consumer prices gas

Consumer Price Index (CPI) reporting on gas prices from the Labor Department.

Engineers who design computerized products and services seem to have an almost fanatical determination to avoid using plain English.

It is understandable when complicated processes require complicated operations. But when the very simplest things are designed with needless complications or murky instructions, that is something else.

For example, like all sorts of other devices, computers and computerized products and services have to be turned on and off. And everybody knows what the words “on” and “off” mean. But how often have you seen a computer or a computerized product or service that used the words “on” or “off”?

These simple and obvious words are avoided like the plague on many electronic devices — and this is symptomatic of a mindset that creates bigger problems with other operations. It is as if using words that everybody understands is beneath the dignity of a high tech product.

Often “power” is substituted for “on” and all sorts of words or symbols are substituted for “off.” A laptop computer of mine had an unidentified symbol on the screen, and only after you clicked on that symbol did another symbol appear, with some words indicating where you could turn the computer off.

Designers of many electronic products do not condescend to use words at all. There is just an array of symbols or buttons that you can either guess what they mean or else dig into a thick book of instructions and search for explanations, much like a pioneer trying to find his way in the wilderness.

My cell phone is a classic example. It does not have a single word blemishing its gleaming surface, except for the name of the manufacturer and the name of the phone company. There is ample room for words like “on” or “off” but nothing so pedestrian is allowed to upset the design.

For people who spend hours every day talking on their cell phone, no doubt it is easy enough to remember how to turn it on and off. But, those of us who have a life to live, and work to do, cannot spend our time yakking it up with all and sundry. We may keep a cell phone on hand just for emergencies — and months can go by without using it, or a year or more in my case.

But when there is an emergency, that is no time to have to dig into an instruction booklet, in order to do something as simple as making a phone call. Nor are these instruction booklets always models of clarity. Too often they reflect the same mindset as the devices they describe. Plain and simple words are avoided whenever there is some fancy, murky or esoteric word that can be used instead.

All sorts of things are computerized these days, and the same preference for murkiness often prevails in their design.

After I bought a minivan, everything seemed to go well until I found myself running out of gas. After pulling into a filling station, I wanted to open the cover of the fuel tank — and saw nothing among the forest of anonymous control buttons and levers that would open the fuel tank.

There was nothing to do but get out the 300-page instruction book. However, nothing in the table of contents or the index had any such pedestrian word as “fuel” or “gas.” Eventually — and it seemed like an eternity at the time — I finally stumbled across something in the instruction book that revealed the secret identity of the lever that opened the fuel tank.

There was ample space on the lever for 4 letters for “fuel” or 3 letters for “gas.”

There is a certain newspaper whose outstanding editorials I read every day, usually on my iPad in the morning, since I don’t get the paper edition until evening. At one time, it was equally simple to find the editorials in either edition. In the paper edition I just opened the editorial page, and on the iPad I simply clicked on the word “editorial” and the editorials appeared. But then electronic “improvement” reared its ugly head.

In the new electronic version, all kinds of items are grouped under all kinds of titles — none of these titles including “editorials.” After plowing through a long list of items, I discovered the new alias for editorials. It was “Issues and Insights.”

I wish someone would issue some insights to engineers designing computerized products and services.

Engineers who design computerized products and services


SAN FRANCISCO, CA – MAY 30: A job seeker holds a pamphlet during a job and career fair at City College of San Francisco southeast campus on May 30, 2013 in San Francisco, California. Hundreds of job seekers attended a career fair hosted by the San Francisco Southeast Community Facility Commission. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

In the mythology of the right, California must fail. Its high taxes, strict environmental rules and thick book of regulations are all ingredients in the conservative recipe for economic meltdown. That California is prospering nicely throws a pie in the face of its harshest critics.

To get around this clash of ideas and reality, an alternative version of California-going-down has been created. It is built on cherry-picked facts, numbers out of context and anecdotes. And the right continues churning out stories of companies “fleeing” California.

The conservative City Journal has devoted its winter issue to what’s wrong with California. One piece accuses “coastal elites” of destroying drought-plagued almond farmers by “privileging the needs of fish over the needs of people.” (What the fish need is a minimum water flow to their habitats to save them from extinction.)

Not to mess up a sweet fairy tale, but the “coastal elites” and the farmers are often one and the same people. The largest producer of nuts in the state is a company owned by Beverly Hills billionaires Lynda and Stewart Resnick. Hedge funds and banks have also gotten into the almond game, now that a lucrative Asian market has sent nut prices soaring. Thus, in the jaws of a multiyear drought, California “farmers” continue to plant water-gulping almond trees.

What else is wrong with California? A state minimum wage raised to $10 an hour from $9. That Wal-Mart is raising wages to $10 nationwide should offer a hint that $10 an hour is not extraordinarily high.

Zoning and environmental regulations have made California real estate quite expensive, especially along the coast. This is true, although having the Pacific Ocean on a long border hampers development, as well.

One reason zoning and environmental regulations make real estate more expensive is they also make it more desirable. One shouldn’t have to explain this to The Wall Street Journal, but one does after reading its commentary about “the mismatch between supply and demand” in California housing prices.

Actually, supply and demand don’t match or mismatch. Supply is supply, and demand is demand. When demand rises faster than supply, prices rise. That’s the law of supply and demand working as it’s supposed to.

The writer is obviously trying to say that imposing high standards for preserving the quality of life causes housing costs to rise. OK. Those who can’t pay the price — or who want bigger spaces — can and often do consider other parts of the country.

Though the decisions by Toyota and Occidental Petroleum to transfer their headquarters to Texas may energize California’s critics, they represent narrow slices of a bigger picture. A new study from Beacon Economics and Next 10 shows that California remains a powerhouse in attracting companies and well-to-do people.

In 2013, California ranked fourth in job creation by new businesses and fifth in creation of new businesses (a growth rate of 5.5 percent). From 2007 to 2014, 49,000 more people with a bachelor’s degree moved into the state from other states than moved out.

So is California an easy place in which to do business? It’s not. Is it a paradise for less skilled workers? Sadly, no. Few places are these days.

What the strong numbers do mean, Beacon partner Chris Thornberg told the Los Angeles Times, is “that being ‘business friendly’ is not the be-all and end-all of economic development.” He went on: “When you actually look at the data, you’ll find that as kooky as California is, it’s not a state that’s underperforming.”

Let the critics carp. But do correct them.

California is prospering despite high taxes, strict

Obama Moves on Gun Control via Executive Order, Fiat


Attorney General Loretta Lynch, left, speaks at the U.S. Mission in Geneva, while President Barack Obama, right, speaks in the Oval Office in the wake of San Bernardino. (Photos: Getty)

President Obama on Monday officially announced an executive order that will expand required background checks and limit perspective dealers. The White House, which will unveil more on the move Tuesday, announced that they have decreed a background check requirement on purchases from online sellers and gun shows.

Further, the Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives will also rewrite longstanding guidance to grant the government the authority to consider someone a gun dealer regardless of what federal law says or where the guns are sold.

The new guidance aims to narrow the gun show loophole, which hasn’t been linked to a single mass shooting that the administration has so oft-politicized. Only federally licensed gun dealers will now conduct background checks on potential gun buyers, pushing out smaller dealers.

“We know that we can’t stop every act of violence. But what if we tried to stop even one?” President Obama responded in an email statement. “What if Congress did something — anything — to protect our kids from gun violence?”

And how will the executive action be implemented? The White House said that the FBI will hire 230 more examiners to process background checks to speed up the process while also improving the FBI’s background check system.

Each of the Republican presidential candidates have vowed to rescind the president’s executive order on gun control, while lawmakers in Congress also vowed to sue in federal court.

President Obama officially announced an executive order


Hillary Rodham Clinton jokes during her keynote address at the Watermark Silicon Valley Conference for Women in Santa Clara, Calif., on Feb. 24, 2015. (Photo: AP)

Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic frontrunner, more than suggested that the Benghazi victims’ families are lying about her blaming the 2012 terrorist attack on a YouTube video. Mrs. Clinton made the allegation during an interview last month with the Conway Daily Sun:

Sun Columnist Tom McLaughlin said she told an Egyptian diplomat the Benghazi attack was planned and not a protest but that she told family members of the deceased that the attack was the result of a demonstration. He said she then told George Stephanopoulos that she didn’t tell the families the attack was a demonstration about a film.

“Somebody is lying,” said McLaughlin.”Who is it?

Clinton replied, “Not me, that’s all I can tell you.”

At the time, Clinton said, everyone was emotionally distraught. She said some families didn’t know their sons were working for the CIA or were in Benghazi. Clinton said the information she had about the attack was from the intelligence community.

“What happened is people were doing the best they could with information that was changing,” said Clinton. “The CIA wrote and approved the talking points that were used. It was also true that from Egypt to Tunisia to Pakistan, the video was the primary spark that was sending people into protesting against our facilities. All of this was happening simultaneously.”

However, as PPD has repeatedly reported (here and here), then-Secretary of State Clinton repeatedly and conscientiously lied to the Benghazi victims’ families in the wake of the attack. In fact, Mrs. Clinton issued an official statement claiming the assault that killed four Americans, including Chris Stevens, was the result of “a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet.” Stevens is the first U.S. ambassador killed in an attack since Adolph Dubs was killed in 1979.

Just a few days after releasing the statement, while speaking at the ceremonial return of the victims’ bodies at Andrews Air Force Base on Sept. 14, 2012, Clinton said that the attack was prompted by “an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with.” She then promised the families that the man who made the video would pay.

“Oh yes, they all told me about the reason that this happened was the video,” said Pat Smith, the mother of information management officer Sean Smith, who was killed during the attack on the U.S. consulate. “Every one of them told me that. Yes, they actually did, and Susan Rice also. Nose to nose. I was with – they were hugging me!”

Charles Woods, father of former Navy SEAL and then-CIA contractor Tyrone Woods, has also on multiple accounts verified Mrs. Smith’s story, claiming he was told the same tall tale.

Adding more insult to injury, Mrs. Clinton recently claimed during an interview on ABC’s “This Week” that she did not lie to the families but instead was caught up in “the fog of war.” George Stephanopoulos, a longtime Clinton ally now posing as a journalist, asked about the uncovered email showing Clinton had told the Egyptian prime minister that “we know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film,” prior to telling the families it was a YouTube video that caused the terror attack.

Clinton’s claim was reminiscent of her past 2008 claim that she once arrived in Bosnia under sniper fire, which she blamed on being exhausted.

In addition to the aforementioned emails previously obtained by PPD, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, hit Hillary Clinton with the smoking gun at the House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing in October. Jordan introduced those very e-mails.

Consequently, never has Mrs. Clinton publicly denied the victims’ families version of the story prior to last month, including during her marathon testimony in front of the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

[brid video=”18632″ player=”2077″ title=”Jim Jordan Hits Hillary Clinton With Smoking Gun During Benghazi Select Committee “]

Hillary Clinton more than suggested that the


Nov 29, 2015; Landover, MD, USA; New York Giants head coach Tom Coughlin looks on from the sidelines against the Washington Redskins in the second quarter at FedEx Field. The Redskins won 20-14. Mandatory Credit: Geoff Burke-USA TODAY Sports

New York Giants head coach Tom Coughlin resigned Monday after missing the playoffs for the fourth consecutive year. The Giants just ended their losing season with a 35-30 defeat against Philadelphia, marking their third straight and sixth in the final seven games.

Still, Coughlin led the Giants to two winning Super Bowls.

“I met with (owners) John Mara and Steve Tisch this afternoon, and I informed them that it is in the best interest of the organization that I step down as head coach,” Coughlin said in a statement. “I strongly believe the time is right for me and my family, and the Giants organization.”

Though the 69-year-old Coughlin didn’t say as much, the decision could mark the end of a 20-year NFL head coaching career for one of 13 coaches to win multiple Super Bowls.

“It is difficult to come up with words adequate to describe the appreciation we have for everything Tom Coughlin has done for our franchise,” Mara said.”In addition to delivering two Super Bowl titles, Tom represented us with class and dignity, and restored the pride to our entire organization. He has all the qualities you could ever ask for in a head coach, and set very high standards for whoever will succeed him.”

Coughlin, Mara, Tisch and general manager Jerry Reese reportedly plan to hold a news conference Tuesday morning. Despite what is said, everyone knew before the 2015 season that Coughlin had to get the Giants back to the postseason to keep his job. Of course, that didn’t happen. However, he himself started the season with a handicap. The team had the shallowest bench talent-wise in years, which was made worse when defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul was sidelined by a July 4 fireworks accident that mangled his right hand.

“Obviously, the past three years have not been what any of us expect, and as head coach, I accept the responsibility for those seasons,” he added. The news of Coughlin’s decision was met with nothing but praise and emotion from quarterback and two-time Super Bowl MVP Eli Manning.

“He’s been a great coach to play under,” Manning said, who was visibly emotional when he spoke about his only NFL coach. “We have a great relationship, great trust. I appreciate the way he works, I think he appreciates the way I handle my business and play quarterback and prepare and get ready. We’ve had a good run, could’ve been better, obviously, but I appreciate everything he’s done for me.”

Also, Pierre-Paul said he saw no loss of competence or style in Coach Coughlin, saying he was consisted from the past six seasons until his final meeting with the team, during which he thanked them for their effort.

“Coach Coughlin is always Coach Coughlin,” Pierre-Paul said. “He’s going to be straight blunt with it, he’s not going to sugarcoat anything, he’s going to keep it original and that’s what he did.”

The Giants made the playoffs in four of the first five seasons under Coughlin following the 2004 firing of Jim Fassel, and one other time beyond that in 2011. Coach Coughlin also posted a 110-93 record in 12 seasons with the Giants, winning three division titles in addition to his two league crowns.

New York Giants head coach Tom Coughlin

National, and All Regional Manufacturing Gauges in Contraction


The Institute for Supply Management’s Manufacturing Report On Business Survey. (Photo: REUTERS)

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Report On Business activity fell deeper into contraction to 48.2 in December from 48.6 the month prior, missing forecasts. While economists expected a slight tick up to 49 for the month, the gauge matches PPD Business expectations as previously reported last week.

“As was the case in November, 10 out of 18 manufacturing industries reported contraction in December,” said Bradley J. Holcomb, CPSM, CPSD, chair of the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Manufacturing Business Survey Committee. “Contraction in new orders, production, employment and raw materials inventories accounted for the overall softness in December.”

The reading, which fell deeper into contraction for the second consecutive month, was the lowest since June 2009. Readings above 50 point to expansion while those below indicate contraction.

Holcomb added:

The New Orders Index registered 49.2 percent, an increase of 0.3 percentage point from the reading of 48.9 percent in November. The Production Index registered 49.8 percent, 0.6 percentage point higher than the November reading of 49.2 percent. The Employment Index registered 48.1 percent, 3.2 percentage points below the November reading of 51.3 percent. The Prices Index registered 33.5 percent, a decrease of 2 percentage points from the November reading of 35.5 percent, indicating lower raw materials prices for the 14th consecutive month. The New Export Orders Index registered 51 percent, up 3.5 percentage points from the November reading of 47.5 percent and the Imports Index registered 45.5 percent, down 3.5 percentage points from the November reading of 49 percent.

Of the 18 manufacturing industries, only six reported growth in December in the following order: Printing & Related Support Activities; Textile Mills; Paper Products; Miscellaneous Manufacturing; Chemical Products; and Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products. The 10 industries reporting contraction in December — listed in order — are: Apparel, Leather & Allied Products; Plastics & Rubber Products; Machinery; Primary Metals; Fabricated Metal Products; Transportation Equipment; Electrical Equipment, Appliances & Components; Computer & Electronic Products; Wood Products; and Nonmetallic Mineral Products.

Index Series
Direction Rate
PMI® 48.2 48.6 -0.4 Contracting Faster 2
New Orders 49.2 48.9 +0.3 Contracting Slower 2
Production 49.8 49.2 +0.6 Contracting Slower 2
Employment 48.1 51.3 -3.2 Contracting From Growing 1
Supplier Deliveries 50.3 50.6 -0.3 Slowing Slower 5
Inventories 43.5 43.0 +0.5 Contracting Slower 6
Customers’ Inventories 51.5 50.5 +1.0 Too High Faster 5
Prices 33.5 35.5 -2.0 Decreasing Faster 14
Backlog of Orders 41.0 43.0 -2.0 Contracting Faster 7
Exports 51.0 47.5 +3.5 Growing From
Imports 45.5 49.0 -3.5 Contracting Faster 3
OVERALL ECONOMY Growing Slower 79
Manufacturing Sector Contracting Faster 2

Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business® data is seasonally adjusted for New Orders, Production, Employment and Supplier Deliveries indexes.

*Number of months moving in current direction.

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Report

WARNING GRAPHIC: ISIS Executes Five “Spies” in Video Targeting David Cameron

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A new ISIS video serving as “a message to David Cameron” calls the British prime minister an “insignificant” leader, and a “slave” to a “pathetic” master–Barack Obama. The video may target Cameron and the U.K., but it represents a significant escalation of insults toward Western leaders.

The video, which is roughly 10 minutes long, features another masked man–as opposed to Jihad John, who was killed–with a British accent who slams the response to the caliphate established by force in regions located in what were previously territories within Syria and Iraq. Before he and other jihadists execute five alleged “spies,” the executioner says the Islamic State will remain and “will continue to wage jihad, break borders and one day invade your land, where we will rule by the sharia.”

Although most Western media outlets refuse to report the truth and, despite the violent nature of radical Islamists, most believe the best and most effective way to achieve global Islamic supremacy is to “break borders” and refuse to assimilate. Their plan is to simply use political correctness, progressivism and multiculturalism to breed out the values of Western populations.

And because of an utter lack of will and negligent refusal to admit the truth, it’s working in countries like Great Britain, France and others. Here’s what the data really reveal to us:

For instance, a recent BBC Radio poll found 45% of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent “mainstream Islam.” An ICM (Mirror) Poll found 1.5 Million British Muslims support the Islamic State, which is about half their total population. Further, one-third of British Muslim students support killing for Islam, according to the Center for Social Cohesion and a Wikileaks cable, while 78% of British Muslims overall support punishing the publishers of Muhammad cartoons (NOP Research).

While British security services are currently examining the content of the video the government has refused to comment at this time regarding British spies inside Islamic State territory, according to the BBC. The outlet also reported unnamed “experts” as saying the video was made to distract from recent Islamic State losses on the battlefield, such as the capture of Ramadi by the Iraqi security forces.

However, as previously explained, there is another war going on behind the scenes. It’s an ideologically-driven, demographic war of migration and attribution. On this battlefield, they are winning.

A new ISIS video--"a message to David


File Photo: President Barack Obama, left, and the NRA cap logo. (Photos: AP/Gallup)

New Year, new executive order. That’s how President Obama’s ringing in 2016–with a robust toast to his own power and hubris, and simultaneous glass tink and eye wink at the Second Amendment.

By the middle of January, Obama will have made his move, most political watchers say. And what a move it will be. As Bloomberg Business reported: “Obama has let it be known from his holiday retreat in Hawaii, through unidentified advisers, that soon after New Years’ Day, he plans to follow through on plans to expand the definition of who’s ‘in the business’ of selling firearms – and who’s thus required to perform background checks.”

That means if you want to sell your gun to your neighbor, under Obama’s new order, you’ll need to first pass an executive-mandated background check from the federal authorities. And I say executive-mandated because the policy won’t be congressionally approved. This so-called closing of the gun show loophole – where dealers who sell commercially are currently subjected to the federal background checks’ process, but not those who sell from their own personal collections – is Obama’s pet, through and through.

It’s yet another presidential bypass of Congress, the duly elected, the electorate, and by extension, the Constitution. Call it the Obama Special – the pen and phone approach to governance – the modern day way of legislating in America.

How long must we suffer? Obama’s bully politics are birthed of a nation that’s turned from God – and when God doesn’t lead, look out. Government will. And it’ll be with heavy hands. That’s what we’re experiencing in rapid fashion under this current administration. Can’t pass immigration reform? Call in the executive order. Can’t get Congress to agree on climate change policy? No problem-o. Pick up the pen and push environmental regulations and dictates for the federal government to follow and businesses to abide. Then press the EPA to ram through those same executive desires. Can’t move reforms on Capitol Hill to control police and halt perceived biased policing against blacks? Call on the Justice Department to initiate a plan that basically federalizes civilian, community police departments via a carrot-stick, funding-for-data-collection dictate.

It’s amazing what a president can accomplish these days.

That’s why Sen. Rand Paul’s legislation limiting the president from passing executive orders that curb the Second Amendment is so interesting, not to mention timely. His bill, the Separation of Powers Restoration and Second Amendment Protection Act, S. 2434, not only relegates such executive orders on gun control to “advisory” status, meaning no action can occur unless Congress first considers and approves it. It also allows those who are negatively affected by any executive action against guns to file a civil lawsuit “to challenge the validity of [the] executive action,” the text of the bill states.

It’s currently on fast-track status, with a hoped-for Senate hearing right after the holiday recess. And Paul introduced it with this fanfare: “In the United States, we do not have a king, but we do have a Constitution. We also have a Second Amendment and I will fight tooth and nail to protect it.”

Indeed he will. In fact, indeed he has. Paul introduced the same legislation in 2013, as S. 82. And guess what happened? After Sens. Mike Lee and John Boozman signed on as cosponsors – the only two to do so – the bill headed for the Senate for a first reading, then a second reading, and then death due to inaction.

So Paul’s pulled the draft out of his desk for another try. Well, good for him. Thumbs-up and gold stars all around, as well as a heartfelt hope the bill will actually pass this time.

But when any politician, well-meaning or otherwise, tries to tell the American public that the United States does not have a king, the proper response is to laugh. Why? It’s wisdom in motion. One need only look to Obama to see how far our Constitution has shifted – and how long-gone our notion of a constrained executive branch has drifted.

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Obama’s ringing in 2016 with gun control

A Michigan Muslim woman posted a YouTube video supporting Palestinian stabbing attacks against Jews and blasted Muslims who try to argue that stabbing is “haram,” or forbidden, under Islamic law. The video, which was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, was posted on YouTube last week by Lina Allan, who MEMRI described as “a Palestinian-Jordanian activist who lives in Michigan.”

Interestingly, her Twitter profile describes herself as “an optimistic person” and lists Michigan, which has a large (and often problematic) Muslim population, as her location. MEMRI previously reported that in 2012, Allan told Jordan’s Roya TV that she represented the State Department’s U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) in the Jameed Festival in Jordan, a food and culture event honoring rural women.

One of the more informative yet entertaining statements she made was when she slammed Muslims who claim Islam does not allow stabbing attacks. Allan said they are trying to be “muftis” and told them to “go back to watching Turkish soap operas.” She made the video statement with a photo behind her that read, “Calm and Proud to Be an Arab.”

“Nobody can feel the suffering of the Palestinian people but the Palestinians living in Palestine,” Allan said. “I wish that you would stop interfering. Spare us your views, and go back to watching Turkish soap operas. It would be better if you didn’t talk about something you don’t understand.”

“I, Lina Allan, do not support the Palestinian government or any party. I support the Palestinian people, and I support any decision made by the Palestinian people, in order to regain its rights and its land,” she said.

A Michigan Muslim woman named Lina Allan

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