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Syed Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, the suspects responsible for the San Bernardino Islamic terror attack. (Photos: AP/EPA)

The Islamic State (ISIS) official radio station has aired a statement saying the terror attack in San Bernardino, Calif., was carried out by two “supporters.” of ISIS. The ISIS radio broadcast praised the attacks and called Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik “lions,” ”fighters” or “mujahedeen.”

“Two followers of Islamic State attacked several days ago a centre in San Bernadino in California, opening fire inside the centre, leading to the deaths of 14 people and wounding more than 20 others” the group’s daily broadcast said.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said on Friday that they had amassed enough evidence to treat the investigation as “an act of terrorism.”

“Based on the information and the facts as we know them, we are now investigating these horrific acts as an act of terrorism,” David Bowdich, assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Los Angeles office.

He said the FBI was optimistic the examination of data retrieved from two smashed cellphones and other electronic devices seized in the investigation would provide larger picture as to how they developed the motive for the attack. Bowdich also confirmed that Malik pledged allegiance to the Islamic State in a Facebook post made under an alias.

“I know it was in a general timeline where that post was made, and yes, there was a pledge of allegiance,” Bowdich said.

While the FBI said that it lacked evidence that the jihadist couple belonged to a larger organization of extremists, they believe they did not have the finances alone to purchase the arsenal and bomb-making tools and materials found in the apartment. FBI sources tell PPD that those leads are being run down overseas.

The Los Angeles Times cited a federal law enforcement source in reporting that the husband had contact with at least two militant groups overseas, including the al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front in Syria. However, PPD has not yet confirmed that information independently.

Wednesday’s terror attack marks the deadliest such attack in the United States since Sept. 11, 2001.

The officials ISIS radio station has aired

How Corrupt Politicians in DC Take Your Wealth


Two years ago, I wrote that Washington’s parasite class was having a very merry Christmas. But I wasn’t mocking welfare recipients, many of whom actually deserve sympathy for getting trapped in the web of government dependency.

Instead, I was referring to the unearned wealth being accumulated by Washington’s gilded class of bureaucrats, crony corporatists, lobbyists, contractors, politicians, and other insiders. To cite a truly horrifying statistic, the redistribution of money from America to Washington has made it the nation’s richest metropolitan region.

And it’s getting worse.

Let’s look at what Tim Carney just wrote in the Washington Examiner about Christmas on K Street.

It’s that magical season when Republicans and Democrats come together to look after the needs of corporate America, K Street lobbyists, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. …The highway measure is a huge win for industry while a loss for good governance. Far worse, however, is the…provision reviving the defunct Export-Import Bank, a corporate-welfare agency…K Street lobbied incessantly to revive Ex-Im, backed by President Obama, Hillary Clinton and nearly every Democratic lawmaker. …As a corporate cherry on top, the bill repeals a recent minor cut in federal crop insurance subsidies, a program that benefits financial firms… Congressional leaders are currently negotiating another year-end legislative package, the notorious annual tax extenders bill. …the bill will extend (at least for a short-time) green-energy subsidies: The Production Tax Credit for wind and the Investment Tax Credit for solar. …Almost all of them are crucial for some special interest and the revolving-door lobbyists they employ.

Tim points out that the feeding frenzy is bipartisan, which some people think is a measure of good policy.

Like me, though, Tim isn’t impressed when the Evil Party and the Stupid Party both conspire to produce bad policy.

As this legislation — the highway bill, the energy bill, the tax extenders, plus the omnibus spending bill—pass through both houses, expect hosannas to the “bipartisanship” and “compromise” involved.…there’s one common theme here: Corporate lobbyists win in almost every case.

But catering to the interests of K Street lobbyists is probably not a good strategy for Republicans.

Republican leaders are probably confused about why all their accomplishments and imminent accomplishments, including the highway bill, tax extenders and appropriations, haven’t dragged Congress’s approval out of the gutter—after all, everyone they talk to thinks Congress is doing a bang-up job.

Now let’s look at what Kevin Williamson recently wrote for National Review. His article is primarily about corruption in Chicago, but his observations apply just as well to how Washington operates.

Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Al Gore, and the rest of that sorry lot aren’t trying to get rich — they’re already rich, some of them wildly rich. They are building a patronage society. And building a patronage society costs a lot of money… The horrifying fact is that Barack Obama can make you a rich man — if you’re the right kind of man. If you operate a politically connected business, the government can direct the better part of $1 billion straight into your coffers… At the other end of the spectrum, a federal tormenter can be the end of your enterprise: Ask those Tea Party groups illegally targeted by Barack Obama’s IRS. Ask a voting-reform advocate who was targeted by the ATF in spite of not being in any business related to A, T, or F.

But it’s not just a case of undeserved goodies getting steered to political cronies.

Yes, that’s a problem, but the economic concern is that this type of economic model misallocates resources and leads to stagnation.

The Clintons’ game isn’t enjoying the $100 million in their checking account — it’s making use of the $44 trillion in American-owned assets as if they owned them themselves. Barack Obama doesn’t want a garage full of Rolls Royces — he wants a world in which Rolls Royce has to ask his permission before building a car or selling one.

In effect, a nation slowly but surely becomes Greece as more and more people either rely on benefits or have jobs in the bloated bureaucracies that dispense goodies.

…you cannot build a patronage society on patrons alone: You need clients. And that’s where the ever-growing public sector comes in. …There is effectively no one working at your local DMV, public school, police station, or IRS office who could earn even 80 percent of his government compensation in a private-sector job. …the really nefarious dependency agenda isn’t focused on the people who cash welfare checks, but on the people who write them, the vast bureaucracies of overpaid functionaries… Get enough of those and you have effective control over the entire economy — Chávez-style socialism without the nasty business of formal expropriation.

By the way, it’s not just libertarian types who worry about bloated government and cronyism.

Here’s an excerpt from a recent column by Robert Samuelson that succinctly captures an inherent problem with government. Writing about the reasons for diminishing productivity growth, he cites the work of Mancur Olson.

Olson revolutionized thinking about the political power of interest groups. …conventional wisdom held that large groups were more powerful than small groups in pursuing their self-interest — say, a government subsidy, tax preference or a protective tariff. …Just the opposite, Olson said in his 1965 book “The Logic of Collective Action.” With so many people in the large group, the benefits of collective action were often spread so thinly that no individual had much of an incentive to become politically active. The tendency was to “let George do it,” but George had no incentive either. By contrast, the members of smaller groups often could see the benefits of their collective action directly. They were motivated to organize and to pursue their self-interest aggressively.

Samuelson continues, elaborating on Olson’s insight about concentrated benefits and dispersed costs.

Here’s an example: A company and its workers lobby for import protection, which saves jobs and raises prices and profits. But consumers — who pay the higher prices — don’t create a counter-lobby, because it’s too much trouble and the higher prices are diluted among many individual consumers. Gains are concentrated, losses dispersed. This was Olson’s great insight, and it had broad implications, he said. In a 1982 book, “The Rise and Decline of Nations,” he argued that the proliferation of special-interest concessions could reduce a society’s economic growth. “An increase in the payoffs from lobbying . . . as compared with the payoffs from production, means more resources are devoted to politics and cartel activity and fewer resources are devoted to production,” he wrote.

The last part of the excerpt is crucial.

When we get to the point when businesses are focused on harvesting favors from Washington (such as bailoutsexport subsidies, special tax preferences, etc), that is a very depressing indication of a cronyist economy rather than a capitalist economy. Of being Argentina rather than Hong Kong.

If you’re not already sufficiently depressed, my colleague Chris Edwards has a very good description of the lawmaking process. You should read the whole thing, but here are a few excerpts as a teaser.

In a romantic view of democracy, legislators act with the interests of the general public in mind. They grapple with policy issues, work toward a broad consensus, and pass legislation that has strong support. To ensure that funds are spent wisely, they frequently reevaluate existing programs and prune the low-value and harmful ones. They put citizens first and carefully limit their actions to those allowable under the U.S. Constitution. The problem with this “public interest theory of government” is that it has little real-world explanatory power. …we can better understand congressional actions by looking at incentives.

And when you look at how the process really works, you learn it is dominated by “rent seeking,” which is academic jargon for interest groups obtaining undeserved benefits via government coercion.

Members…seek federal benefits for their states because most of the costs will fall on other states. This is a major factor causing federal failure. The structure of Congress leads members to support programs that benefit their states but that are losers for the nation as a whole. …There is no built-in check—no invisible hand, as in markets—to guide members to make value-added decisions… Special-interest groups dominate policy discussions. Most witnesses to congressional hearings favor the programs being examined, and they focus on program benefits, not the costs. Most visitors to member offices on Capitol Hill are there to plead for special benefits. …Washington is teaming with lobbyists seeking special benefits—subsidies, regulations, trade protections—that come at the expense of the general public. …rent seeking is a two-way street. Jonathan Rauch of Brookings noted, “In the public’s mind, the standard model of lobbying in Washington involves special interests buying influence, in a sort of legalized bribery. In fact, the process more often involves politicians shaking down special interests.”

If you’ve read this far, you probably want to go take a shower and wash away the stench of Washington corruption.

But there’s one tiny glimmer of hope. If we can somehow figure out how to shrink the size and scope of government, we can reduce the problem. That’s the message of this video.

[brid video=”8397″ player=”2077″ title=”Mitchell Want Less Corruption Shrink the Size of Government”]

While we know the solution, our real challenge is that we can only shrink government by convincing politicians to change policy. Yet asking politicians to reduce government is like asking burglars to be in favor of armed homeowners.

And based on everything I wrote above, we know politicians generally have bad incentives.

But it’s not hopeless. While I certainly enjoy mocking politicians, they’re not totally immoral or even amoral people. Many of them do understand there’s a problem. Indeed, I would argue that recent votes for entitlement reform are an example of genuine patriotism – i.e., doing the right thing for the country.

So is there a potential solution?

Maybe. Let’s use an analogy from Greek mythology. Many politicians generally can’t resist the siren song of a go-along-to-get-along approach. But like Ulysses facing temptation from sirens, they recognize that this is a recipe for a bad outcome. So they realize that some sort of self-imposed constraint is desirable. And that’s why I’m somewhat hopeful that we can get them to impose binding spending caps.

We know there are successful reforms by looking at the evidence. And we know there is growing support from fiscal experts. And we even see that normally left-leaning international bureaucracies such as the OECDand IMF acknowledge that spending caps are the only effective fiscal rule.

So if Ulysses can bind himself to the mast and resist the sirens, perhaps we can convince politicians to tie their own hands with a Swiss-style spending cap.

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Citing horrifying statistics, Dan Mitchell shows how

Because Obama Abdicated the President’s Most Important Job, He Needs to Resign

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States…


President Barack Obama pauses while making a statement on Wednesday’s mass shooting in San Bernandino, Calif., Thursday, Dec. 3, 2015, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. (Photo: AP /Evan Vucci)

President Obama is a Constitutional scholar so I am sure he is aware of the duties of the chief executive of the United States in “providing for the common defense.” Here are the articles of the document that delineate the president’s responsibilities in that area.

Article 2 requires the “United States shall guarantee to every State a republican form of government and shall protect each of them against invasion.”

Article 4 appoints the president as “Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States.”

The security of the homeland and its people is the No. 1 responsibility of the federal government. It is the duty that is talked about the most in the Constitution and outlined the clearest. The Constitution doesn’t talk about providing health care, paying mortgages, buying cellphones, or developing renewable energy. You could lump these things into ‘providing for the general welfare’ but they are not mentioned specifically over and over again like national security. Protecting citizens from Islamic terror could be lumped under ‘securing the blessings of liberty’ as well.

My point is the Constitution is very clear that protecting Americans from outside threats is the number one duty of the President of the United States of America.

Mr. Obama has failed in this duty.

I am not saying this because of one isolated, although horrible, shooting in San Bernardino. I am saying this because this is not the first terrorist attack we have had inside the United States since Obama became president. We have had many.

Everyone is aware of the difficulty of finding lone wolf radical terrorists. That is not the point. The point is how you react to a threat. President Obama has minimized the threat from Islamic terror since he came into office. He campaigned on minimizing it. He doesn’t think it is real. He can’t even say it.

For God’s sake, he just got back from Paris where 130 people were murdered by the ISLAMIC STATE and all he could talk about was global warming. I bet the cold bodies of the 14 killed in California wish they were a little warmer right now.

He’s said the Islamic State is contained. He hasn’t been serious about destroying their capability to attack this country and our allies. The White House waited almost two years before attempting to choke off the oil funds that fund their empire. The Iraqi people and many in the region think the U.S. is supporting ISIS!

Mr. Obama doesn’t think the threat is real, therefore he cannot protect the American people. Therefore he should resign, immediately.

I don’t know a lot about Joe Biden but it seems he believes in America more than our president does. His son was a military officer and served in Iraq. Maybe he gets it more than Mr. Obama. I’m willing to take my chances.

To those who say it would make the 2016 election harder for Republicans. I say, nuts! I want my children safe now! Yesterday! Another year under this man will kill many more of us I am afraid. This will not be the last time. Republicans will have to prove to America they are a better choice and get elected, so what. It shouldn’t be that hard of a challenge if they elect a leader in the primary.

The Obama administration is incompetent or willfully in denial. Neither one is good.

It’s time for President Obama to step down. Your and my life, and our children’s lives, depends on it.

What happened in California will happen again unfortunately, most likely very soon. We need a leader who understands the threat and can deal with it effectively.

That leader is not Barack Hussein Obama.

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President Obama doesn’t think the Islamic terror


MSNBC displayed social security cards, a driver license and more on live TV after they were given access to the apartment of Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, the suspects in the San Bernardino shootings.

MSNBC redefined journalistic trash when it tore its way through the apartment of Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, the suspects in the San Bernardino shootings. The leftwing cable TV netork MSNBC displayed social security cards, a driver license and more on live TV after they were given access to the apartment.

The cards showed readily identifiable information that did not belong to the deceased suspects, which were held up after they decided to pick through their 6-month old child’s toys. Andrea Mitchell, a longtime MSNBC Clintonite, at least suggested that perhaps the network shouldn’t show the child as they rummaged through family photos speculating who the people in the pictures could be.

Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who appeared on MSNBC on the phone just as the network cut away from the footage, was shocked that reporters were being allowed into the apartment.


A petition on Change.org is circulating on social media, which is asking for the reporters’ resignations.

MSNBC redefined journalistic trash when it tore


Syed Farook, left, was described by coworkers as a “devout” Muslim. Law enforcement, right, searches for a suspect in a mass shooting at a social services center Wednesday in San Bernardino, Calif. (Photo: Chris Carlson/AP/Courtesy of Family) )

The FBI announced Friday afternoon that the attack on Wednesday in San Bernardino, Calif., is now being treated as “an act of terrorism.”

“We are investigating it as an act of terrorism, for good reason,” David Bowdich, the assistant FBI director in charge of the Los Angeles office, told reporters in an afternoon news conference.

On Friday, just a few hours before the FBI announcement, PPD confirmed that the Pakistani-born wife and terrorist, Tashfeen Malik, had pledged her allegiance to ISIS as the morning attack began. Malik posted the pledge to ISIS leader and self-proclaimed “caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi at the outset of the attack, in which she and her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, stormed a Christmas party Farook and his co-workers before escaping. Farook and Malik were killed hours later in a shootout with police just two miles away.

The FBI said the couple smashed their two cellphones in an effort to destroy their digital fingerprint, but that they are continuing to recover data.

“They tried to wipe out their digital fingerprints,” he said. “It’s not a three-day process.”

The FBI announced Friday afternoon that the

A Response to Anti-Second Amendment Gun Haters on the Left


President Barack Obama pauses while making a statement on Wednesday’s mass shooting in San Bernandino, Calif., in the Oval Office of the White House, left, while law enforcement, right, searches for a suspect in a mass shooting at a social services center Wednesday in San Bernardino, Calif. (Photo: AP /Evan Vucci/Chris Carlson)

In the wake of the terror attack in San Bernardino, Calif., President Obama and Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley all immediately called for gun control. They left the more pressing question of what makes some human beings want to kill other human beings who don’t share their religion for the more intellectually honest and capable to answer.

They opted instead to advocate for taking away my God-given right to defend myself, my family and my fellow Americans.

Without fail, the usual tyrant-loving sycophants in the media began to push each other over to see who could grab their water buckets first.

Mark Joseph Stern, who “covers law and LGBTQ issues” for the uber-left website Slate, suggested “we need to reconsider what liberty means” in the wake of San Bernardino because his “right to safety outweighs” the Second Amendment.

“Perhaps that was true in 1868, when the 14th Amendment was ratified,” Stern writes of the Supreme Court’s 2008 decision upholding the Second Amendment as an individual right, as it was intended. “Perhaps that was even true in 2010—a year with fewer mass shootings than every year since. Is it true today?”

Stern goes on to cite the response to an opinion written by Justice John Paul Stevens, the same thankfully-retired liberal hack who recently proposed restricting gun rights and free speech, as well as other rights explicitly protected by the very Constitution he once swore to defend. For him, “we must balance ‘respect for the liberty of the individual’ against ‘the demands on the organized society.'”

What Stern and those who agree with him desperately need is a lesson on American citizenship, and all that comes with it.

Thomas Jefferson said a citizen “has no right in opposition to his social duties,” meaning with those rights comes certain responsibility. Only those willing to do what’s necessary to preserve them, truly deserve them. In other words, there is no God-given right that the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God have not also paired with an equivalent duty or obligation.

It’s true we have all agreed to give up certain rights enjoyed in a basic state of nature for a limited degree of security. That’s the essential social compact that gave birth to government. But in the American social contract the duty to preserve our right to life and security is ultimately ours and ours alone, not government’s.

Stern and other statists want to shirk their duty, forfeit liberty, and yet still insist they deserve security. Because Stern is either too ignorant or just too weak to preserve his security by exercising his Second Amendment right, he wants to subcontract his duty to the government. Thus, he wants politicians to force us to forfeit ours.

That’s not going to happen. Ever. At least not without a fight, a real fight the left is not prepared to wage and most certainly cannot win.

I, and frankly millions of others, are sick and tired of cowardly, latte-sipping weaklings dumping the fruits of their bankrupt ideology on liberty-loving Americans and our Constitution. They want us to forsake a document for the very authoritarian-natured institution it was designed to protect us from, which is responsible for more human death than all the last century’s great wars, combined.

It’s called democide. Google it.

In the real world, you can never have total safety in any society, and that’s particularly true of a free society.

I have a beautiful wife, who gave me two beautiful children. Though my wife is more than capable, I will defend our family and community if needed because it is my duty to learn how to effectively and my right to obtain the necessary means to do so.

I intend to teach both my children of their duties and rights, and suggest Stern and other leftists do the same.

When we have these debates, we must move the national discourse beyond the narrow and simplistic attributes to personhood that don’t at all differentiate a citizen from what our Founding Fathers would consider an old world subject. A subject, or one who subjects his or herself to a sovereign in return for a service–in this case it is security–puts a demand on society. That would be the demand Stern is talking about.

A citizen, if they deserve and want to preserve this gift of liberty, contributes to society. If we were serious about responding to domestic terror or even inevitable incidents of a mad-man or woman with a gun, then let’s teach each other and learn from one another about how to become more capable and aware citizens.

I would be remise not to point out the fact that the left’s plan to repeal the Second Amendment won’t even stop mass violence. The left’s argument is getting so Orwellian that both President Obama and Barbara Boxer made totally delusional claims in the wake of the attack.

“Sensible gun laws work. We’ve proven it in California,” Sen. Boxer said, apparently not realizing that the attack transpired in her own state, where gun laws are among the strictest in the nation.

“I say this every time we’ve got one of these mass shootings. This just doesn’t happen in other countries,” claimed Obama, while speaking in gun-free Paris.

In 2015, as John R. Lott recently noted, France unfortunately suffered more casualties from mass public shootings than the U.S. has suffered during the entire Obama presidency (508 ). Yet, the president boldly made that claim in Paris, where just two weeks before terrorists still managed to obtain banned firearms and shoot unarmed, defenseless subjects who don’t have the Second Amendment rights American citizens have.

“There have been at least 351 mass shootings so far this year. Mothers, daughters, brothers, fathers, sisters, husbands, and wives are being slaughtered every day by guns,” Stern writes to inject emotion into his intellectually feeble and otherwise inadequate legal argument. “Their blood is being shed in the name of liberty.”

No, their blood was shed most frequently in gun-free zones among citizens ill-prepared to exercise their rights because, as I’ve stated, too many Americans no longer understand what it takes to earn, deserve and preserve liberty. How many mothers, daughters, brothers, fathers, sisters, husbands, and wives would’ve survived if we did?

(Editor’s Note: Food for thought below. It is indeed a lesson on American citizenship, and more.)

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R.D. Baris, the People's Pundit and author


A Saudi Arabian banking and real estate CEO Abdallah S. Kamel, aka HE Sheikh Saleh Abdullah Kamel, right, gave a $10 million gift to create the Abdallah S. Kamel Center for the Study of Islamic Law and Civilization at Yale Law School, left.

An omission of fact is a purposeful misrepresentation of fact. In a court of law, district attorneys can be severely disciplined for allowing such omissions, particularly when the results are the successful prosecution of an innocent person. Defense attorneys also have to be careful that they, too, do not fall under this ominous ethical charge.

The federal government has regulations regarding the concept of omission of fact, much of it is found in U.S. Code: Title 22 – FOREIGN RELATIONS AND INTERCOURSE. Keep this topic in mind as the concept of foreign relations is foremost in this discussion.

In September, Yale University President Peter Salovey announced that the Ivy League institution was a recipient of $10,000,000 from Abdallah S. Kamel of the Dallah Albaraka (a.k.a. Al Baraka) Group in Saudi Arabia. The contribution is meant for the establishing of an Islamic Law Center in the Law School at Yale, which shall bare the name: Abdallah S. Kamel Islamic Law Center.

According to Mr. Salovey, this center exists for the purpose of disseminating “knowledge and insights for the benefit of scholars and leaders all over the world.” This makes the center within the Law School at Yale an educational entity where classes and research will occur, and for the purpose of this commentary shall hereafter be referred to as a “Sharia School.”

Mr. Salovey’s announcement of Yale’s acceptance of these funds did not inform the public on several key facts relating to Abdallah Kamel. The first of Mr. Salovey’s omissions of fact regarding the “gift” of $10,000,000 was that these funds come directly from a person who has relationships with terrorists and terror financing, information that is publicly available to anyone.

Omission 1: Several articles have been written about the father of Abdallah (a.k.a. Abdullah) Saleh Kamel being the real donor of the funds. Saleh Abdallah (a.k.a. Abdullah) Kamel of the Dallah Albaraka Group was listed on the Golden Chain financiers of Al Qaeda. A lawsuit brought by the families of the victims of September 11 named those on the Golden Chain as defendants. Saleh Kamel was only released from the suit due to his living outside the personal jurisdiction of the federal court. Information was presented in the case that directly tied his company (Dallah Albaraka Group) to funding one of the terrorists on the planes prior to the attack.

Omission 2: Abdallah S. Kamel, as chief executive of the Dallah Albaraka Group, also bears responsibility for its financing of another federally identified terrorist group–Hamas. According to a report filed with the President of the United Nations Security Council in December 2002:

al Aqsa International Bank, was described as the “financial branch of Hamas” by American authorities. … The bank was established with $20 million in capital by several prominent financial groups or institutions, notably the Jordan Islamic Bank and the Saudi Dallah al Baraka. The Jordan Islamic Bank is the property of the Dallah al Baraka Group, led by Saleh Abdallah Kamel, shareholder of the same bank Usama bin Laden funded in Sudan via local trustees and companies.

These two omissions of fact enable Yale to project the appearance the institution is working legally with good people for the establishing of a Sharia School at Yale. However, it is difficult to hide relationships with those who finance groups responsible for the outright slaughter of thousands.

Yale took down its public relations page on the Abdallah S. Kamel Islamic Law Center when this article was first proposed to the Connecticut Law Tribune. That site was taken down after this writer was informed of the acceptance of this article. Interestingly, Yale had one more page not available to Google which states that the university has had a relationship with Abdallah S. Kamel for years, as they have funded lecture series on Islamic law at Yale.


Yale University officials never read The Wall Street Journal, which wrote articles about Saleh Kamel and the Golden Chain? Yale officials never heard of the Holy Land Foundation trial, which was this nation’s largest terror financing trial ever?

Worse still, Yale officials accepted funds from Kamel having never questioned any of his banks’ interactions with terrorists that were documented by our Senate Banking Committee.

In September, Yale University President Peter Salovey

Where are the Wages?


Job Search Station (Photo: Reuters)

The November jobs report released by the Labor Department on Friday showed the U.S. added 211,000 jobs, slightly beating the media forecast for 200,000. The labor force participation rate at 62.5% remained unchanged at its 37-year low and the unemployment rate held steady at 5%.

“The Fed only needs one average report to finally raise interest rates on December 16 after seven full years of near zero,” David Kelly, chief global strategist at J.P. Morgan Funds, said.

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (4.7 percent), adult women (4.6 percent), teenagers (15.7 percent), whites (4.3 percent), blacks (9.4 percent), Asians (3.9 percent), and Hispanics (6.4 percent) showed little or no change in November.

The number of long-term unemployed–or, those jobless for 27 weeks or more–was unchanged at 2.1 million in November and, in fact, has not shown movement since June. These individuals accounted for more than a quarter (25.7%) of the unemployed this month. Further, the less-cited but arguably more important employment-population ratio was unchanged at an abysmal 59.3% and also has shown little movement since October 2014.

“We’ll also be looking for stronger wage growth as proof of an improved economy,” Tara Sinclair, chief economist at job site Indeed, said prior to the report. “After years of stagnant wage growth, we finally saw the increase we were looking for in last month’s numbers. But that is only one month of data and these numbers can be volatile.”

Unfortunately, wage growth in the November jobs report was mixed. The Labor Department said average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by 4 cents to $25.25, down from a 9-cent gain in October. Over the year, average hourly earnings have risen by just 2.3%. In November, average hourly earnings of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees, at $21.19, changed little.

Wages have been stagnant in large part due to the economy’s shift toward part-time positions. The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons–also sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers–increased by 319,000 to 6.1 million in November, breaking the trend in modest declines over the prior two months. These individuals, who would have preferred full-time employment, were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.

Meanwhile, opportunity in traditionally higher-paying sectors either flat-lined or decreased. Employment in mining continued to decline (-11,000) under the pressure of burdensome government regulation, with losses concentrated in support activities (-7,000). Since December 2014, employment in mining has declined by 123,000. The Labor Department’s November jobs report showed information lost 12,000 jobs. Within the industry, employment in motion pictures and sound recording decreased by 13,000 in November but has shown little net change over the year.

Employment in other major industries, including manufacturing, wholesale trade, transportation and warehousing, financial activities, and government, changed little over the month.

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) Manufacturing Business Survey fell to 48.6 in November from 50., well below expectations for a reading of 505. While PPD has reported numerous times on regional activity contracting, the survey now indicates the manufacturing sector nationwide is shrinking.

The November jobs report released by the


This April 30, 2010 file photo shows the Stone Temple Pilots, from left, Dean Deleo, Eric Kretz, Robert Deleo, and Scott Weiland from the band Stone Temple Pilots, pose for a portrait in Santa Monica, Calif. (AP)

Scott Weiland, the former lead singer of Stone Temple Pilots, died in his sleep Thursday night while on tour with his new band in Minnesota at age 48.

“Scott Weiland, best known as the lead singer for Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver, passed away in his sleep while on a tour stop in Bloomington, Minnesota, with his band The Wildabouts,” his Facebook page posted. “At this time we ask that the privacy of Scott’s family be respected.”

Weiland was also the lead singer of Velvet Revolver. The band was put together by the former lead guitarist Slash from Guns N’ Roses, and also featured former Guns bassist Duff McKagan and drummer Matt Sorum, as well as former Wasted Youth guitarist Dave Kushner. Weiland left Velvet Revolver in 2008 to join the reunited Stone Temple Pilots.

“The story’s not finished,” Weiland told The Associated Press at the time. “There’s more to be revealed and more to be told.”

“Core,” Stone Temple Pilots’ (STP) 1992 debut, has sold more than 8 million units in the United States. Their other hits include “Vasoline,” ”Interstate Love Song” and “Plush,” the latter of which won a Grammy in 1993 for best hard rock performance with vocal.

However, Weiland suffered from drug and alcohol addiction for years. In 1995, he was arrested after deputies found him carrying crack and heroin. He pleaded guilty to felony heroin possession in 1998. And his arrests for drug possession and stints in rehab led the Stone Temple Pilots to cancel tour dates and contributed to their 2003 breakup.

Tom Vitorino, Weiland’s manager, told the Associated Press (AP) he found out about Weiland’s death from the singer’s tour manager, but did not provide further details. Police are investigating.

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Scott Weiland, the former lead singer of

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