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Abdelhamid Abaaoud. (Photo: Militant Group)

BREAKING — Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, the  suspected mastermind of last Friday’s Paris terror attacks that killed 129 people, was killed in a raid in Saint Denis on Wednesday. Abaaoud, who bragged that he could always stay one step ahead of Western intelligence frequently on social media, was killed along with his cousin after she blew herself up.

The mastermind, which should really be swapped with ringleader, had been linked to a string of thwarted attacks in the West, including the plot to kill passengers on a Paris-bound high-speed train in August, which three young Americans foiled. He was identified from skin samples after the Saint-Denis raid, the French prosecutor’s office reported Thursday.

Abaaoud had claimed he successfully moved back and forth from Europe to Syria coordinating terror attacks, and narrowly escaped a January police raid in the Belgian city of Verviers. “Allah blinded their vision and I was able to leave… despite being chased after by so many intelligence agencies,” he told the ISIS magazine Dabiq.

Police say they launched Wednesday’s operation after receiving information from tapped phone calls, surveillance and tipoffs suggesting that Abaaoud was holed up in the apartment. Eight other people were arrested.

Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday, François Molins, the Paris prosecutor in charge of the investigation into the Paris terror attacks said the second body found after this morning’s raid on a suspected terrorist hideout could not yet be identified. However, citing two senior European intelligence officials, the Washington Post was reporting one of the bodies from the raid in Saint Denis was Abaaoud.



Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, the suspected mastermind


New York Police Department patrol in Times Square, left, on December 31, 2014 in New York City. Police forces, right, gear up in Paris after reports of a shooting in the northern suburb of Saint Denis on Nov. 18, 2015. (Photos: Andrew Theodorakis/GettyAP/Francois Mori)

Like most people, I’m thinking of the terrorist trauma in Paris, though with a somewhat different perspective. I was in New York on Sept. 11, 2001, and my thoughts go in this direction: What is the future of cities in which psychopaths have killed crowds of bystanders?

In New York, the future as we’ve known it so far has been one of glory and growth. In Paris — its post-attack future just a few days old — it’s been a quick return to the previous embrace of culture and camaraderie. The people now thronging the cafes and theaters may be exhibiting more an air of resistance than gaiety, but rest assured that the real enjoyment will take over.

But the aftereffects do not end there. These massacres are not like a wound that eventually heals. They’re more like a cancer that can go into remission for a while and then come back. And these cancers can take on different forms, changing the people in different ways.

The 9/11 attacks in New York were centered on the World Trade Center twin towers, emblems of America’s economic might. They were assaults from above, and the perpetrators were foreigners. Though the weapons were hijacked commercial airliners, the attacks had the feel of a conventional war.

In both cities, it took a while before people felt confident that the onslaught was over. Fourteen years ago, New Yorkers kept looking skyward at every sound of aircraft long after they recognized that the only planes flying over Manhattan were U.S. military.

Manhattan is an island and was eerily cut off from the rest of America. Bridges and tunnels closed. There were no domestic flights, no intercity buses, no Amtrak. For a while, only one or two subway lines were running. Restaurants stayed open, their hardworking staffs at the ready, but only a few stragglers showed up for dinner.

Gradually, all came back to “normal” — more than normal, actually, given today’s congestion, soaring home prices and hyper-expensive eateries without an empty seat.

Although the New York attacks were far grander in scale and horrific imagery, the terror in Paris took on, in some ways, a scarier form. It skirted the national symbols, aiming at places where ordinary people go for fun. These were soft targets, as were the London subway and Madrid commuter railroad, both of which had suffered terrorist bombings.

In New York’s landmark Grand Central Terminal, heavily armed troops patrol the marble floor. The subway lines jammed with people are not so protected. New York would grind to a halt were residents and visitors afraid to ride the subways. And New York police are on alert as the holiday season fills the great stores, cabarets, dance clubs, theaters and surrounding streets with humanity.

We have no idea in which direction the terrorists’ demented imagination will next turn. They seem to value surprise and may afflict smaller cities. In Europe, they already have. They may go after food and water supplies, a scenario the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is already considering.

What we know is they won’t go away any time soon. The Paris attacks were against ordinary people, and the ordinary people have returned to their soft-target hangouts in defiance. Whether they would continue to do so after multiple incidents remains to be seen.

But one would hope the people of New York — or any other American city subjected to terrorist mayhem — would emulate the resilience of Parisians.

America’s city-loving millennials remain untested, but they’re a tough lot. Let’s pray they never have to go through this while having faith they’d do so bravely.

In New York, the future post9/11 has


Islamic State (ISIS) fighters, left, and a scene from the attacks in Paris, right. (Photos: AP/Reuters)

The tragedy in Paris last Friday has regrettably been employed as a catalyst for renewed calls by governments in western Europe and even in the United States for more curtailment of personal liberties. Those who accept the trade of liberty for safety have argued in favor of less liberty. They want government to have more authority to intrude upon the daily lives of more innocent people. Their targets are the freedoms of speech and travel and the right to privacy. Their goal is public safety, but their thinking is flawed.

The clash between liberty and safety is as old as the republic itself. The United States was quite literally conceived in liberty. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson painstakingly listed the ills and evils of the British government’s administration of the Colonies. There were no complaints about the absence of public safety; rather, Jefferson’s “long train of abuses” cataloged the British government’s interference with the colonists’ personal liberties.

What has made the declaration so enduring and unique in world history is its unambiguous embrace of the natural law as its explanation of the origin of our rights. The British king thought he reigned by the will of God — the so-called divine right of kings.

Jefferson, influenced by the British philosopher and political theorist John Locke, turned that belief on its head. He argued that our liberties are natural, even inalienable, because they stem from our humanity, which is a gift from God. How could the same God have given us natural, inalienable personal freedoms and also have given the king the natural right to interfere with those freedoms?

The declaration’s answer is the profound rejection of the moral legitimacy of any government that lacks the consent of the governed, as well as its articulation of the Judeo-Christian ethic of valuing human life and its acceptance of the belief that humans possess inalienable rights “endowed by their Creator.”

Notwithstanding the values of the Declaration of Independence, big government and petty tyranny reared their ugly heads almost at the start of the republic. In 1798, the same generation — in some cases the same human beings — that wrote in the First Amendment that “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech” also enacted the Alien and Sedition Acts, which punished speech critical of the government. Abraham Lincoln locked people up for speaking out against the Civil War. Woodrow Wilson locked people up for singing German beer hall songs during World War I. FDR locked people up just for being Japanese-Americans in World War II. All of this was later condemned by courts or Congresses — and surely by enlightened public opinion.

It is in times of fear — whether generated by outside forces or fomented by the government itself — when we need to be most vigilant about our liberties. When people are afraid, it is human nature to accept the curtailment of liberties, whether it be with speech or travel or privacy, if they become convinced that the curtailment will somehow keep them safe.

But if Jefferson and all the history and tradition of American cultural and legal thought have been correct, these liberties are natural rights, integral to all rational people. I can sacrifice my liberties, but I cannot sacrifice yours. Personal liberty is subject only to due process, not majoritarianism. Stated differently, we can only morally and legally and constitutionally lose our personal liberties when our personal behavior has been adjudicated as criminal by a jury after a fair trial; we can’t lose them by a majority vote of our neighbors or a majority vote of our representatives in government or a presidential executive order.

Moreover, the Paris killings, the Fort Hood massacre and the Boston Marathon killings are all examples of the counterintuitive argument that the loss of liberty does not bring about more safety. It does not. Rather, it gives folks the impression that the government is doing something — anything — to keep us safe. Because that impression is a false sense of security, it is dangerous; people tend to think they are secure when they are not. In fact, the government’s reading everyone’s emails and listening to everyone’s telephone calls is making us less safe because a government intent on monitoring our every move suffers from data overload.

Because government is buried in too much data about too many folks, it loses sight of the moves of the bad guys. Add to this the historical phenomenon that liberty lost is rarely returned — as a new generation accustomed to surveillance attains majority, surveillance seems the norm — and you have a dangerous stew of tyranny. Just look at the Patriot Act, which permits federal agents to bypass the courts and write their own search warrants. It has had three sunsets since 2001, only to be re-enacted just prior to the onset of each — and re-enacted for a longer period of time each time.

Since the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris in January, the police in France have been able legally to monitor anyone’s communications or movements without a warrant and without even any suspicion. Today they can break down any door and arrest whomever they please, and this past weekend, the French Cabinet declared that authorities can confiscate all firearms in Paris. All that gives law enforcement a false sense of omnipotence over the monsters.

Only good old-fashioned undercover work — face to face with evil, what the professionals call human intelligence on the ground — can focus law enforcement on the bad guys. And an armed citizenry strikes terror into the hearts of would-be killers and even stops them before they complete their horrific tasks. But don’t try telling that to the French government.

The tragedy in Paris last Friday has


New York Police Department patrol in Times Square on December 31, 2014 in New York City. (Photo: Andrew Theodorakis/Getty)

The Islamic State (ISIS) released a new video on Wednesday praising the recent attacks in Paris, which recycles old footage of a suicide bomber gearing up to attack New York City’s Times Square.

The video, which was released by Furat Media Center, the propaganda media wing of the Islamic State, features several men speaking in Arabic and French, congratulating ISIS over the Paris attacks and vowing victory for Allah via the terror army’s activities.

The video also shows French President Francois Hollande’s address following the attacks on Paris last week, which is interchanging with scenes from an older video of New York City. Time Square is shown before an ISIS militant is depicted stating that the attacks in Paris were just the beginning. The video then cuts to a militant with a suicide bomb vest overlaid with footage of flashing billboards and yellow taxi cabs.

The jihadist video ends with a message on screen that reads “and what is to come will be worse and more bitter.”

While none of the video’s speakers specifically reference an attack on Times Square, the imagery of the suicide bomber preparing to attack says it all New York City Police Department spokesman Stephen Davis said the agency is aware of the video, and will continue to work with the FBI and intelligence community.

“While some of the video footage is not new, the video reaffirms the message that New York City remains a top terrorist target,” he said.

The video release comes as more than half of the nation’s governors have vowed to either fight or express their disagreement with the president’s plan to take in at least 10,000 Syrian refugees. At least one of the terrorists in the Paris attacks posed as an asylum-seeker in order to enter Europe through a popular entry point for the flood of migrants.

“While there is no current or specific threat to the City at this time, we will remain at a heightened state of vigilance and will continue to work with the FBI, the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the entire intelligence community to keep the City of New York safe,” NYPD director of communication J. Peter Donald said in a statement.

He added that the department would continue deploying Critical Response Command teams throughout the city “out of an abundance of caution.”

Polls show the American public is overwhelming opposed to the president’s plan to take in Syrian refugees, and concern over an attack on the homeland is nearing post-9/11 levels.

The Islamic State (ISIS) released a video


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, left, Anonymous, center, and an Islamic State (ISIS) soldier posing, right.

Anonymous, a name used by a group of hackers originating in France, which is now a multinational conglomeration of hack-tivists, declared war on the Islamic State following a series of deadly terror attacks in Paris.

Students of pop culture and computer geeks are asking the questions: What can hackers do against the Islamic State? What should hackers be working on to make the Islamic State feel their wrath?

However, before they begin, Anonymous needs a basic history lesson. Anonymous had previously declared war on both Al Qaeda and ISIS. AQI, or Al Qaeda in Iraq, became the Islamic State of Syria and al-Sham (ISIS). ISIS became the Islamic State. The group’s declared enemy has not changed, only in name.

Anonymous has stated they are going to hunt down members of the Islamic State. Thus, Anonymous is sadly making a misplaced effort.


Because those who live in the Islamic State have little access to the Internet and generally use instruments of war, rather than instruments of communication. Further, national security experts debate the effectiveness of the “whack-a-mole” strategy, or identifying and forcefully closing of accounts owned and operated by terrorists. If this is truly what Anonymous wants to do, their actions may prove vast and produce little in return.

Anonymous would be better served concentrating their efforts on revealing those currently amongst us who believe and practice tenets taught in the Islamic State. Identifying these persons, however, could produce a lasting effect that would create a safer France, a safer Europe and a safer America.

For this reason I am providing the following suggestions for Anonymous to be taken seriously as a threat to the Islamic State.

  • Read Stephen Coughlin’s book, Catastrophic Failure. Learn why intelligence gathering today is all messed up. This will enable you to be more successful in your efforts.
  • Expose the Muslim Brotherhood and its members. The Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella group under which most–in fact, almost all–Islamic terrorists have been or still are members. This action will stop the enablers.
  • Publicize the Islamic doctrine of al Hijrah: the secret doctrine of migration before jihad.
  • Expose the enabling politicians who provide platforms for the successful infiltration of future terrorists.
  • Publish the names of any and all entities currently purchasing oil and other goods from the Islamic State.

These five items are not being addressed by any major media outlets today to say nothing of the intelligence communities around the world. If hack-tivists can get these things accomplished, more power to them.

[mybooktable book=”civilization-jihad-and-the-myth-of-moderate-islam” display=”summary” buybutton_shadowbox=”true”]

If Anonymous is truly going to declare


Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen. (Photo: Reuters)

Minutes from the Federal Open Market Committee meeting in October showed “most” members thought December could be the month to start policy normalization.

The minutes stressed that no decision on the exact timing and trajectory of the first rate hike since the Great Recession had been made, and that it would depend heavily on the economic data. However, members clearly were concerned that wording in the policy statement would send too strong a message to markets.

“Most” FOMC members felt conditions for a rate hike “could well be met by the time of the next meeting,” according to minutes from the Fed’s Oct. 27-28 meeting.

Still, the Fed has always contended that the rate hike would depend upon inflation and wage growth, neither have shown any optimistic, concrete sign of hitting their targets. Yet, FOMC members reverted back to previously used language to emphasize that any decision on a rate hike will be dependent on the latest available economic data.

In fact, the Fed chose to delay raising rates at both its September and October meetings, which sent another easy money signal after they backed away from a June deadline. At the September meeting FOMC members cited global markets, including the Chinese economic slowdown and volatility in U.S. markets. A press conference is scheduled at the conclusion of the Fed’s Dec. 15-16 meeting, which raises expectations for a hike.

Minutes from the Federal Open Market Committee


Police forces operate in Saint-Denis, a northern suburb of Paris, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015. (Francois Mori)

Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday, the Paris prosecutor in charge of the investigation into the Paris terror attacks said the second body found after this morning’s raid on a suspected terrorist hideout could not yet be identified.

However, citing two senior European intelligence officials, the Washington Post is reporting one of the bodies from a raid in Saint Denis is the mastermind of the Paris terror attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud. Seven suspected terrorists have been arrested and two are dead in a raid that was indeed targeting the mastermind of the Paris attacks in the northern suburb.

François Molins said during the presser that over 5,000 rounds had been fired in the raid-turned-gun fight this morning, which resulted in the recovery of various military-grade weapons. The sources said Abaaoud, a Belgian-born extremist who had once boasted about easily moving between Europe and ISIS-controlled territory in Syria, was killed after more than 100 police and soldiers stormed the building during a seven-hour siege.

“The confirmation was made after forsenic experts combed through the aftermath,” the Post reported.

PPD has not yet independently confirmed the report, and at least one other suspect believed closely linked to the Paris attacks remains at large. Friday’s carnage that killed at least 129 people and wounded 350 others. Officials have arrested 60 individuals in connection with the series of attacks since Friday.

Meanwhile, French President François Hollande tried to rally and calm the fears of his countryman and fellow leaders. However, he said France has always been and will remain an open society as it rises to meet the Islamist challenge facing them.

“We are at war against terrorism, terrorism which declared war on us,” Holland said at a meeting of French maoyors on Wednesday. “It is the [Islamic State] jihadist organization. It has an army. It has financial resources. It has oil. It has a territory. It has allies in Europe, including in our country, with young, radicalized Islamist people. It committed atrocities there and wants to kill here. It has killed here.”

Citing two senior European intelligence officials, one


U.S. Capitol Building on Capitol Hill. (Photo: iStockPhoto)

Washington is a horribly corrupt city. The tax code is riddled with special favorsfor politically powerful interest groups. The budget is filled with handouts and subsidies for well-connected insiders. The regulatory apparatus is a playground for cronyism.

I’ve previously explained that shrinking the size and scope of government is the most effective way of curtailing corruption. Simply stated, people won’t try to get favors and politicians won’t have the ability to sell favors if government doesn’t have power to redistribute income and dictate behavior.

To be sure, this isn’t a recipe for zero corruption. There doubtlessly was corruption in the 1700s and 1800s when Washington was just a tiny fraction of its current size. But it’s a matter of scale. A smaller government means less opportunity for mischief.

Some folks argue that campaign finance laws would be an effective way of curtailing sleaze in Washington. And there are some compelling arguments for this approach.

After all, would we have unsavory examples of corruption like the Export-Import Bank if wealthy insiders from big companies weren’t able to generate buckets of campaign cash for politicians?

But let’s be realistic. So long as politicians have the power to provide subsidies for big business, they’ll have an incentive to offer those handouts. And companies will have an incentive to seek those handouts.

Campaign finance laws might cut back on one pathway to buy and sell favors, but the incentive to cut deals will still exist. Sort of like pressing down on one part of a balloon simply causes another part of the balloon to expand.

But, you may ask, isn’t it worth taking such steps in hopes of at least creating some roadblocks to graft in Washington.

Perhaps in theory, but let’s not forget that it’s very naïve to think that politicians will enact laws that reduce their power or weaken their chances of being reelected. That’s about as likely as burglars being in favor of armed homeowners.

As such, we actually should be concerned that new laws and rules somehow would be structured to make things worse rather than better.

That’s the message of this superb video from Prager University. Narrated by George Will, the video explains why so-called campaign finance rules are not the answer (unless, of course, the question is “how can we give more power to the entrenched political class?”).

[brid video=”20385″ player=”1929″ title=”Campaign Finance Reform Corrupts”]

Let me add something that wasn’t addressed in the video. Incumbent politicians like the idea of limiting campaign contributions because they start each election cycle with a giant advantage. They already are well known in their states or districts. They’ve already curried favor with voters by engaging in taxpayer-financed “constituent service.” They already get themselves in front of cameras at every opportunity when there’s a ribbon cutting for a new bridge or road project. And they’ve already built relationships with the power brokers in each community.

Challengers, for all intents and purposes, need to spend a lot of money – potentially millions of dollars depending on the electorate – simply to create a level playing field. But if there are laws that limit total spending or restrict contribution amounts, it makes it a lot harder to conduct a credible campaign.

No wonder incumbent politicians so often pontificate about “getting money out of politics.” What they’re really saying is “let’s make it impossible for anybody to threaten my reelection.”

The bottom line is that limits on campaign contributions and other restrictions on political speech make elections less fair.

And they don’t solve the bigger issue of graft, corruption, and sleaze. No wonder they’re willing to impose dozens – if not hundreds – of laws governing public malfeasance and campaign finance. They know that such rules are largely ineffective because much of what happens in Washington is legalized forms of corruption.

Which brings us back to the real issue. If you want less sleaze in Washington,reduce the size and scope of the federal government.

Everything else is window dressing.

P.S. The most pervasive form of corruption in Washington (and, sadly, in many other parts of America) is the moral corruption that exists when people think it’s perfectly acceptable to steal from their neighbors so long as 51 percent of the people approve of the theft. That’s why social capital is very important.

The bottom line is that limits on


New home construction workers. (Photo: Reuters)

The Commerce Department reports starts of new home construction dropped 11% to an annualized rate of 1.06 million units, well below expectations for a 6.5% gain to an annualized rate of 1.16 million units. Permits to build new homes, meanwhile, rose 4.1% to an annualized rate of 1.15 million units, matching expectations.

September’s starts were revised down to a 1.19 million-unit pace from 1.21 million units, and October marked the seventh straight month that starts remained above 1 million units. Building permits increased 4.1% to a 1.15 million-unit rate last month, while single-family building permits rose 2.4% last month to the highest level since December 2007.

Single-family permits in the South, where most new home construction takes place, also hit their highest level since December 2007.

The Commerce Department reports starts of new

[brid video=”20346″ player=”1929″ title=”Turkish Soccer Fans Chant “Allahu Akbar” During Moment of Silence for Paris Victims”]

Deafening chants of “Allahu Akbar” rang out during a moment of silence for the Paris victims before a friendly match Tuesday evening between Greece and Turkey at the stadium in Muslim Istanbul.

Fans in attendance were asked to observe a moment of silence in honor of the victims of Friday’s Islamic terror attacks in Paris. Whistles, chants and boos disrespected the attempt to honor the victims. After the match Turkey manager Fatih Terim was quoted condemning the behavior. ”

“Our fans should have behaved during the national anthems and during the one minute silence,” he said. “Greece is our neighbour. Today is world neighbours day, but our fans didn’t behave like neighbours in this match.”

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras watched the game together, in a sign of reconciliation between the two neighbours, whose relationship has suffered from hostilities in the past.

The match was reportedly sold out and the 17,000-seat stadium was filled to capacity.

Chants of "Allahu Akbar" rang out during

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