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Oct. 29, 2015: Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis. speaks with members of Congress in the House Chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington. (Photo: AP)

Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., was elected the next speaker of the House in a vote on Thursday morning following outgoing speaker John Boehner’s farewell address. Ryan earned 236 votes, putting him far ahead of the 218 needed in the first call.

Ryan, 45, has been in the House of Representatives for 17 years, serving as the chairman of the House Budget Committee and chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, the latter of which he called his dream job. His focus has been on deficit reduction via the Ryan Budget, as well as tax, health and entitlement reform. While his positions on trade have hurt him among the party, he has also been a champion on poverty in American inner cities.

The Wisconsin lawmaker, who was also the 2012 GOP vice presidential nominee, reluctantly accepted the speaker’s gavel after Boehner, a 25-year House veteran, shocked the Beltway by announcing his resignation. Equally surprising, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., withdrew from the race to replace Boehner.

Boehner used the last of his power to “clean the barn,” as he put it, of controversial bills and fights that undoubtedly would’ve given Ryan’s speakership a rocky start. The House approved a two-year budget deal with the White House Wednesday by a 266-167 vote, though final passage in the Senate will meet some challenge by conservatives, including Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kty., who intends to filibuster the bill Thursday.

Ryan, who supported the bill, will become the youngest speaker of the House of Representatives in roughly 130 years. At least one member of the House Freedom Caucus said the conservative lawmakers will have the new speaker’s “back” in the coming months.

“We’re going to have his back for the next few months and make sure that we give him the opportunity to show that he can be the leader that we hope he can be,” said Rep. Raul Labrador, R-Idaho. Conservatives criticized Boehner and other GOP leaders for shutting down debate and punishing members who didn’t go along with the will of the establishment. Labrador said the House Freedom Caucus doesn’t expect Ryan to conduct the people’s business in the same draconian manner.

Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., was elected the


File photo: Shipping cranes and containers at a U.S. port representing exports and imports factored in overall gross domestic product, or GDP. (Photo: REUTERS)

The Commerce Department Thursday that third-quarter U.S. gross domestic product slowed to an annualized pace of 1.5%, down from 3.9% in the second quarter. While economists had forecast a 1.6% growth rate for the world’s soon-to-be second largest economy, the Federal Reserve expressed concern in their meeting earlier this week to discuss raising interest rates.

Businesses accumulated $56.8 billion worth of inventory in the third quarter, down from $113.5 billion in the second quarter and the smallest since the first quarter of 2014. The abysmally small inventory shaved off 1.44% from overall third-quarter GDP growth, or the largest since the fourth quarter of 2012.

Consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of all U.S. economic activity, gained at 3.2%. That down from the 3.6% pace measured in the second quarter, while a measure of private domestic demand, which excludes trade, inventories and government spending, rose by 3.2%. Without demand, U.S. gross domestic product would’ve shrank in the third quarter, pointing to contraction and a possible recession.

The Commerce Department Thursday that third-quarter U.S.

[brid video=”18972″ player=”1929″ title=”Rubio “Democrats Have the Ultimate Super PAC. It’s Called the Mainstream Media””]

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio slammed the media during the CNBC debate, stating “Democrats have the ultimate Super PAC. It’s called the mainstream media.” Rubio railed coverage of Hillary Clinton’s testimony in front of the House Benghazi committee, who uncovered the smoking gun email showing the former secretary of state lied about a YouTube video causing the attack that took the lives of 4 Americans.


BETSY QUICK, CNBC: You know, Mr. — you know, Mr. Trump, if I may (inaudible). You’ve been — you have been — you had talked a little bit about Marco Rubio. I think you called him Mark Zuckerberg’s personal senator because he was in favor of the H1B.

DONALD TRUMP: I never said that. I never said that.

QUICK: So this was an erroneous article the whole way around?

TRUMP: You’ve got another gentleman in Florida, who happens to be a very nice guy, but not…

QUICK: My apologies. I’m sorry.


TRUMP: … he’s really doing some bad…


MARCO RUBIO: Since I’ve been mentioned, can I respond?


QUICK: Yes, you can.

RUBIO: OK. I know the Democrats have the ultimate Super PAC. It’s called the mainstream media who every single day. And I’ll tell you why. Last week, Hillary Clinton went before a committee. She admitted she had sent e-mails to her family saying, “Hey, this attack at Benghazi was caused by Al Qaida-like elements.” She spent over a week telling the families of those victims and the American people that it was because of a video. And yet the mainstream media is going around saying it was the greatest week in Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

It was the week she got exposed as a liar. It was the week that she got exposed as a liar…

But she has her super PAC helping her out, the American mainstream media.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio slammed the media


CNBC debate moderator John Hardwood, left, argues with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, right, during the third Republican presidential debate on Wednesday Oct. 29, 2015. (Photo: Screenshot)

While the entire network is under fire Thursday morning following the third Republican presidential debate in Boulder, Colorado, CNBC moderator John Harwood lied not once but twice, badly damaging his credibility.

First, during an exchange with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Harwood claimed (repeatedly) that the senator’s tax plan offers breaks weighted toward the rich. Despite Rubio correcting him and the record multiple times, and even pointing out that he had made those claims prior only to be forced to tweet a retraction, Harwood insisted that the Tax Foundation was on his side.

In fact, Rubio’s plan gives nearly double the tax relief to the lowest earning Americans on a percentage basis. Dan Mitchell, a senior fellow at CATO Institute, economist and PPD contributor, thoughtfully assessed Rubio’s tax plan. Even though it is certainly worth reading, Scott Hedge, the head of the Tax Foundation, backed Rubio up last night shortly after the exchange.

But that wasn’t the only bald-faced lie Harwood told last night. During his closing statements, Donald Trump touted how he renegotiated the time and term of the CNBC debate as an example of how he could get America winning again. Harwood denied Trump’s claim, stating that the debate was always slated for two hours. Again, that’s simply not true.

In mid-October, Trump called Dr. Ben Carson to get him on board with a threat to boycott the CNBC debate if they didn’t limit the event to two hours, and they caved to the two frontrunners, one of which is a ratings magnet. Though the network initially planned for the Boulder, Colorado debate to run over two hours, including roughly 8 to 16 minutes of commercial breaks, sources told PPD that the initial plan had been thrown out the window, and it was.

Trump sent a letter to CNBC, which Carson signed on with, demanding that the debate be allowed to go no longer than “120 minutes including commercials,” and allow opening and closing statements, which the network was going to forego. The ultimatum threatened, according to the letter, “[neither] Mr. Trump or Dr. Carson will participate.”

Either Harwood was unaware of his own network’s dealings involving a debate he was slated to moderate, or he lied. Plain and simple, Harwood lied.

“We started a dialogue yesterday with all of the campaigns involved and we will certainly take the candidates’ views on the format into consideration as we finalize the debate structure,” CNBC spokesman Brian Steel said in a statement.

Trump took to Twitter to declare victory and the network was embarrassed, putting out a lame statement nobody took seriously. But the network is able to weather what was a simple embarrassment. Harwood, on the other, shouldn’t test whether he can weather repeated questions regarding his credibility. An apology for outright bias and lying is definitely in order.

Don’t hold your breathe.

While the entire network is taking heat


RNC Chair Reince Priebus speaks to the debate crowd before the CNBC Republican presidential debate in Boulder, Colorado, on Oct. 29, 2015.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus released a statement on last night’s Republican presidential debate on CNBC, stating they “should be ashamed of how this debate was handled.”

“While I was proud of our candidates and the way they handled tonight’s debate, the performance by the CNBC moderators was extremely disappointing and did a disservice to their network, our candidates, and voters,” Priebus said in a statement Thursday morning. “Our diverse field of talented and exceptionally qualified candidates did their best to share ideas for how to reinvigorate the economy and put Americans back to work despite deeply unfortunate questioning from CNBC.

Priebus’ statement echoed comments he made in a post-debate interview with CNN, during which he said he was “very disappointed with the moderators.” In one moment, CNBC moderator John Hardwood actually lied about Rubio’s tax plan, which he did prior and corrected with a tweet.

“One of the great things about our party is that we are able to have a dynamic exchange about which solutions will secure a prosperous future, and I will fight to ensure future debates allow for a more robust exchange,” Priebus added. “CNBC should be ashamed of how this debate was handled.”

Following the third gathering of GOP hopefuls

[brid video=”19070″ player=”1929″ title=”Ted Cruz Rips CNBC Moderator for Bias During GOP Debate in Boulder Colorado”]

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz ripped the CNBC moderator for blatant bias questioning during the GOP debate in Boulder, Colorado on Wednesday October 28, 2015.

“The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media,” Cruz rips CNBC moderator. “This is not a cage match. And if you look at the questions—‘Donald Trump, are you a comic-book villain?’ ‘Ben Carson, can you do math?’ ‘John Kasich, will you insult two people over here?’ ‘ Marco Rubio, why don’t you resign?’ ‘Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen?’ How about talking about the substantive issues the people care about?”

When the moderator/interrupter tried to shut him down, Cruz plowed over him more. The crowd went wild with applause.

“I’m not finished yet. The contrast with the Democratic debate, where every fawning question from the media was, ‘Which of you is more handsome and wise?’” Cruz said, again having to rip into a moderator wearing a bias on his sleeve. “Let me be clear. The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense than every participant in the Democratic debate.”

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz ripped the CNBC


More than half of Illinois’ largest cities are shrinking. Out of the state’s largest 27 cities, 17 shrank in population and 10 grew from 2013 to 2014. (Photo: Rebooting Illinois)

The population of New Orleans fell 7.3 percent after Hurricane Katrina, but guess what. NOLA now has 40,000 more college graduates than before the disaster.
From 2000 to 2013, Detroit lost over 160,000 residents but amazingly added nearly 167,000 college graduates.

It’s an urban myth that population loss and brain drain go hand in hand. On the contrary, of the 100 largest American metropolitan areas that lost population in this time period, every one gained in the percentage of college-educated residents. Such findings are contained in a report from the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank that studies urban issues.

In some, cities with major population losses actually saw their college-educated head count rise to exceed the national average. “Buffalo and Cleveland went from less educated than America to more educated than America,” Aaron Renn, a senior fellow at the institute, told me.

The Winston-Salem metro region, in North Carolina, lost jobs in this period (though not population), in good part because of a declining textile industry. But its number of college graduates grew by an astounding 66 percent.

This bright bit of news should not obscure the serious and enduring problem of poverty in New Orleans, Detroit and other shrinking cities, especially among African-Americans. Their list of challenges remains long, Renn said, but “losing brains is yesterday’s problem.”

Why do so many think otherwise? The public tends to view a city’s talent pool like water in a bathtub. As population declines, educated people do leave; they go down the drain, so to speak. But this misses the running tap at the top of the tub. Educated people also arrive.

There are several reasons for this growth in educated urban residents. Obviously, the general rise in the number of Americans obtaining college degrees plays a part.

Still, why are they disproportionately living in cities once given up for dead?

It happens that many of these cities enjoy the added advantage of being anchored by venerable institutions. Cleveland, for example, has the world-renowned Cleveland Clinic medical complex. Pittsburgh is home to Carnegie Mellon University, a stronghold for science and technology.

Buffalo is an especially interesting case. It lacks big-name institutions but has a huge number of colleges. Many of their graduates stay in town.

Did you know that Buffalo last year had the lowest out-migration rate of any city in America? It also has the highest percentage of people living in the state where they were born; 81 percent were born in New York.

It may surprise many to learn that some cities with the most robust economies are actually experiencing a net out-migration of people with college degrees. New York and Boston are two examples. But that’s no cause for panic. No one is worrying about the future of New York or Boston.

And what about the “cool” factor, the great old architecture and downtowns so appealing to creative types? Renn downplays the importance of hipster enclaves. Cleveland, for example, added about 4,000 people to its downtown from 2000 to 2010. That’s good but not a huge number.

A more positive description would be “nascent repopulation.” That’s a great start.

Your author differs with the Manhattan Institute on a number of other fronts, but these market-oriented researchers have it straight on how hurting cities should direct their resources. They should spend money on improving the infrastructure they already have in place — the roads, pipes, housing. An advantage old urban cores have over new mushroom cities is they don’t have to build these expensive services from scratch.

Above all, turn the public schools into centers of educational excellence and bingo. The educated middle class will stay put, and the poor will move on up.

Of the 100 largest American metropolitan areas

[brid video=”18966″ player=”1929″ title=”RNC Chair Reince Priebus Rips CNBC “I Was Very Disappointed In The Moderators””]

RNC Chair Reince Priebus ripped the obvious bias of the CNBC moderators during the Republican presidential debate on Wednesday night, stating he was “very disappointed.”

I was proud of our candidates for standing up to a pretty hostile environment. I was very disappointed in the moderators. I’m disappointed in CNBC. I thought maybe they would bring forward a pretty fair forum here tonight but I think it was one gotcha question, one personal low blow after the other.

It’s almost like they tried to design a Rubix cube for every question to take the worst elements I think what moderators and what the media should bring to the table, and all I can tell you is that while I’m proud of our candidates for pretty much sticking together, I’m very disappointed in the moderators and I’m very disappointed with CNBC.

RNC Chair Reince Priebus ripped the CNBC


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton listens to a question as she testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, in Washington, D.C., Oct. 22, 2015. Reuters

The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd captured the moment last weekend when she referred to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as “the midwife to chaos” in Libya.

Dowd apparently came to that conclusion after watching Clinton bobbing and weaving and admitting and denying as she was confronted with the partial record of her failures and obfuscations as secretary of state, particularly with respect to Libya.

The public record is fairly well-known. In March 2011, President Barack Obama declared war on Libya. He did this at the urging of Clinton, who wanted to overthrow Libyan strongman Col. Moammar Gadhafi so she could boast of having brought “democracy” to the region.

She and Obama conspired to do this even though former President George W. Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair had publicly praised Gadhafi as an ally in the war against terrorist groups and even though the U.S. was giving the Gadhafi government more than $100 million a year in foreign aid.

Obama did his best to avoid constitutional norms. He deployed American intelligence agents on the ground, not troops, so he could plausibly deny he had put “boots” on the ground. He did not seek an American national consensus for war because Libya presented no threat whatsoever to the U.S. He did not obtain a congressional declaration of war as the Constitution requires because he couldn’t get one. And he did not seek United Nations permission, which is required to attack a fellow U.N. member.

He did obtain a U.N. embargo of the shipment of weapons into Libya, and he secured a NATO-enforced no-fly zone over portions of Libya. In order to enforce the no-fly zone, NATO sent jet fighters over the skies of Libya. The jets were guided and directed by American intelligence agents on the ground to bomb Libyan planes on the ground, which had been paid for by American taxpayers.

To pursue her goal of a “democratic” government there, Clinton, along with Obama and a dozen or so members of Congress from both houses and both political parties, decided she should break the law by permitting U.S. arms dealers to violate the U.N. arms embargo and arm Libyan rebels whom she hoped would one day run the new government. So she exercised her authority as secretary of state to authorize the shipment of American-made arms to Qatar, a country beholden to the Muslim Brotherhood and friendly to the Libyan rebels and a country the U.S. had no business arming — unless the purpose of doing so was for the arms to be transferred to the rebels.

Once this plot was hatched, Clinton and her fellow conspirators realized that some of these rebel groups were manned by al-Qaida operatives; and selling or providing arms to them is a felony — hence the reason for months’ worth of missing and destroyed Clinton emails. How could someone running for president possibly justify providing material assistance to terrorist organizations in the present international climate?

Flash-forward to Clinton’s public testimony before the House Benghazi Committee last week. Clinton had three audiences to address. Her immediate audience was the committee, whose members generally did not know how to ask questions of a witness trying to hide the truth. Her second audience was the American people, who will recall little more than 15-second sound bites and general impressions of her testimony. Her third (unseen) audience consisted of the FBI agents and federal prosecutors who are investigating her.

That audience was looking for perjury, misleading statements and what federal law calls “bad acts.” Perjury is lying under oath. Misleading Congress is criminal and consists of testimony that employs deceptive language so as to create an untruthful impression. Bad acts constitute repeated behavior demonstrating moral turpitude — usually a pattern of deception.

The FBI agents surely heard Clinton mislead Congress when she answered a hard question about arms going to rebels by saying “I think the answer is no” and again when she answered a question about arming private militias by saying it may have been considered but wasn’t “seriously” considered. And they heard her directly commit perjury when she was asked whether she knew about our country’s supplying arms to Libyan rebels directly or indirectly and she answered, “No.”

How could she answer “no”? She not only knew about the sending of arms to rebels but also personally authored and authorized it. How could she answer “no”? The FBI and CIA advised her — in documents that are now public — that U.S. arms were making their way to known al-Qaida operatives. How could she answer “no”? This reached a crisis point when some of those operatives used their American-made weapons to murder U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.
Then the cover-up began. At the same time Clinton was telling her daughter and the Egyptian prime minister within hours of Stevens’ death that al-Qaida killed him and after the CIA told her the plot to kill Stevens had been hatched 12 days earlier, she told the public that Stevens was killed by spontaneous demonstrators angered about a cheap anti-Islam video, the producer of which she vowed to “get.” She later angrily dismissed questions over this cover-up by arguing, “What difference, at this point, does it make?”

The difference it makes goes to the heart of the American electoral process. Every four years, we entrust awesome power to a person who swears to protect the Constitution. How could we give that power to a consistent public liar who, for personal political gain, midwifed terror and chaos in a country that was our ally and whose words and behavior have continually demonstrated that she is utterly unworthy of belief?

The New York Times' Maureen Dowd captured

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