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Retrophin Founder Martin Shkreli. (Photo: Paul Taggart/Bloomberg)

If Hollywood had created Martin Shkreli as the monster from Wall Street, we would have accused it of unfair characterization. But Shkreli — a 32-year-old hedge fund director in T-shirts, dabbler in the punk rock music world — has saved Tinseltown the trouble.

Shkreli has also done the American people a service by showing in high def how the pharmaceutical industry gouges us. The pharmaceutical industry is angry with him for the same reason.

Drugmakers prefer a subtler approach. Do it quietly and with a touch more nuance. For example, the day Valeant Pharmaceuticals acquired two heart drugs, it raised the prices for them by only 525 percent and 212 percent.

That was a model of self-control next to Shkreli’s instant 5,455 percent price hike on a 62-year-old lifesaving drug. This wasn’t a good visual for the industry. The audio wasn’t so hot, either.

To recap, Shkreli’s startup company recently bought the marketing rights to Daraprim and proceeded to raise the price from $13.50 a pill to $750 a pill. (It used to cost $1 a pill.) Daraprim is often the last hope for cancer patients and others with weak immune systems suffering from parasitic infections.

Some Shkreli decoders explained that his drug company raised prices to recoup the $55 million it had just spent for the rights to sell Daraprim. Thing is, the $55 million acquisition price for a drug serving a relatively small number of patients seemed justified by the belief that one could raise the per-pill cost more than fiftyfold overnight. You can only get away with that in the United States, but we’re a big, big market.

No other industrialized country lets drugmakers pick prices out of thin air and assume patients, insurers and taxpayers will somehow come up with the ransom. The U.S. setup comes courtesy of our lawmakers in Washington, above all our Republican lawmakers.

In the Valeant case, Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent seeking the Democratic presidential nod, demanded documents defending the price increases. Valeant said no, that such information is “highly proprietary and confidential.” Wouldn’t it just.

Governments elsewhere, however far to the left or right, see negotiating drug prices for their people as a duty of leadership. The United States does little of that. In fact, the law establishing the Medicare prescription drug benefit specifically forbids the government to negotiate drug prices.

Let’s talk about markets, OK? We believe in a market system, buyers negotiating prices with sellers, right? U.S. taxpayers fund 73 percent of the Medicare drug benefit. They are the buyers.

But in our skewed political language, Republicans denounce proposals to have the federal government negotiate Medicare drug prices as an attack on our allegedly free-market system. Somehow letting the taxpayers defend their interests is “socialism.”

It is true Medicare beneficiaries obtain drug coverage through private insurers who do negotiate prices. And it is true that, as Republicans say, the Medicare drug program is costing less than originally projected. But this is a shell game.

The relevant comparison is what the drug benefit costs next to what it would have cost had the government been allowed to bargain on prices. Taxpayers could save up to $16 billion a year if Medicare did the negotiating, according to a recent estimate in The Wall Street Journal.

The week Shkreli revealed the creepy reality of drug pricing, Hillary Clinton issued a proposal to curb “profiteering” by the drug industry. Biotech stocks promptly took a hit on Wall Street.

That hedge funder let the cat out, for sure, and it will be screeching right through Halloween. Some boys are so bad they do good.

Martin Shkreli, head of Valeant, has also


Outgoing House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio listens at right as House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif. speaks during a new conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015. McCarthy is assuring Republicans he can bring them together, even as emboldened conservatives maneuver to yank their party to the right in the wake of the leader of the U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner’s sudden resignation. (Photo: AP/Carolyn Kaster)

The Republican-controlled House passed a Senate spending bill on Wednesday, funding the government for 10 weeks and staving off the threat of a shutdown at midnight. The bill, which passed with the help of Democrats by a 277-151 vote, will now be sent to President Obama to sign. The Senate passed the legislation by a 78-20 vote margin earlier in the day.

Republicans in the House and Senate had demanded that the 10-week Continuing Resoltution (CR) defund Planned Parenthood in the wake of undercover videos exposing their practice of harvesting and trafficking in aborted baby body parts, even by altering abortion procedure. PPFA President Cecile Richards testified at the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Tuesday, claiming the videos were heavily doctored, and that she was proud of the work the organization does to advance scientific research.

Undercover footage released by the pro-life Center for Medical Progress shows PPFA Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted babies, and admitting she and others at the organization use and alter partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts. Richards, herself, was featured in the video praising Nucatola’s work to facilitate connections for fetal tissue collection.


Still, despite the funding continuing, there are minor bright spots conservatives can point to with the bill. The Budget Control Act, along with the genuine enforcement mechanism of sequestration, is still the law of the land following the passage of the bill. However,

“The growth of discretionary spending is capped not only this year, but also next year,” CATO economist and PPD contributor Dan Mitchell noted Wednesday. “And the rest of the decade. And even into the 2020s. But now let’s contemplate some very bad news. The pro-spending crowd in Washington has been working hard to weaken the spending caps and they may be on the verge of success.”

The Republican-controlled House passed a Senate spending


House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., is joined by Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., and Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, just after House Republicans voted to make McCarthy the new majority leader in 2014. (Photo: AP/J. Scott Applewhite)

Perhaps the least recognized and least appreciated triumph of the GOP Congress is the de facto spending freeze between 2009 and 2014. Fights over debt limits, sequestration,spending caps, and government shutdowns were messy and chaotic, but it’s hard to argue with the results. The burden of federal spending fell from 24.4 pct of GDP to 20.3 pct of economic output in just five years.

So I was pleased to see this morning that theWall Street Journal opined this morning on this success.

…amid all the conservative denunciations of the John Boehner era, a key political fact is typically ignored. To wit, the GOP takeover of the House in 2010 has led to a marked decline in federal spending. …The stimulus boosted spending to a modern record of 24.4% of GDP in 2009… Then Republicans won the election in 2010 on a mandate to cut spending. …Total federal outlays fell two years in a row—from $3.6 trillion in 2011 to $3.45 trillion in 2013… The spending decline was even more marked as a share of the economy, falling for three straight years—from 23.4% in 2011 to 20.3% in 2014. This kind of spending restraint almost never happens in Washington…domestic spending fell by about 2.8% of GDP during the same period.

The editorial specifically praises the spending caps that were part of the Budget Control Act, which are enforced by sequestration.

…the discretionary spending caps and sequester included as part of the 2011 agreement…forced discipline that has kept a lid on spending-as-usual.


The lobbyists, special interests, bureaucrats, cronyists, politicians, and contractors in Washington hate budget caps and sequestration, but it’s been a big success. Writing for the Washington Examiner, Michael Barone makes a similar argument.

The hold-down of federal spending was accomplished by the sequester procedure which has stayed in place now for four years. It’s not the optimal way to form a budget. But if your goal is holding down spending — and reducing spending from 25 percent of GDP to 20 percent — then the sequester has been very effective.

Now let’s consider some very good news.

The Budget Control Act, along with the genuine enforcement mechanism of sequestration, is the law of the land. The growth of discretionary spending is capped not only this year, but also next year. And the rest of the decade. And even into the 2020s.

But now let’s contemplate some very bad news.

The pro-spending crowd in Washington has been working hard to weaken the spending caps and they may be on the verge of success.

Here are some excerpts from a report in The Hill.

Congressional Republican leaders are launching budget talks with the White House. …News of the budget talks is already unnerving…budget deal headlineHouse conservatives… GOP leaders are seeking to strike a deal that would set top-line budget numbers for the next two years. …A White House official said McConnell and Boehner reached out to Obama on Sept. 17. …A source close to McConnell said he hopes to secure a deal to increase discretionary spending for defense and nondefense programs in exchange for reductions to mandatory spending.

Huh?!? Why are GOP leaders negotiating a new deal when there’s already a good deal in place for many more years?

In part, it’s because many Republicans are big spenders, particularly for the defense budget. budget deal headlineBut part of the answer is that President Obama has threatened to veto any budget that doesn’t bust the caps. The President has even threatened to shut down the government to get more spending. And GOPers think they’ll get blamed, even though Obama is the one who would be reneging on the deal he agreed to back in 2011.

So where does this lead?

Well, if Republicans don’t try (or don’t care) to make an argument for fiscal restraint, Obama will prevail. And the net effect will be a repeat of the so-called Ryan-Murray budget deal that weakened the spending caps back in 2013. That means more discretionary spending, accompanied by budget gimmicks and thinly disguised tax hikes. P.S. Some advocates of bigger government say sequestration would hurt the economy, but I challenge any of them to justify their Keynesian argument after looking at evidence from the U.S. and Canada in the 1990s.

P.P.S. And if sequestration is bad, then why didn’t any of the President’s hysterical predictions become reality after the 2013 sequester?


Budget fights over debt limits, sequestration,spending caps,


The White House at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., left, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) headquarters in D.C., right.

I’m delighted that so many presidential candidates are talking about partial tax reform and I’ve specifically analyzed the plans put forth by Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, and Donald Trump. These proposals all make the tax code less punitive, and that would be good news for job creation, growth, and American competitiveness.

But that doesn’t mean any of them are perfect. They all fall short of the pure flat tax, which is the gold standard for full tax reform. Another problem is that these proposals won’t be plausible or sustainable unless unaccompanied by some prudent plans to restrain the growth of federal spending. Today, though, I want to focus on another shortcoming. The various plans need to be augmented by long-overdue restrictions on the IRS, which has become and abusive and rogue bureaucracy.

Consider a few examples.

These horror stories provide plenty of evidence that the internal revenue service should have its wings clipped. But let’s add another straw to the camel’s back. The tax collection agency in the midst of an audit fight with Microsoft and the IRS is making a mockery of its own rules and flagrantly abusing the company’s legal rights.

This is bad news for one of America’s most successful firms, but it also is creating a very dangerous precedent that could victimize many other companies – large and small – in the future. Writing for The Hill, Andy Quinlan of the Center for Freedom and Prosperity highlights some of the IRS’s most offensive actions. First, the IRS is flouting its own rules as part of its persecution of Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT).

Government officials, counter to federal law, are trying to bully the company into extending an audit process that should have ended over 6 years ago. …Federal law provides a three-year time period for the completion of an audit, yet IRS officials have been digging through the company’s files for over nine years.

Second, the IRS won’t even tell the company how much money it wants!

Seattle-based Microsoft had to force a hearing on this matter because the IRS refused to submit a final tax bill to Microsoft for a dispute over taxes owed from 2004 to 2006. The IRS has been dragging out this audit process for close to a decade, and continues to pressure the company to sign waivers extending the audit infinitum.

Third, the IRS has been whining about supposedly inadequate budgets, but the bureaucrats are paying a private law firm millions of dollars to participate in this never-ending audit.

In 2014, the government in an unprecedented move hired Quinn Emanuel, a L.A.-based litigation firm to help audit the company. The IRS has billions in budget, teams of lawyers and accountants, yet they decided spend $2.2 million dollars outsourcing their legal team to lawyers that charge in excess of $1000 an hour.  It should come as no shock to anyone following the IRS scandal that Quinn Emanuel is chock full of lawyers who are also large contributors to the party in power.

Fourth, the IRS’s rogue behavior may become standard practice if the bureaucrats don’t face any repercussions for stepping over the line.

This fight actually has little to do with Microsoft. It has everything to do with the prospect of the IRS abusing power, wasting taxpayer money and setting dangerous precedents for enforcement against small businesses. …The actions of the IRS that put this matter into court threatens to set a dangerous precedent on the power of the federal government with regard to tax issues. Congress needs to protect citizens against IRS overreach, and now a potential new procedure that will allow private tax information to be shared with outside law firms.

Wow, what a damning indictment against a vindictive bureaucracy. And while Microsoft is a big company with plenty of money to defend itself, this is still outrageous. Particularly since the IRS will employ these thuggish tactics against less powerful taxpayers if it isn’t slapped down for by either Congress or the courts.

By the way, I should say something about the underlying dispute. The IRS is not happy about the prices that Microsoft charged when doing intra-firm sales between the parent company and foreign subsidiaries. Yet if the bureaucrats really think Microsoft abused the “transfer pricing” rules, then the IRS should come up with its own estimate and – if necessary – they can go to court to see who’s right.

For what it’s worth, I suspect the IRS isn’t presenting Microsoft with a bill precisely because the bureaucrats ultimately wouldn’t prevail in a legal fight. The agency probably hopes a never-ending audit eventually will force the company to voluntarily over-pay just to end the torture.

Since I’m a policy wonk, I can’t resist noting that the only reason this kind of dispute even exists is because the United States has the highest corporate tax rate in the entire world. So companies naturally seek to maximize the income they earn in other nations (sort of like entrepreneurs and investors decide it’s better to do business in low-tax states such as Texas rather than fiscal hellholes such as Illinois).

And there’s nothing wrong – legally or ethically – with taxpayers choosing not to overpay the federal government. The IRS can, of course, ask politicians to change the law if their goal is to grab more money. But as explained by Brian McNicoll in a column for the Washington Times, it shouldn’t try to confiscate more loot with endless harassment and dubious tactics.

If Microsoft’s business strategies are a problem for the IRS, it is up to Congress to change the tax law. But as long as those strategies are legal, no one should question Microsoft for doing what it can to limit its tax obligation. …there is reason Congress gives the IRS three years — not eight and certainly not carte blanche to go on indefinitely. …If the IRS has something on Microsoft, by all means bring it forward. But if it doesn’t, it needs to close the books on this near-decade of harassment and send Microsoft a bill for its taxes.

Returning to our main point, this is why tax reform should be accompanied by reforms to rein in the IRS’s improper behavior.

P.S. They haven’t put forth many details, but some candidates have indicated support for the kind of radical tax reform that would de-fang the IRS. Rick Santorum, Ben Carson, and John Kasich have all stated that they like the flat tax. And Mike Huckabee embraces a national sales tax to replace the current tax code.

And if there’s wholesale replacement of the internal revenue code, then a lot of the problems with the IRS automatically disappear.


The various 2016 presidential tax plans need

Pentagon Says No ISIS Targets in Homs, Hama


Russian warplane. (Photo: AP)

Russian airstrikes began bombarding Syrian opposition targets only hours after the Federal Assembly voted to approve a request by President Vladimir Putin for the use force. However, as was first reported by Fox News and has since been confirmed by PPD, the Russian airstrikes hit targets in Homs and Hama, where there are ISIS fighters or positions.

The move by Moscow has resulted in an escalation of tension with the U.S., as Pentagon sources also told Fox News that a Russian general asked Pentagon officials to clear out of Syrian air space but was rebuffed. Pentagon officials now tell PPD they will not reduce their presence in either Syria or Iraq and will continue as if Putin never made a move.

“The U.S.-led counter-ISIL coalition will continue to fly missions over Iraq and Syria as planned,” Admiral John Kirby, a State Department spokesman said. The U.S. will continue operations “in support of our international mission to degrade and destroy ISIL.”

The intervention by the Russian military in the Syrian civil war comes only days after Putin gave his first speech to the U.N. General Assembly in a decade. Speaking only hours after President Barack Obama, who argued against allowing Syrian President Bashar al-Assas to stay in power, Putin said it was an “enormous mistake” to refuse to co-operate with the Syrian government against militants.

“It would be a mistake not to cooperate with the Syrian government,” Putin said. “This is not about Russia’s ambitions, but about the recognition of the fact that we can no longer tolerate the urgent state of affairs in the world.”

Syrian government planes also carried out attacks on three towns north of the city of Homs, killing at least 17 people. Russia has provided weaponry and military advisers to the Syrian armed forces throughout the war, which has claimed more than 250,000 lives and inured 1 million during the 4 1/2-year conflict. However, satellite images from Syria in recent weeks exposed a build-up of Russian air power at a base outside the Mediterranean port city of Latakia, the heartland of Mr Assad’s minority Alawite sect.

The full-scale civil war, which began with anti-government protests has displaced more than 11 million people, including the four million and counting who are migrating to Europe.

Russian airstrikes hit Syrian opposition targets hours


Surveys gauging growth or contraction in Midwest manufacturing. (REUTERS)

The Chicago Business Barometer, the Institute for Supply Management-Chicago’s gauge of Midwest manufacturing activity, fell to 48.7 in September from 54.4 the month prior. Economists polled by Reuter expected a decline only to 53 for the month, still above contraction.

The September reading is the lowest since May and the first contraction since June, but all regional manufacturing activity this month showed contraction. Readings above 50 point to expansion, while those below indicate contraction.

“While activity between Q2 and Q3 actually picked up, the scale of the downturn in September following the recent global financial fallout is concerning,” Chief Economist of MNI Indicators Philip Uglow said. “Disinflationary pressures intensified and output was down very sharply. We await the October data to better judge whether this was a knee jerk reaction and there is a bounceback, or whether it represents a more fundamental slowdown.“

The drop in the Barometer to below 50 was its fifth time in contraction territory this year and follows two months of moderate growth, and while growth in Q3 accelerated a little from Q2, the speed of the September descent is a source of concern. Three of the five components of the Chicago Business Barometer posted contraction, with only Employment and Supplier Deliveries remaining above the 50 neutral level.

The decline was fueled Production that clocked a sharp double-digit drop and placed it at the lowest since July 2009. New Orders also fell significantly and both key activity measures are running well below their historical averages. “Companies also appeared to be working below capacity with Order Backlogs remaining in contraction for the eighth consecutive month,” the report stated. “The sharp rise in stock growth seen in August was not repeated, with inventories falling back closer in line with the longrun average.”

The contraction displayed in the Chicago Business Barometer was mirrored by all other indexes of regional manufacturing activity in the U.S. during the month of September, as well as an unexpected decline in durable goods.

The Commerce Department reported on Thursday last week that new orders for long-lasting manufactured durable goods fell 2% in August. The report came after two closely-watched surveys of regional manufacturing activity indicated contraction last month. The Philadelphia Federal Reserve’s regional Manufacturing Business Outlook Survey for the mid-Atlantictankedto -6 in September from 8.3 the month prior. The Fed’s reading came in far below economists’ expectations for a drop to positive 6.

The Philadelphia Fed’s report marked the second major regional manufacturing survey released this week showing the sector contracting, as the Empire State Manufacturing Survey out last Wednesday showed regional manufacturing activity contracted for a second straight month in September, remaining well below zero at -14.7.

The Chicago Business Barometer, the Institute for


SAN FRANCISCO, CA – MAY 30: A job seeker holds a pamphlet during a job and career fair at City College of San Francisco southeast campus on May 30, 2013 in San Francisco, California. Hundreds of job seekers attended a career fair hosted by the San Francisco Southeast Community Facility Commission. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

The ADP National Employment Report released on Wednesday showed U.S. private sector job creation rebounded slightly, adding 200,000 jobs in September and beating economists’ expectations. The report is also adding to speculation that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates later this year in December for the first time since the Great Recession.

Economists surveyed by Reuters had forecast the ADP National Employment Report would show a gain of 194,000 jobs, and private payroll gains in August were revised down to 186,000 from an originally reported 190,000 increase.

The report is jointly developed with Moody’s Analytics and comes ahead of the U.S. Labor Department report on non-farm payrolls released Friday, which includes both public and private-sector employment. Economists polled by Reuters forecast U.S. employers hired 203,000 workers in September, improving from August’s 173,000 increase which was the smallest in five months. The unemployment rate was forecast to hold at 5.1 percent, a near 7-1/2 year low.

“Businesses with more than 1,000 employees contributed over half of the job gains in September, despite weakness in energy and manufacturing,” said Ahu Yildirmaz, VP and head of the ADP Research Institute. “The largest companies appear to be starting to overcome the impacts of weak global demand and the high dollar, while the smallest companies may have pulled back as concerns about the resiliency of the U.S. economy grew and consumer confidence softened.”

The Commerce Department said last week that second-quarter growth as measured by gross domestic product (GDP) was revised up to a 3.9% annual pace. GDP was previously reported to have grown 3.7% in the April-June quarter. However, higher-paying job creation sectors continue to lag far behind lower wage sectors. Manufacturing again posted numbers in negative territory by losing 15,000 jobs in September, the worst showing since December 2010.

The Commerce Department reported on Thursday last week that new orders for long-lasting manufactured durable goods fell 2% in August. The report came after two closely-watched surveys of regional manufacturing activity indicated contraction last month. The Philadelphia Federal Reserve’s regional Manufacturing Business Outlook Survey for the mid-Atlantic tankedto -6 in September from 8.3 the month prior. The Fed’s reading came in far below economists’ expectations for a drop to positive 6.

The Philadelphia Fed’s report marked the second major regional manufacturing survey released this week showing the sector contracting, as the Empire State Manufacturing Survey out last Wednesday showed regional manufacturing activity contracted for a second straight month in September, remaining well below zero at -14.7.

“The U.S. job machine continues to produce jobs at a strong and consistent pace,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics. “Despite job losses in the energy and manufacturing industries, the economy is creating close to 200,000 jobs per month. At this pace full employment is fast approaching.”

Still, the U.S. economy must create roughly 250,000 per month simply to keep pace with inflation and wages have remained stagnant, the latter has weighed heavily on the Fed’s calculation on the timing and trajectory of planned rate hikes.

The ADP National Employment Report released on

Image: U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) speaks at a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, speaks at a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington on March 19, 2015. (Photo: Yuri Gripas/Reuters)

The impending departure of Speaker of the House John Boehner gives the House Republicans a real opportunity to accomplish something. But an opportunity is not a guarantee. It is a little like a football team being first down and goal at the ten-yard line.

You have a good chance of scoring a touchdown from there — if you can get your act together. But you could also find yourself having to settle for a field goal. Or for a missed field goal.

And of course you can also fumble the ball and have the other team grab it — and run it all the way back across the field to score a touchdown against you. With Republicans, it would be chancy to make a bet as to which of these scenarios is most likely.

Speaker Boehner had a tough hand to play, given the internal splits among House Republicans. But Boehner’s biggest problem was Boehner. And it is a recurring Republican problem.
Nothing epitomized Boehner’s wrong-headedness like an occasion when he emerged from the White House, after a conference with President Obama and others, to face a vast battery of microphones and television cameras.

Here was a golden opportunity for Speaker Boehner to make his case directly to the American people, unfiltered by the media. Instead, he just walked over to the microphones and cameras, briefly expressed his disgust with the conference he had just come from, and then walked on away.

Surely Boehner knew, going into this White House conference, that it could fail. And, surely, he knew that there would be an opportunity immediately afterwards to present his case to the public. But, like so many Republican leaders over the years, he seemed to have no sense of the importance of doing so — or for the time and efforts needed to prepare for such an opportunity beforehand.

Whoever the next Speaker of the House is, someone should have a plaque made up to put on his desk — a plaque reading: TALK, DAMMIT!

If the political situation in Washington is such that many of the expectations of Republican voters cannot be met, then at least take the time and trouble to spell that out in plain language to the public.

Maybe the smug consultants in Washington don’t think the public can understand. But Ronald Reagan won two landslide elections by doing what subsequent Republican leaders disdained to do.

In between, he accomplished what was called “the Reagan revolution” without ever having a majority in both Houses of Congress. He could go over the heads of Congressional Democrats and explain to the public why certain legislation was needed — and once he won over the voters, Democrats in Congress were not about to jeopardize their reelection chances by going against them.

One of the secrets of Reagan’s political success was a segment of the population that was called “Reagan Democrats.” These were voters who traditionally voted for Democrats but who had been won over to Reagan’s agenda.

Contrary to the thinking — or lack of thinking — among today’s Republican leaders, Reagan did not go to these Democratic voters and pander to them by offering them a watered-down version of what the Democrats were offering. He took his case to them and talked — yes, TALKED — to let them know what his own agenda offered to them and to the country.
Today’s Republicans who proclaim a need to “reach out” to a wider constituency almost invariably mean pandering to those groups’ current beliefs, not showing them how your agenda and your principles — if you have any — apply to their situation and to the good of the country.

You won’t swing a whole constituency of Democrats your way, and neither did Ronald Reagan. But he swung enough of them to win elections and to force Congressional Democrats to respect the “Reagan Democrats” he had won over.

There are issues on which Republicans can appeal to blacks — school choice being just one obvious and important issue. And it is unlikely that all Hispanic voters want open borders, through which criminals can come in and settle in their communities.

But unspoken words will never tap these sources of votes, nor perhaps even convince Congressional Republicans. And if the quarterback is unsure what to do, being first and goal on the ten-yard line may not mean much.

Good Riddance! The impending departure of Speaker


Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton at the Clinton Foundation with money imposed over the photo. (Original Photo: AP)

The world has enough real problems without declaring everyone a “victim.” Bill Clinton says Hillary is a victim of a right-wing conspiracy. Lindsay Lohan, when jailed for driving drunk and breaking parole, says she’s a victim of cruel and unusual punishment. Michael Sam says his NFL career would have gone better had he not come out as gay.

A Philadelphia dentist caught groping his patients’ breasts said he is a victim of frotteurism, a disease that compels you to fondle breasts. Really.

People benefit by playing the victim.

Activists look for people they can declare victims, to bring attention to their causes.

The New York Times once called the Super Bowl the “Abuse Bowl,” claiming that during the game many more women are abused than usual because their men get crazed watching violence. CBS called Super Bowl Sunday a “day of dread.” The Boston Globe claimed a study showed calls to anti-violence emergency lines go up 40 percent during the game.

Then Ken Ringle of the Washington Post tried to trace those claims.

The Globe reporter admitted she never saw the study in question but got the numbers from the left-wing group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting. FAIR said they got them from a psychiatrist on “Good Morning America.” That psychiatrist referred callers to another psychiatrist, who said, “I haven’t been any more successful than you in tracking down any of this.”

The “Super Bowl victim” claim was bunk.

Sometimes I feel like a victim. I stutter. Had today’s disability laws existed when I began work, would I have fought to overcome my stuttering? Maybe not. I might have sued my employer, demanding they “accommodate my disability” by giving me a non-speaking job. Maybe I would have just stopped working and collected a disability check.

I also felt like a victim the day I taped a TV report on how pro wrestling is fake, and a wrestler beat me up, hitting me on both ears
Weeks afterward, loud noises hurt my ears. Someone then said that that the wrestler’s boss, Vince McMahon, told him to hit me, so I sued McMahon.

As part of the lawsuit, McMahon’s lawyers demanded I see a certain doctor, who told me, “Your ear pain is a jurosomatic illness.”

“What’s that?” I said.

He answered, “Jurosomatic … like psychosomatic. You hold onto your ear pain because you’re involved in a lawsuit.”

I was furious. I screamed at him, “You haven’t even examined me, and you make this accusation?”

But guess what? After the World Wrestling Federation settled the lawsuit and paid me, my ear pain slowly went away. Was I holding onto pain because litigation kept reminding me that I was a victim?


It makes me wonder about those well-intended government programs meant to help the disabled. Social Security disability money used to go to blind people, people in wheelchairs, people clearly disabled.

But now billions go to people who say they’re disabled by things like headaches and back pain. Disability payments have increased so much that the program will soon go broke.
But the increase in payments makes no sense.

Medicine improved since 1990. People do less hard manual labor. There should be fewer disabled people. Why are there more?

Perhaps it’s jurosomatic pain? Or government-handout-omatic pain?

Some people are just inclined to complain, and the modern welfare state encourages that. Lawyers made it worse by encouraging people to sue, rather than strive. That changed America.

When you reward something, you get more of it.

We change people’s character by teaching them that “victimhood” is a way to get attention and moral status.

Our ancestors never would have accomplished much if they’d labeled themselves victims. They crossed oceans and the prairie knowing that many people on the journey would die.

Some of them really did end up being victims. But they were proud of striving, not proud of being victimized. They accomplished far more because of it.

John Stossel: The world has enough real


Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index. (Photo: Reuters)

The Conference Board on Tuesday said its Consumer Confidence Index unexpectedly increased in September to 103, up from an August reading of 101.3. Economists expected this month’s gauge to fall to 96.1. The Present Situation Index increased from 115.8 last month to 121.1 in September, while the Expectations Index edged down to 91.0 from 91.6 in August.

“Consumer confidence increased moderately in September, following August’s sharp rebound,” said Lynn Franco, Director of Economic Indicators at The Conference Board. “Consumers’ more positive assessment of current conditions fueled this month’s increase, and drove the Present Situation Index to an 8-year high (Sept. 2007, Index=121.2). Consumers’ expectations for the short-term outlook, however, remained relatively flat, although there was a modest improvement in income expectations. Thus, while consumers view current economic conditions more favorably, they do not foresee growth accelerating in the months ahead.”

This monthly Consumer Confidence Survey, which was and always is conducted for The Conference Board by Nielsen, had a cutoff date for the preliminary of September 17.

Consumers reported current conditions to be more positive in September than the month prior, with those saying business conditions are “good” gaining from 23.7% to 28.0%. Those stating business conditions are “bad” declined slightly from 17.8% to 16.7%, though consumers were mixed about the job market. Those stating jobs are “plentiful” increased from 22.1% to 25.1%, while those claiming jobs are “hard to get” also rose from 21.7% to 24.3%. The number of consumers saying they expect more jobs in future months was flat at 15.0%, and fewer jobs also gain from 14.5% to 15.8%. The proportion of consumers expecting their incomes to increase, a long-term problem area in the economy, increased from 16.2% to 19.1%, while the proportion expecting a decline also increased from 9.8% to 10.1%.

The Conference Board on Tuesday said its

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