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No Wonder Republican Frontrunner Signed the Loyalty Pledge


Donald Trump holds up a signed pledge during a press conference at Trump Tower in Manhattan on Thursday. (PHOTO: LUCAS JACKSON/REUTERS)

On Thursday, Donald Trump signed the GOP loyalty pledge following a half hour meeting with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus at Trump Tower in New York City. The party establishment wanted the candidates to sign the pledge, which was in truth directed at The Donald, after he honestly refused to rule out an independent run at the Fox News debate if he wasn’t treated fairly by party power-brokers.

Fox News anchor Shephard Smith questioned on air “what changed” that led him to sign the pledge. Well, Shephard, perhaps he is thinking the same thing a supermajority of American likely voters are thinking–he’s going to win the Republican nomination. The “Trump Change,” a new index conducted and released by Rasmussen Reports that measures the percentage of voters who think the billionaire real estate mogul is likely to be the Republican presidential nominee next year, has absolutely exploded.

The survey finds 66% of likely Republican voters now say it is at least “somewhat” likely that Donald Trump will be the 2016 Republican nominee for president. Astonishingly, nearly as many voters (21%) now say it is “Very Likely” he will win the nomination than the entire 27% who said it was at least “Somewhat Likely” in the index released after he announced his bid. Further, 51% say it is “Likely,” while 30% say it is at least somewhat likely that he will win the Republican nomination. While 33% of Republicans still say Trump is unlikely to be their nominee, including 13% who say it is “Not At All Likely,” those numbers are down compared to 38% and 12%, respectively, who said so just one a week ago.

Even among all likely voters, 51% now say Trump’s lead will not fade, which is includes 21% who say it is very likely he will face the eventual Democratic nominee. Still, 45% can’t see a Republican National Convention featuring Trump, including 21% who say it’s not at all likely, though these numbers are virtually unchanged from the previous survey. Meanwhile, it’s a good thing Trump decided to sign the pledge if you are a Republican voter, because a whopping 36% say they will vote for him if he runs as an independent.

According to the PPD average of national Republican nomination polls, Trump is leading the pack with roughly 30% of the vote with Dr. Ben Carson a distant second at 18%. In the latest survey conducted by Gravis Marketing (PPD Pollster Scorecard Rating: A-) The Donald has broken the 40% mark, while he hit 30% in the latest Monmouth University Poll (PPD Pollster Scorecard Rating: B-). Including the surveys released today, Trump tops socialist Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and is tied with Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton in a general election matchup, which represents a 30-point swing since July.

The survey of 1,000 Likely U.S. Voters was conducted on September 2-3, 2015 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

The survey finds 66% of likely GOP


Job Search Station (Photo: Reuters)

The August jobs report released by the Labor Department on Friday showed the economy added just 173,000 jobs, far fewer than the 220,000 economists expected. The headline unemployment rate fell to 5.1%, which the lowest level in seven a half years. Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the rate would fall 0.1% to 5.2% from a month earlier.

Beyond the headline unemployment number, the August jobs report paints a bleak picture for the Federal Reserve, which is weighing the timing and trajectory of a badly needed rate hike later this year. Real unemployment clocked in at 10.3%, and wages have remained in the range of stagnant to barely gaining since 2008. In August, average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by just 8 cents to $25.09, which followed a 6-cent gain in July. On a year-over-year basis, hourly earnings have risen by just 2.2%, while average hourly earnings of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees increased by just 5 cents to $21.07 in August.

The prior two months of wage growth–though abysmal by historical measures–actually represented relatively large gains to prior months. Basic principles of supply and demand hold that if the labor market strengthens through monthly job gains and a falling unemployment rate, then workers’ wages rise as employers compete for qualified workers. However, due to the 37-year low civilian labor force participation rate (62.6%), the less-cited but arguably more important employment-population ratio (59.4%) and quality of jobs created, wages have remained flat.

While the U.S. economy has technically regained all of the 8.8 million jobs lost during the financial crisis, the quality of the jobs created has been low and the economy is a part-time animal. The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons–sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers–stood at 6.5 million in August. These workers prefer and are searching for full-time employment, but report that their hours had been cut back or were unable to find a full-time job.

Another 1.8 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force, or workers who were not in the labor force wanted and were available for work and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months. These Americans are not counted when calculating the headline unemployment rate because they quit on the American dream 4 weeks before the survey.

Of those nearly 2 million, 624,000 were discouraged workers in August, or persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them. This groups is disproportionately black, young and male. The unemployment rate for black Americans jumped to 9.5% in August from 9.1% in July.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday, payroll processor ADP released the closely-watched National Employment Report, which revealed U.S. private sector job creation in August cooled at 190,000, missing economists’ expectations. Economists surveyed by Reuters expected the report by the payrolls processor to show a gain of 201,000 jobs. The policy-making Federal Open Markets Committee meets September 16 and 17.

The August jobs report released by the

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a 2016 Republican presidential candidate, said Thursday night he “unequivocally” stands with the Kentucky clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.

“What happened today was an outrage,” Cruz said during an interview with Megyn Kelly. “It is fundamentally wrong. For the first time, we are seeing a Christian woman thrown in jail for standing up for her faith. I’ll tell you I stand with Kim Davis, unequivocally. I stand with her and anyone else the government is trying persecute.”

A federal judge ordered Davis to jail for contempt Thursday. Davis, a clerk in Rowan County, insisted that it would violate her conscience to follow court orders to issue marriage licenses. District Judge David Bunning said his only alternative was to order her to jail because he did not believe she would comply with his order even if she were fined. She was escorted out of his courtroom by a deputy, although not in handcuffs, and ordered to be turned over to the custody of federal marshals.

Cruz released a statement earlier in the day that mirrored his comments on the Kelly File. In the statement, the Texas senator said it was a “lawless court opinion” Davis was defying.

“Today, judicial lawlessness crossed into judicial tyranny,” the statement read. “I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force to chose [sic] between honoring his or her faith or complying with a lawless court opinion.”

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said Thursday he


Washington State University sign In Pullman, WA.

Is there something in the water in the Washington State University faculty lounge, or are its professors conspiring against common sense?

Three faculty members, showing their contempt for free speech, threatened to punish students who disobeyed them on race, gender or immigration terminology.

The Daily Caller reports that in his “Introduction to Multicultural Literature” syllabus, professor John Streamas warned white students that “to do well in this class,” they must “reflect” their “grasp of history and social relations” by “deferring to the experiences of people of color.” This professor once berated a student who advocated limits on illegal immigration as “just a white s—bag.”

He continued in his syllabus: “Conservative skeptics wonder why we need to study ‘multicultural’ texts, suggesting that the only criterion for selecting books should be literary excellence. … The conservative notion is flawed by the very fact that it is advanced by white people who just happen to think that the very best books and ideas come from white people — they have an investment in proving themselves superior.”

There was also this gem: “Finally, understand and consider the rage of people who are victims of systematic injustice. James Baldwin wrote that people of color have an obligation to feel rage over this nation’s history of racism. If injustice does not fill you with rage, then perhaps you should ask yourself why.”

Professor Selena Lester Breikss told students of her “Women & Popular Culture” class that they would risk “failure for the semester” if they used the terms “males” or “females,” because they are “gross generalizations” and “derogatory/oppressive language.”

American studies professor Rebecca Fowler advised students they would “suffer a deduction of one point” each time they said “illegal alien.”

It would be alarming enough if these mini-despots occasionally sneaked such bizarre ideas into their lectures. It would be worse if they intentionally indoctrinated their students with this poison. But they went further and penalized students who wouldn’t echo their views.

To its credit, the school nixed this censorship, forbidding professors to dock students for “using terms that may be deemed offensive to some,” saying the practice is “not consistent with the values upon which this university is founded.”

I began by asking whether a faculty conspiracy is driving this insanity. I can see one angry kook on any college faculty, but what are the odds of three?

If a conspiracy’s afoot, it’s clear the university is not on board, thank heavens. But I suspect that something more disturbing than a coordinated effort among professors is at play. It’s likelier that leftist groupthink is simply the norm in academia. Leftist dogma, after all, leads to intolerance and oftentimes censorship. It’s happening on campuses throughout the country.

A case in point: Bucks County Community College in Pennsylvania fired astronomy professor Dwight Anderson for mentioning God in a farewell letter to his students. He wrote, “If each of us, little by little with God’s help, can incorporate these foundation stones of goodness into our lives, we will find an anchor for our lives, which will result in deep and lasting satisfaction through life, and allow us to influence the world for good as we live out our lives.”

How far have we fallen when innocent references to God offend us? But that wasn’t the professor’s first “offense.” At the end of an earlier semester, he offered his students Pastor Andy Stanley’s book “Since Nobody’s Perfect … How Good Is Good Enough?” Placing one on each of their desks, Anderson said they could accept or reject it without consequence.
One student threatened to tell the administration about the book if Anderson didn’t raise his grade. When he refused, the little malcontent blew the whistle, and college officials warned the professor not to do anything “overtly Christian” in the future.

It appears Anderson’s letter was the final straw in his evil pattern of events. A disgruntled student reported his “sad” and “disturbing” words to the dean, who promptly terminated him.

What are the chances that this dean would reprimand, much less fire, a professor for sending a letter to his students praising earth goddess Gaia, urging tolerance for Islam or exalting life apart from God?

Would any school rebuke a professor for offering students Richard Dawkins’ “The God Delusion,” which asserts that belief in God is irrational and that religion has inflicted grievous harm on society?

We all know the answers. Regardless, I am encouraged that many, like Anderson, are starting to fight back against progressivism’s excesses — and not just on university campuses. The tyrannical left, with shocking impunity, has overplayed its hand so extensively that people are at the breaking point. Happily, we are seeing this frustration bubble up in the political world, as well.

I predict that one day these arrogant bullies will regret that they finally pushed too far and unleashed an overdue reaction from the long-suffering majority. I can already smell it.

Is there something in the water in

Voters Solidly Reject the Arrangement in Corker-Cardin Bill


Iranians burn the American and Israeli flags following the announcement of the negotiated nuclear agreement in Tehran. (Photo: Hamed Malekpour)

On Wednesday, President Obama received the 34th vote needed to sustain a veto of a bipartisan bill opposing the deeply popular Iran nuclear deal. However, as PPD has shown to be the case since the president announced the agreement negotiated with Tehran, American voters are adamantly opposed to the deal and the arrangement outlined by the Corker-Cardin bill.

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey finds that 66% of likely voters believe any agreement the Obama administration negotiated with Iran should require the actual approval of Congress. While that’s nearly unchanged from July just after the deal was announced, only 20% now say they do not think the deal requires congressional approval. A stubborn 14% say they are still not sure.

Retiring Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., announced her support for the Iran deal Wednesday, which followed announcements by two key Senate Democrats–Sen. Chris Coons, D-Delaware, and Sen. Bob Casey, D-Penn.– on Tuesday that all but ensured approval. The deal, which Obama has characterized as his foreign policy ObamaCare legacy achievement, will also fail to garner bipartisan support, as well. Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., announced in mid-August he would vote “no” on the agreement, ending any hope at the White House that the deal would enjoy bipartisan support in Congress.

While GOP congressional leaders in D.C. are quietly and privately breathing a sigh of relief–mainly because they will likely avoid a filibuster fight in the Senate–many lawmakers and pro-Israel activists in both parties are furious over the approval of what many believe should’ve been subject to treaty ratification. Rather than needing 41 votes to approve the deal, as was designed by the bill crafted by Sens. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., and Ben Cardin, D-Md., President Obama and supporting Democrats would have needed 67 votes in the Senate to ratify the deal.

According to PPD tracking of the average of polls on the Iran deal, opposition has held steady since the president announced the agreement with the regime in Tehran. On average, 58% of Americans oppose the deal negotiated by the president and Secretary of State John Kerry, while just 29% on average support it. As we have repeatedly published, the reason for public opposition to the deal has been consistent and it is two-fold.

First, Americans do not believe Iran will keep their end of the deal and, second, they do not think that it will make the world and/or region a safer place. A whopping three-quarters (75 percent) of voters say Iran cannot be trusted to honor the agreement (75 percent), which includes almost all Republicans (93 percent), most independents (80 percent) and even a majority of Democrats (59 percent).

A supermajority of American voters are adamantly

What Did The Donald Have to Lose, Anyway?


Donald Trump holds up a signed pledge during a press conference at Trump Tower in Manhattan on Thursday. (PHOTO: LUCAS JACKSON/REUTERS)

Donald Trump announced Thursday he has signed a GOP pledge not to run as an independent in 2016, after a personal appeal from the Republican Party chairman.

“I have signed the pledge. I just wanted fairness from the Republican Party,” Trump said during a press conference while holding up the paper. “I will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican Party, and the conservative principles for which it stands.”

The party pledge, which was followed by similar efforts in Virginia and South Carolina, states in part that if the GOP contender does not become the nominee: “I will endorse the 2016 Republican presidential nominee regardless of who it is,” and “I will not seek to run as an independent or write-in candidate nor will I seek or accept the nomination for president of any other party.”

Pledges were either signed or commitments were given to do so by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie; Ohio Gov. John Kasich; former New York Gov. George Pataki; former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush; former HP CEO Carly Fiorina; retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson; Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

According to the PPD average of national Republican nomination polls, Trump is the clear frontrunner for the nomination and has been since July. In a recent Gravis Marketing Poll the real estate mogul broke 40%, while the most recent ABC News/Washington Post Poll shows him above 30%.

Donald Trump announced Thursday he has signed

Redefinition of Marriage Beats Out Established Religious Freedom


Sept. 1, 2015: Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis listens to a customer following her office’s refusal to issue marriage licenses at the Rowan County Courthouse in Morehead, Ky. (PHOTO: AP)

A federal judge ordered Kim Davis, a Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, to jail for contempt Thursday. Davis insisted that it would violate her conscience to follow court orders to issue marriage licenses.

Davis, a clerk in Rowan County, and her deputy clerks were summoned to appear before U.S. District Judge David Bunning, who said his only alternative was to order her to jail because he did not believe she would comply with his order even if she were fined. She was escorted out of his courtroom by a deputy, although not in handcuffs, and ordered to be turned over to the custody of federal marshals.

In her roughly 20 minutes of very emotional testimony, Davis told the story about how she became a Christian and is now unable to believe anything else. April Miller, who said she voted for Davis in the election, also testified and said that this was only about getting her license, not about trying to change Davis’ beliefs, which is the criticism of supporters of religious liberty.

A small plane flew over the courthouse, carrying a banner that said: “Stand Firm Kim.” Following the ruling, supporters of gay marriage outside the federal courthouse chanted and screamed, “Love won! Love won!”

Davis stopped issuing licenses to all couples in June after the U.S. Supreme Court effectively shutdown debate and legalized gay marriage in all 50 states. But, despite the Supreme Court and other court rulings against her, she continued to turn away gay couples seeking a marriage license. The couples who originally sued in the case asked Bunning to punish Davis with fines, but not jail time.

“I have no animosity toward anyone and harbor no ill will. To me this has never been a gay or lesbian issue,” Davis, an Apostolic Christian said in a statement, adding that she never thought this day would ever come. “It is about marriage and God’s word.”

Her critics mock her moral stand, pointing out that Davis is on her fourth husband after being divorced three times. Of course, Christianity is about forgiveness of sin. Both sides of the argument have a strong case to make against the other on passing judgement. Davis served as her mother’s deputy in the clerk’s office for 27 years before she was elected as a Democrat to succeed her mother in November. As an elected official, she can be removed only if the Legislature impeaches her, which Kentucky lawmakers are highly unlikely to do in a deeply conservative state that opposes gay marriage by a large majority.

While Judge Bunning, the son of Jim Bunning, the Hall of Fame pitcher for the Detroit Tigers and Philadelphia Phillies, was nominated by Republican President George W. Bush for a lifetime position as a federal judge in 2001 when he was just 35 years old, his judicial record is coming under some scrutiny. In 2003, Bunning ordered the Boyd County School District to allow the student club Gay-Straight Alliance to meet on campus. In 2007, he was on a three-judge panel on a federal appeals court that overturned Michigan’s highly popular ban on partial-birth abortion. The panel ruled the state’s law was too broad and would outlaw other legal forms of abortion.

Following the Supreme Court decision, PPD examined the public opinion and voting data to argue the ruling would not settle the issue, but rather exacerbate it as Chief Justice John Roberts warned in the dissent. Despite the recent polls cited by supporters, fake studies published in Science Journal are simply not as convincing as the Chief Justice’s argument.

“Supporters of same-sex marriage have achieved considerable success persuading their fellow citizens—through the democratic process—to adopt their view. That ends today,” Roberts wrote in his dissent. “Five lawyers have closed the debate and enacted their own vision of marriage as a matter of constitutional law. Stealing this issue from the people will for many cast a cloud over same-sex marriage, making a dramatic social change that much more difficult to accept.”

Only 11 states redefined marriage democratically before the high court weighed in, including 8 through their legislatures and 3 through popular vote. In the 37 states that recognized gay marriage before the Supreme Court decision, 26 were forced to do so by courts and 21 of them voted against it with at least 60 percent of the vote.

Including 2012, when the state of North Carolina voted overwhelmingly (61 percent) to ban same-sex marriage, more than 50 million Americans have weighed in on whether to change the definition and institution of marriage at the ballot box. Those results are very much in line with the average across the nation. Overall, if we average the results from each referendum, a whopping 67.7 percent of the 50 million Americans who voted on same-sex marriage voted against it.

A federal judge ordered Kim Davis, a

Sen. Heidi Heitkamp Not the Conservative Democrat She Claimed to Be


North Dakota Sen. Heidi Heitkamp is telling LGBT people in her state and beyond that she’s #GotYourBack.

In-state activists and pro-life groups are vowing to hold Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., accountable for her very recent flip-flop on late-term abortion. In 2007, and indeed during her entire bid for the U.S. Senate in 2012, Heitkamp claimed to be against late-term abortion in a very conservative state.

“I do not support public funding of abortions,” Heitkamp said in 2007, “and believe that late term abortions should be illegal except when necessary to save the life of the mother.”

Yet, earlier this week, a spokeswoman at her office indicated she would oppose the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (S. 1553), which according to PPD research, is a very popular piece of legislation to limit late-term abortions after five months.

“Senator Heitkamp believes reproductive decisions should be left to a woman, her family, and her doctor, and it isn’t up to the government to determine what that timeline should be.”

Now, the national pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) and North Dakota Concerned Women of America launched a campaign that includes a web ad, North Dakota polling, and a grassroots mobilization aimed at either encouraging her to support the Pain-Capable bill or build an organization capable of holding her accountable in the future.

“Polls show that Americans – regardless of gender, age, or political party – are unified against late-term abortion more than halfway through pregnancy, when the unborn child can feel excruciating pain,” said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. “In North Dakota, 63 percent of Democrats and 71 percent of women support the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This compassionate, common sense measure should be a no-brainer for Sen. Heitkamp, who previously opposed late-term abortion and partial birth abortion.”

Nationwide, only 26 percent of Americans say abortion should legal in all circumstances, while 20 say it should be illegal in all circumstances and 52 percent say only in certain circumstances should it be allowed. When together, 72 percent supported a ban on late-term abortion.

Prior to this most recent development, Heitkamp voted “Nay” on Senate bill S.1881, a bill introduced by Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst to prohibit Federal funding of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The bill was taken up in the Senate following the release of several undercover videos produced by the pro-life Center for Medical Progress, which exposed Planned Parenthood’s lucrative trafficking of baby body parts harvested during late-term abortions.

“Americans support removing the United States from the list of only seven nations to allow brutal abortion after 5 months,” added Dannenfelser. “Senator Heitkamp, and other Democratic leaders, are sadly moving against growing public opinion – and at their own political peril.”

PPD’s senior political analyst Richard D. Baris agrees, and says Heitkamp and other Democrats should think about heeding Dannenfelser’s warning. The self-proclaimed conservative Democrat has been mulling a run for governor and is expected to announce her decision within a week, but Baris says her plans could be completely derailed by this issue.

“PPD has spent a great deal of time analyzing the support for abortion, and Americans have favored a late-term abortion ban for years,” Baris said. “That includes a majority of young and women voters polled nationwide before the Planned Parenthood videos were exposed, let alone far more conservative voters in North Dakota. Voters by roughly a 3 to 1 margin (69%-21%) favor the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Considering recent news, it is more likely those numbers will hold or solidify than it is Heidkamp’s new position will be well-received.”

“If the senator does decide to run, she would begin the race in the conservative state as an underdog on PPD’s election projection model,” Baris added. “No doubt about it.”

Earlier this year, the Republican-controlled House easily passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in a bipartisan vote of 242-184. Further, 14 states have passed state-based versions of the legislation or flat-out bans on abortion after 20 weeks. In fact, North Dakota has a law on the books banning late-term abortion in the state, which Heitkamp previously supported. However, Democrats have avoided the political consequences of siding with the abortion industry over the voters in their state thanks to liberal activist judges ruling against such bills, as was the case in Texas and other states.

“This compassionate, common sense measure should be a no-brainer for Sen. Heitkamp, who previously opposed late-term abortion and partial birth abortion,” Dannenfelser added. “Her alleged refusal to stand up for the helpless children whose bodies are brutally ripped apart during abortion – and vivisected for their organs – is a sad sign she has sold out to Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby.”

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In-state activists and pro-life groups are vowing


NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, left, and New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady were unable to reach a settlement in the “Deflategate” scandal. (PHOTO: AP)

A federal judge has tossed out the NFL imposed four-game suspension on New England Patriot quarterback Tom Brady for his alleged role in DeflateGate, a conspiracy to deflate footballs below the allowable limit at last season’s AFC championship game.

U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman handed down his written decision one week to the day before the Sept. 10 season opener against the Pittsburgh Steelers. Judge Berman had to either uphold the suspension or throw it out completely, but could not author a lesser punishment for Brady. Judge Berman said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell went too far in affirming punishment of the Super Bowl winning quarterback in a case the NFL claimed threatened the very integrity of the game.

“With respect to ‘general awareness’ of others’ misconduct — which is the principal finding in both the Wells Report and the Vincent Letter — Brady had no notice that such conduct was prohibited, or any reasonable certainty of potential discipline stemming from such conduct,” Judge Berman wrote in his decision. “The court concludes that, as a matter of law, no NFL policy or precedent notifies players that they may be disciplined (much less suspended) for general awareness of misconduct by others.”

The decision came as a surprise to some legal experts and NFL followers who believed Berman wanted the league to settle and was reluctant to get involved in collective bargaining disputes. Nevertheless, the Brady camp, the NFL union and Patriots fans are all rejoicing in the decision that allows Brady to begin preparing for the first game of the season.

“This decision should prove, once and for all, that our Collective Bargaining Agreement does not grant this Commissioner the authority to be unfair, arbitrary and misleading,” the NFL Players Association said in a statement. “While the CBA grants the person who occupies the position of Commissioner the ability to judiciously and fairly exercise the designated power of that position, the union did not agree to attempts to unfairly, illegally exercise that power, contrary to what the NFL has repeatedly and wrongfully claimed.”

Commissioner Goodell made his decision based upon the findings of an investigation conducted by New York-based attorney Ted Wells, which was released in May. However, the report stopped short declaring it a fact that the balls were deliberately deflated on Brady’s orders. Yet, the NFL’s threshold for imposing discipline requires merely a finding of strong probability of wrongdoing, and the report found that it was “more probable than not” that Brady was “at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities” in the balls being deflated. Brady’s attorney, Don Yee, called the outcome of the report pre-determined, and Judge Berman somewhat seemed to agree.

“With respect to ‘general awareness’ of others’ misconduct — which is the principal finding in both the Wells Report and the Vincent Letter — Brady had no notice that such conduct was prohibited, or any reasonable certainty of potential discipline stemming from such conduct,” Berman wrote in his decision. “The court concludes that, as a matter of law, no NFL policy or precedent notifies players that they may be disciplined (much less suspended) for general awareness of misconduct by others.”

Worth noting, the Patriots absolutely routed the Colts by a 45-7 score in the Jan. 18 AFC Championship game, propelling them to their win at the Super Bowl against the Seattle Seahawks. Brady, who was named the MVP, finished the game with 37 completions in 50 attempts for 328 yards and four touchdowns, winning his fourth Super Bowl ring.

The NFL has the option to appeal the judge’s decision, and has had some success in the past with overturning appellate decisions. However, a request for comment from the commissioner was not immediately returned by the NFL.

A federal judge has tossed out the


Stacked shipping containers in U.S. trade port. (Photo: Reuters)

The Commerce Department said on Thursday that the U.S. trade deficit fell 7.4% in July to its lowest level in five months as exports rose, amid concerns about a global growth slowdown. Economists had forecast the trade gap shrinking to $42.4 billion.

The Commerce report showed the trade gap narrowed to $41.9 billion, the smallest since February, while June’s trade deficit was revised to $45.2 billion from the initially reported $43.8 billion. When adjusted for inflation, the deficit fell to $56.2 billion in July from $59.0 billion.

The narrower-than-expected deficit suggests a modest contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) from trade early in the third quarter, juxtaposed to the 0.3% contribution to the economy’s 3.7% revised annualized growth rate in the second quarter. Exports increased 0.4 percent to $188.5 billion in June, which was the first increase since April. Exports remain bogged down by a relatively strong U.S. dollar (USDUSD). The dollar has gained 16.8 percent against the currencies of the United States’ main trading partners since June 2014, partly due to the continued devaluation of the yuan (CNYUSD) by Beijing.

There were gains in exports of food, industrial supplies and materials, and capital goods in July. Automobile exports also rose. Meanwhile, imports fell 1.1 percent to $230.4 billion. Foreign automobile imports were the highest on record, while imports of consumer goods fell in July.

Exports to China fell 1.9 percent and imports from that country dipped 0.2 percent, making the politically toxic U.S.-China trade deficit $31.6 billion, up 0.4 percent from June. The trade deficit with China will be closely watched in the coming months after that country devalued its currency in August. Exports to Canada fell 8.3 percent in July and could come under more pressure after the Canadian economy slipped into recession in the second quarter. Exports to recession-hit Brazil were the lowest since February 2010. Exports to the European Union fell 5.3 percent.

The Commerce Department said on Thursday that

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