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[brid video=”7750″ player=”1929″ title=”Baltimore Riots Red Glare The McLaughlin Group 5115″]
This week on The McLaughlin Group, Pat Buchanan and the group discuss the policies and causes that have essentially decimated Baltimore, once called the “Charm City.”

Baltimore, a once proud city that played a prominent role in American history, which gave us the lyrics to our National Anthem through the battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812 has lately been beset by a crime wave.

The city of Baltimore has a murder rate 600 percent higher than the national average and a violent crime rate 300 percent higher than the national average. Further, a heroin epidemic plagues the city, which suffers from the higher per capita addiction rate in the country.

This week on The McLaughlin Group, Pat


An Algerian terror group loyal to ISIS beheaded French captive Herve Gourdel. Sept. 22, 2014.

President Obama is reportedly gearing up to allow family members and companies to pay ransoms for the release of hostages held by Islamic radicals. The move will end a long-standing U.S. policy that prohibits the payment of ransoms, and of not negotiating with terrorists. Though the latter has been at least broken by the deeply unpopular trade of Army deserter Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the Obama administration has threatened to enforce the former.

However, a new investigation of available data shows paying ransoms to Islamic radicals holding Western hostages increases both kidnappings and death rates, rather than having the intended effect of saving lives.

Kidnapping Europeans for ransom has become a global enterprise for al Qaeda, Boko Haram, al Shabaab, the Taliban (particularly the Haqqani Network), and other Islamic radical groups seeking to bankroll established and new groups and operations worldwide.

Most European governments deny paying ransoms, but according to the U.S. Treasury Department, from 2008 to 2014 roughly $165 million has been paid to al Qaeda and its affiliates.

These payments were made either directly from European governments, which represent the vast majority, or through third-party proxies in the form of businesses and organizations who often attempt to pass them off as humanitarian or economic development aid. A whopping $66 million was paid just in the last year, alone.

This wealth transfer from Europe to terror represents a marked shift in how these organizations have funded themselves in the past to the present. Thousands of pages of internal al Qaeda documents found in northern Mali last year revealed the “inner workings” of the kidnapping business, which confirmed conversations PPD has had with multiple retired and active U.S. intel officials.

It was historically the case that al Qaeda received funding and donations from rich, radical sympathetic donors from various countries, including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and various other usual suspect nations. However, intel officials say these groups now finance their operations, to include recruitment, training and weapons purchases from ransoms paid to free captive Europeans.

The predominant problem with this policy, which they repeatedly deny engaging in, is that it only leads to more kidnappings and there is no evidence to suggest that it reduces the lives lost in a participating country. Let’s toggle between two graphs published by The New York Times last year that — although the data needs updating — illustrates the argument.


As we can clearly see from the tragic policy adopted by France, the Western European country has ended up paying the most in kidnap ransoms to terror groups by far. But, as we can see from the data below, it only results in a higher number of citizens targeted for kidnapping, and are consequently killed because of the obvious and not-so obvious risks of being in captivity.


France far and away has the largest number of hostages killed in captivity, either by their captors or from some other condition. The United States, on the other hand, which had zero citizens released for ransom, has not been a particularly attractive target for radical Islamic groups.

It is very important to remember that the U.S has a significantly higher population than the other countries on the list, a factor that must be controlled for along with travel to high-risk regions. In fact, from 2008 to 2014, while President Obama largely adhered to the long-standing policy, there wasn’t a single American killed by captors and only 3 kidnappings for a country of over $300 million.

Western countries have signed numerous international agreements in the past calling for an end to ransom paying, including as recently as last year at a Group of 8 summit, where some of the biggest hypocrite ransom-paying countries in Europe signed a declaration agreeing not to pay.

The UK and the US have spearheaded efforts at the UN to ban the payment of ransoms, including Resolution 2133, which passed by the Security Council in January 2014. It reads, in part, as follows:

Strongly condemning incidents of kidnapping and hostage-taking committed by terrorist groups for any purpose, including raising funds or gaining political concessions,
Expressing concern at the increase in incidents of kidnapping and hostagetaking committed by terrorist groups with the aim of raising funds, or gaining political concessions, in particular the increase in kidnappings by al-Qaida and its affiliated groups, and underscoring that the payment of ransoms to terrorists funds future kidnappings and hostage-takings which creates more victims and perpetuates the problem,
Expressing its determination to prevent kidnapping and hostage-taking committed by terrorist groups and to secure the safe release of hostages without ransom payments or political concessions, in accordance with applicable international law and, in this regard, noting the work of the Global Counter terrorism Forum (GCTF), in particular its publication of several framework documents and good practices, including in the area of kidnapping for ransom, to complement the work of the relevant United Nations counter-terrorism entities,
S/RES/2133 (2014)
2/3 14-21793

At a G8 summit in 2013, leaders were equally clear: “We unequivocally reject the payment of ransoms to terrorists.”

Yet, according to hostages released this year and terror hostage negotiators, governments in Europe — particularly France, Spain and Switzerland — continue to be responsible for what the resolution characterizes as a practice that “creates more victims and perpetuates the problem.” France, alone, paid a ransom of €30 million — approximately $40 million — just in the fall of 2014 to free four Frenchmen held in Mali.

Jihadi Kidnap Ransom Facts

  • Islamic State: $35-$45m in the past year
  • Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: $20m between 2011 and 2013
  • Al-Qaeda in the Maghreb: $75m over the past four years

Source: UN’s al-Qaeda/Taliban monitoring team

What Happens To The Ransom?

As a result of a Feb. 23, 2003 kidnapping of a group of four Swiss tourists, including two 19-year-old women, Islamic terror groups learned how to evolve from just asking for weapons and impossible-to-meet political demands, to demanding a ransom and ensuring Western countries with weak resolve and a lack of political courage pay up. One of the hostages, a 45-year-old German woman, died of dehydration, which panicked European officials.

“The Americans told us over and over not to pay a ransom. And we said to them: ‘We don’t want to pay. But we can’t lose our people,’ ” said a European ambassador, who was one of six senior Western officials with direct knowledge of the kidnapping.

They caved and a year later an al Qaeda operative, known as Abdelaziz al-Muqrin, published a how-to guide outlining the effective strategies to a kidnapping operation, in which he actually cited the successful ransom negotiation of “our brothers in Algeria.”

Where did the money go?

They used the ransom totaling some €5 million, which is roughly $6.2 million in 2015 dollars, as the seed money for the group’s recruiting and training efforts, which led to a series of terror attacks. They are now a regional terror group and were accepted as an official branch of the al Qaeda network, which baptized them al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

As the UN declaration in 2014 claimed, the evidence suggests that continued participation in kidnap ransom payments will lead to even greater demands. In fact, we saw this unfortunate truth play out in September 2014, when Jund al-Khilafah, or Soldiers of the Caliphate, had said they would kill 55-year-old French mountaineering guide Herve Gourdel unless France ended its participation in the bombing campaign against the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq within 24 hours.

Gourdel was beheaded shortly after coalition forces pressured the French not to comply, but intel officials believe Mr. Gourdel’s fate was sealed because the group aims to set these countries into the same panic seen in prior kidnappings such as in 2003. Ultimately, they hope, they can extract what used to be impossible-to-meet political demands out of these participating countries. In the meantime, the data indicate that more citizens will be kidnapped and more hostages will die if this practice continues or is expanded as President Obama is reportedly planning to do.

While kidnappings, particularly those that end in death, are horribly tragic situations, when determining policy the interest of the general welfare and the national security of the nation is paramount. It is President Obama’s job to examine the evidence and adhere to the principle responsibilities of the commander-in-chief, not cave to ideology or emotion, especially if they lead to a far greater number of tragedies.

A new investigation of available data shows


Gene Ryan, right, President of Fraternal Order of Police Baltimore City Lodge #3, answers questions during a news conference at the lodge’s headquarters.

The Baltimore police union slammed State Attorney Marilyn Mosby  for “a hurried rush to file criminal charges” and called for a “special independent prosecutor.” The lawyer for the union representing the six officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray Friday also criticized Mosby for “a hurried rush to file criminal charges” and vowed the “officers will be vindicated as they’ve done nothing wrong.”

“We believe that these officers will be vindicated as they have done nothing wrong,” said Michael Davey, a lawyer working for the city’s Fraternal Order of Police. “I have never seen such a hurried rush to file criminal charges,” he said, appearing to suggest that prosecutors had been rushed into this “egregious” act by outside pressures.

Friday, Mosby charged six officers in relation to the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, whose suffered severe spinal injuries when he was arrested on April 12 and died a week later. Now, the police union is calling for her to step aside based upon her personal connection to the Gray family’s attorney, William H. “Billy” Murphy Jr., and her marriage to a city councilman who had made a series of questionable comments before the charges were announced.

Gene Ryan, president of Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 3, said in a letter that none of the six officers charged were responsible for his death.

“Not one of the officers involved in this tragic situation left home in the morning with the anticipation that someone with whom they interacted would not go home that night,” the letter states. “As tragic as this situation is, none of the officers involved are responsible for the death of Mr. Gray.”

But Mosby is taking heat from legal experts who say she attempted to poison the jury pool and publicly convict the officers during her press conference Friday. They note that she emphasized the medical examiner report that ruled Gray’s death tot be a homicide, which doesn’t at all suggest a crime has been committed, and shotgun charged the officers based on a seat belt regulation that was enacted as late as April 6.

“The manner of death deemed homicide by the Maryland Medical Examiner is believed to be the result of a fatal injury that occurred while Mr. Gray was unrestrained by a seatbelt in custody of the Baltimore Police Department wagon,” Mosby said, though she offered no new evidence to prove intent and state of mind needed to justify a charge of second degree murder.

But while legal experts note that is precisely why the officers were shotgun charged with multiple lesser offenses, it was her hat tip to what most Americans view to be an anti-police movement that cast the shadow of impropriety on Mrs. Mosby.

“Last but certainly not least, to the youth of the city. I will seek justice on your behalf. This is a moment. This is your moment,” she said. “Let’s insure we have peaceful and productive rallies that will develop structural and systemic changes for generations to come. You’re at the forefront of this cause and as young people, our time is now.”

The letter from the police union highlighted several conflicts of interest that suggest Mrs. Mosby has a predisposition to the case, which will prohibit her from offering the defendants a fair trial.

“I have very deep concerns about the many conflicts of interest presented by your office conducting an investigation in this case,” the letter states. “These conflicts include your personal and professional relations with Gray family attorney, William Murphy, and the lead prosecutor’s connections with members of the local media.”

In fact, Gray family attorney Bill Murphy — who at the very least omitted if not lied about Gray’s pre-existing conditions, as PPD reported earlier this week — donated $5,000 to Mosby’s unopposed campaign and even served on her transition committee.

“Based on several nationally televised interviews, these reporters are likely to be witnesses in any potential litigation regarding this incident,” the letter states.

However, it was Mrs. Mosby’s marriage to Nick Mosby, a member of the Baltimore City Council that closed out the union’s letter. Councilman Mosby, who represents the district where Freddie Gray’s arrest and criminal career took place, has given a series of interviews that have come under fire. Mosby told Rachel Maddow during the riots that those burning down businesses, poking holes in fire department’s hoses attempting to save burning buildings and lighting hundreds of cars on fire, were “children crying out for help from abject poverty.”

Of course, Mr. Mosby showed no sense of accountability for the socioeconomic state of the city and its “children,” considering he and his colleagues are in charge of policy.

“Most importantly, it is clear that your husband’s political future will be directly impacted, for better or worse, by the outcome of your investigation,” the letter states. “In order to avoid any appearance of impropriety or a violation of the Professional Rules of Professional Responsibility, I ask that you appoint a Special Prosecutor to determine whether or not any charges should be filed.”

The charges Mrs. Mosby announced against the officers range from the most serious of second-degree murder and manslaughter to a simple misconduct charge at the other.

The Baltimore police union slammed State Attorney

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A Baltimore cop and friend of the six police officers charged in the Freddie Gray case revealed new information to Fox News host Megyn Kelly Friday night. Appearing on The Kelly File the anonymous officer said Gray was well-known by the officers and equally known to “put on a show” during his multiple arrests in the past. Further, the official claimed Gray served as a police “witness” and assisted the department in solving “many crimes.”

“Freddie was one of those ones where a lot of times he would put on a show on the streets but you bring him in the station and he was a great witness,” the anonymous officer told Kelly. “I mean, [he] helped the department solve many crimes and different acts of violence. So, it wasn’t uncommon for Freddie to do that type of thing and then go into the station.”

Friday, State Attorney Marilyn Mosby charged the officers, including second-degree murder against one in relation to the death of 25-year-old Gray, who suffered severe spinal injuries in the police van after being arrested on April 12 and died a week later. Mosby statement numerous times that one of the main justifications for several of the numerous charges filed against the officers was that they had failed to provide proper medical attention.

In fact, Gray’s friend and bail bondsman Quintin Reid, who had posted bail for Mr. Gray at least three times in the past, confirmed in an interview Wednesday night that he had used that location to sell heroin and had been arrested for doing so multiple times.

When asked if officers hit Gray, the officer responded “absolutely not.”

The case has ignited riots in Baltimore and protests around the nation this week, as those involved suspect his death was the result of police abuse. The medical examiner report, which ruled Gray’s death a homicide (though that doesn’t at all mean criminal homicide), ruled that Gray’s injuries match a bolt inside of the police van.

If true –and, PPD has only been able to confirm Gray’s past behavior and locations during arrests for previous offenses — then these new allegations will also serve to cast more criticism on Mrs. Mosby. The youngest state attorney in the nation has come under increasingly heavy scrutiny over the last 24 hours as new details emerge that suggest a level of impropriety.

The Baltimore police union is calling for Mosby to step aside for a special independent prosecutor, a charge based upon her personal connection to the Gray family’s attorney, William H. “Billy” Murphy Jr., and her marriage to City Councilman Nick Mosby, who had made a series of questionable comments before the charges were announced.

Murphy — who at the very least omitted if not lied about Gray’s pre-existing conditions, as PPD reported earlier this week — donated $5,000 to Mosby’s unopposed campaign and even served on her transition committee.

Councilman Mosby, who represents the district where Freddie Gray’s arrest and criminal career took place, has given a series of interviews that have come under fire. In one such interview with Rachel Maddow during the riots, he called those burning down businesses, poking holes in fire department’s hoses attemptign to save burning buildings, and lighting hundreds of cars on fire, “children crying out for help from abject poverty.” He has been severely critical of the Baltimore City Police Department.

But Mrs. Mosby is getting scrutinized for comments she, herself, made during the press conference when the charges were announced.

“Last but certainly not least, to the youth of the city. I will seek justice on your behalf. This is a moment. This is your moment,” she said. “Let’s insure we have peaceful and productive rallies that will develop structural and systemic changes for generations to come. You’re at the forefront of this cause and as young people, our time is now.”

Despite the calls for a special independent prosecutor and appearance of impropriety, she has thus far refused the growing requests.

Meanwhile, the source told Kelly that the morale of the Baltimore City Police Department has been severely reduced, with officers planning on not arresting offenders unless “extreme acts of violence” are occurring before their eyes.

“You know what? At this point everyone is saying when we finally do assume regular patrol responsibilities and that type of thing, at this point, we’ve seen where the mayor is,” the source said. “We’ve seen where the commissioner is. We’ve seen what side they are on. It’s gonna take a serious act of violence. It’s gonna take a serious offense for officers to go out and arrest people.”

The officer said that there are elements to policing that sometimes look bad to the general public, though they aren’t in reality. And if the command aren’t going to have their backs when the cameras, agenda-driven politicians, and Al Sharptons come to call for a public lynching, then they aren’t going to risk their lives to protect those who also need protecting.

“You’re not going to see officers going out there and being as proactive as they were before.”

A Baltimore cop and friend of the

IMF Global Economy Chamber IMF

October 12, 2013: The IMFC meeting begins during the World Bank/IMF Annual Meetings at IMF headquarters Saturday in Washington. World finance officials prepared to wrap up three days of meetings in Washington, where fretting about the risk of an unprecedented U.S. debt default overshadowed myriad worries about a shaky global economic recovery. ( AP Photo)

For the people of China, there’s good news and bad news. The good news, as illustrated by the chart, is that economic freedom has increased dramatically since 1980. This liberalization has lifted hundreds of millions from abject poverty.

The bad news is that China still has a long way to go if it wants to become a rich, market-oriented nation. Notwithstanding big gains since 1980, it still ranks in the lower-third of nations for economic freedom.

Yes, there’s been impressive growth, but it started from a very low level. As a result, per-capita economic output is still just a fraction of American levels.

So let’s look at what’s needed to boost Chinese prosperity.

If you look at the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World, there are five major policy categories. As you can see from this table, China’s weakest category is “size of government.” I’ve circled the most relevant data point.

The bottom line is that China could – and should – boost its overall ranking by improving its size-of-government score. And that means reducing the burden of government spending and lowering tax rates.

With this in mind, I was very interested to see that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) just published a study entitled, “China: How Can Revenue Reforms Contribute to Inclusive and Sustainable Growth.”

Did this mean the IMF was recommending pro-growth tax reform? After reading the following sentence, I was hopeful.

We highlight tax policies that can facilitate economic transition to high income status, promote fiscal sustainability and make growth more inclusive.

After all, surely you make the “transition to high income status” with low tax rates rather than high tax rates, right?

Moreover, the study also acknowledged that China’s tax burden already is fairly substantial.

Tax revenue has accounted for about 22 percent of GDP in 2013…the overall tax burden is similar to the tax-to-GDP ratio for other Asian economies such as Australia, Japan, and Korea.

So what did the IMF recommend? A flat tax? Elimination of certain taxes? Reductions in double taxation? Lowering the overall tax burden?


The bureaucrats actually want China to become more like France and Greece.

I’m not joking. The IMF study actually wants people to believe that making the income tax more punitive will somehow boost prosperity.

Increasing the de facto progressivity of the individual income tax would promote more inclusive growth.

Amazingly, the IMF wants more “progressivity” even though the folks in the top 20 percent are the only ones who pay any income tax under the current system.

…around 80 percent of urban wage earners are not subject to the individual income tax because of the high basic personal allowance.

But a more punitive income tax is just the beginning. The IMF wants further tax hikes.

Broadening the base and unifying rates would increase VAT revenue considerably. …tax based on fossil fuel carbon emission rates can be introduced. …the current levies on local air pollutants such as SO2 and NOX emissions and small particulates could be significantly increased.

What’s especially discouraging is that the IMF explicitly wants a higher tax burden to finance an increase in the burden of government spending.

According to the proposed reform scenario, China could potentially aim to increase public expenditures by around 1 percent of GDP for education, 2‒3 percent of GDP for health care, and another 3–4 percent of GDP to fully finance the basic old-age pension and to gradually meet the legacy costs of current obligations. These would add up to additional social expenditures of around 7‒8 percent of GDP by 2030… The size of additional social spending is large but affordable as part of a package of fiscal reforms.

Indeed, the study explicitly says China should become more like the failed European welfare states that dominate the OECD.

Compared to OECD economies, China has considerable scope to increase the redistributive role of fiscal policy. …These revenue reforms serve as a key part of a package of reforms to boost social spending.

You won’t be surprised to learn, by the way, that the study contains zero evidence (because there isn’t any) to back up the assertion that a more punitive tax system will lead to more growth. Likewise, there’s zero evidence (because there isn’t any) to support the claim that a higher burden of government spending will boost prosperity.

No wonder the IMF is sometimes referred to as the Dr. Kevorkian of the global economy.

P.S. If you want to learn lessons from East Asia, look at the strong performance of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea, all of which provide very impressive examples of sustained growth enabled by small government and free markets.

P.P.S. I was greatly amused when the head of China’s sovereign wealth fund mocked the Europeans for destructive welfare state policies.

P.P.P.S. Click here if you want some morbid humor about China’s pseudo-communist regime.

P.P.P.P.S. Though I give China credit for trimming at least one of the special privileges provided to government bureaucrats.

[mybooktable book=”global-tax-revolution-the-rise-of-tax-competition-and-the-battle-to-defend-it” display=”summary” buybutton_shadowbox=”true”]

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) just published

[brid video=”7696″ player=”1929″ title=”Chloe Valdary Real Racism From ‘Condescending’ Progressives Judging Blacks Differently”]
Chloe Valdary, a student at the University of New Orleans, is the star of an Internet video discussing elements to the race debate the American left tries to ignore. In the video, Ms. Valdary calls out “condescending” progressives, who “cloak themselves in self-righteousness,” for practicing the ultimate form of racism and disallowing a real debate on race relations to move forward.

“Many people feel that they have to treat blacks with kid gloves. They think this is noble, enlightened, progressive. It’s not,” Valdary said. “It’s demeaning and condescending. In fact, it’s racist.”

In the video, which was produced for Prager University, Valdary shared a story about her anthropology professor, whom she had previously thought very highly of until she decided to discuss the case of Michael Brown, the 18-year-old black teenager who was justifiably shot in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown attempted to take a firearm from a white police officer and charged him. The professor agreed with another student who had said that “the facts ultimately do not matter.” Instead, the student continued, “all that matters is that a black boy was killed by a white cop.”

Valdary says that was the moment she realized she wasn’t witnessing a thoughtful and compassionate point of view toward the black plight, but rather a form of racism itself that reduces societal standards for black Americans by legitimizing or making excuses for otherwise unacceptable behavior.

“Does this apply to Hispanics, South East Asians, Pacific Islanders? Of course, not,” she said. “But we, the enlightened ones, are ready with a pre-packaged list of excuses when blacks riot and loot.”

The endless excuse-making from Baltimore politicians, including the mayor who said she wanted “to give them [protestors] space to destroy,” underscores Valdary’s point. Incessant punditry on MSNBC this week is littered with examples, as well. Further, as Valdary notes, so is the utter lack of reverence for truth, true justice and facts.

“If a white cop kills a white kid, the facts matter. If a black cop kills a black kid, the facts matter. If a black cop kills a white kid, the facts matter. If a white cop kills a black kid, the facts matter. To suggest anything else is to perpetuate discrimination; the very thing those who claim to espouse social justice claim to want to end,” Valdary said. “Anyone who excuses blacks for bad behavior obviously doesn’t consider blacks their equal. Rather, they view blacks as children unable to adhere to standards to which every other group is held. Think carefully about that.”

Valdary argues that the only difference between the view of the “enlightened ones” and white supremacists is that white supremacists are honest and open. They believe blacks are inferior, period, as opposed to those who are “condescending to blacks” and “cloak themselves in self-righteousness.”

As far as which group is worse, or even more dangerous to blacks, all Americans and society, Ms. Valdary’s view is very clear.

“I’ll take the white supremacists any day. There are very few of them. They have no power and I can easily prove them wrong,” she said. “But how do I shake off the condescenders, the patronizers? There are a lot of them. They have a lot of power and they think they mean well.”

Chloe Valdary, a black student at the

us consumer sentiment

Shoppers look over the offerings at the new Trader Joe’s store in Boulder, Colorado February 14, 2014.

U.S. consumer sentiment in April rose to its highest level since January, but was slightly below economists’ expectations, a report released on Friday showed.

The University of Michigan’s final April reading on the overall index on consumer sentiment came in at 95.9, unchanged from the preliminary April reading. The final reading in March was 93.0. Analysts were looking for a final April reading of 96.0 according to a poll by Reuters.

The survey’s final reading of the subindex on current conditions rose to 107 from 105.0 in March, while a read on final consumer expectations rose to 88.8 from 85.3. The median forecast of analysts polled by Reuters was for a reading of 108.3 for the conditions index and 88.1 for expectations.

U.S. consumer sentiment in April rose to

Institute for Supply Management readings for U.S. manufacturing activity. (Photo: Reuters)

U.S. manufacturing growth remained flat at its two-year low in April, with employment contracting to its lowest level in more than five years, according to an industry report released Friday.

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) said its index of national factory activity held at 51.5 in April, the lowest reading since May 2013 ad below expectations of 52.0.

Still, a reading above 50 indicates expansion in the manufacturing sector, while below indicates contraction.

The employment contracted territory for the first time since May 2013, falling to 48.3.The April reading of 48.3 percent is the lowest reading since September 2009 when the Employment Index fell to 47.8 percent, and down from 50.0 in March.

The 13 industries reporting growth in production during the month of April — listed in order — are: Textile Mills; Plastics & Rubber Products; Nonmetallic Mineral Products; Paper Products; Printing & Related Support Activities; Fabricated Metal Products; Food, Beverage & Tobacco Products; Chemical Products; Transportation Equipment; Miscellaneous Manufacturing; Furniture & Related Products; Machinery; and Primary Metals. The two industries reporting a decrease in production during April are: Petroleum & Coal Products; and Computer & Electronic Products.

The ISM said U.S. manufacturing growth remained


Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old man who died last week from a severe spinal cord injury he suffered before or during an arrest.

The Baltimore prosecutor announced Friday that probable cause was found to file criminal charges against the police involved in the arrest and death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray. However, State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby said that she will not make public the evidence used to determine charges were warranted in the case.

Mosby said Gray’s arrest last month was illegal and the officers did not take proper care of the deceased while in police custody. Although Gray was reportedly shackled to the bed of the van by leg irons, police sources told ABC affiliate WJLA that he was standing, without a seat belt on. Just over a week prior to Gray’s arrest – for running from police who tried to stop him, the Baltimore Police Department issued a new policy making it obligatory to buckle in all inmates being transported in police vans.

Bruce Goldfarb, a spokesman for the Maryland State Medical Examiner’s Office, told The Associated Press on Thursday that the office has completed Gray’s autopsy, but the forensic investigation is still in process and no conclusions have been sent to police or prosecutors. When the report is complete, Goldfarb said, a copy will be sent to the Baltimore State’s Attorney’s Office.

“The autopsy has been done, it only takes about two and a half hours,” Goldfarb said. “The autopsy is only one part of the forensic investigation. The whole point is to determine cause and manner of death, and there are lab tests and lots of other things that have to be done.”

The Baltimore prosecutor announced Friday that probable

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