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Obama 60 minutes intel 'underestimated' isis

Steve Kroft interviews President Obama on CBS News for ’60 Minutes’ on Sept. 29, 2014.

While I normally focus on jaw-dropping examples of hypocrisy by politicians, I realize that our beloved leaders also can be absurdly brazen in their exaggerations, deceptions, and prevarications.

But sometimes you can’t help but be shocked by their chutzpah.

Sort of like the time back in 2010 that a Greek politician issued an ultimatum that his country should get a giant bailout without taking the necessary steps to rein in bureaucratic bloat.

But nothing compares with Obama’s recent claim that his opponents are trying to “bamboozle” voters.

President Obama, in a fiery speech to Democrats Friday, accused Republicans of trying to “bamboozle folks,” saying their policies on middle-class issues did not reflect their lofty talk about helping ordinary Americans. …Obama went on to lambast Republicans for their opposition to his healthcare law… “Their grand predictions of doom and gloom and death panels haven’t come true,” Obama told the roomful of Democrats. “The sky hasn’t fallen. Chicken Little is quiet.”

Given the ongoing series of Obamacare disasters, I think there’s a strong case to be made that the American people have suffered some doom and gloom.

But I’m more amazed that the President, while defending his health plan, actually had the gall to accuse others of trying to “bamboozle.”

This from the President who prevaricated when he said people could keep their doctor.

This from the President who dissembled when he said health policies would be $2500 cheaper.

This from the President who lied when he said people could keep their health plans.

This from the President who took liberties with the truth when asserting that a new entitlement would be fiscally responsible.

I could continue, but you get the point. Virtually every claim he made about Obamacare has turned out to be a falsehood, yet he wants to accuse others of bamboozling. Amazing.

Now let’s shift to another example of the Obama Administration doing something really amazing. I wouldn’t put this in the hypocrisy category of the chutzpah category.

I’m not sure if there are words that suffice, so let’s just look at this tweet from an official State Department twitter account. It’s criticizing ISIS for raising taxes on cell phone service.


I’m sure ISIS deserves lots of criticism for many things. And I certainly don’t object to nailing them for tax hikes.

But what’s astounding is that the Obama bureaucrats didn’t bother to do the slightest bit of research. Had they done their homework, they would have realized they were throwing boulders in a glass house.

As anyone with a cell phone bill knows, phone taxes in America are significantly higher than what ISIS is charging (1000 Syrian Pounds every two months breaks down to about $2.75 per month). In fact, cell phone taxes in America make up 17 percent of monthly bills on average, while in some states it totals as high as 34 percent—charges which can easily run ten times ISIS’ monthly fee.

Heck, let’s set aside the example of cell phone taxes and look at the big picture. The American people are pillaged by higher taxes over and over again and we also get crappy government in exchange.

So if paying taxes for “poor service” makes a government illegitimate, I guess that means the State Department thinks the President should resign.

Gee, who knew that there were rabid libertarians working for this Administration.

P.S. There have been other “libertarian moments from Obama and his people, however insincere.

We have a president who thinks the government shouldn’t confiscate more than 20 percent of a company’s income, but he only gives that advice when he’s in Ghana.

And the same president says it’s time to “let the market work on its own,” but he only says that when talking about China’s economy.

We have more evidence that the President understands the dangers of class-warfare taxation and burdensome government spending. At least when he’s not talking about American fiscal policy.

And the President even applauds foreign voters on occasion when they reject big government.

If only we could get him to have this attitude inside America’s borders.

[mybooktable book=”global-tax-revolution-the-rise-of-tax-competition-and-the-battle-to-defend-it” display=”summary”]

Several recents examples of the Obama Administration

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced Friday the discovery of a new virus that may have contributed to the 2014 death of a Kansas man who was otherwise healthy.

The Bourbon virus, which is named for the county where the deceased patient lived, is part of a group of viruses called thogotoviruses. Researchers from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and the University of Kansas Medical Center (UKMC) investigated the case, which marked the first time a thogotovirus has been shown to cause human illness in the U.S.

The CDC says it was the eighth known case of it causing symptoms in people, and that viruses in this group have been linked to ticks or mosquitoes in parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. Officials believe it is likely that the Bourbon virus is also be spread through tick or other insect bites.

According to the report, the patient, who was over 50 years old, was working outside on his property in late spring 2014 when he received several tick bites and found an engorged tick on his shoulder. In the following few days, he fell ill with nausea, weakness and diarrhea. The next day, he developed a fever, anorexia, chills, headache, myalgia, and arthralgia.

The patient visited his primary care physician on the third day, at which point he was prescribed an antibiotic for a presumed tickborne illness.  The next morning, his wife found him experiencing reduced consciousness and we was taken to the local hospital. After test results for many infectious diseases came back negative, a sample of the patient’s blood was sent to CDC for additional testing.

The CDC found evidence of an unidentified virus, which was determined to be a new strain by researchers using Advanced Molecular Detection (AMD).

According to the news release, the CDC is working with KDHE and UKMC to identify additional cases of Bourbon virus disease and to determine who gets sick and with what symptoms. One of the primary focuses in on how people are getting infected. CDC experts are also working to better understand the virus itself to potentially prevent and control Bourbon virus.

CDC researchers believe other undiscovered viruses are likely causing illness, with this finding and recent discoveries of Heartland virus in Missouri and severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome viruses in China.

(Source: CDC)

How can people reduce the chance of becoming infected with Bourbon virus?

There is no vaccine or drug to prevent or treat Bourbon virus disease. Therefore, preventing bites from ticks and other insects may be the best way to prevent infection. Here are ways to protect yourself from tick and other bug bites when you are outdoors:

  • Use insect repellents
  • Wear long sleeves and pants
  • Avoid bushy and wooded areas
  • Perform thorough tick checks after spending time outdoors

Additional information on reducing exposure to ticks is available on the CDC Ticks website.

The CDC announced Friday that they discovered


Law and morality is not the same thing, and Americans should rely more on morality and less on laws.

One of the things that baffles liberals the most is that laws don’t stop people from behaving in certain ways. Government places a speed limit, and people go right on speeding. Gun-free zones are posted, but people kill in them anyway. In many states, the laws for murder are severe- the death penalty. Yet, people still commit murder in these states.

A criminal will carry a gun whether or not a law says they are allowed. He will rob a bank, even though it is illegal to do so. Conversely, a law-abiding citizen will not kill, steal or rape not because the law tells him not to, but because such behavior is abhorrent to a moral citizen.

Whether a person becomes a criminal therefore, is not because of laws, but because a person sees an act as moral or immoral. This is why our prisons are full of criminals — these individuals did not see such actions as getting high or speeding as an immoral act, or are in some way justifying their criminality by madness, rage or greed. It had nothing to do with whether the act is illegal or not.

This is why conservatives pound the table about morality and why they often wax lengthy on the importance of God in their lives. They view religion as central to morality. This is also why liberals consistently oppose — although not exclusively — religion in government. They do not see religion as important because in their own lives they can act morally without the need for religion.

They do not understand that others may not be so discriminating or may have had as strong an upbringing, therefore see religion as “cultish.” Instead, they promote the ideology of creating laws and government, not realizing their own morality comes not from the law but from their own upbringing.

In short, liberalism fails to acknowledge their own human nature and instead seeks to replace it with government and laws, which is a failing enterprise. This is the goal of something called statism.

Pass enough laws you will not stop crime, but you will fill the prisons with otherwise law-abiding people. Instead we should be looking more toward building morality in our society. This can be done through a variety of ways, both secular and religious. It does not necessitate a state-sponsored religion, but it does require that certain standards of behavior be applied to the public consciousness.

While the Constitution precludes a state religion, the Founders never intended for America to become a godless society. The laws that separate church and government were meant to protect churches from being consumed by government, and not to promote the ideology of a godless and immoral state.

We’ve seen the results of big government in families being destroyed, large swaths of our society being incarcerated and general lack or restraint in the various vices.

Perhaps we should reconsider a more moral society.

[mybooktable book=”shotgun-republic” display=”summary”]

Law and morality is not the same


Ben Bierman (R) and Chris Gronet (L) lead U.S. President Barack Obama on a tour of the now-bankrupt Solyndra solar panel company on May 26, 2010 in Fremont, California.

Remember Solyndra, the festering symbol of green-energy corruption that resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money being flushed down the toilet?

And that was just one example. Based on the ratio of energy produced compared to insider enrichment, the entire green-energy racket is a sleazy boondoggle.

For taxpayers, this is a lose-lose situation. They pay to line the pockets of green donors, and they also suffer as government intervention diverts resources in ways that reduce jobs and economic output.

But look at the bright side. Every so often, some of the insider crooks get caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

In a column for the Washington Examiner, the invaluable Tim Carney highlights some of the insider sleaze that led to the resignation of Oregon’s Democratic Governor.

When a love affair begins with shared dreams of solar panels and fantasies of switchgrass, it shouldn’t surprise us that it leads to tears, resignation and federal investigations. Such is the love story of Oregon’s former governor John Kitzhaber and his fiancée, Cylvia Hayes.

Yup, it appears that Ms. Hayes cashed in on her relationship with the governor.

Hayes…described herself as a “policy adviser to Gov. John Kitzhaber on the issue of clean energy and economic development.” Hayes simultaneously ran a consulting firm called 3E Strategies….Demos was pushing governments to use a new measure of the economy — the Genuine Progress Indicator — in place of Gross Domestic Product. They hired Hayes to aid in this push. Soon, Kitzhaber adopted GPI as a new measure for state policies.

Sounds like pay-to-play, which is so typical of government.

But the GPI scam is just the tip of the iceberg.

…federal investigators are looking into Hayes’s work for companies that profited from Kitzhaber’s green policies. …Green energy deserves more scrutiny than the average industry, because so many of its technologies, being unprofitable and inefficient, depend on government subsidies for their very survival. One Hayes client was a California-based company called Waste to Energy Group. Hayes picked up Waste to Energy as a client in 2011 — after becoming first lady — as the company sought a contract for converting landfill gas into energy. …Mary Rowinski, a governor’s office employee, worked for Hayes. Hayes used Rowinski to set up her meetings with Waste to Energy. …Federal investigators probing the Hayes and Kitzhaber case are also seeking state agency contacts with the Oregon Business Council. The Business Council is a corporate lobby group, and a client of Hayes. …The important lesson is that the more you intertwine business and government, the more opportunities you create for cronyism. And green energy is fertile ground for such problems.

Tim’s lesson is spot on.

When you get big government, you get big corruption.

So how do we reduce sleaze in the political system.

Jay Cost, writing for the 2017 Project, urges an aggressive focus on fighting corruption.

…an anticorruption agenda should be integral to reform conservatism. First, reform conservatism is self-consciously oriented to the middle class, and political corruption works against the interests of the middle class. Usually the product of connections between interests and politicians, it favors the well-connected. The typical insurance agent, bakery owner, or office manager lacks such contacts. Second, an anticorruption agenda challenges the liberal belief that ever more government is good for the middle class. The left wishes to cast itself as defender of middle America and conservatives as champions of the elite. A full-throated attack on cronyism in the distribution of public favors would help conservatives fend off this accusation.

And he recognizes that “legal” corruption is just as big of a problem – perhaps even bigger – than “illegal” corruption.

…there is another form of corruption, an “honest” kind. Politicians see an opportunity to use their public authority to favor some private interest—be it the lobby for some commercial group, a wealthy donor, maybe themselves—and they take it. Often, no law is broken, but the public trust is nevertheless violated. James Madison understood corruption from this perspective—as including but not limited to illegal and venal activity.

So what’s the solution to the legal and illegal sleaze in Washington?

Cost seems to recognize that big government has enabled more corruption.

The legislative power has expanded most in three areas not prominently considered by the Founders: the promotion of economic development, the regulation of the economy, and the provision of social welfare benefits. For Congress, developing the national economy has long meant pork barrel politics. Members love to send money back to the district for improvements to rivers and harbors, for roads, railroads, airports, and so on. They want defense spending similarly distributed. The tax code is another place where Congress, in the name of economic growth, favors special interests. …And on top of this, a vast array of corporate welfare programs, like the Export-Import Bank, pay off various groups.

But he seems to think big government is now inevitable, and perhaps even desirable.

…one of the premises of the new reform conservatism is an acknowledgment that the federal government has a legitimate and potentially beneficial role to play in economic development, health care, education, and so on.

So his proposed reforms are rather tepid.

One goal should be to make it harder for members of Congress to cut deals with special interests. …Committee and subcommittee chairs should be required to obey stricter rules concerning conflicts of interest. They should not be allowed to accept money from interest groups with business before their committees. …the temporary lobbying ban on former members of Congress, now two years, should be extended and its loopholes closed. …Given the highly technical work that senior legislative staffers perform, they are grossly underpaid compared with their private counterparts. …The most skilled staffers should be paid appropriately… Similarly, Congress should increase the size of staffs—perhaps substantially.

Having worked on Capitol Hill, I have to say that I’m underwhelmed by these proposals.

More regulations, more staff, and higher pay are not going to change the culture of Washington.

I’m not sure if Mr. Cost sees himself as a reform conservative, or whether he’s merely offering advice to the so-called reformicons. In any event, his proposals symbolize what’s good and bad about reform conservatism: A recognition that government is causing problems, but solutions that are sometimes too tepid to actually solve problems.

The bottom line is that you can’t fix the corruption problems caused by big government unless you’re actually willing to get rid of big government.

P.S. If it’s true that misery loves company, then we can take solace in the fact that other nations have wasteful and corrupt green energy programs.

P.P.S. In keeping with our tradition, let’s close with a link to some amusing material about green-energy boondoggles.

[mybooktable book=”global-tax-revolution-the-rise-of-tax-competition-and-the-battle-to-defend-it” display=”summary”]

Remember Solyndra, the festering symbol of green-energy

Mother Jones has accused Bill O’Reilly of misrepresenting events during his time as a correspondent at a level on par with now-disgraced NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams. The accusation is a serious one, considering — as our little video demonstrates — Mr. Williams’ misrepresentations are either the result of being a pathological liar or straight-up delusional.

David Corn, the Washington bureau chief for the uber left-wing magazine and author of the article O’Reilly called ” total bullshit,” said the most popular man in cable news “recounted dramatic stories about his own war reporting that don’t withstand scrutiny—even claiming he acted heroically in a war zone that he apparently never set foot in.”

Corn, whom to be fair everyone knows is the left’s go-to media hit man, the man responsible for planting Jimmy Carter’s grandson in order to get the now-infamous “47 Percent” video of Mitt Romney, focuses on Mr. O’Reilly’s role as a CBS correspondent in the 1982 shooting war between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands.

We tend to agree with Mr. Kurtz — insofar as we would also suggest reading the original article on Mother Jones and follow it up with O’Reilly’s response in a piece Kurtz put out today — but also on his analysis.

Mr. Corn not only makes accusations in his argument that are backed up by obfuscating events and O’Reilly’s own comments, but built an argument on the foundation of semantics, rather than some specific story that O’Reilly told about being in and/or on the Falklands during the actual shootout.

That being said, if the story regarding the cameraman bleeding from the ear turns out to be false, and believe us we will find out if it is, then he will have some explaining to do.

“I was in a situation one time, in a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands, where my photographer got run down and then hit his head and was bleeding from the ear on the concrete,” O’Reilly said in an April 2013 interview with a reporter from the Boston Globe following the Boston Marathon bombing. “And the army was chasing us. I had to make a decision. And I dragged him off…”

While that would be a tall tale indeed, it is still embellishment of an actual event. It’s a far cry from Brian Williams’ repeated verbal detachments from reality. Further, Corn’s own words largely validate O’Reilly’s account of events.

“Thousands took to the streets. Hundreds of troops surrounded the presidential palace,” O’Reilly said during a 2009 interview with a television station in the Hamptons. “I was in the middle of that. A reporter was shot in the legs. People were throwing rocks, bricks, some had guns.”

And that’s pretty much was Corn writes in Mother Jones.

“Dispatches on the protest filed by reporters from the New York Times, the Miami Herald, and UPI note that thousands did take to the street, setting fires, breaking store windows, and that riot police did battle with protesters who threw rocks and sticks,” the article states. “They say tear gas was deployed; police clubbed people with nightsticks and fired rubber bullets; reporters were assaulted by demonstrators and by police; and a photojournalist was wounded in the legs by gunfire.”

Now, the only difference is in whether or not anyone died from their injuries. Our feeling is two-fold. First, if they were willing to shoot at Western reporters at all, then they are willing to shoot their own in the head. And that could be true whether any of those organizations reported on it or not at the time.

Mother Jones has accused Bill O'Reilly of


German chancellor Angela Merkel (left) and Greece’s new prime minister Alexis Tsipras right. Mrs Merkel has repeatedly stated Athens must respect the bailout accord with the EU. (Photo: AFP)

European finance officials in Brussels are meeting for the third time in 10 days on Friday in an attempt to salvage Greece’s financial and economic future. Officials say a deal between the European Union (EU) and Greece appears to be close, but Germany is not totally satisfied and indicated there’s some distance between the two remaining.

Euro zone leaders, particularly Germany, say Greece must meet its prior obligations, which amounts to a $272 billion bailout the entitlement-ridden, low employment participation nation needed to save itself from complete financial collapse. However, newly elected Prime Minister Alexis Tspiras and his radical leftist Syriza Party say the EU must agree to easing the austerity imposed on Greece as a result of the agreement.

Last month, Tspiras and the Syriza Party came to power in an election that many saw to be the Greek people’s refusal to take responsibility for their actions. The nation has long-coddled an entitlement mentality that is, and never was, a feasible policy commitment.

German officials have not yet decided whether to grant Athens’ request for a six-month extension on its $272 billion bailout from the European Union, European Central Bank, and International Monetary Fund, which expires at the end of the month.

While Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble rejected the idea of an extension outright on Thursday, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office said on Friday that Greece’s proposal could help extend talks. Greek officials insist that they have done their part.

“We have covered four fifths of the distance, they also need to cover one fifth,” one official said.

But the truth of the matter is that — while Germany has always essentially carrying the EU — they now know that they are, are beginning to openly say so in public, and have very different views about a Greek exit than they did just one year ago.

“Many of us in Berlin and Brussels no longer subscribe to the chain theory,” one German finance official told PPD Business. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, the officials said they are more willing than ever to put the untested theories of the intelligentsia to the test.

“It may in fact be a better option if the weakest link were to be eliminated, and the lesson is learned.”

On Thursday, Merkel met with Tsipras for an hour in an attempt to reach a breakthrough. Tsipras “feel[s] certain that the Greek letter for a six-month extension of the loan agreement with the conditionalities that accompany it will be accepted,” a statement provided to Reuters read.

“What happens to Greece will have a big impact on the behavior of other European governments that also are drifting toward bankruptcy,” according to CATO Institute’s Daniel J. Mitchell. Because of bad demographics and poor decisions by their politicians, every one of these nations is likely to endure a Greek-style fiscal crisis in the near future.”

Mitchell, a PPD contributor, recently wrote of the implications of the EU-Greek battle. The extent to which the EU nations are in dire financial trouble underscores why Germany is taking the hard-line approach.


Meanwhile, if Greece does not receive an infusion of cash before the bailout expires, it very well likely could run out of money by the end of March. Many EU officials believe such a development would hasten a Greek exit from the euro zone, and cite the fact many Greeks are pulling their money from banks, totaling over 1 billion euros over the past two days.

Regardless of whether the theories that long-enabled EU entitlement behavior to continue are accurate, it would seem more likely than ever that the fate of Greece and the euro zone will be decided in Brussels.

European finance officials in Brussels are meeting

Conservative talk radio host Mark Levin defended “America’s Mayor” Rudy Giuliani’s recent controversial comments during an appearance Thursday on Hannity. Levin also slammed President Obama for being a “patsy for Islamic terrorism,” saying “he’s no defender of Muslims.”

Mayor Rudolph Giuliani doubled-down on his controversial criticism of President Obama, one day after saying he does “not believe that the president loves America.”

“Well Rudy is exactly write,” Levin said. “I would add — and I’ve said this many times on my radio program — when someone says they want to ‘fundamentally transform’ America, well then you must not love America. It’s like saying you want to fundamentally transform your wife. Well that must mean you don’t love your wife.”

Levin also argued that President Obama is “no defender of Muslims. Muslims are being slaughtered in the Middle East, in Africa, along with Christians, along with non-believers in a certain sect of Islam. This man is not defending them,” Levin said. “It’s those of us who speak out and who are insisting that we take effective military steps to put an end to this. We are the ones speaking out for Muslims and so-forth.”

Levin ended by reading a passage from the diary of Ann Frank, a Jewish victim of the Holocaust who gained world-wide fame posthumously after her diary was published, which documented her experiences hiding during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II.

In July 1942, the family began to hide in concealed rooms within the building where Anne’s father worked. Sadly, after two years the group was betrayed and, Anne and her sister Margot Frank, were eventually transported to the horrible Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where they died in March of 1945.

Otto Frank, the only survivor of the family, returned to Amsterdam after the war to find Anne’s diary, which, as we now know, was published. The passage from Anne’s diary that Mr. Levin read is as follows:

I’ve reached the point where I could hardly care if I live or die. The world will keep on turning without me and I can’t do anything to change events, anyway. I’ll just let matters take their course and concentrate on studying in the hope that everything will be alright in the end.

But the minute I was alone I knew I was going to cry my eyes out. I slid to the floor in my nightgown and began by saying my prayers very fervently. Then I drew my knees to my chest, lay my head on my arms and cried all huddled on the bare floor. Then a loud sob brought me back to Earth.

“Mr. President, Mr. President. There are tens of thousands of Anne Franks right now being brutalized,” Levin said. “Why don’t you do something about? Why don’t you demonstrate that you’re a leader? You’re the commander-in-chief. Let’s take care of business.”

Conservative talk radio host Mark Levin defended

Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani doubled-down on his controversial criticism of President Obama, one day after saying he does “not believe that the president loves America.”

Giuliani made the comments Wednesday at a private fundraiser for Republican Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a likely Republican candidate for president in 2016.

“(Obama) doesn’t love you. And he doesn’t love me,” ‘America’s Mayor’ said. “He wasn’t brought up the way you were brought up and I was brought up through love of this country.”

The comments drew widespread criticism from Democrats and liberals, with their liberal media allies at Politico and other outlets carrying the water.

On Thursday night during an appearance on “The Kelly File,” host Megyn Kelly asked Giuliani if he wished to apologize, or reframe his comments.

“Not at all. I want to repeat it,” Giuliani said. “The reality is, from all that I can see of this president, all that I’ve heard of him, he apologizes for America, he criticizes America. … This is an American president I’ve never seen before.”

Giuliani said — unlike other presidents both Republican and Democrat — Obama does not believe in American exceptionalism, or that the nation has been a historical force for good in the world. He cited the president’s remarks on police tactics in the wake of the Ferguson shooting, western atrocities in the name of religion and Obama’s longtime association with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a hate-filled Chicago pastor the president listened to preach for 17 years.

“A lot of liberals don’t believe in American exceptionalism,” Kelly interjected. “but that doesn’t mean they don’t love America.”

“I don’t feel it,” Giuliani said. “I don’t feel this love of America (from Obama). I believe his initial approach is to criticize this country, and then afterwards to say a few nice things about it.”

Giuliani, however, said he wasn’t questioning the president’s patriotism.

“I know patriotism. Patriots can criticize. They’re allowed to criticize,” he said. “But I don’t hear from him what I heard from Harry Truman, what I heard from Bill Clinton, what I heard from Jimmy Carter, which is these wonderful words about what a great country we are, what an exceptional country we are.”

Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani


Uncovered emails tied White House advisor Ben Rhodes to the infamous talking points repeated by Susan Rice on no less than five Sunday talk shows, which have been proven to be lies. House voted to establish select committee on Benghazi on Thursday, May 8, 2014.(Photo: AP)

Newly uncovered documents show U.S. Africa Command knew the group responsible for the June 6, 2012, attack on the Benghazi Special Mission Compound “declared” Libya “an Islamic State.”

The Pentagon documents also reveal AFRICOM knew the attack “came in response to the 5 June [2012] drone strike on al-Qaida senior leader Abu-Yahya al-libi.”

The information was uncovered as a result of a federal lawsuit filed by the government watchdog group Judicial Watch on September 4, 2014, (Judicial Watch v. Department of Defense (No. 1:14-cv-01508)), which finally forced the Obama administration to release some 486 heavily redacted documents.

“Why does the Obama administration continue to black out history in these military documents? If there were no embarrassing facts, there would be nothing to hide,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This lack of transparency is an insult to those in the military and other deployed U.S. government personnel whose morale has been decimated by the breach of trust caused by President Obama’s Benghazi lies and failures.”

The documents further show that — despite former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s claims to the contrary — the administration was well-aware of the critical security threat to American personnel in Libya.

“The DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency] terrorism threat level for Libya is significant,” one email blatantly states. “The DOS [Department of State] residential criminal threat level for Libya is high and the non-residential criminal threat level is high. The political violence threat level for Libya is critical.”

Meanwhile, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C, the Chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, recently announced they will begin interviewing State Department personnel this month.

“I am announcing an ambitious timeline for interviews consistent with my plan to speed-up the pace of the investigation” said Chairman Gowdy. “I intend to stay with this schedule and will issue subpoenas if necessary.”

Notable names on the House select committee’s list include top aides to Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan. But what of the former secretary of state and likely 2016 Democratic nominee, herself?

Sharyl Attkisson, a senior independent contributor to The Daily Signal, reported that both Democrats and Republicans want to schedule the appearance of Hillary Clinton “as soon as possible.”

However, Chairman Gowdy, a former prosecutor, said the State Department must first provide documents that were initially subpoenaed in 2013, but have yet to arrive. Gowdy says he wants time for the documents to be reviewed in order to “constructively ask questions of Secretary Clinton.”

The administration has repeatedly stonewalled congressional requests for documents pertaining to the 2012 Benghazi terror attack, which claimed the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. In fact, the select committee was only established after Judicial Watch obtained emails from Ben Rhodes, which the administration previously withheld from Congress in an identical request.

Rhodes, who was the deputy national security adviser for strategic communications and assistant to President Obama, fed then-U.N. ambassador Susan Rice the now-infamous talking points, which claimed “a spontaneous” attack in Benghazi was brought on by an “Internet video.”

“To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy,” Rhodes coached in his email. “We find it disgusting and reprehensible. But there is absolutely no justification at all for responding to this movie with violence.”

Rice would go on to repeat the latter statement verbatim during Sunday show appearances on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News and CNN. Rice was rewarded with a promotion to national security advisor.

“It is extraordinary that we had to wait for over two years and had to force the release of documents that provide the first glimpse into the military response to the terrorist attack in Benghazi,” Fitton added. “There is no doubt that the military considered this to be terrorist attack tied to a group allied with al Qaeda.”

A majority of Americans agree with Mr. Fitton on the issue. According to a recent poll, voters approve of the decision to establish a select committee by a whopping 67-28 percent margin, which includes a 55-percent majority of Democrats. Further, by a 51-39 percent margin, voters say the White House knowingly lied about the attacks to help President Obama’s re-election campaign, while 50 percent say the same about Hillary Clinton.

Newly uncovered documents show U.S. Africa Command


A suspect was taken into custody Thursday afternoon in connection with a Las Vegas road rage incident that left a 44-year-old mother dead. (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department)

Thursday, police arrested Erich Nowsch, 19, in the road rage murder of a Las Vegas mother, 44-year-old Tammy Meyers, who lived across the street. Las Vegas police Capt. Chris Tomaino said Nowsch had a history with the family before the shootout, and added that authorities are still looking for one other suspect in the killing.

“We still have a lot of investigative work to do,” Tomaino said.

The husband of the victim blasted media for smearing his wife before knowing all of the facts, saying the victim knew Nowsch and was trying to help him through a difficult time. She gave him money, food and tried to teach him to dress properly. Coincidentally, Nowsch was shirtless when he was arrested.

“We know this boy,” Robert Meyers said. “I couldn’t tell you this before. He knew where I lived. We knew how bad he was but we didn’t know he was this bad.”

The case, which received national attention, was twisted when police said Meyers was killed by an angry driver who followed her home after she gave her teenage daughter a driving lesson. Meyers was removed from life support on Valentine’s Day as police hunted for a suspect, and donations for her funeral costs quickly poured in to a fundraising site.

But sympathies soon turned into skepticism when police revealed to media that Meyers was not followed home, but rather that she dropped her daughter off and picked up her 22-year-old son, armed with his 9 mm handgun, and attempted to confront the driver who had frightened her earlier.

They went looking for the driver, followed the vehicle and eventually went home. The silver car then showed up outside the Meyers’ home and a shootout occurred. The mother was shot in the head outside the home.

“I did what I had to do to protect my family,” Brandon Meyers, 22, said earlier this week. “Everyone can think what they have to think. I did it for a reason. And I’d do it for anyone I love.”

Melissa Mours, who lives next door to the suspect, said several people showed up at her neighbor’s house this week and knocked on the door, including at least one Meyers family member.

Family members told police there were three people in the silver car.

Earlier, as authorities worked to coax Nowsch to surrender, Robert Meyers arrived and was emotionally distraught as he tried get close to the home that police had surrounded.

As he walked past the yellow police tape, he was stopped by a police officer who tried to calm the man down.

“It’s OK,” the officer could be heard telling him.

“No it ain’t OK!” the husband shouted back, his voice breaking up.

The officer asked the man to step back behind the yellow tape, and he stormed off past reporters.

“Are you all happy? You made my wife look like an animal,” he told reporters. “There’s the animal, a block away!”

He said outside his home later Thursday that his wife spent countless hours “consoling this boy.”

“She fed him, she gave him money, she told him to pull his pants up and be a man,” Robert Meyers said.

Neighbor Brian Atkinson said he was awakened at about 11:30 a.m. by bullhorns and the sound of a helicopter as police showed up to arrest the suspect.

“They were calling his name and telling him to come out. That they had the house surrounded and they weren’t going to hurt him,” said Atkinson, a 57-year-old former police officer. “They told him they weren’t going to go away.”

Thursday, police arrested Erich Nowsch, 19, in

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