In large part due to the media blackout, President Obama plans to ram an unpopular policy down the throats of the American people.
President Obama will take executive action that ignores current U.S. immigration law and the U.S. Constitution, unveiling a controversial 10-part amnesty plan. The executive order, which a source tells FOX News will be announced as early as Friday Nov. 21, will suspend deportations for millions of illegal immigrants.
While the date may be pushed back a few days, the inevitable order seems to be on par with recently uncovered documents published by PPD in October, which were government print orders requesting vendors supply upwards of 34 million blank work permits and green cards.
The print orders front-loaded approximately 4.5 million in the first year, the same number now being cited by the White House source to implement the president’s “deferred action” plan. Deferred action is currently in place, but the president apparently plans to expand it dramatically for illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children — which was expected — but also for the parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents.
The total number is frankly unknown, but estimates suggest the plan would allow upwards of 4.5 million illegal immigrant adults with U.S.-born children to stay in the first year.
Obama’s plans were contained in a draft proposal from a U.S. government agency, and the president was briefed at the White House by Homeland Security officials before he even left on his Asia-Pacific trip last week.
In an attempt to fool the American voters, the president delayed taking executive action that would essentially grant amnesty to millions of illegals prior to the elections. However, Democrats suffered devastating defeats, regardless, with illegal immigration and amnesty either defining or becoming a central component of campaigns once thought to be safe for Democratic incumbents.
“The president’s job is to ‘faithfully’ execute the laws of the United States,” said Judge Andrew Napolitano. “If the practical effect of his executive order is the opposite of what the law requires he will be violating the law, he will be breaking his oath, and he will be putting a tremendous pressure on the social system.”
Despite the clarity of the constitutional language — in Article 2 Section 1 — Democrats and liberal activists are cheering on the banana republic-like order.
Angela Maria Kelley, vice president for immigration policy at the Center for American Progress, touted deferred action as a “tried and true component of immigration policy used by 11 presidents, 39 times in the last 60 years.” Except, deferred action was cited as the reason for the border crisis over the summer by the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers in June.
Chairman Zack Taylor said “any elected member of the executive or legislative branch of the U.S. government that has not stood up and demanded that current immigration law be enforced vigorously since 1986 is fully and exclusively responsible for this latest invasion.”
“This is not a humanitarian crisis. It is a predictable, orchestrated and contrived assault on the compassionate side of Americans by her political leaders that knowingly puts minor illegal alien children at risk for purely political purposes.”
Kelley also said that for many illegal immigrants who are already here and have been for years, “there is no line for people to get into.”
Critics, which include liberal law professor Jonathan Turley, who warned the lawlessness during the Obama presidency was bringing the nation to a “constitutional tipping point,” say there are other options outside of impeachment available to the newly elected Republican majority in the Senate.
“Congress has the power of the purse. The President cannot spend a dime unless Congress appropriates it,” Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions wrote in a recent op-ed in Politico. He said Congress would stop Obama by barring money from being used for that purpose.
“This is an action by the president of the United States to give amnesty to millions of individuals, which Congress has explicitly refused to do,” Session said in a statement Thursday. “Under the current law, they are illegally here and unable to work.”
He argued that similar tactics have been used by both Democrats and Republicans in the past to prevent the president from closing the Guantanamo Bay prison camp, another move that is widely unpopular among the American people.
That, too, had so-called “unintended” consequences. According to a recent report, U.S. intel officials believe upwards of 20 to 30 Guantanamo Bay detainees released by the Obama administration have joined the Islamic State. As previously stated, the “deferred action” plan was first put in place in June 2012, which was estimated to impact just 300,000 illegals, yet it led to a border crisis over the summer.
A leaked intelligence report obtained over the summer concluded that the border crisis is being caused by illegals seeking amnesty and misunderstanding U.S. immigration policy, not violence in Central America.
“Of the 230 migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free passes or permisos to UAC (unaccompanied children) and adult females OTMs (other than Mexicans) traveling with minors,” the 10-page report conducted on July 7 by the El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC) said.
Obama created such a program for illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children prior to June 2007, and were under 31 as of June 2012. However, the government often ignored cutoff dates and now the executive order would expand that to cover anyone who entered before they were 16, and change the cut-off from June 2007 to Jan. 1, 2010. This is estimated to make nearly 300,000 illegal immigrants eligible.
The draft plan also contains initiatives to make mild increases to border security and increase pay for Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers in order to “increase morale.” But the other initiatives listed in the order, which was crafted in large part by Esther Olavarria, the late Sen. Ted Kennedy’s former top immigration lawyer, pale in comparison to deferred action in terms of impact.
According to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, those covered under deferred action receive work authorization in the United States, Social Security numbers and government-issued IDs. When those government IDs are issued, millions of illegals are potentially registered to vote and those who end up breaking the law and voting, overwhelming vote Democratic.
Bombshell data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES) was recently used by The Washington Post to demonstrate that non-U.S. citizens easily explain President Obama’s tiny 2008 margin in North Carolina and Missouri, now-Sen. Al Franken’s (ObamaCare’s final vote) that same year, and many others. In North Carolina, alone, officials found at least 145 illegal aliens registered to vote (in 2014), and who were only in the country due to President Obama’s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals executive order. The state’s secretary of state office told PPD two days before Election Day that at least hundreds of other non-U.S. citizens were on the rolls, but likely upwards of 10,500.
“This is the final piece in Obama’s fundamental transformation of the United States,” said FOX News contributor Monica Crowley. “This is about adding voters to the Democratic base.”
Crowley and other Republicans aren’t alone in this assessment, despite the fact the overwhelming majority of Democrats support the president’s plan. But many, even among those who support a bill granting amnesty, are staunchly opposed to this action.
“Let me be clear, I am for comprehensive immigration reform,” said Demcoratic strategist Doug Schoen. “But I am deeply concerned that Monica isn’t overstating this by much.”
Schoen said the results of the election were clear, and that using illegal immigration as a political tool to win future elections, despite the danger of causing great social unrest, is appalling to him and other Democrats.
“He [Obama] is a raging narcissist who doesn’t care if he destroys this country,” said Democratic pollster and strategist Pat Cadell. “This move will tear this country apart.”
DHS also is planning to “promote” the new naturalization process by giving a 50 percent discount on the first 10,000 applicants who come forward, a contemptible move for those who have waited for years to come to the United States legally. There is an exception for those who have income levels above 200 percent of the poverty level.
Tech jobs though a State Department immigrant visa program would offer another half-million immigrants a so-called path to citizenship, and would include their spouses as well.
The other measures include calls to revise removal priorities to target serious criminals for deportation and end the program known as “Secure Communities,” as well as start a new program. However, a report released in May found the Obama administration willingly released thousands of illegal immigrants that were convicted criminals, including murderers and convicted sexual offenders.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, who also faced tough questioning over ObamaCare’s architect recently saying Democrats relied upon “the stupidity of the American voters” to pass the bill, told reporters traveling with Obama in Burma Thursday that the president had not made a final decision, and would not announce one until he returned to Washington.