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F-22 Raptor intercepts Russian warplanes

An F-22 Raptor U.S. warplane deploys flares over Kadena Air Base in Japan. (Photo: Air Force/Reuters)

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – Two F-22 fighter warplanes intercepted six Russian military airplanes that neared the western coast of Alaska, military officials said Friday. The incident was the latest in a string of incursions from the Russian military conducted test-runs in wake of President Obama’s floundering on the world stage.

Lt. Col. Michael Jazdyk, a spokesman for the North American Aerospace Defense Command, otherwise known as NORAD, said the U.S. jets intercepted the planes roughly 55 nautical miles off of the Alaskan coast at approximately 7 PM PST Wednesday.

U.S. officials say the Russian squadron was identified as consisting of two IL-78 refueling tankers, two Mig-31 fighter jets and two Bear long-range bombers. The squadron made its way south before returning to their base in Russia after U.S. jets received the order to be scrambled.

Meanwhile, at approximately 1:30 AM PST Thursday, two Canadian CF-18 fighter jets also intercepted two of the long-range bombers roughly 40 nautical miles off of Canada’s coastline over the Beaufort Sea. In the two instances, the Russian warplanes entered the Air Defense Identification Zone, which begins roughly 200 miles off of the coastline. However, the planes did not enter sovereign airspace of the United States or Canada.

Lt. Col. Jazdyk said the order to scramble U.S. fighter jets was “basically to let those aircraft know that we see them, and in case of a threat, to let them know we are there to protect our sovereign airspace.”

In the past five years, jets under NORAD’s command have intercepted more than 50 Russian bombers approaching North American airspace. In early September, during the NATO summit, Russian bombers conducted a test-run in the North Atlantic to determine an optimum point for firing nuclear-armed cruise missiles at U.S. targets. Defense officials said that two Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers were tracked near Iceland, Greenland, and Canada’s northeast territories.

Russia hasn’t been the only provocation power challenging U.S. supremacy in the skies. In late August, a Chinese fighter jet made “several passes” by a U.S. Navy aircraft off the coast of China in international airspace. The Chinese Su-27 interceptor conducted a “barrel roll” maneuver over the Navy P-8 Poseidon at a proximity the Pentagon characterized as “very close,” aggressively baring its weapons.

But, according to NORAD, a binational American and Canadian command responsible for air defense in North America, Russia is thus far the only other great power conducted open bombing runs in what appears to be a test of NORAD’s defenses.

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – Two F-22 fighter

Alex Salmond resigns in Edinburgh

Alex Salmond resigns in Edinburgh Friday. (Photo: Matt Cardy/Getty Images)

Alex Salmond, the leader of Scotland’s failed bid for independence, announced Friday that he would step down as first minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National Party. Last Thursday, Scots voted overwhelmingly — 55 percent to 45 percent — to reject Scottish independence.

Alex Salmond resigns unexpectedly, though the announcement came just one day after the vote against Scottish sovereignty that had been the basis of his political career spanning for decades. Scotland’s 307-year-old union with Great Britain saw its greatest challenge in Mr. Salmond, who was by far the closest threat as much as its most notable casualty.

“Today the point is this: The real guardians of progress are not the politicians at Westminster, or even at Holyrood, but the energized activism of tens of thousands of people who I predict will refuse meekly to go back into the political shadows,” Salmond said.

“For me right now, therefore, there is a decision as to who is best placed to lead this process forward politically,” he added. “I believe that in this new exciting situation, redolent with possibility, party, Parliament and country would benefit from new leadership.”

Salmond will not technically step down until later this year.

“We lost the referendum vote, but can still carry the political initiative,” he said at a press conference with reporters in Edinburgh, where he made the announcement. “More importantly, Scotland can still emerge as the real winner.”

Meanwhile, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron promised the new powers he, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband had promised to Scotland would be “honored in full.” The three party leaders said they will heal the wounds opened by the referendum and soon begin working on broad changes to give new decision-making powers to Scotland and other parts of the country.

“The old union we know is dead,” said Carwyn Jones, the first minister of Wales. “We need to forge a new one. But no more committees, no more messing about, no more panicky deals — it’s time to sit together, all of us as four nations, and work this through.”

“For me as leader, my time is nearly over,” he told reporters, “but for Scotland the campaign continues, and the dream shall never die.”

Alex Salmond, the leader of Scotland’s failed

Monica Wehby May 20 2014

Physician Monica Wehby speaks to her supporters Tuesday, May 20, 2014 after winning the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate. She’ll faces incumbent Democrat Jeff Merkley in November. (Photo: AP)

Dr. Monica Wehby was supposed to give the GOP their best chance to unseat incumbent Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley in the Oregon Senate race. However, even as the national political environment has moved decisively in favor of the Republican Party, Wehby’s campaign has struggled to gain traction amid less-than flattering headlines.

This week a new headline emerged that could be a campaign-ender and is already causing the party — as well as outside groups — to reconsider shifting resources to more winnable contests.

“Monica Wehby says that she is different, but she copied her tax plan from Mitt Romney, plagiarized her health care plan from Karl Rove, her economic plan from a slate of national Republicans and ripped the rest of her anti-middle class agenda straight from the oil billionaire Koch brothers,” said Merkley campaign spokeswoman Lindsey O’Brien.

The latest development Merkley’s spokeswoman is referring to involves revelations the Wehby campaign plagiarized policy plans detailed on the candidate’s website. On the health care survey from Karl Rove’s Crossroads USA, the site copied a line almost verbatim. On taxes, one section of Wehby’s plan copied word-for-word from Ohio Republican Sen. Rob Portman’s plan released just a month earlier. The same can be said of whole sections found in other past Republican proposals.

The plagiarism, itself, is no longer in dispute.

Below are a few of the examples, several of which were reported first by BuzzFeed:.


From the Crossroads USA survey via Crossroads GPS:

Allow people to purchase health insurance coverage with pre-tax dollars, so that they can have an insurance policy they own and can keep if they change jobs.


Allow everyone to purchase health insurance with pre-tax dollars so they own the policy and can keep it if they change jobs.

Admittedly, BuzzFeed is one to talk about instances of plagiarism, considering their own record on the topic. But the Merkley campaign is correctly pointing out the irony of how a children’s brain surgeon turned-politician — in a cycle largely focused on ObamaCare — didn’t even take pains to offer original material in a field she is claiming to be an expert in.

“The Wehby campaign is simultaneously claiming Wehby is a health policy expert, but hadn’t read her own health care or economic plans until yesterday,” said Ms. O’Brien.

The ludicrous excuse from the Wehby campaign came only after several days of paralysis on behalf of the response team. As previously stated, Wehby’s campaign has now acknowledged the plagiarism and has since removed entire plans from her campaign website, but only after blaming former campaign manager Charlie Pierce. Unfortunately for Team Wehby, Pierce is now working to elect Republican Rep. Dennis Richardson as governor and, as a result, has refused to fall on his sword. He is vehemently denying he is to blame for the plagiarism.

To be sure, some of their examples are a bit exaggerated, but the examples taken from Portman’s plans on taxes, a balanced budget amendment and spending, are certainly not.



The U.S. can’t be competitive with the highest business tax rate in the world. We should reform both the individual and corporate tax systems in a comprehensive manner to provide lower rates with fewer deductions and credits and transition towards a territorial system for international businesses. These changes would encourage growth and job creation. For example, reducing corporate and individual tax rates to 25% would create millions of private-sector jobs and increase wages for American workers.


The U.S. is among the highest business tax rate in the world, severely hindering businesses’ ability to grow and invest. We need to reform both the individual and corporate tax systems in a comprehensive manner to provide lower rates with fewer deductions and credits and transition towards a territorial system for international businesses. These changes would encourage growth and job creation. For example, reducing corporate and individual tax rates to 25% would create million of private sector jobs and increase wages for American workers.



A balanced budget amendment to the Constitution would limit the ability to raise taxes to pay for runaway spending and codify what every family and small business owner already knows: you can’t spend more than you take in.


A balanced budget amendment to the Constitution would limit the ability to raise taxes to pay for runaway spending and codify what every family and small business owner already knows: you can’t spend more than you take in.



Getting spending under control includes better oversight of federal agencies and programs and rooting out waste, fraud and abuse, and reforms to our important entitlement programs to strengthen them for future generations.


Getting spending under control includes better oversight of federal agencies and programs and rooting out waste, fraud and abuse, and reforms to our important entitlement programs to strengthen them for future generations.

There are others — several others — and they are equally damaging.

Michael Antonopoulos, Wehby’s campaign manager who took over after Pierce left, has refused to respond to a request for a comment, or even offer an explanation. Since taking over the show, Wehby has stumbled over one bad story after another. She became a low-key candidate after troubles with both her ex-husband and former boyfriend surfaced. In two separate instances, the two men called the police on her for troubling behavior — to say the least — though the two men had questionable motives.

Antonopoulos was previously the campaign manager for fourth-place finisher Matt Whitaker, who made a failed run for the GOP Senate nomination in Iowa. Prior, he worked in Republican politics in California, a state the GOP hasn’t dominated since Ronald Reagan.

There is a fundamental problem with the response crafted by Antonopoulos and other members of the Wehby team. She has been touting items in plagiarized bullet points as her own for months.

“I do think that we can replace it, I’ve got a plan out there that I’ve put out there to replace the current plan, including things like health savings accounts that you can put away with pre-taxed dollars,” she said of health care savings plans in an interview with KATU’s “Your Voice Your Vote” back in March, 2014.

And if that is still too vague for skeptics, her comments during the Linn County Candidate Forum that same month spell it out.

“We need to all be able to buy it with pretax dollars so you can move from place to place so I think the answer to this is first we have to take back the Senate and repeal and transition into a free market patient centered approach, and I have it on my website.”

Putting off the blame and responsibility has only become the latest club for Wehby’s opponents to rightfully beat her over the head with. The Republican has now ensured this line of attack will continue right up until Election Day. The possibility Pierce is solely to blame for the plagiarism is outright dismissed by Merkley’s campaign.

“That’s ridiculous, Monica Wehby bears full responsibility for the reckless anti-middle class agenda she’s spent this entire campaign advocating for,” Ms. O’Brien added. “This is her policy platform and it’s the reason she is running.”

The Oregon Senate race is rated “Likely Democrat” on PPD’s 2014 Senate Map Predictions model, for now.

Dr. Monica Wehby, who was supposed to

In an interview with Eric Scott on New Jersey 101.5 radio, Gov. Christie reacted to a recent report claiming the probe of the “BridgeGate” lane closures in Fort Lee came up with no evidence suggesting he knew or ordered the closures.

ERIC SCOTT: Just before we came on the air there was a report that surfaced from NBC saying federal investigators have come up with no information linking you to the lane closures in Fort Lee that erupted Bridgegate. You talked about that or at least the legislative investigation a little bit at the press conference this afternoon. I’m guessing this comes as no surprise to you.

GOV. CHRISTIE: No. Listen, I mean, obviously we will wait to hear whatever the authorities have to say, but certainly this is a report that comes as no shock to me because as you know, Eric, the day after these events were uncovered, I came out and told people that I had no knowledge of this going on and no involvement or any role in its planning. I told everyone that when I stood for an hour and 50 minutes and took questions at a press conference. I came on “Ask The Governor” I think the next week and we spent a good amount of time that night talking about the same thing.

So, no, I’m not surprised but, you know, you’re always grateful to hear that, you know, the things that I said appear like they’re going to be confirmed if these reports are accurate and the things that were was said in report, which was quite excoriated by certain corners, now appears to be being supported if these reports are true. So, you know, I don’t want to overreact to it because I’m not surprised by it, but — and I’m hoping that, you know, we can start to focus on things that are important to all the people in the state of New Jersey.

In an interview with Eric Scott on

christie bridge closing

A federal report, which was leaked to and covered by PPD several months ago, clears NJ Gov. Chris Christie in the media-trumped up bridgegate controversy.

Federal officials told NBC News that the federal probe many viewed to be witch hunt against NJ Gov. Chris Christie has been unable to link the lane closures to the governor. The officials did say that the nine-month long investigation is still ongoing and, despite the lack of evidence, no final determination has been made.

Yet they concede that authorities haven’t been able to uncover anything that indicates Gov. Christie knew or ordered the closure of traffic lanes to the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee. From the Democratic reaction to the report, it would appear the media may be being used to soften the story before the final report is released.

“This is not a Chris Christie investigation,”Assemblyman John Wisniewski said in a statement. “It’s an investigation as to why this happened and who authorized it. As a consequence, this does not change our position.”

That is a stark reversal from Wisniewski’s initial comments, which were all but condemning the governor and attempting to forward the idea he ordered the lane closures as a retaliation for the Ft. Mayor not endorsing his reelection effort. As PPD noted at the time, many headlines by “mainstream” publications — who are foaming at the mouth to destroy the man who began leading Hillary Clinton after his big reelection win — were rather misleading.

Reports explicitly cited the Christie bridge closing “scandal” was to “retaliate” against the governor’s politics enemies. This is insinuating the communication spells that out verbatim, which they in fact, do not if you read the emails. Still, even if they did without mention to the governor, the double-standard for Wisniewski and an adoring media was obvious.

A review by the Media Research Center found a disproportionate amount of coverage attacking Gov. Christie over “BridgeGate,” while ignoring bombshell stories of IRS emails clearly debunking the “few rogue agents” narrative pushed by President Obama in the wake of the IRS targeting scandal.

In less than 48 hours, ABC, CBS and NBC deluged viewers with coverage of Chris Christie’s traffic jam scandal, devoting a staggering 88 minutes to the story. In comparison, these same news outlets over the last six months have allowed a scant two minutes for the latest on Barack Obama’s Internal Revenue Service scandal. The disparity in less than two days is 44-to-one. [See a chart.]

New Jersey U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman and officials in his office declined comment. In a radio interview with New Jersey 101.5’s Eric Scott Thursday evening, Gov. Christie said he wasn’t surprised but would still remain cautious.

“We will wait to hear whatever the authorities have to say, but certainly this is a report that comes as no shock to me because as you know, Eric, the day after these events were uncovered, I came out and told people that I had no knowledge of this going on and no involvement or any role in its planning,” Christie said.

Federal officials told NBC News that the

scottish independence

It became clear rather early in the night that the Better Together campaign would be successful, as Scots voted 55 percent to 45 percent to reject Scottish independence. The historical referendum gained more traction than separatist movements in the past, but in the end, not even allowing 16-year old Scots thought to have greater socialist tendencies could put the “Yes” campaign leader Alex Salmond in power.

“Like millions of other people, I am delighted,” Prime Minister David Cameron said in a speech outside 10 Downing Street on Friday morning. “It would have broken my heart to see our United Kingdom come to an end.”

“The people of Scotland have spoken,” Alistair Darling, leader of the “Better Together” campaign said early Friday after the result was confirmed. “We have chosen unity over division.”

There were serious warnings issued prior to the vote.

RBS, which has been based in Scotland since 1727 and employs 11,500 people there, also confirmed it would be moving its headquarters to London if Scotland voted for independence. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), meanwhile, said a vote for independence could have a negative effect on the markets in the short-term because of “uncertainty”.

“If we were no longer to operate in one state with one market and – broadly – one set of rules, our business model would inevitably become more complex. We would have to reflect our cost to operate here,” Asda CEO Andy Clarke said last week.

“This is not an argument for or against independence, it is simply an honest recognition of the costs that change could bring.”

Scotland’s Clydesdale Bank also confirmed it would be re-registering in England if voters opted for independence, and Standard Life, which employs 5,000 in Scotland, said it would move some operations south of the border.

Salmond conceded defeat, saying “we know it is a majority for the No campaign” and called on Scots to accept the results of the vote.

He said the vote “has been a triumph for the democratic process.”

Responding to earlier promises for change that would grant Scotland new powers, Cameron said he wasn’t simply making a campaign promise. Cameron said the new powers he, Nick Clegg and Ed Miliband had promised to Scotlan would be “honored in full.”

The results came from a record 84 percent turnout, with “Yes” seeing victories in only Dundee and the nation’s largest city Glasgow.

Queen Elizabeth II was expected to give a statement Friday afternoon, Sky News reported.

It became clear rather early in the


From left, clockwise: Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi. (Photos: AP)

The Senate on Thursday approved a $1 trillion government-funding bill also approves Obama’s plan to train and arm the so-called “moderate” Free Syrian Army and other non vetted, outnumbered rebel groups. But the controversial, supposedly urgent bill was was packed with unrelated junk that members from both sides of the aisle oppose.

Lawmakers voted 78-22 in favor of the bill, with 9 Democrats and 12 Republicans voting “no,” along with one independent. The House approved adding the Syria provision to the stopgap bill Wednesday in a 273-156 vote, with more than 80 Democrats breaking with the president to reject his request.

The “no” votes in the Senate bill included several senators from both parties who are widely seen as prospective presidential candidates, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rand Paul (R-KY) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

The legislation, which has now been approved by both chambers of Congress, now heads to the White House for Obama’s signature.

While the stopgap bill will prevent a government shutdown on October 1, blowing D.C. Democrats’ plans to force Republicans into self-implosion before Election Day. However, the vote is already being marked by the controversial funding that allows Obama to start a new training program for Syrian rebels in Saudi Arabia, a grievance long-understood as the reason Osama bin Laden started al-Qaeda in the first place.

It is ironic that the same liberals who claim drone strikes and the “occupation” of Iraq creates more terrorists now voted in favor of a plan Sunni muslims will view as a desecration of their holy land — and a true U.S. occupation. While legitimate anti-war liberals and some conservatives opposed that request, most opposing Democrats in Congress voted no out of fear of electoral blowback, rather than principle.

Still, there is legitimate bipartisan skepticism coming from lawmakers over arming rebels due to the fact that it will no doubt be difficult, if not impossible, for the Obama administration to ensure the weapons do not end up in the hands of terrorists.

“I have seen no evidence that the Syrian rebels we plan to train and arm will remain committed to American goals or interests,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) said. “Further, the opposition fighters that we will train care more about overthrowing Assad than they do about defeating ISIS. Assad is evil, but he is not a threat to America.”

Meanwhile, the bill also renews the charter of the Export-Import Bank, which money borrows taxpayer money from the U.S. Treasury to supposedly help finance purchases of U.S. exports. However, even though the argument to keep the Ex-Im Bank in existence is filled with rhetoric focusing on U.S. jobs, in practice the money disproportionately benefits K Street and Wall Street, rather than Main Street.

“The Export-Import Bank is fundamentally a subsidy for American exporters,” former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan said this week. “But the other question you have to ask is, ‘Does international competition and global economic activity do better if no country subsidizes its exports?’ My answer is yes.”

The movement to allow the charter of the Ex-Im Bank to expire was well on its way to victory until it received blowback from increasingly-big business friendly Democrats, such as New York Senator Chuck Schumer, who were able to exploit divisions over Ex-Im within the Republican Party. The conservative, economically populist wing of the party sought to hold the crony Chamber of Commerce wing accountable for their past promises, including a promise made by House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, himself.

In a letter sent to House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) on the Ex-Im Bank today, the Club For Growth and Heritage Action For America reminded the House leader of his prior statements to Chris Wallace back in June of this year.

“We were greatly encouraged by your comments on Fox News Sunday on June 22nd, in which you stated that the Export-Import Bank is ‘something government does not have to be involved in. The private sector can do it,’” the letter stated. “You also quite explicitly answered ‘yes’ to the question of whether or not you would allow the charter for the bank to expire.”

“So, straightforward question, you can say it right here. You would allow the Ex-Im bank to expire in September?” Wallace pressed McCarthy in a follow-up question. “Yes, because it’s something that the private sector can be able to do,” McCarthy responded.

Nothing like a war to provide politicians with political cover for breaking promises, a good old-fashion “crisis and leviathan” at its best.

“Foreign competition’s response is never considered,” Greenspan said when asked to comment on the topic. “In politics, it’s the short term that regrettably sets policy, and that is what accounts for an overwhelming backing of the Export-Import Bank.”

Subsequently, the recently passed legislation also included $88 million to combat the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, a mission President Obama inexplicably dedicated more U.S. ground forces to achieve than he has in Iraq and Syria.

The Senate on Thursday approved a $1


The Colorado Senate race is currently rated a “Toss-Up” as Rep. Cory Gardner (left) proves to be a challenging roadblock for vulnerable incumbent Democratic Senator Mark Udall (right).

Republican Rep. Cory Gardner has surged ahead of incumbent Democrat Sen. Mark Udall in the first likely voter survey of the Colorado Senate race conducted by independent pollster Quinnipiac University. Sen. Udall trails Gardner 48 – 40 percent among likely voters, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday, while independent candidate Steve Shogan polls at 8 percent.

Quinnipiac has a near-stellar rating on PPD’s pollster scorecard and, with less than 50 days left to go before Election Day, the Republican gain appears too real for Udall to dismiss. The last time we visited the Colorado Senate race for PPD’s 2014 Senate Map Predictions model, when we focused on Udall’s sinking numbers and mistrust on issues, we moved the race from “Leans Democrat” to a “Toss-Up” though Gardner still had a 53 percent chance of victory.

Despite millions of dollars spent by the left in an attempt to paint Gardner as extreme on social issues, the incumbent is more vulnerable now than at any other point this cycle. Let’s take a look inside the numbers to see why Udall is in so much trouble.

Like-ability And Believability

“With control of the US Senate in play, the Rocky Mountain State gives a jolting shot of adrenaline to the GOP,” said Tim Malloy, the assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. “For Sen. Mark Udall, the head to head numbers are bad and the character numbers are worse.”

Gardner scores a 47 – 37 percent net positive favorability rating among Colorado likely voters, while Sen. Udall scored a negative 42 – 50 percent net negative favorability rating. For independent Steve Shogan, 86 percent say they simply don’t know enough about him to form an opinion.

In July Gardner was leading on several key issues and indicators, which since then he has built on considerably:

  • Voters say 54 – 28 percent that Gardner is honest and trustworthy, compared to 42 percent who say Udall is honest and trustworthy and 46 percent who say he is not;
  • Gardner cares about their needs and problems, voters say 51 – 37 percent, compared to Udall’s 46 – 47 percent split;
  • The challenger has strong leadership qualities, voters say 57 – 25 percent, compared to 51 – 41 percent for the incumbent.

As Malloy puts it frequently, even successful GOP candidates typically do not lead Democrats on questions regarding empathy. This cycle, however, Democrats have struggled to keep that advantage in various states they are widely expected to lose.

“U.S. Rep. Cory Gardner, for now, is in the driver’s seat in a race with National importance.”

The Undeclared War On Women Isn’t Working

Gardner holds a gigantic 53 – 34 percent lead over Udall among men, with 9 percent support for Shogan. Women, despite the barrage of attacks, give just 46 percent for Udall, while supporting Gardner at 43 percent and 7 percent for Shogan. This is perhaps the most damning set of numbers for Udall out of all the measurements because, and not even Democrat operatives would disagree with this, Udall and the Left have little more to run on other than women’s issues.

The bottom line is that Udall has long-suffered from a sentiment among voters that he didn’t deserve reelection, which got particularly worse after the ObamaCare debacle and revelations he tried to intimidate insurance officials to sweep cancellations under the rug. As we first predicted when Cory Gardner entered the race,

Polling Voter Intensity

Udall is attempting to run for reelection in a state where the party president has an average approval rating that currently hangs in the low 40s, among registered and likely Centennial State voters. It is precisely Obama’s unpopularity that has built Gardner a much larger base — or floor if you will — of support in November. Over a third of likely voters — 37 percent — say they will cast a vote against President Obama, while just 13 percent say their vote is for him and 49 percent say it is not much of a factor.

From September 10 – 15, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,211 likely voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.8 percentage points. By conducting live interview calls to both land lines and cell phones, with an appropriate proportion to each, Quinnipiac has earned a near-stellar rating on PPD’s Pollster Scorecard. For that rating to be achieved, a pollster must not only predict the winner more than 74 percent of the time, but also within their stated margin of error.

The Colorado Senate race is rated a “Toss-Up” on PPD’s 2014 Senate Map Predictions model, for now.

(Note: PPD average is calculated weighting surveys in which support for third-party candidates were also polled.)

Poll Date Sample MoE Udall (D) Gardner (R) Spread
PPD Average 9/2 – 9/16 42.6 44.3 Gardner +1.7
USA Today/Suffolk* 9/13 – 9/16 500 LV 4.4 42 43 Gardner +1
Quinnipiac* 9/10 – 9/15 1211 LV 2.8 40 48 Gardner +8
Denver Post/SurveyUSA* 9/8 – 9/10 664 LV 3.9 46 42 Udall +4
Rasmussen Reports 9/3 – 9/4 800 LV 4.0 44 42 Udall +2
NBC News/Marist 9/2 – 9/4 795 LV 3.5 48 42 Udall +6

Republican Rep. Cory Gardner has surged ahead

ISIS recruiter Mufid Elfgeeh

ISIS recruiter Mufid Elfgeeh, 30, of Rochester, was indicted by a federal grand jury on three counts of attempting to provide material support and resources to the terror army.

Mufid Elfgeeh, 30, of Rochester, N.Y., was indicted by a federal grand jury on three counts of attempting to provide material support and resources to the group widely known as ISIS. Elfgeeh was trying to recruit fighters for the Islamic State army, even paying for their travel and buying guns, according to federal prosecutors.

Though the Obama administration has been far behind the ball, ISIS has finally been designated by the U.S. State Department as a foreign terrorist organization. Yet for most of the president’s administration, there has been a systematic resistance to name Islamic terrorism and downplay the threat to the homeland posed by homegrown terrorists, which has been largely ignored by a complacent media.

Elfgeeh, who was born in Yemen and is a naturalized U.S. citizen, is one of the first people accused by the U.S. of recruiting on behalf of ISIS.

According to court documents, which were reportedly reviewed by the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Elfgeeh was attempting to raise money to enable a Yemeni man to join ISIS. Officials say he allegedly sent the man $600 to travel from Yemen to Syria. An FBI affidavit states that in April Elfgeeh went to Buffalo with a man he didn’t know to be a FBI informant to get him a passport.

Elfgeeh told the informant that ISIS would use him to “operate a cannon, act as a sniper and/or build bombs,” according to the document.

Elfgeeh was finally arrested in May in the parking lot of a local Walmart after selling two handguns complete with silencers and ammunition. Surveillance efforts discovered tweets referring to jihad and eventually led to an investigation that concluded when he gave the informant $1,050 in cash to purchase the handguns. Federal authorities said he bought the weapons as part of a plan to kill members of the U.S. armed forces returning from war, as well as Shiites in the Rochester area.

“The greatest threat is from a sympathizer of Islamist terrorists already here,” Ryan Mauro, a national security adviser with The Clarion Project said in a recent interview. “Given the attraction of ISIS right now, that is who the perpetrator would mostly likely identify with.”

But the reluctance on the part of the Obama administration to label domestic, homegrown terrorism a product of Islamic extremism, has been well-documented. We recently learned that Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, who killed 13 and injured 30 during a 2009 shooting at the Fort Hood military base in Texas, wrote a letter to ISIS asking to become a citizen of the Islamic State’s caliphate.

“I formally and humbly request to be made a citizen of the Islamic State,” Hasan wrote in the letter. “It would be an honor for any believers to be an obedient citizen soldier to a people and its leader who don’t compromise the religion of All-Mighty Allah to get along with the disbelievers.”

The Obama administration, spearheaded by Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department, has refused to call the Fort Hood shooting anything other than “work-place violence” despite the evidence to the contrary. A recent statement made by Holder regarding the Elfgeeh case has once again raised eyebrows.

“As this case shows, our agents and prosecutors are using all the investigative tools at our disposal to break up these plots before individuals can put their plans into action,” said Attorney General Eric Holder in a statement. “We are focused on breaking up these activities on the front end, before supporters of ISIL [another name for ISIS and IS] can make good on plans to travel to the region or recruit sympathizers to this cause.”

But critics say Holders statement offers insight into the misperception members of the administration regarding how radical Islamic ideology works on homegrown terrorists. “These activities” is Holder’s replacement for Islamic terrorism, and ISIS doesn’t even need to “make good on plans to travel to the region” to hit the United States.

“These local groups have a record of recruiting Americans to come join them overseas and sometimes to even support them from inside America,” Mauro added. “It is conceivable for any of these group’s supporters inside the U.S. to carry out an attack on the homeland. All it takes are a few nudges from the group itself, Islamists outside the group, or their own personal ego.”

CIA officials say thousands of western jihadists, many from Europe but also from the U.S., have been flocking to Syria and Iraq to join the Islamic State for over a year. Even though American public opinion is just now forcing the Obama administration to somewhat confront the threat, the flow began after the group took Fallujah in Iraq and announced the beginning of a caliphate of Sharia law.

For instance, Douglas McAuthur McCain and Abdirahmaan Muhumed, both have already been killed in battle in Syria and hail from the Minneapolis, Minnesota, area. But the two cases, along with the revelation that the ISIS executioner was British, underscore how lax Western immigration policies have endangered the homeland.

The investigation uncovered social media activity on Elfgeeh’s home computer, which included tweets from alias Twitter accounts expressing support for Al Qaeda, waging a violent holy war and supporting Sunni insurgent groups in Syria, according to court papers.

Elfgeeh’s lawyer, Assistant Federal Public Defender Mark Hosken, told the Democrat & Chronicle that he would enter a not guilty plea in response to all the charges. While Elfgeeh’s case seems to be gaining some degree of media attention nationwide, he is certainly not alone.

Ali-Muhammed Brown, 29, is a convicted sex offender and self-proclaimed homegrown terrorist. He has also been charged with killing three men in Seattle earlier in the summer, and most recently gunned down Brendan Tevlin, 19, a New Jersey college student.

homegrown terrorist Ali-Muhammed-Brown

Ali-Muhammed Brown, 29, is a convicted sex offender and self-proclaimed homegrown terrorist. He has also been charged with killing three men in Seattle earlier in the summer, as well as Brendan Tevlin, 19, a New Jersey college student.

Brendan sat idling in his Jeep at a red light in West Orange, N.J., Brown shot through the driver-side door ten times, hitting him with eight and mortally wounding him. The government has done everything in their power to ignore Brown’s claim that killing 19-year old Brendan was a “just kill” and that he was seeking vengeance for Muslim deaths in “Iraq, Syria, (and) Afghanistan.” Brown was linked to a previous terror financing racket. He was arrested in Seattle in 2004 along with 13 other members of a bank fraud ring that federal investigators alleged sent money to terrorist groups.

It would seem that Brown is the quintessential “lone wolf” inspired by jihadist ideology who intelligence officials have long-warned about, yet investigators in Essex County, N.J., have characterized Tevlin’s murder as a robbery turned violent.

Homegrown terrorism is not only a decided threat, but it is also not one solely dominated by men.

Last week, 19-year-old Shannon Conley of Arvada, Colorado, a Denver suburb, pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization. Conley planned to aid Al Qaida and its affiliates by offering to use her military training with the U.S. Army Explorers “to go overseas to wage jihad” and “to train Islamic jihadi fighters in U.S. military tactics.”

According to the federal criminal complaint filed in April, she also told investigators she would use her medical training to help jihadi fighters on the battlefield. Unfortunately for American national security, the Obama administration policy is struggling to put together a plan to defeat ISIS and Islamic terrorism on foreign battlefields, while they still deny the threat from what is clearly a real threat on a battlefield a little closer to home.

[caption id="attachment_17392" align="aligncenter" width="630"] ISIS recruiter Mufid

(Photo: Reuters)

The Philadelphia Federal Reserve said Tuesday that a gauge of mid-Atlantic manufacturing activity dropped off in September, falling far more than anticipated from August.

The Philadelphia Fed said its business activity index decelerated down to 22.5 in September, down from August’s reading of 28.0, which was touted as the best reading for the index since March of 2011. Though it may seem robust in today’s economy, it isn’t much of a bar to reach historically. Yet analysts this month were anticipating a reading of 23, a reading they didn’t get.

Any reading above zero indicates expansion in the region’s manufacturing. The survey covers factories in eastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey and Delaware.

It is widely viewed to be one of the first monthly indicators of the health of the U.S. manufacturing sector proceeding a national report by the Institute for Supply Management.

The six-month business conditions index fell to 56.0 from 66.4 in August, however, the employment subindex actually increased from 9.1 to 21.2. Those numbers represent the subindex hitting its highest level since May of 2011.

The Philadelphia Federal Reserve said Tuesday that

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