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In an emotional interview on Fox and Friends Thursday morning, the mother of one of the Benghazi attack victims spoke to three American security operatives who tried to save her son’s life for the first time.

Pat Smith questioned who gave the stand down order to the CIA operative only identified as “Bob.”

“Who’s the stupid idiot that we have in our government that would order something like that?!” she asked, questioning the role the White House and then-Secetary of State Hillary Clinton played in that giving the order that resulted in the death of her son.

Smith said she wanted to travel to meet the three men in person, and hopes to do that soon.

“I want to do things for you. I don’t want to vent to you. You guys are wonderful. You’re the son that I don’t have anymore. … I want to give you all a big kiss and a hug,” she said.

Kris Paronto, dubbed “Tanto” by his brothers-in-arms, said that they all want to sit down with her in private to answer all of her questions.

“Please know that … your son said prayers when we found him and we did say our prayers over him,” said Paronto

Smith tearfully thanked the men, saying she has a “million questions” to ask.

Pat Smith has been a vocal critic of the administration and was pivotal in discovering the length White House officials were willing to go to mislead the American people over the Benghazi attack. On the tarmac where the plane carrying her son’s body had landed, Hillary Clinton vowed to Smith’s mother they “would get the man who made that hateful video.”

Of course, we know now that the video had nothing to do with what was a well-planned, premeditated attack that was meant to mark the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attack on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon among other failed targets.

The first public hearing in the Benghazi select committee investigation will be held a week from today on September 17. The Republican-controlled House voted on May 8 to establish a select committee on Benghazi, marking the official launch of a serious investigation into the Benghazi scandal.

According to the Committee website, Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security Greg Starr, Independent Panel on Best Practices Chairman Mark J. Sullivan and former Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection for the Department of Homeland Security Todd Keil will be the witnesses.

The committee Chair Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) wrote in an op-ed that month in USA Today that “Benghazi matters because Americans deserve to know the truth from those entrusted to lead and govern.” The investigation is aimed at answering the many questions about what happened before, during and after the terror attack that killed four Americans.

The House voted 232-186 to approve the panel, with 7 Democrats joining the 225 Republicans voting in favor, while 186 Democrats voted against the committee.

In an emotional interview on Fox and

Republicans made big gains and effectively controlled the government from 2002 to 2006 due to Americans having more confidence in their ability to keep them safe. Now, with less than 60 days to go before the midterm elections, Republicans lead Democrats by 38 points on the issue in a new NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll.

Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Wednesday morning, Chuck Todd warned that President Obama is “on the precipice of doing Jimmy Carter-like damage to the Democratic brand on foreign policy if he’s not careful.”

Obama’s handling of foreign policy gets a negative 32 – 62 percent margin, a whopping 30 points. A new high of 47 percent say they feel less safe since 9/11, the highest number ever measured by the NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll.

Republicans led on the generic ballot in the poll of registered voters by 2 points, 45 – 43 percent. The GOP also has a double-digit advantage on the economy (R+10), the debt (R+18) and foreign policy (R+18). Meanwhile, Democrats led on women’s issues (D+27), the environment (D+27) and abortion (D+15).

In the PPD average of generic ballot polls, the Republican Party has steadily begun to pull ahead and away from Democrats in post-Labor Day polling. A new CNN/Opinion Research poll conducted among likely voters found a larger 4-point lead for Republicans, which will typically understate GOP support.

With less than 60 days to go

World Trade Center cross

The World Trade Center cross, as it stood after the smoke and debris cleared enough to see it on September 11, 2001.

At the Democratic National Convention in 2012, in an effort to inspire and promote multiculturalism, the DNC invited members of some radical branches of Islam to attend a prayer service. SEE ARTICLE HERE. This comes just a few days before the 11th anniversary of 9/11 and after Mayor Bloomberg DENIED that request to have Christian services at Ground Zero last year. In remembrance of that day, last year I wrote this article about the importance of God and prayer both in our lives and at that event.

This is a reprint of that article. I’m proud to say this article was powerful enough to garner national attention and is about why the relationship between God and Man is central to the American way of life.

This week Mayor Bloomberg of New York City declared that there will be no prayer or liturgical representation at the 9/11 10th anniversary memorial service to be held at Ground Zero. Although the mayor has never allowed prayer or any sort of spiritual remembrance at any 9/11 service, he has come under substantial criticism this time around since it is the 10th anniversary of the attack.

There will be those who will suggest that in doing so he is keeping up with the tradition of the separation of church and state. Others will point to his de facto support of multiculturalism; and still again, more will simply defend him by stating that allowing prayer would be a complicated logistical problem since he would have to allow Muslim, Christian and other denominations all to have prayers as well. Keep in mind his predecessor, ‘America’s Mayor’ Rudy Giuliani was able to keep it nondenominational and was always able to find the time and place for prayer in 9/11 memorial services.

Instead of criticizing the mayor though, we should instead explain to him why he must allow prayer at the service and it goes back to what happened on that brisk September morning.

Shortly after the first plane crashed into the World Trade Center, first responders such as fireman and police rushed to the scene to save and rescue the people they were sworn to protect. Among those first responders was the NYC Fire Chaplain Father Mychal Judge, who met Mayor Giuliani at the scene. Upon arrival the mayor asked Father Judge for a prayer to get them through these difficult hours. Father Judge did so, and started administering last rites to the fallen in the streets below, and then entered the World Trade Center lobby to do the same to those that had fallen in the initial attack. The NYC Fire Department had brought the injured and dying to an emergency command post set up in the lobby of North Tower and upon arrival there, with no regard to his own safety, began to administer the last rites again to those in need.

As Father Judge was beginning to administer last rites to a dying woman who had fallen beside a dead firefighter, he removed his helmet to do so. At that point numerous people from the floors above had begun to jump to their deaths, burning and covered with jet fuel. They fell outside the lobby nearby. Overwhelmed by the horror of the spectacle and the sheer enormity of the attack, Judge cried out to God in a moment of pain and anguish—”Jesus, please end this right now! God, please end this!” repeatedly in prayer.

And God listened.

The building across the plaza, World Trade Center South, collapsed under the strain of the melted girders, and in doing so sent off massive shards of debris. One of the chunks of the building crashed into the lobby where Father Judge was and struck his now uncovered head in a single fatal blow, where he fell beside the woman he was administering last rites to.

The firefighters on the scene and a police lieutenant, who had been buried by the debris nearby, found the fallen priest and carried his body from the lobby. Beloved by the fire and police departments, he was labelled Victim 0001, the first body recovered that day.

In and of itself, the priest’s tragic and heroic death should be enough to convince Bloomberg of the importance of prayer and being part of the memorial of that fateful day.

And yet, there is more.

Before 9/11, Judge had been consoling the families of the dead of another tragedy—TWA flight 800, which was lost in the ocean with all aboard. He was meeting with them every day for three weeks after the tragedy and was working toward making a permanent memorial site for those lost. Most importantly, he made sure that every summer on the anniversary of that crash there was a memorial service for the families, one that included a prayer and liturgical offering. No one questioned the importance of it then, nor should Mayor Bloomberg question it now. This is not an issue of fairness or separation of church and state. He did not make those efforts in order to promote any personal choice of religion, but to provide comfort and assuage the pain of those suffering.

Prayer is not always about religion, it is instead often about relief and repose.

It is a matter of decency, and respect for those that lost families. Not just those that died that day, but for every man and woman who has died in service to this nation in the years since then who are fighting against the extremists and jihadists that sullied America on 9/11, as well as their own religion of Islam, which also has been much maligned since the attack. Religion is not the cause of such great horror in the world—it is the perversion of that religion, twisted and evil. Thus by including a liturgical or prayer in the 9/11 anniversary service you are telling the world that God and religion are a center of succor and healing and it is a source of strength and comfort, not one of pain and suffering. By hiding away the fact that religion is part of many people’s lives and the fountain of heroism like in Father Judge (and many others like him) you are devaluing the memory of what he stood for — goodness and a beacon of light in a world of darkness.

The recognition of separation of church and state means that America is tolerant of all religions and denominations not that we are a godless society.

Father Judge certainly believed in that. He even died for it.

God was listening that day; why can’t we?

More of Thomas Purcell’s work can be read at libertyneversleeps.com and is host of the Liberty Never Sleeps Show on IHeartRadio

Revisiting why Mayor Bloomberg's decision to disallow

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) ripped former White House press secretary Jay Carney for past and repeated claims that the Arizona senator pointed out were completely false.

The first claim McCain fired back on surrounded Carney’s statements over the Free Syrian Army being stronger now that they are receiving aid from the administration. McCain, of course, traveled to visit with members of the Assad opposition force at a time when they were still moderate and making gains on Assad.

The second claim made by Carney has been long made by the administration, which is that they couldn’t reach a status of forces agreement to leave behind residual forces because the Iraqis didn’t want U.S. troops in-country. That claim has been widely debunked by military brass. McCain said when he was in Iraq former Prime Minister al-Maliki and other top Iraqi government officials wanted U.S. troops left behind and told him and Sen. Graham as much, but the president didn’t even try.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) ripped former White

isis terrorist group iraq war

Before I was a political analyst or foreign policy scholar, I was just a soldier. I say just because, as a soldier, you do not question or criticize the decisions of either your commander-in-chief or superiors. You are given a mission and you carry it out, or die trying. Much to my wife’s jubilee and my chagrin, those days are over. However, at least now I am in the position to criticize and, because no one else is, I will speak up on behalf of those who do not speak for themselves.

In a 15-minute long speech, President Obama outlined a strategy “to degrade and ultimately destroy the terrorist group known as ISIL,” As an analyst and a soldier, I will say unequivocally that Obama’s plan will not defeat the Islamic State “wherever they exist,” or even in Iraq and Syria for that matter. We will lose this war both in the long and short-term for a number of reasons.

Politicians and the media have duped Americans into believing a number of myths, all designed to give all of us one excuse after another to take the easy road. Ultimately, that road will lead to our defeat. No myth is repeated more than the fictitious and cowardly claim made by poll-driven politicians that U.S. airpower is sufficient to confront Islamic terrorism.

To say that “we will not get dragged into another ground war in Iraq,” is an implicit signal that Obama lacks resolve. Excluding boots on the ground is a politically-motivated strategy that ignores empirical fact, not a military strategy with an end-goal of victory. As our generals well-know, you cannot defeat an army with air power alone. At no time in the history of modern military warfare has air power decided the outcome of war. It is the supremacy of land power that destroys, incentivizes surrender, controls territory, and pulls the enemy weed out by its root.

Yet, we are repeatedly given false examples not only from politicians, but from political pundits like Bill O’Reilly, who know nothing about warfare. For weeks, Mr. O’Reilly, the most powerful name in news, has shamefully misled 8 million viewers each night by claiming the NATO bombing campaign in the 1990s won the Kosovo War. This is a false claim that has been widely disproven in academic security studies.

On June 10, 1999, which was 2,300 missiles, 990 targets, 14,000 bombs and 70 days later, Slobodan Milošević finally capitulated for two reasons. But neither of them were related to the NATO bombing campaign. John Mearsheimer, a former military strategist and foremost authority on offensive realism, demonstrated the primacy of land power while addressing this claim, which no serious security scholar has challenged:

NATO was beginning preparations for a massive ground invasion of Yugoslavia, and in late May the U.S. administration of President Bill Clinton sent a clear message to Milošević via the Russians that NATO would soon send ground troops into Kosovo if he did not surrender. Furthermore, Russia, which was Yugoslavia’s key ally and was bitterly opposed to the war, essentially sided with NATO in early June and put significant pressure on Milošević to the end the conflict immediately. NATO also softened its demands a bit to make a settlement more attractive to the Yugoslav leader.

Mr. O’Reilly and other know-nothings should really read The Tragedy of Great Power Politics before opening their big mouths, which I might add, are in no danger of being removed from their bodies after being shot down and captured, unlike the aviators they are so willing to put at risk. But the larger point is that President Obama has already taken that threat off the table, further limiting the already limited ability of air power to successfully coerce an enemy force.

ISIS Control in Iraq and Syria 6/16/2014

This map highlights the countries of Iraq and Syria in yellow. Areas under ISIS control are marked in red, along with ISIS controlled cities.

Take a look at the map above that shows the territory and various cities currently under ISIS control. In order for a military campaign to successfully retake territory, particularly urban terrain, men with rifles must clear hostiles building-by-building. Who will take back these cities? The so-called “moderate” Free Syrian Army? This is the group that President Obama on August 8 — just a few weeks ago — disregarded as “an opposition made up of former doctors, farmers, pharmacists, and so forth.” Not to mention the fact that they don’t trust the president, thus, the United States.

And that’s just the situation in Syria.

In Iraq, absent U.S. ground forces fighting by their side, the Iraqi Security Forces completely collapsed when they came under attack from ISIS. They took off their uniforms, left their recruits to be shot in mass executions, and will now take years to retrain. The only effective, truly pro-West fighting force — the Kurdish Peshmergas — are simply too few in numbers to accomplish the mission alone.

Despite the level of danger ISIS poses, the greatest threat we face is still from within. Polarization and the politicization of war have paralyzed the U.S. to the point we are no longer combat effective. I was not initially on board with the Iraq War, either. I believed the mission in Afghanistan was vital and failing, and that we needed to concentrate on one major task at a time. But once we began to prosecute that war the paramount concern should’ve been to win, which Generals David Petraeus and Ray Odierno did after President Bush correctly and courageously ordered the surge.

It is deeply, deeply disturbing that so many on the American Left — to include President Obama — are incapable of admitting what is now an indisputable, self-evident fact — that they were wrong. It was the Left’s weak resolve that turned public opinion against the war, which ultimately helped to get the president elected. It was Obama’s early abandonment that squandered the spoils of a democratic Iraq we suffered so much to stabilize. No one can seriously argue that Bush wasn’t right when he warned critics against pulling out of Iraq too early, not anymore.

I am no neocon, but at least they admitted they were wrong on their initial strategy and changed course in Iraq, even if it took three years. Iraq has been falling apart since Obama took the reigns. What’s the Left’s excuse? Patriotism must transcend party, both on the Right and Left.

So, what happens when the first F-18 or stealth bomber is shot down by ISIS and, without ground troops to recover them, the aviator becomes the unfortunate star in a video where his or her head is removed with a small knife? Unfortunately, that’s a risk they have to unnecessarily take because politicians are driven by public opinion, not by a guiding principle of doing what is right even when it is hard.

President Obama is the first U.S. president in the history of polling driven into a war by public opinion, rather than rallying public opinion to support a war. When ISIS publishes that first video and public opinion changes, will he not — driven by polls — order another “Obama bug-out?”

I am growing very tired of America’s leaders calling for wars they are not prepared to truly prosecute. You cannot win a politicized war that you are too cowardly to prosecute. You cannot destroy an army with air power, and you cannot defeat an enemy you cannot name. It is never the blood of the children of the privileged that is spilled, or the bones on their bodies that are broken.

Washington has sadly become a haven for cowards in both parties. I fear no soldier will soon want to follow these people. That would be truly tragic since they remain the majority of the few still willing to do what is necessary to protect the nation and our interests.

President Obama's plan will not defeat the

President Barack Obama ordered the United States into a broad military campaign Wednesday night to “degrade and ultimately destroy” Islamic State militants, but seems to be a but confused. The army that has seized control in two volatile Middle East nations is called the Islamic State, but Obama said ‘ISIL is not Islamic nor is it a state.”

In an email in response to a request for comment, the White House sent PPD this statement:

Let’s be clear: While this group may call itself the “Islamic State,” it is not “Islamic.” No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim. Nor is it a “state.” It is not recognized by any government, nor by the people it subjugates.

This is nothing but a terrorist organization with no vision or goal other than to slaughter all who stand in its way. While we have not yet detected specific plotting against our homeland, these terrorists have threatened America and our allies. And the United States will meet this threat with strength and resolve.

The effort to defeat radical Islam will no doubt take other Muslims stepping up to claim violence is not acceptable, but that remains elusive. Is it, perhaps, because they are in the minority?

The army that has seized control

obama speech

President Obama’s address to the nation on Sept. 10, 2014. (FOX News)

President Obama on Wednesday told the nation he has ordered the U.S. military to attack the terror army ISIS that filled the vacuum in Iraq after the U.S. withdrawal. The president said he is authorizing U.S. airstrikes in Syria along with expanded airstrikes in Iraq as he vowed to wipe out the group’s terrorists “wherever they exist.”

“Our objective is clear: we will degrade, and ultimately destroy, ISIL through a comprehensive and sustained counter-terrorism strategy,” Obama said during a prime-time address to the nation.

The president’s address, which was just 15 minutes long in length, was a dramatic turnaround from the administration’s approach to ISIS, otherwise known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It was only a few months ago when President Obama downplayed the group’s advances through northern Iraq and called then a “JV” team compared to Al Qaeda. However, he now outlined a “comprehensive” strategy for targeting the army in Iraq and Syria, including aiding the so-called moderate Free Syrian Army.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who has always supported aiding the opposition, said army the rebels now will be “extremely difficult” due to how long the president has waited. On the need to now confront another enemy in Iraq, McCain said the president’s failure to negotiate a status of forces agreement, which would have left behind U.S. forces in Iraq, was the cause of the vaccuum.

The administration has long said they could not negotiate an agreement because the Iraqis did not want it, but McCain says that is flat-out false.

“I know they wanted us there. Sen. Graham and I were both there and they told us they wanted U.S. forces left behind.”

Meanwhile, the president said he does not need the authority from Congress to wage a long, protracted war but welcomed congressional support.

“My copy of the Constitution says Congress has the power to declare war,” Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said. “But he just declared he has the authority to do this.”

On the other hand, President Bush asked Congress for the authorization to use force in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle disapproved of the fact that Obama will not ask for a congressional vote to authorize military force against the Islamic State.

The president also said the U.S. will lead a “broad coalition” against ISIS.

“This counter-terrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground,” Obama said. In making the case, he cited the threat of Americans and other foreign fighters in the region returning to their home countries to “carry out deadly attacks.”

But as of now just 9 countries have signed on to the president’s plan. In comparison, President Bush put together a 37-country coalition to prosecute the Iraq War. Still, some of the president’s speech could be characterized as Bush-light. In one familiar line, the president said regarding Syria, said “If you threaten America’s core interest, you will find no safe haven.”

“I have made it clear that we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country, wherever they are. That means I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL in Syria, as well as Iraq.”

Senior administration officials, on a conference call before the speech, said the president has authorized those airstrikes, and the military “will take action on the Syrian side” of the border. White  House officials also told the media that the president’s decision to go bold was made in just the last 48 hours, leading many to question whether recent polls weighed to heavily on his decision-making process.

President Obama on Wednesday told the nation

brietbart irs cruz

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) wrote a letter asking officials to answer questions designed to discover if the IRS auditing Breitbart News is politically motivated, as the company executives suggest. Breitbart News Network LLC is a conservative-leaning press outlet that covers political news that are critical of the Obama administration’s policies, including breaking the story about the border crisis.

“In another time, under another Administration, the decision to audit a conservative news organization might not have risen to a worrisome level of concern, “Sen. Cruz said. “However, given the IRS’s disturbing track record of illegally targeting conservative organizations-including the IRS recently paying a $50,000 settlement for having wrongfully leaked a conservative group’s confidential tax information-and the persistent refusal by the current Department of Justice to meaningfully investigate or prosecute those crimes, the decision to audit Breitbart News Network, LLC appears highly questionable.”

Breitbart News Network, a California-based company, says the IRS recently audited its 2012 financial information. The IRS asked the news outlet to provide them with all of its organizational documents, financial records, W-2s, W-4s, 1099s, and K-1s filed, as well as personal income tax returns for each member of the company, payroll tax forms, information regarding properties and assets acquired by the company, bank statements, and array of other records documenting revenues, expenses, and depreciation costs.

“The Obama administration’s timing on this is exquisite, but try as they might through various methods to silence us, we will only get more emboldened,” Stephen K. Bannon, executive chairman of Breitbart News Network, said in a written statement Tuesday.

The IRS did provide a statement when requested from PPD, but offered little by way of details as to why they are subjecting Breitbart News to such unorthodox treatment.

“Federal privacy laws prohibit the IRS from commenting on specific taxpayer situations,” the IRS statement reads. “The IRS stresses that audits are based on the information related to tax returns and the underlying tax law — nothing else. Audits are handled by career, non-partisan civil servants, and the IRS has safeguards in place to protect the exam process.”

Sen. Cruz isn’t buying that excuse and cites past abuses of power and targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups.

“For the IRS to behave like a partisan political organization, targeting media organizations whose views differ from the President’s, would represent a gross abuse of power,” he wrote. “It would undermine the statutory mission and integrity of the IRS. And it would likely subject IRS employees to criminal prosecution.”

“I very much hope that is not the case.”


How many other news organizations have been audited since President Obama has been in office?

How many of them could be identified as conservative- or liberal-leaning?

Have any other news organization been subjected to this sort of far-reaching and oppressive inquiry, including requesting the personal tax records of editors and reporters?

At what point does the IRS decide to take action to audit a news outlet?

Does the IRS worry that its extremely burdensome auditing process could effectively silence the press?

Previously, Senator Durbin wrote the IRS asking that it examine the tax-exempt status of Crossroads GPS, a Republican organization that spends money electing Republicans. Did the IRS ever receive any communications from any elected official asking it to examine Breitbart News Network, LLC?

Who, precisely, is responsible for making the decision to audit Breitbart News Network, LLC?

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) wrote a letter

steven sotloff family spokesman

Barak Barfi, spokesman for the family of murdered American journalist Steven Sotloff.

A spokesman for the family of Steven Sotloff says that the murdered journalist was sold to the ISIS terrorist group by Syria’s “so-called moderate rebels,” according to his sources “on the ground.”

Barak Barfi, a foreign policy research fellow at the New American Foundation and spokesman for the Sotloff family, said in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that American journalist

“We believe that these so-called moderate rebels that people want our administration to support, one of them sold him probably for something between $25,000 and $50,000 to ISIS and that was the reason he was captured,” Barfi said

“They’ve said that the families have been consistently and regularly informed. That is not true,” he claimed. “I speak now only from the Sotloff family. I can’t speak for the other families. They said that these hostages were moved frequently. We know that for most of the beginning of part of this year they were stationary. We know that the intelligence community and the White House are enmeshed in a larger game of bureaucratic infighting and Jim [Foley] and Steve are pawns in that game and that’s not fair.”

PPD recently reported on the tension between the Obama administration and the intelligence community, who claims they gave the president all of the intel he needed. The community is growing tired of being thrown under the bus everytime a foreign policy failure becomes public.

“The relationship between the administration and the Sotloff family was very strained,” Barfi explained. “We do not believe that they gave us the cooperation that they need. Once Steve appeared in that video, the Sotloff family made one simple request of the administration and they were rebuffed on that.”

“I can’t say that because I have to think of protecting the other hostages inside,” Barfi said when asked to explain the request.

Barfi said the Obama administration treated Sotloff’s family in a manner unbecoming of U.S. leadership, and said they could have done far more than they ultimately did.

“When your view into the largest and most powerful government in the world is two FBI agents, that’s simply not enough,” he said. “The administration could have done more, they could have helped us, they could have seen them through. These are people of modest means. They’re not cosmopolitan, they don’t have college educations, they don’t understand the larger ramifications in foreign policy. And we just do not believe that they were afforded the opportunities and the respect that they should have by this administration.”

But perhaps the most interesting moment in the interview came when Barfi threatened to spill damaging information about the Obama administration, leading many to speculate just how long the president waited before mounting a failed, day-late and a dollar-short rescue mission.

Barfi said the administration would find themselves answering difficult questions if they didn’t stop leaking details of Sotloff’s captivity to the press.

“If there continues to be leaks, the Sotloff family will have to speak out to set the record straight,” he said.


Barak Barfi, a spokesman for the family

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