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Obama amnesty executive order

Despite the media blackout and dishonesty, this time President Obama simply would not have been able to get away with ramming an unpopular policy down the throats of the American people.

President Obama has decided to break his promise to grant amnesty to illegals by the end of summer through executive order, and will now wait until after the 2014 midterm elections. According to the totality of polling, it isn’t at all difficult to see why the president has once again left Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-Ill) and other activists out in the cold.

The Associated Press laughably reported Saturday the reason is that Obama concluded using executive fiat to circumvent Congress during the campaign season would further politicize the issue and hurt future efforts to pass comprehensive immigration reform. But that narrative — much like the narrative that immigration reform was ever a popular priority — is patently false.

Red state Democrats such as Sens. Mark Pryor (D-AR), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Mark Begich (D-AK) and Kay Hagan (D-NC), all have understood that outside of the Washington Beltway bubble, not only is rewarding illegal immigration deeply unpopular with the American people, but so is incentivizing legal immigration, as well. PPD has repeatedly documented the polling data, but here’s a few highlights.

“In fact, more Americans think immigration should be decreased than increased, and by a nearly two-to-one margin, 41 percent vs. 22 percent,” Gallup’s Lydia Saad said regarding a recent survey.

In respect to the ongoing flood of unaccompanied minors, even Pew Research, which has been a decided outlier on this issue — for reasons we will examine in a moment — found that nearly half of legal Hispanics support expediting the processing of the children’s cases regardless of whether they are deported in the end. Similarly, a recent Rasmussen survey found that 59 percent believe the primary focus of any new immigration legislation passed by Congress should be to send the illegal immigrant children back home as quickly as possible, while just 27 percent say a proposal should focus instead on making it easier for these illegal immigrants to remain in the United States.

Further, not even a third of Americans believe the flood of illegals across the border is for the stated reason by left — to escape violence in Central America. Of course, that’s what the president and Mr. Gutiérrez & Co. want the American people to believe, but they don’t, and they are right.

“Of the 230 migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free passes or permisos to UAC (unaccompanied children) and adult females OTMs (other than Mexicans) traveling with minors,” said a 10-page report conducted on July 7 by the El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC).

A recent Associated Press-GfK poll found that 53 percent of Americans believe the United States does not have a moral obligation to offer asylum to people who escape violence or political persecution, even if that lie was true.

The way in which a pollster poses a question to respondents matters a great deal to the ultimate result because, the more a pollster tells Americans about the particulars of so-called immigration reform, they more they don’t particularly like them.

Pew Research, for instance, is notorious for this dubious methodology:

“Tens of thousands of unaccompanied minor children are fleeing violence in Central America and have crossed the U.S. border illegally. Do you support reuniting them with their family members already living in the United States, or do you support deporting them back to their violent country of origin?

Gee, I wonder how most good-hearted Americans would respond to that? First, Pew and other pollsters continue to perpetuate a series of lies, for example, 1) that they are fleeing from violence and, 2) that they are being reunited with legal relatives already members of U.S. communities. They are being sent to various undisclosed locations around the country without the permission of those communities they will be impacting and straining regarding resources.

Now, if the question is worded a bit more realistic, though still not completely accurate, then we get a very different result:

“Tens of thousands of Central American immigrants have illegally crossed into the U.S. with their children because they were led to believe President Obama’s immigration policy would give them a free pass, or a “permiso.” Do you support allowing them to stay with family members even if they are distant relatives and illegal, themselves, or do you support sending them back to their country of origin?

Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O’Malley slammed protestors for not allowing DHS to send “unaccompanied minors” to their community in Murrieta, California. Then, he became just another governor to tell the White House not to house any of them in his state. Last week, Republican Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, the longest-serving governor since the signing of the Constitution, met federal officials who sought to dump illegal immigrants in his state without his knowledge, thanked them for their efforts, and proceeded to put them on a charter plane back to Central America.

A whopping 57 percent of voters disapproved of housing these illegal immigrants in their state, even before the border crisis was fully covered by the media, while half as many (29%) approved. Public opinion, particularly in the wake of Obama’s plan to grant amnesty by executive fiat, has moved decisively more negative since.

A larger 62 percent of voters opposed President Obama’s plan to unilaterally grant amnesty to countless millions of illegal immigrants and, further, said Congress should stop him in court if he tried to go ahead with it. A we have consistently observed for over a year, two-out-of-three voters (67%) say securing the border to prevent future illegal immigration should come first, even if illegal immigrants already in this country have to wait.

The border crisis exacerbated opposition, but it didn’t cause it. A Quinnipiac University poll conducted back in January found both independent and Republican voters moved strongly against the proposed immigration reform bill, despite falsely posing to respondents a choice that referenced “a path to citizenship.”

This is an issue that voters care about, as 79 percent have been following recent news reports about the president and illegal immigration, including a very significant 42 percent who have been following “very closely.” Though it isn’t often the case, the American people saw through the false narrative. Despite the media blackout and dishonesty, this time President Obama simply would not have been able to get away with ramming an unpopular amnesty down the throats of the American people.

Despite the media blackout and dishonesty, President

It has been nearly two years since the fatal attack in Benghazi, Libya. Now, for the first time the CIA contractors who fought in the battle tell their account of what happened that night.

The security contractors — Kris (“Tanto”) Paronto, Mark (“Oz”) Geist, and John (“Tig”) Tiegen — spoke exclusively to Fox News about what transpired that night. Baier, Fox News’ Chief Political Anchor, asked them about one of the most controversial questions arising from the events in Benghazi: Was help delayed?

In an interview with Bret Baier, the men say the stand down order — which they eventually disobeyed — delayed them a critical 30 minutes. Further, they agree that if they were not told to stand down, then Ambassador Chris Stevens and Sean Smith would still be alive.

“It had probably been 15 minutes I think, and … I just said, ‘Hey, you know, we gotta– we need to get over there, we’re losing the initiative,’” said Tiegen. “And Bob just looks straight at me and said, ‘Stand down, you need to wait.’”

“We’re starting to get calls from the State Department guys saying, ‘Hey, we’re taking fire, we need you guys here, we need help,’” said Paronto.

After a delay of nearly 30 minutes, the security team headed to the besieged consulate without orders. They asked their CIA superiors to call for armed air support, which never came.

Now, looking back, the security team said they believed that if they had not been delayed for nearly half an hour, or if the air support had come, things might have turned out differently.

“Ambassador Stevens and Sean [Smith], yeah, they would still be alive, my gut is yes,” Paronto said. Tiegen concurred.

“I strongly believe if we’d left immediately, they’d still be alive today,” he added.

“You use the words ‘stand down,’” Baier noted. “A number of people now, including the House Intelligence Committee insist no one was hindered from responding to the situation at the compound…so what do you say to that?”

“No, it happened,” said Tiegen.

“It happened on the ground– all I can talk about is what happened on that ground that night,” added Paronto. “To us. To myself, twice, and to– to Tig, once. It happened that night. We were told to wait, stand– and stand down. We were delayed three times.”

“FOX NEWS REPORTING: 13 Hours in Benghazi” is based off the new book to be released next week, “13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened In Benghazi” by Mitchell Zuckoff with the Annex Security Team.

For the first time the CIA contractors

al qaeda vs isis threat

Al Qaeda (left) are in competition with ISIS (right) to stop the new threat from eclipsing the infamous terror group as the most serious threat to the U.S.

A new report outlines a dangerous competition between the world’s two top Islamic terror groups. In the days running up to the anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, this Al Qaeda vs ISIS terror rivalry is becoming a serious concern to those operating within U.S. intelligence circles.

“Al Qaeda and ISIS are in a competition and hitting the U.S. dramatically, preferably in the homeland, is key to winning,” Ryan Mauro, a national security adviser with The Clarion Project, told FoxNews.com. “Al Qaeda needs to prove it is still viable and relevant in light of ISIS’ success. And ISIS will be universally recognized as having eclipsed Al Qaeda if it can strike inside the U.S.”

While ISIS is at the center of recent media reports, as far as attacks on the homeland, U.S. intel says Al Qaeda is still the number one threat due to their incessant efforts over the years to garner sympathies from radicalized Americans.

“These local groups have a record of recruiting Americans to come join them overseas and sometimes to even support them from inside America,” he added. “It is conceivable for any of these group’s supporters inside the U.S. to carry out an attack on the homeland. All it takes are a few nudges from the group itself, Islamists outside the group, or their own personal ego.”

Al Qaeda came close to executing an attack on the homeland several times but failed, nonetheless. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the infamous underwear bomber, failed to blow up a Northwest Airlines flight as it neared Detroit only because the bomb failed to detonate. Another attack failed when the Saudis provided intel that led to the discovery of explosives hidden in printer cartridges on a cargo plane. Both attempts were the work of a Yemeni-based Al Qaeda group in the Arabian Peninsula.

Still, as the two groups compete for recruits, weapons and money, the headlines are a clear advantage for ISIS.

“If it’s a homegrown terrorist acting mostly independently, I think he’s most likely to identify with ISIS while still having admiration for Bin Laden and Al-Awlaki,” Mauro said. “We are going to see people radicalized by Al-Qaeda-type preaching but ultimately choosing to affiliate with ISIS.”

We recently learned that Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, who killed 13 and injured 30 in a shooting at the Fort Hood military base in Texas back in 2009, wrote a letter to ISIS asking to become a citizen of the Islamic State’s caliphate.

“I formally and humbly request to be made a citizen of the Islamic State,” Hasan wrote in the letter. “It would be an honor for any believers to be an obedient citizen soldier to a people and its leader who don’t compromise the religion of All-Mighty Allah to get along with the disbelievers.”

Hasan’s rampage, which is still classified as “work-place violence” at the behest of the new policies implemented under the Obama administration, was radicalized due to his inspiration from Al Qaeda and their former propaganda expert, Anwar al-Awlaki. The senior talent-recruiter and motivator was killed by a CIA-led drone strike in Yemen back in 2011. Hasan provides a stark example of the concerns held by U.S. intelligence officials, a “lone wolf” that was turned based on Al Qaeda’s tactics, but emboldened by the ISIS advancements toward the goal of caliphate.

“The greatest threat is from a sympathizer of Islamist terrorists already here,” Mauro said. “Given the attraction of ISIS right now, that is who the perpetrator would mostly likely identify with.

In the days running up to the

Ali Hussein Kadhim, an Iraqi soldier captured by ISIS, survived a June massacre by the terror army and told his story to The New York Times.

The massacre took place either June 11 or June 12, though even the paper couldn’t tell for sure, while Kadhim was only a little over a week in the Iraqi Security Forces. ISIS took what was the equivalent of basic training camp and executed the new recruits, throwing them all in a mass grave.

Ali tells his miraculous — and horrific — tale of how he survived.

Ali Hussein Kadhim, an Iraqi soldier captured

“Let me just tell you: If New Jersey were [blasting] rockets into New York, we would wipe them out,” said the legendary comedian Joan Rivers back in July. Rivers died Thursday at the age of 81 after a minor throat procedure sent her into cardiac arrest on Aug. 28.

“Don’t put your God-damn weapons in private homes,” Rivers said of the attacks on Palestinian civilians. “Your all insane, they started it!”

Rivers was rushed to Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, where her daughter said she was “comfortable” prior to her death. She was a passionate supporter of Israel, and flat-out annihilated reporters and other celebrities on the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The NYC Medical Examiner’s Office confirmed that they will be investigating the cause and manner of Rivers’ death. “The death has been reported to us and the Medical Examiner’s Office is investigating,” a spokesperson said.

In this video, legendary comedian Joan Rivers


From left: Hedge fund super PAC donors, Paul Singer and Tom Steyer. (Photo: Getty)

Super PACs used the month of July to load up on dollars to bombard the opposition in the fall campaign. American politics are still getting adjusted to these new entities, so it isn’t at all surprising to see how many new groups filed disclosure reports at the end of August. From this paper trail filled with big money and big names, we can draw some really interesting conclusions regarding where parties really stand on issues and principles.

The results may surprise you.

For a party that supposedly hates Citizens United and the formation of super PACs that followed, Democrats sure dominated the list of top super PAC donors in July. Democratic dollars pouring in to outside groups this year have far surpassed their Republican counterparts, and the dough is coming in from everywhere from Wall Street to radical environmentalists; not the typical Main Street values the party tends to espouse.

We have compiled a list of July super PAC donations that readers may just find interesting.


Radical climate-change activist Tom Steyer gave the biggest super PAC donation, a whopping $7.5 million to his own group, NextGen Climate. Steyer, who first made his money as a hedge-fund manager, gave a half-million dollars to Senate Majority PAC, the biggest Senate Democratic super PAC orchestrated by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. He also kicked out another $150,000 to the League of Conservation Voters Victory Fund, which is another environmental group.

Steyer made headlines when he promised that he would give $50 million of his own money — and bundle $50 million more — which could be used for any Democratic campaign that is anti-Keystone XL. The president delayed the construction of the project despite several reports from his own State Department showing more carbon gases would be emitted without it.

I wonder is that hedge fund hedging against traditional energy resources? Yup, indeed.


Michael Bloomberg has been pretty active since the 2012 elections. He has been self-funding his anti-gun super PAC that even attacked Alaska Democrat Sen. Mark Begich and Arkansas Democrat Mark Pryor. Now, Bloomberg is throwing big money at the Senate Majority PAC to keep Harry Reid in charge of the upper chamber. Conservatives will have a canary to hear this, but Bloomberg was also funding super PACs that backed Republican Sens. Thad Cochran and Lindsey Graham during their primary battles.

The former New York City mayor donated $2 million to Women Vote!, which is the record-holder for largest contribution the EMILY’s List super PAC has ever bagged. In fact, if it wasn’t for Tom Steyer giving over $7 million in one sitting, no one else would have given more money to super PACs this election season, including the Democrats’ favorite villains, the Koch brothers.


George Soros, the billionaire financier who creates financial crisis for fun and profit, is also a socialist and ardent supporter of the Democratic Party. The prolific donor gave $500,000 apiece to House Majority PAC and the League of Conservation Voters Victory Fund. But the million-dollar apple doesn’t fall that far from the tree, as his daughter, Andrea Soros Colombel, gave $250,000 to Planned Parenthood Votes (see more of that below).

As PPD previously reported, Soros is backing Democratic PACs that hope to data mine voters and recreate a GOTV organization that propelled President Obama to reelection. It’s been a long-term effort to change the expected outcome of the 2014 election, which is the loss of the upper chamber for the Democratic Party.


Finally, we get to a Republican donor and no, the Koch brothers are still nowhere near close to those on this list. Hedge-fund manager Paul Singer is the top super PAC donor for Republicans so far this cycle. The founder of Elliott Management kicked out a whole $750,000 to the conservative super PAC, Ending Spending Action Fund. The group has spent nearly $4.5 million in five different races in 2014. Singer also gave $100,000 to Karl Rove’s rather unsuccessful group, American Crossroads.

In total, Singer has contributed $1.4 million to Ending Spending and $1.35 million to Crossroads this cycle.


The Mostyns are Texas’s biggest Democratic power couple, who single-handedly funded the start-up of Battleground Texas after being deeply demoralized by repeated defeats. The uber-liberal Amber Mostyn, a Houston lawyer profiting off the Democrat-backed frivolous lawsuit industry, and her husband Steve, were also at the top of the Democrats’ biggest super PAC donor list in 2012. The Mostyns’ $1 million gift greatly contributed to the rise of the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action. In July, Amber Mostyn gave $250,000 to the Planned Parenthood super PAC, which mirrors the other quarter-million she gave the committee in 2013. The group plans to distort the Hobby Lobby decision to distract women voters from larger issues.


After throwing the $1 million he gave to American Crossroads in 2012 out the window, Jay Bergman, the owner of Illinois-based Petco Petroleum, stayed away from outside-spending for months. However, in the month of July he finally gave in and coughed up to Rove for American Crossroads, again. He gave a $500,000 contribution to the super PAC in one sitting.

Still, Bergman is known for hedging his own bets. Even though Bergman gives mostly to Republicans, he refers to himself as an “independent,” and in the past he has contributed to embattled Illinois Democrat Gov. Pat Quinn and the former Democrat governor — now convicted felon — Rod Blagojevich.


When digging in to this paper trail, one can’t help but to think that billionaire Univision owner Haim Saban owns a propaganda channel, aimed at putting Hispanics on the Democratic plantation along with black voters for decades to come. Saban has already thrown his “full might” behind Hillary Clinton if — sorry, when — she decides to run for president in 2016.

Saban gave $250,000 to Senate Majority PAC in July to save the upper chamber and, as an extension, amnesty.


Speaking of Mr. Reid’s best friends again, a $250,000 donation came from Google Chairman Eric Schmidt, a man who claims he supports the free movement of information while at the same time backing the party who wants to regulate the Internet.

Strange, isn’t it?

The latest donation is actually the second contribution made by Mr. Schmidt in 2014. In June, Schmidt gave $100,000 to the super PAC formed to help Democrat Sen. Mark Warner get reelected in Virginia this year.


If voters want to know where the big money is going and what each party or individual politician stand for, then contributions rather than rhetoric are the way to go. As far as we can easily tell, the money is headed to the Democratic Party from billionaire hedge fund managers who want to keep corporate welfare by reauthorizing the Ex-Im Bank and opposing tax reform, those who want cheap labor in the form of so-called “immigration-reform” and other issues.

Unsurprisingly, when we watch President Obama’s agenda on climate change, the largest amount of money is coming from Steyer and others who make their living off of government controlling the energy sector, betting in favor of them doing so in the future, and those who want corporate profits to remain at record highs by decreasing the cost of labor.

Are there any on the Republican side that are equally dubious? Of course, but they are far fewer in numbers and cash. That’s pretty surprising considering the incessant attacks on the Koch brothers, billionaire businessmen philanthropists who didn’t even make the list.

For a party that supposedly hates Citizens

Al-Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane

Ahmed Abdi Godane, also known as Mukhtar Abu Zubayr, the leader of Al-Shabaab, is dead. A reward up to $7 million had been offered by the U.S. government. (Photo: Getty Images)

U.S. officials confirmed Friday that the leader of the Islamic militant organization behind the slaughter at a Kenya mall last year was killed during a U.S. military strike earlier this week.

Ahmed Abdi Godane — the leader of al-Shabaab who once had a $7 million dollard bounty on his head – was killed during U.S. airstrikes Monday that also killed 10 other Islamic terrorist militants.

President Obama, speaking at a NATO summit in Wales, attempted to tout the strike as an example of his tough stance on terrorism.

“We have been very systematic and methodical in going after these kind of organizations” that threaten U.S. personnel and the homeland, Obama said. “That deliberation allows us to do it right, but have no doubt: We will continue to do what is necessary to protect the American people.”

Prior to the president speaking, the White House and Pentagon released statements confirming Godane’s death.

“Godane’s removal is a major symbolic and operational loss to the largest Al Qaeda affiliate in Africa and reflects years of painstaking work by our intelligence, military and law enforcement professionals,” the White House said.

U.S. officials had only admitted to a strike on Monday assisted by U.S. special operations forces using manned and drone aircraft. The Pentagon said the strikes destroyed a terror encampment and a single vehicle using multiple Hellfire missiles and laser-guided munitions. However, they refused to confirm that Godane had been killed until Friday.

Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for last September’s Westgate Mall shooting that left 68 dead and another 200 injured.

The State Department declared al-Shabab a terrorist organization in February 2008.

US. officials confirmed that Ahmed Abdi Godane,

President George W. Bush values the knowledge of the men and women who served during his presidency. President G.W Bush understood the consequences that would follow if we just uprooted and abandoned Iraq. He forewarned what would play out if the United States withdrew prematurely and President Obama blatantly ignored such advice. The United States is now facing the consequences of a president that does not value any individual’s advice and prematurely acts.

George W. Bush warned President Obama what

A discouraged worker sits and waits at a jobs fair. (Photo: REUTERS)

The August jobs report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Fridays said the U.S. economy added just 142,000 jobs in August, far below economists’ expectations of 225,000 new jobs. Though economists were optimistic after a run of job creation over 200,000, the disappointing data continues a 5-year trend under the Obama administration of fizzling labor market conditions after bursts of what appears to be improvement.

Nearly all major sectors including manufacturing, retail and transportation clocked in weak job creation.

While the unemployment rate fell by 0.01 percentage point to 6.1 percent, slightly down from the 6.2 percent level a month ago, the number of unemployment persons remained at 9.6 million. These individuals accounted for 31.2 percent of the total number of unemployed persons in America.

In August, the employment-population ratio held at an abysmal 59.0 percent, where it has sat for the third consecutive month. The civilian labor force participation rate still stands at 62.8 percent, and the number of persons employed part time for economic reasons, otherwise referred to as involuntary part-time workers, remains a large driver of job creation. That number in August was a whopping 7.3 million persons.

“The report is a remarkable disappointment as a headline number, especially after receiving such promising macro data over the summer,” said Todd M. Schoenberger, President, J. Streicher Asset Management in New York.

Low-paying leisure and hospitality, employment in food services and drinking places also continued to over-represent the number of jobs created, weakening opportunities for the middle class. A whole 22,000 jobs were created in this sector marking 289,000 over the year. No wonder political forces are relentless in pushing a “living wage” or increase in the minimum wage. Unfortunately, more than half of minimum wage increases go to members of non-low-income households.

“Employment in other major industries, including mining and logging, wholesale trade, transportation and warehousing, information, financial activities, and government, showed little change over the month,” the Labor Department said in a statement.

Motor vehicles and parts, higher-paying job sectors, were particularly discouraging in August, losing 5,000 jobs after adding 13,000 in July. In August, the average workweek for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls was just 34.5 hours, which is what is has remained for the sixth consecutive month.

The average workweek and wage data explains why the American people are deeply pessimistic about the U.S. economy even though the president’s proponents keep touting this year’s improvements. Average hourly earnings rose by just 2.1 percent, far below analysts’ predictions, while average hourly earnings for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls rose by just 6 cents in August to $24.53.

The August jobs report released by the

Wednesday, a federal judge upheld Louisiana’s gay marriage ban, ruling that representative in the state have the right to ban same-sex couples from marrying.

“It would no doubt be celebrated to be in the company of the near-unanimity of the many other federal courts that have spoken to this pressing issue, if this court were confident in the belief that those cases provide a correct guide,”Judge Martin Feldman wrote. “Clearly, many other courts will have an opportunity to take up the issue of same-sex marriage; courts of appeals and, at some point, the U.S. Supreme Court. The decision of this court is but one studied decision among many.”

Judge Feldman is the first federal district judge that has upheld a state ban since the Supreme Court knocked down part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act in June 2013, a federal ban on gay marriage signed by President Bill Clinton.

“This court is persuaded that Louisiana has a legitimate interest . . . whether obsolete in the opinion of some, or not, in the opinion of others . . . in linking children to an intact family formed by their two biological parents,” Judge Feldman wrote.

“The court is persuaded that a meaning of what is marriage that has endured in history for thousands of years, and prevails in a majority of states today, is not universally irrational on the constitutional grid.”

Judge Feldman was nominated to the bench in 1983 by President Ronald Reagan. Though many on the left will no doubt attack his ruling, he said Louisiana needed to show only that there was a rational reason for voters to limit marriage to a man and a woman.

He said that because the Supreme Court has never recognized gays as a class to be specially protected from discrimination, and while marriage is a fundamental right, it has not traditionally been seen as a right extended to same-sex couples.

The People’s representative legislatures might be free to do that, Feldman wrote, but not judges.

The opposition to same-sex marriage has been the long-term trend in America, and in 2004 gay marriage bans were wildly successful across the country. Opponents say that if proponents wish to change the law and culture, or even if they were so confident in the polling supposedly showing a shift in public opinion, then they can take it through the respective legislative channels.

The last time the courts decided an issue of morality of this magnitude was in Roe v. Wade, at a time many on the left also proclaimed a shift in public opinion. However, now the country is by majority pro-life, and the issue has plagued politics ever since.

Wednesday, a federal judge upheld Louisiana's gay

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