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Nearly a dozen stolen jetliners have been in the hands of Islamic terrorists since last month, and now U.S. intelligence agencies are concerned they could be used to target New York and Washington D.C. on the anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001.

Western intelligence agencies recently issued a warning that the jets could be used in terrorist attacks ranging from North Africa to the U.S. homeland, and intelligence reports of the stolen jetliners were distributed within the U.S. government over the past two weeks.

“There are a number of commercial airliners in Libya that are missing,” said one official. “We found out on September 11 what can happen with hijacked planes.”

The Washington Free Beacon reported that the aircraft were reportedly taken by the Islamic militant group, Dawn of Libya, in late August following the takeover of Tripoli International Airport, which is located about 20 miles south of the capital. Tunisia halted flights from other Libyan airports at Tripoli, Sirte and Misrata, while Egypt also halted flights to and from Libya.

Military forces in North Africa, including those from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt have been placed on heightened alert as a result.

An Islamic militant group said Sunday it had “secured” a U.S. Embassy in Libya’s capital city of Tripoli. Shortly after, a video surfaced — viewable below — showing men playing in a pool at the compound. U.S. Ambassador to Libya Deborah Jones said the video appeared to have been shot in at the embassy’s residential annex.

The official said the aircraft are a serious counterterrorism concern because reports of terrorist control over the Libyan airliners come three weeks before the 13th anniversary of 9/11 attacks. On Sept. 11, 2012, the 11th anniversary of the attacks, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, and State Department information management officer Sean Smith were killed in a terror attack on a U.S. outpost in Benghazi, Libya.

The Obama administration initially said was the result of a spontaneous demonstration against an anti-Muslim video. The House voted 232-186 in May to establish a select committee on Benghazi, with 7 Democrats joining the 225 Republicans voting in favor. The vote marked the official launch of a serious investigation into the withholding of information and potential cover up of a terrorist attack that took place during the 2012 president campaign, when President Obama was barnstorming the country on the campaign trail claiming Al Qaeda was on the run.

“Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive,” were the words spoken at a Nevada fundraiser the day after the terror attack in Benghazi. Until this day, no one can account for the president’s actions or location during the night of the attack.


U.S. intelligence agencies are concerned stolen Libyan

obama on isis 'we don't have a strategy'

President Obama speaks about the economy, ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and Putin’s aggression toward Ukraine Aug. 28, 2014. (Photo: AP)

The threat from ISIS and rise of Islamic radicalism was made perfectly clear to President Obama by members of the intelligence and defense communities, multiple sources and reports say. A recent report from the West Point counterterrorism center said the Obama administration consistently ignored actionable intelligence suggesting ISIS, otherwise known as the Islamic State, was rising over a four-year period that directly paralleled the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq.

Now, a senior Pentagon official said that President Obama was given “detailed and specific intelligence” regarding the rise of the Islamic State during his daily briefing at least a year before the group began seizing vast amounts of territory in Iraq and Syria over the summer. The dueling reports paint a very dim pictures about the president’s ability to carry out his duties as commander-in-chief, and raise numerous questions surrounding his actions over the past few years.

Much of the criticism surrounds the PDB, or President’s Daily Brief, which provides the president with the most actionable and concrete intelligence compiled by various U.S. intel agencies. Catherine Herridge at Fox News reported that the official claimed President Obama does not interact with those who are tasked with briefing the president and, instead, opts to have the PDB delivered to his tablet. Past presidents are engaged and routinely ask for follow-up information or clarification on the contents of the PDB.

Not President Obama. Intelligence sources say the president is completely disengaged from the task, and there is a very real, growing concern within the intel community that the president continues to blame intelligence failures for what they say is a lack of urgency and decisiveness.

President Obama has come under heavy fire for his public comments dismissing the ISIS group as a “JV” team. Yet, the official told Herridge that the intelligence was already “exquisite” by the time the president was drawing an imaginary “red line” in Syria, and “granular” when Obama made his “JV” comment.

The claims made by Herridge’s source puts the West Point report into perspective. The report’s author, Michael Knights of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, painted a picture of a president more concerned with political calculus than national security.

“ISIL did not suddenly become effective in early June 2014,” the report states. “It has been steadily strengthening and actively shaping the future operating environment for four years.”

Obama was criticized last week for stating “we don’t have a strategy yet” on ISIS, but the latest information raises some serious questions regarding the president’s lack of strategy or clarity in Syria and Iraq. If the intelligence was actionable at the time U.S. intel sources claim, then Obama was proposing U.S. airstrikes against the Assad regime that would have been helping ISIS in Syria.

The dueling reports underscore what has become an adversarial relationship between the president, the Pentagon and various other intel agencies. White House Press Secretaries Josh Earnest, and to a greater extent his predecessor Jay Carney, have repeatedly indicated that foreign crises under the administration’s tenure were a result of intelligence failures, rather than greater failures of Obama’s foreign policy.

In fact, criticisms over the president’s handling of the PDB first came to light following the 2012 terror attack on the Benghazi consulate in Libya. Then-press secretary Jay Carney assured the press corps that the president took his daily briefings seriously, despite decisions made based upon intelligence by the British to evacuate their own ambassador prior to the attack.

Meanwhile, a video surfaced Tuesday reportedly depicting the beheading of another American journalist, Steven Sotloff. Last week, the administration confirmed American journalist James Foley was in fact the man beheaded in a video entitled, “A Message to America.” In the latest video titled “A second message to America,” what appears to be the same executioner is heard threatening President Obama and daring him to act in Iraq and Syria.

“I’m back, Obama,” he said “and I’m back because of your arrogant policy towards the Islamic State.”

Following the beheading of James Foley, the White House was quick to once again throw the intel community under the bus by releasing sensitive information intended to show they had made an effort to rescue the journalist. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said “we have done everything that we can possibly do to try to bring home our hostages.”

But the Pentagon official confirmed a report from the Sunday Times of London that claimed Obama delayed making that decision for 30 days, stating the White House was hesitant and repeatedly said they were waiting for “the intelligence to build up more.”

However, during that time, U.S. intel was surveilling a large, heavily armed compound, which they strongly believed to be housing Foley and other captives. He said the compound was located near the ISIS stronghold of Raqaa, Syria. By the time the president pulled the trigger and gave the go-ahead, it was already too late.


The threat from ISIS and rise of

Obama leadership failing America

These days leadership seems to be a rare commodity. This is probably because our educational institutions no longer teach it, parents no longer instill it in children, and so people today no longer recognize it when they see it.

It’s a nebulous sort of thing that many people really can’t define, but they know it when they are around someone that offers it. Everyone loves a leader; they are the person that can light up a room when they enter it. It’s the guy that makes letterman quarterback in college, the guy that makes ace pilot in the Air Force. It’s not about saying the right thing at the right time, or pandering to special interest groups, or avoiding a personal faux pas in an interview. It’s not about mistakes in a person’s background or lapses in judgment, either.

Naturally, every nation changes over time. Borders shift, morals and standards increase or decrease, languages alter their dialects. However we should remember that the weaker this nation becomes both economically and socially, the stronger our enemies will become.

Most nations’ leaders always try to make an effort to not only improve the working conditions of the average citizen, but to make them superior to another nation’s standard of living. This is the prime function of a leader; to devote oneself to public service and make your nation superior to other nations, not only in standard of living, but militarily and economically as a source of pride.

America has been fortunate enough to have one world statesman after another as its President. In fact, since its founding in 1776, America has had remarkably good leadership in the Oval Office.  Leaders like Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt etc., would be rare in most other nation’s history, but here in America, they are almost commonplace. Even the failed presidency of Richard Nixon had astounding foreign policy successes, such as the Middle East negotiations under Kissinger and the opening of trade to China, which ultimately tipped the balance of power toward the West against Soviet hegemony in Asia.

Even Carter’s brokered peace agreement with Egypt and Israel, which provided a stable western border for Israel, is a stunning achievement.

That is, until the American electorate began to change, and with it, its leadership. It saw a “savior” to America in Barack Obama, who is unique in this role of the nation’s leader in that he believes that America needs to reduce its worldwide footprint so that the world is on a more even keel. His view of redistribution of wealth has made America weaker, both in reality and perception with our enemies. This has been exacerbated by Obama’s lack of leadership in foreign policy.

The concept of equanimity under social justice has always been an element in our society, but it has never been established in the role of a sitting U.S. president. More importantly, America has never seen a President of the United States who announces he “doesn’t have a strategy” when it comes to dealing with a hostile enemy such as ISIS.

When Winston Churchill was faced with an enemy of freedom, he said of the Nazis:

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender… –W. Churchill, 1940

Barack Obama? “We don’t have a strategy yet”

Churchill knew what to say. People don’t need the specifics of a plan, they need leadership in these dark times. Even Reagan knew what to say. When asked what he was going to do about the ever menacing communist threat, he responded simply with “we win, they lose”. America needs a strong economy and a leader with backbone and a defined sense of leadership.

Obama is the emblem of an America in decline, the cataclysmic failure of a nation emptying its granaries as America falls into the abyss.

Thomas Purcell is the host of Liberty Never Sleeps radio.

These days, leadership seems to be a


This week the all-star Fox News Sunday panel of George Will, Julie Pace, Charles Lane, and Michael Needham discussed ISIS, immigration and 2014 midterm elections. In the first video, the panel discusses the ISIS terror threat and immigration.


In the second half of the segment, the Fox News Sunday panel discusses the 2014 midterm elections. Previously in the show, pollsters Bill McInturff and Mark Mellman gave Chris Wallace a peak into their findings and insight on how the midterm elections are shaping up.

The all-star Fox News Sunday panel of

We need to value the job creators and the job holders, says former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee in his Labor Day message. The host of “The Huckabee Show” said Saturday night that it is when labor and management partner together, everybody wins in America’s capitalist system.

Huckabee said that it is easy to dislike modern labor unions, as excessive demands are bankrupting progressive states, as we have seen in Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan. However, after giving viewers a brief history lesson, covering how the nineteenth century movement is responsible for achieving various workers’ rights, he insinuated that we need to find a balance in modern America.

Labor unions are clearly losing the battle of public opinion and have been for roughly 50 years. A recent survey from Gallup found a slight 53 percent majority of Americans still approve of labor unions, but the right to work movement is supported by the vast majority of adults.

“At the same time Americans express greater approval than disapproval of unions, they widely support right-to-work laws,” said Jeffrey M. Jones at Gallup. Consistent with year-over-year declines measured in the past, just 10 percent of Americans now identify as union members according to Gallup’s Aug. 7-10 poll.

Since Gallup began tracking the question nearly 80 years ago, unions have consisting lost ground and the level of support, or labor union approval has been as high as 75 percent. But that was in the 1950s and, now, 38 percent disapprove of unions, while there is widespread approval of right to work laws.

Still, the former governor’s overall message was aimed at the Republican Party, clearly, and went beyond the issue of unions per se. He stressed that Republicans have a tendency of valuing job creators over job holders in their rhetoric, and it needs to stop.

We need to value the job creators

The two top leaders of the House and Senate intelligence committees both criticized President Obama on Sunday for failing to decide on whether to strike Islamic State targets in Syria, and urged the president to take decisive action before the militant group attacks on U.S. soil.

Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said President Obama has been “too cautious” developing a strategy to combat the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham. The charge the president has been too cautious is one we have heard from the California Democrat before.

“I think I’ve learned one thing about this president, and that is he’s very cautious. Maybe in this instance, too cautious,” Sen. Feinstein told NBC’s Andrea Mitchell during an exclusive interview that aired on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday.

ISIS “is a major varsity team, if you want to use those kinds of monikers,” Feinstein added, saying Obama was wrong to characterize the terrorist group as a “JV team” back in January.

“This is a vicious, vicious movement, and it has to be confronted,” she said. “I mean, [ISIS] crossed the border into Iraq before we even knew it happened. So this is a group of people who are extraordinarily dangerous. And they’ll kill with abandon.”

“His foreign policy is in absolute free fall,” Michigan GOP Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday.”

Rogers also said Sunday that Obama’s failure to act decisively regarding air strikes on ISIS targets in Syria is part of a larger foreign policy failure that is resulting in more aggressive and emboldened adveraaries, such as China, North Korea and Russia.

“It’s all related,” Rogers said. “The world sees the United States as withdrawn.”

Both Feinstein’s and Roger’s comments come just 12 days after Islamic State released a video of a warrior beheading American journalist James Foley, and only days before the NATO Summit Thursday and Friday in Wales.

“There have been plans on the table,” Rogers said. “The president just didn’t want to get engaged.”

Sen. Feinstein and Rep. Rogers have access to the nation’s most sensitive secrets and information, which is why their comments are so concerning. Their interviews represent an increasingly rare instance of bipartisan agreement over foreign policy issues. Both of the two top chairs predicted an attack on the United States or its European allies if the terrorists are not attacked and defeated.

“They have announced that they don’t intend to stop,” Feinstein said. “They have announced that they will come after us if they can, that they will, quote, `spill our blood.’ ”

Meanwhile, Rogers warned that the threat largley includes Americans who have trained with ISIS, which according to the chairman, number in the hundreds who can return to the United States with their American passports.

“I’m very concerned because we don’t know every single person that has an American passport that has gone and trained and learned how to fight,” he said.

The two top leaders of the House

Embassy Libya evactuated

(Photo: REUTERS)

An Islamic militant group said Sunday it has “secured” a U.S. Embassy in Libya’s capital city of Tripoli. In July, PPD reported that American personnel were evacuated from the area and relocated to Tunisia amid ongoing fighting in the country.

The State Department said embassy operations would be suspended until the security situation improved.

Now, a commander for the Islamic group, Dawn of Libya, said his forces had first entered the compound last week, and have been in control of the compound since. Despite daily press briefings and even an press conference by President Obama, himself, neither him nor White House Press Secretary Josh Ernst said a word about it.

People’s Pundit Daily has not been able to independently verify the claim, and a White House spokesperson refused to comment on the validity of the claims. However, an Associated Press journalist walked through the compound Sunday after the Dawn of Libya, an umbrella group for Islamist militias, offered to allow journalists and onlookers inside.

The AP said glass windows at the compound had been broken, though it appeared at a glance that most of the equipment was present and untouched.

There has been no U.S. military presence at the compound since the State Department pulled out, and no assets are reportedly in the region. A video posted online — viewable below — showed men playing in a pool at the compound.

U.S. Ambassador to Libya Deborah Jones said the video appeared to have been shot in at the embassy’s residential annex. She also said it appeared the compound was being “safeguarded” and had not been “ransacked.”

On Sept. 11, 2012, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, and State Department information management officer Sean Smith were killed in a terror attack on a U.S. outpost in Benghazi, Libya.

The House voted 232-186 in May to establish a select committee on Benghazi, with 7 Democrats joining the 225 Republicans voting in favor. The vote marked the official launch of a serious investigation into the withholding of information and potential cover up of a terrorist attack that took place during the 2012 president campaign, when President Obama was barnstorming the country on the campaign trail claiming Al Qaeda was on the run.

“Osama bin Laden is dead, and General Motors is alive,” were the words spoken at a Nevada fundraiser the day after the terror attack in Benghazi. Until this day, no one can account for the president’s actions or location during the night of the attack.

The Dawn of Libya militia is deployed around the capital and has called on foreign diplomats to return now that the fighting has subsided.


An Islamic militant group said Sunday it



It’s a line that the junior senator from Texas has used on multiple occasions that draws laughter and applause from the crowd. In his speech open, Sen. Ted Cruz says that he regrets to inform those in attendance that they will all be audited by the IRS this year. The insinuation is that they have openly declared their partisan leanings by attending his speech.

And that wasn’t the only joke the conservative firebrand and likely 2016 Republican president candidate prepared for his speech to be delivered at an event hosted by Americans For Prosperity. Cruz said that there is a diet known in D.C. as the “Obama diet,” which consists of letting Russian President Vladimir Putin eat your lunch everyday.

“Sixty-six days from now, just over 1500 hours we’re going to retake the United States Senate and we’re going to retire Harry Reid,” he said to a crowd that responded with a thunderous applause. Cruz said four key issues are going to be front and center between now and Election Day, the first of which, “no amnesty.”

Comprehensive immigration reform is all but dead in the Senate, let alone the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. Since the border crisis first came to light in June, American public opinion has turned sharply against what some claim was never truly “a pathway to citizenship” as it was being sold to voters. PPD recently analyzed a slew of recent polls regarding immigration and found that, not only do a majority of Americans oppose allowing the illegal immigrants who recently flooded the border to stay, but also that they want them sent back as quickly as possible.

“In fact, more Americans think immigration should be decreased than increased, and by a nearly two-to-one margin, 41 percent vs. 22 percent,” Gallup’s Lydia Saad said regarding a survey included in the analysis.

But for Sen. Cruz and other Republicans, it would be tantamount to treason to support another one of the president’s policies that they, and many others, view to be a manufactured crisis based on political calculations. The president and the media narrative claim the illegal immigrants were “generally fleeing violence and poverty,” but an internal government report conducted jointly by law enforcement and intel agencies found that a general misunderstanding of U.S. immigration policy was the cause. The report interviewed hundreds of illegals who told them they were led to believe President Obama would grant them “permisos,” or free passes.

“Of the 230 migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free passes or permisos to UAC (unaccompanied children) and adult females OTMs (other than Mexicans) traveling with minors,” the report said.

“If you support amnesty vote Democrat,” Cruz said. “If you oppose amnesty throw Harry Reid out.”

Cruz also extended a public invitation to President Obama to accompany him to the Texas border, a serious invitation that ended with a joke about the president not having to worry whether or not he would miss out on any golf. “I figure the only way there is a chance in Heaven for him to come is if he would be able to go to a golf course,” he later added.

ObamaCare and restoring America’s leadership in the world also made the four-item list in Cruz’s speech. On ObamaCare, Cruz said “there’s a very simple principle. If you like your senator, you can keep your senator,” referencing the president’s broken promise that earned him a spot on PolitiFacts “Lie of the Year.”

Surprisingly, much of the Texas senator’s speech focused on the latter, restoring America’s leadership in the world.

“Well ISIS says they want to go back and reject modernity, well I think we should help them,” Cruz said. “We ought to bomb them back to the stone age.”

Protecting and preserving Americans’ constitutional rights was the fourth and final issue Cruz said will be front and center during the 2014 midterm elections. He said that if Americans want to keep their right to bear arms, “then vote Harry Reid out.”

There was obviously room for one more joke before closing out his speech, as he told everyone that he wanted them to vote ten times. “I’m not suggesting voter fraud,” Cruz said. “We’re aren’t Democrats. I’m saying after you vote, go find nine others who otherwise wouldn’t have voted and get them to the polls.”

Cruz thanked the crowd in closing. He said he is “extremely optimistic” about 2014 and 2016, and told the audience that he was proud to stand side-by-side with them in the effort to restore constitutional government.

"Well ISIS says they want to go

nixon and kissinger

President Richard Nixon (left) listens to then-National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger. (GETTY IMAGES)

As a young student of international relations, I both favored and admired the scholarship of Mr. Henry Kissinger, the national security adviser and secretary of state under Presidents Nixon and Ford. Deténte, I believed, was a brilliant yet practical strategy to confront the former Soviet Union in a manner alternative to the status quo.

Since the end of World War II, American administrations had been exhausting strategies resulting in peripheral violence and based upon intense security competition. U.S. foreign policymakers struggled to remain true to the guiding principles outlined by George F. Kennan in the Long Telegram, a document that arrived in Washington D.C. on February 22, 1946, yet dominated U.S. foreign policy toward the Soviet Union for the following two decades.

Through deténte, Mr. Kissinger offered President Richard Nixon a valuable and rare treasure — a new idea. It was a breathe of fresh air blowing through the stale hallways of the White House and State Department, and it worked.

But this is where the pleasantries end, and my critique of the former secretary of state’s recent op-ed must begin. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Mr. Kissinger struggled to explain not only the current chaos playing out around the world under President Obama, but also the paralysis and ineffectiveness of the United Nations and various other so-called “forums” for international cooperation.

“A third failing of the current world order, such as it exists, is the absence of an effective mechanism for the great powers to consult and possibly cooperate on the most consequential issues,” Kissinger wrote. “This may seem an odd criticism in light of the many multilateral forums that exist — more by far than at any other time in history.”

To that end, he is correct. The United Nations is, indeed, a failure regarding its stated purpose as a mechanism of international cooperation, and has long taken credit for periods of stabilization resulting from other forces that act outside of its scope of power. However, he’s dead wrong on the irony of its failure, and offers little more than the same empty rhetoric to resolve its ineffectiveness.

Kissinger argues that “the nature and frequency” of U.N. meetings “work against the elaboration of long-range strategy,” and have now merely become “a new form of summitry as ‘social media’ event.”

“A contemporary structure of international rules and norms, if it is to prove relevant, cannot merely be affirmed by joint declarations; it must be fostered as a matter of common conviction.”

While it is certainly true that the formation of nation-states into various coalitions — for example, the now-failed G-7 and U.N. — have served as little more than an excuse for nations’ elitists to rub shoulders and eat caviar, there are two main problems with this argument.

If certain state behavior that challenges global order is to be deterred by means of “naming and shaming” or even by the joint, multilateral use of hard power in the event they violate settled principles of a “common conviction,” then there truly must exist a common conviction between coalition nations. That has always been the great lie regarding the United Nations, particularly the U.N. security council. Matters of common conviction, or a set of agreed upon basic principles, do not currently exist and, in reality, they never have.

The U.S. is unique in its own convictions, as is Europe and even individual nation-states within Europe. As for Russia, the arguably eastern European power holds a set of its own convictions that often resemble those of China and other Asian powers more than Europe. For too long, actually since the formation of the United Nations, we have falsely assumed that European and Asian powers signed on to the U.N. for the same reason as the U.S. — to advance our common convictions.

But this has never been their interest.

A nation-state’s principles and convictions have a habit of changing as often as their interests, making the idea that a lasting global order could ever be predicated on common convictions, at best, terribly difficult to imagine and, at worst, childishly foolish. But the problem is even more fundamental. It lays at the heart of the international state of anarchy that has, and always will, dominate the nature of nation-state behavior in the international system.

As even Kissinger notes, in the U.S., policymakers credit the spread of liberty and democracy with our ability to achieve just and lasting peace. We tend to view people and, as an extension nation-states, as “inherently reasonable and inclined toward peaceful compromise and common sense;” thus, “the spread of democracy was therefore the overarching goal for international order.”

It is from this idea — a simply false idea that does not stand up to empirical scrutiny — which misguided liberal internationalist policies have sprung. “A world order of states affirming individual dignity and participatory governance, and cooperating internationally in accordance with agreed-upon rules,” Kissinger argues, “can be our hope and should be our inspiration.”

The democratic peace theory, which is what Kissinger is arguing for here, is widely praised in the halls of the State Department to this very day. But, ultimately, it has been easily debunked in both intellectual and scholastic exercises. In the real world, states are inherently competitive by nature, an understanding our European counterparts have come to grips with a long time ago.

They have chosen, however, to address this reality through what we now know as the EU, a failing experiment that is finding out the hard way that the bicycle theory, which argues free-riding nation-states will take advantage of a great power’s willingness to pick up the economic slack, isn’t’ just a theory after all.

Meanwhile, Asian powers, to include Russia and China, are the only regional powers who have accepted the fact that balance-of-power politics really do prevail in the international state of anarchy. “The domination of a region by one country militarily, even if it brings the appearance of order, could produce a crisis for the rest of the world,” Kissinger wrote. Regional hegemony, or the domination of a region by a great, hegemonic power is what all great powers seek to achieve, with or without the present of international institutions.

It is almost a non-existent occurrence when academics and real-world practice come to the same conclusion. Still, U.S. policymakers have, to the contradiction of all reason and on full-display in Kissinger’s column, resisted calls to revamp U.S. foreign policy that reflects the reality that other great powers do not want the same things we want. Until U.S. policymakers concede and admit that each great power first desires regional hegemony and their own version of a new world order, which of course is a status quo that they are in charge of keeping, the U.S. will continue to struggle to define its role on the world stage.

And until the intelligentsia, who apparently lack intelligence, pursue dangerous policies of multilateralism, the threat of great power conflict with persist.

Henry Kissinger, a former national security advisor

Likely Democrat gubernatorial nominee Martha Coakley now trails her Republican challenger Charlie Baker in the Boston Globe’s weekly tracking of the Massachusetts governor race. The race is currently rated “Leans Democrat” on the 2014 Governors Map Predictions model.


ma gov polls

Coakley is the strong favorite to win the nomination, but if she doesn’t, then Baker will enjoy a large lead against his other potential challengers, Steve Grossman and Don Berwick. Coakley isn’t out of the woods yet. She still faces two Democratic primary chellngers in the Sept. 9 party primary.

However, the Boston Globe tracking survey found she holds a healthy lead, earning the support of 46 percent of likely voters, while 24 percent support Steve Grossman, the state treasurer, and 10 percent back health care expert Donald Berwick.

Because of the state’s blue leanings, we are holding out rating where it stands. That said, we have also held making a different call because Baker was dominating early head-to-head surveys. However, he is an exceptionally strong candidate in a blue state that has a frontrunner that is an exceptionally weak candidate.

The mix should make for a close race, particularly if the national environment keeps deteriorating for Democrats.

Democrat Martha Coakley now trails Republican challenger

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