Planned Parenthood Sues Texas Over New Abortion Law
Texas’ new abortion law is being challenged
Texas’ new abortion law is being challenged
I will ask the simple question again. Who can argue that there is no abortion industry when a Gosnell-like clinic sends coupons that “save $50.00” with “free deep IV sedation” for “Sundays Only” redemption.
The percentage of children born outside of marriage has skyrocketed, with a six-fold increase since 1960. Currently, the figure is highest among blacks, but the rate of increase is highest among whites and Hispanics.
The Government Accountability Office, or the GAO, has agreed to investigate the use of federal funds by Planned Parenthood. The probe was announced by Representatives Diane Black (R–TN), Pete Olson (R–TX), my old congressman Chris Smith (R–NJ) and Senator David Vitter (R–LA).
In light of the continued attention to the IRS scandal that involved the targeting of Tea Party and other conservative groups, I felt it would be educational if I were to do something that I normally do not do, post an entire section from my book. It is safe to assume that many Americans have no clue why or when 501(c) status became relevant.
I have spent a great deal of time analyzing the support for abortion, and Americans have favored a late-term abortion ban for years. In the wake of individual states pushing the 20 week ban the issue has once again reached nationwide notoriety. Now pollsters are starting to come to the result I have: liberals are way out of the mainstream on the abortion issue.
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In response to the announcement from Governor Perry that Texas SB1, which bans abortions after 20 week – or 5 months – will pass in this special legislative session, the typical abortionists tactics and rhetoric have started back up. But the rhetoric regarding the impact of policy never matches the practice.
It may come as a shock to mainstream media consumers outside the Lone Star State, but Wendy Davis is not the only woman in Texas and her opinion is not shared by a majority of Texans.
As the American public becomes more educate on the reality of the industry, the support for abortion decreases, but ignorance in support of abortion remains strong.
The progressive left who are staunch opponents of Texas’ SB 5, which bans abortions after 20 weeks, are in an uproar that is showing their true extremism as it pertains to the issue of abortion.
Typically, we are all led to believe that the abortion issue is a loser for Republicans, thus the passage of the “District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” in the House on June 18 would normally bode badly for the GOP.
However, when we wade through the constructed reality we find that just the opposite is true. Democrats locked in “toss-up” or otherwise competitive races in conservative districts who felt compelled to fall in line with Nancy Pelosi will soon find themselves under assault from pro-life independent expenditure groups.