Why Are We Surprised By The Recent Obama Scandals?
Why are there still some in the
Why are there still some in the
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Commentary From The Blogger: President Obama, in an effort to distract from the recent trifecta of scandal, delivered a foreign policy speech just one day after a British soldier was just about decapitated a few yards from his post in broad daylight. In passing, the soldier leaves a young wife alone with their 2 year-old son; however, President Obama denies a War on Terror – if that is even a proper understanding – so there is no wonder that the American people felt much safer from Islam under President Bush than they do Barack Obama.
President Obama might be discussing the closure of Guantanamo Bay, but Americans want Gitmo to remain open. There is a 25 percent return to battlefield rate among detainees who are released from Gitmo.
Although the American people are not fully engaged in the conflict and happenings of Syria, there is widespread opposition to U.S. intervention in the ongoing civil war that has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people.
President Obama is speeding toward lame duck status faster than most American second term presidents. In fact, he may already be a lame duck. The Toomey-Manchin compromise was defeated in the Senate, the Boston Marathon bombing has put a serious damper on immigration reform, and the Benghazi whistleblowers…
Paul Krugman being awarded a Nobel Prize
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