VIDEO: BENGHAZI 9.11 Oficial Movie Trailer
Now you can view the BENGHAZI 9.11 official movie trailer.
Now you can view the BENGHAZI 9.11 official movie trailer.
Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador who lied during no less than five Sunday talk shows while telling account of the Benghazi terror attack, has replaced Tom Donilon as national security adviser. This is an outrage, and We the People have to let the President know that he cannot be unaccountable and appoint figures who have proven themselves to be nothing but rubber stamps absent of integrity.
In recent weeks, the White House has been under siege from all sides for its stewardship of the nation’s executive authority. The Obama administration has been accused of eavesdropping on journalists, of unfairly targeting conservative nonprofits, and of botching (and belatedly trying to cover up) national security crises.
Hillary Clinton’s favorability rating dropped significantly in a Quinnipiac University poll released Friday, as the months-long investigation into the terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, have begun to drag on the former secretary of State.
Although it is terribly normal for Americans to be disengaged from the latest Obama scandals, unfortunately there is a clear partisan divide. One must wonder if we are not seeing either a selective hearing or selective answering phenomena in the study conducted by Pew Research.
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