Response To Critics: The Liberty Amendments Won’t Work, And Our Founders Would Agree
In a recent article that appeared on
In a recent article that appeared on
Mr. Bill O’Reilly has certainly made a good living claiming that he is “looking out for you” – “the folks.” Increasingly, however, I find myself in staunch conflict with the positions he has taken on a number of issues, which is supposed to be consistent with his little slogan.
According to a new poll conducted by Gravis Marketing for Human Events, Speaker of the House John Boehner, isn’t exactly in great shape with Ohio voters, particularly Republicans. Half of the respondents reported they would welcome a challenger to John Boehner in the 2014 congressional race. Respondents were registered Republican voters living in Boehner’s district.
Democrat Terry McAuliffe has opened up a seven-point lead over Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli as the Virginia gubernatorial race enters the post-Labor Day stretch in the latest Rasmussen poll.
The Labor Department reports the U.S. economy added 169,000 jobs in August, missing economists’ expectations of 180,000. The jobless rate fell to 7.3%, the lowest since December 2008, and less than estimates that it would hold steady at 7.4%.
President Obama, while speaking in a joint press conference in Stockholm Sweden, denied that he even set a red line. Refusing to take the full burden the president said, “first of all, I didn’t set a red line, the world did.”
Mark Levin certainly appears to have succeeded in laying the groundwork for having a discussion on how best to rollback the size and scope of government. It’s amazing how fast Americans are willing to stifle free speech when the words they hear challenge their worldview, or better put, how they want to view the world. I recently left a review on Amazon for his new book, in which he proposes the adoption of liberty amendments to the Constitution through Article V, or the state option.
The AFL-CIO will reportedly aim their political barrels at incumbent Republican governor races next election cycle. They will devote much of their time and financing to defeating Republican governors, rather than backing embattled Democrats in Congress.
A gauge of U.S. consumer spending rose in July at its fastest pace in seven months, a sign of quicker economic growth that could strengthen the case for the U.S. Federal Reserve winding down a major economic stimulus program.
I have no great beef with Peggy Noonan. In fact, I frequently enjoy reading her column in the Wall Street Journal. However, in her latest column titled “How Obama Wooed the Middle Class” she missed the mark big time and, as anyone who has read my election analysis and book knows, I cannot let this go without a response.