Jim DeMint Introduces Heritage ObamaCare Alternative
Jim Demint introduces the Heritage ObamaCare alternative,
Jim Demint introduces the Heritage ObamaCare alternative,
On Monday, October 7, the next session
In The New York Times —on September 11, of all days — Russian President Vladimir Putin had the nerve to take issue with the idea of American exceptionalism. Someone had to respond, which of course, we could not rely on President Obama to do. Former South Carolina Senator, and Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint, rose to the occasion. Jim DeMint made the case that yes, all humans are created — however, not all nations are created equal.
http://youtu.be/YmMPpnDcQWk Published by Heritage on Jun 25, 2013 Lindsey Burke
Heritage is responding to the ridiculous claim by the Washington Post that the national debt is no longer an issue, or as they deemed it, “the national debt is no longer growing out of control.” Lawmakers and liberals living inside the bubble that is the Washington Beltway are floating the notion that the $17 trillion in national debt is no longer a high priority any more. But the Heritage foundation is firing back:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqEtlp0x50s?feature=player_embedded]
Every day, law enforcement at the behest of big government excessively targets and prosecutes Americans of all race, class and creed. In modern America, this activity goes far beyond groups targeted by the IRS who are otherwise upstanding citizens. When government creates laws designed to compel citizens to act in according to that which the state has deemed to be “right” behavior, it is known as overcriminalization.
Download the Free E-book “What You Need to Know about Marriage” with the most Frequently Asked Questions on defining marriage, including…
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcVyz5C3LPY]
Published on May 30, 2013 by Heritage Foundation
In “How the West Really Lost God”, leading cultural critic Mary Eberstadt delivers a powerful new theory about the decline of religion in the Western world.
The other day an info-graphic from the Heritage Foundation was making its way around social media and the Internet. I, myself, posted it here as well in order to demonstrate how the debate over the farm bill during the 2012 election was nothing but hot air.
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I would argue that the GOP has, now, a greater opportunity to repeal and replace Obamacare more than ever. However, what has been the replacement plan? The truth is, we do not know, and have not heard one since 2010.