Father’s Day 2014 Poll: Importance Diminished, But Role Remains Paramount
For Father’s Day 2014, Rasmussen Reports conducted
For Father’s Day 2014, Rasmussen Reports conducted
The People's Pundit responds to Mark Levin
Join me tonight at 6PM ET standard time on Truth Frequency Radio, when I will be talking with Chris & Sheree Geo live! We will be discussing my book – Our Virtuous Republic – and all the latest topics in the news. Other topics will include whatever it is that my generous hosts wish to discuss.
In a recent article that appeared on
Mark Levin certainly appears to have succeeded in laying the groundwork for having a discussion on how best to rollback the size and scope of government. It’s amazing how fast Americans are willing to stifle free speech when the words they hear challenge their worldview, or better put, how they want to view the world. I recently left a review on Amazon for his new book, in which he proposes the adoption of liberty amendments to the Constitution through Article V, or the state option.
In light of the continued attention to the IRS scandal that involved the targeting of Tea Party and other conservative groups, I felt it would be educational if I were to do something that I normally do not do, post an entire section from my book. It is safe to assume that many Americans have no clue why or when 501(c) status became relevant.
In the past few weeks, whether it has been the release of my new book or my analysis of public opinion surveys, I have received considerable feedback on the topic of religion. It is about time, and certainly an appropriate day, to address the past and current views held by Americans on the subject of religion and America.
Since the 1950s, divorces and out-of-wedlock births in America have risen dramatically. This has significantly affected the economic well-being of the country’s most vulnerable populations. In “Home Economics: The Consequences of Changing Family Structure, Nick Schulz argues that serious consideration of the consequences of changing family structure is sorely missing from conversations about American economic policy and politics.
The IRS scandal, which again played out on TV today, is an excellent opportunity to kick off “Truth Week” and expose progressivism in every dark corner for the despotic false promise it is. I, myself, would happily give up my vote for Senator in order to return to the original federalist design before the ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment, and you will too by the time you are done reading this article.
In light of all of the recent Obama scandals, which are causing nothing short of a crisis of credibility among the American people toward their government, we are kicking off “Truth Week” ahead of next month’s launch of the Institute for Civil Society.