262 Million Murdered Human Beings “Felt the Bern” in 20th Century
When will the media force socialist Bernie
When will the media force socialist Bernie
Hillary Clinton refused to explain the difference
Brazil and its economy are now suffering
Big government is the mother’s milk of
This Stalinist academic mindset far transcends climate
The political left's great claim to authenticity
Congress passed a provision to allow them
A Nazi survivor shares her story in
WASHINGTON -- This report on the State
Mark Levin certainly appears to have succeeded in laying the groundwork for having a discussion on how best to rollback the size and scope of government. It’s amazing how fast Americans are willing to stifle free speech when the words they hear challenge their worldview, or better put, how they want to view the world. I recently left a review on Amazon for his new book, in which he proposes the adoption of liberty amendments to the Constitution through Article V, or the state option.