[brightcove vid=2521275093001&exp3=1620628511&surl=http://c.brightcove.com/services&clsid=444553540000&playerKey=AQ~~,AAAAAFAsZ1c~,8MkVRvW0DmbPOn4dw4SMaHgQrVsKm43k&w=486&h=412]
Much has been made in the George Zimmerman Trial that Trayvon Martin was just a poor little kid that was on his way home with Skittles and an Ice Tea. Trayvon Martin was a 17 year-old who was over 6 foot tall, had a history of violence, and was suspended during the period of the confrontation for drugs. But the jury was not allowed to hear that information, and worse, nor of the gun that Trayvon Martin is seen with in photos taken from his cell phone only days before the incident.