The White House Finally Sends Invitations Out For Shutdown Negotiations
President Barack Obama has finally invited congressional
President Barack Obama has finally invited congressional
White House Press Statement Condemning Violence In Egypt
UPDATE: The following report is an update from Reuters, which has been covering the situation in Cairo, Egypt. The White House condemned the military for using violence against the Muslim Brotherhood yesterday in the statement above. They commented today on the pressure it has been receiving from all sides of the spectrum, and said that the criticism “wasn’t helpful” in securing the freedom the Egyptian people deserve. President Obama said that U.S.-Egypt relations could not continue as it has in wake of the events yesterday.
Sarah Palin appeared on Greta Van Susteren’s show and said, “I was not allowed to talk about these things because the GOP elites who were running John McCain’s campaign said the media would eat us alive.”
Long-time White House correspondent Helen Thomas, who covered every president from Eisenhower to Obama, has died at age 92, according to The Gridiron Club & Foundation.
In a complete contradiction of earlier employee testimony, a self-described conservative Republican employed as a manager at the Internal Revenue Service Cincinnati office told congressional investigators that he, and not the White House, set in motion the review, said the top Democrat on the House watchdog committee.