Former Gov. Mike Huckabee, now host of the “Huckabee Show” on Fox News, was among the first to flat-out say the Obama administration lied to the American people regarding the Benghazi terror attack on Sept. 11, 2012. Now, the House voted Friday to establishment a select committee to investigate what is becoming known as the Benghazi cover-up, after newly emails showed White House advisor Ben Rhodes played a pivotal role in prepping former UN Ambassador Susan Rice for her infamous appearances on the Sunday shows.
“It’s been two years,” Huckabee said, “and I have never had to recant my statement.”
But even caught with its pants down the White House continued to play the American people for fools,” he added, citing the “White House press hack, Jay Carney,” who actually attempted to convince ABC’s Jon Karl that the emails — which he was CC’ed on — were not about Benghazi, but the greater “protests” in the region.
“This was directly relevant, so why did it take a court case to get the administration to release these emails,” Karl asked. “Why was this even classified?”
“It’s not just Barack Obama who — as Ricky Ricardo would say — has some splain’in to do,” Huckabee joked. “But should Hillary Clinton announce her candidacy, she’s gonna some es-plain’in to do.”
Huckabee reminded everyone of the “3 o’clock phone call” ad Hillary aired while running against now-President Barack Obama. But it wasn’t a middle-of-the-night phone call, it was 5:00 PM.
“I promised Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods, that I would find the truth about what happened to his son. I keep a photo of Ty in my office,” he added. “And that photo isn’t coming down until the truth does.”
The former Arkansas governor, who eventually cleaned up Clinton’s old stomping ground, served notice to the former Secretary of State. “The four murdered Americans couldn’t run and hide that night, and Hillary, neither can you.”