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Shapiro To Jones On New Ferguson Shooting Audio: ‘We Just Need To Shut Up’

Ben Shapiro reacted to the new Ferguson shooting audio, telling Van Jones “we just need to shut up and wait for all the information to come out.”


BEN SHAPIRO: Shapiro: It’s interesting; when I first heard this tape a few minutes ago, my reaction was the same as Van’s, I think, and as some of the other people’s you’ve had on this program; which is: the pause is the key, if this is what we’re talking about. But, I would caution that I think the biggest factor here is that we just need to shut up and wait for all the information to come out.

I think the biggest problem with this case is exactly what the polls show is not in that second line, “Do you think the officer is guilty or not?” but the third line, “Do we have enough information?” The fact that 68 percent of white people say we don’t have enough information yet and 39 percent of black people say we don’t have enough information yet, I agree with Van; This is a Rorschach test, but the problem is 68 percent of white people say, “Yeah, this is a Rorschach test, it’s an ink blot. I don’t know what this ink blot is. I don’t know if this ink blot is somebody stabbing my mother or whether this ink blot is a butterfly.”

And so what we really need in the country if we’re going to get past some of the racial conflict is a recognition that nobody knows what the ink blot is until we actually have enough evidence to show what the ink blot is.


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  • How unbelievably ironic that Shapiro is telling people that they should 'shut up until all the evidence is in', when the central complaint in question here is that police, and specifically police in areas like Ferguson act looooooooooooooooooooong before 'all the evidence is in', and their actions have far, FAR greater consequences than the actions of those us us sitting around discussing the issue....

    How about the police begin slowing down, looking at evidence before they respond so violently? Or is skin color 'all the evidence' one needs?

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