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Louis Farrakhan Racist AND Wrong, Says Giuliani Grew Up ‘Privileged Cracker Devil’

Speaking at Christ Universal Temple in Chicago Sunday, the racist Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan attacked America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani for his comment that Obama doesn’t love America. While giving a sermon during his annual  Saviours’ Day speech, he claimed former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani grew up “a privileged cracker,” and “a privileged devil.”

“How did you grow up, Giuliani? A privileged cracker? Or I should say, a privileged devil,” Farrakhan said. “You grew up on the sweat and the blood of black men and women who made America before your fathers got here. All of you Europeans, you recent immigrants that have found a home in America, and you are so happy. But you walking on our blood. Our blood soaks the soil of America.”

Not only were Farrakhan’s comments racist — again — but they aren’t factually correct. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was born May 28, 1944 and raised in the Italian-American enclave in East Flatbush in the New York City borough of Brooklyn. He was the only child in a working-class family and the son of Harold Angelo Giuliani (1908–1981) and Helen (née D’Avanzo; 1909–2002), both first-generation Americans and children of Italian immigrants.

Rudy’s father, Harold Giuliani, had a difficult time gaining employment and subsequently holding on to it. Like many young Italian-American men living in Brooklyn during the 1940s – 1960s, opportunities in organized crime was an attractive proposition to Harold, who would be convicted of felony assault and robbery that led to a stint in Sing Sing. Unable to find a job, Harold Giuliani served as an enforcer for his brother-in-law Leo D’Avanzo, who ran an organized crime operation involved in loan sharking and gambling at a restaurant in Brooklyn.

In 1951, when Rudy Giuliani was seven, his family moved from Brooklyn to Garden City South, where much of the money the family did have went toward his attendance at St. Anne’s Catholic School until high school. Rudy commuted back to Brooklyn to attend Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School.

But despite the cultural pressures and his father’s background, Mayor Giuliani took another, harder path than so many other young Italian-Americans. He attended Manhattan College in Riverdale, Bronx, majoring in political science with a minor in philosophy.

He flirted with the idea of becoming a priest after also having studied theology for four years in college, but instead attended New York University School of Law in Manhattan. There, he made law review and in 1968 graduated cum laude with a Juris Doctor.

Upon graduation, Giuliani slowly began to build what has become an unmatched career in public and prosecutorial service, first clerking for Judge Lloyd Francis MacMahon, United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York. In 1981, Giuliani was named Associate Attorney General in the Reagan administration, the third-highest position in the Department of Justice.

But he did it with something Mr. Farrakhan doesn’t even address in his sermons or grievance rants — work ethic. Work ethic and a solid foundation can conquer the challenges that stem from cultural and society norms, which left-wingers view as insurmountable obstacles. Giuliani build the life and career he did in spite of those at the time, not because of them.

Once more, Louis Farrakhan has proved he is all too willing to make racist inflammatory remarks, even if they are factually incorrect.


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Richard D. Baris

Rich, the People's Pundit, is the Data Journalism Editor at PPD and Director of the PPD Election Projection Model. He is also the Director of Big Data Poll, and author of "Our Virtuous Republic: The Forgotten Clause in the American Social Contract."

View Comments

  • Put a blackman in a drug gang life in Brooklyn and see if he has the same privileged chance of college and mayor as juliani...italian gangsters and black gangsters live totally different experiences when police and swat are involved...soundslike Farrakhan spoke the facts to malicious unwillingness yo speak that shows you are a devil just life the former mayor

    • You are too anxious to hate to see anything for what it is. Giuliani only expressed an opinion. Did he use hate speech? Think on this. Blacks 300 - 400 years ago would have had more opportunities if they had not been captured and sold as slaves by their own kind, those devils who created slavery.

  • If Obama was born in 1944 (anywhere in America) just like Giuliani how would Obama's life have been compared to Giuliani's in,1944 tell me that? Ill guess and say Giuliani would have had more privileges, what say you?

  • Is this satire? Does the author REALLY believe that a young black man growing up in the 50s and 60s in New York City had the same opportunity to succeed as Giuliani?

  • Hey Louis, my people were/are immigrants from Eastern Europe. My people never asked for a hand out, and worked hard to gain big success. They gained success by the sweat on their backs not yours, idiot. You need a history lesson. Remember this story and never open your ignorant mouth again. Far as Mr. Guiliani, you are far from his equal and he made it on his own, not from the sweat on your back. For your information whiner, African kings sold black people. I believe your local library have books on this subject. Remember that instead of whining about how hard you worked. Give it a break. You are a disgusting human being. Please leave this country and go preach your poison somewhere else.

  • FarraCON is a hate monger. He wants black people to be consumed with hatred and stay shackled in the past. He has made his living off being a race baiter. The only thing holding black people back are people like him and the democraps.

Published by
Richard D. Baris

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