Liberal mediate Lawrence O’Donnell continues to perpetuate ignorance over the “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative that evidence proves never happened.
While appearing on Morning Joe Friday morning, O’Donnell interrupted host Joe Scarborough and Jeff Roorda of the St. Louis Police Officers Association. Scarborough asked Roorda whether, “since Eric Holder agreed with your side of the story,” he had received an apology from the St. Louis Rams for the “hands up, don’t shoot” display by several of its players.
O’Donnell jumped in with the equally false claim that “Eric Holder doesn’t agree with the officers’ side of the story,” claiming instead the report merely found that “hands-up” couldn’t be proved “beyond reasonable doubt.” O’Donnell then condescendingly told Scarborough he didn’t “understand what reasonable doubt is.”
Scarborough, who slammed the Rams and the media last December, responded with a saracastic “thank you so much for giving me a lecture on the law.”
Wide receivers Tavon Austin, Stedman Bailey, Kenny Britt, Chris Givens, and tight end Jared Cook all exited the tunnel with the “hands up, don’t shoot” display in Dec. in what was a distasteful show of support for the rioters.