[brid video=”18210″ player=”1929″ title=”Fiorina Trump And Carson Afraid Of Debating Sound A Lot Like Politicians”]
Former Hewlitt-Packard Carly Fiorina said on The Kelly File Thursday night that Donald Trump and Ben Carson are afraid of debating and acting like establishment politicians by complaining about the length of the upcoming CNBC debate.
“I think apparently they’re worried about answering questions for three hours,” Fiorina said. “For heaven sakes, we have ten candidates on the stage. I don’t think three hours is a long time. And I think the American people actually like these debates,.”
“Maybe the establishments wants fewer debates. But I think the American people really like them. And I think we ought to stand and answer as many questions as we can. They also apparently ask for prepared statements,” Fiorina said. “You know, prepared statements are what politicians do. So, honestly, here are two outsiders supposedly. Donald Trump and Ben Carson they sound a lot like politicians tonight to me.”