[brid video=”19425″ player=”1929″ title=”Kimmel to Clinton Yet Ben Carson Would Beat You by 10 Points”]
Jimmy Kimmel caught Hillary Clinton off guard Thursday night over a recent poll that showed Dr. Ben Carson destroying her in a head-to-head matchup. The question came after the two had a love fest and a few laughs at the expense of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Dr. Carson.
“And yet this poll, this Quinnipiac University poll, that they released today, said that if you ran against him today he would beat you by 10 percent,” Kimmel said in shock.
“Well, you know, we’ll just have to wait and see how that turns out,” Clinton carefully responded.
Note to Jimmy: Saying crazy stuff, particularly crazy stuff that isn’t true, is how she ended up now even breaking 40%. Also worth noting, the Q-Poll released this week is not the only poll to show Carson creaming Hillary in a head-to-head, it is one however where she isn’t stuck at 38 or 39 against the good doctor.