Charles Krauthammer reacted to the fifth Republican debate hosted by CNN in Las Vegas on “The O’Reilly Factor” Tuesday night, criticizing Jeb Bush.
BILL O’REILLY: It was Bush’s land stand. He had to make an impression. Jeb Bush had to. He is standing there and had to go after the big dogs. He did. Now, my question to you is, did Bush do himself any good by doing that
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: My argument is that it would make no sense. Do you think that attacking trump moved the needle one bit for Bush? The answer is no, of course.
O’REILLY: Did it hurt him?
KRAUTHAMMER: It would have in the first debate. In the second debate when Bush was losing altitude, Trump is rising that is the time he had to stand up and defend himself. The spread now is 40% Trump, 5% for Bush… I would say he was given the biggest opportunity of the night. Trump said he would kill the relatives of terrorists. I thought Trump would deny it. He essentially said yes. Bush muffed the answer. It’s an irresponsible semi-insane policy and Bush swung and missed.