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Van Jones to Project Veritas: ‘Russia Thing Is Just a Big Nothing-Burger’

[brid video=”149039″ player=”2077″ title=”Van Jones ‘Russia Thing Is Just a Big Nothing Burger'”]

Van Jones, a former Obama advisor and top CNN commentator, told an undercover Project Veritas reporter the “Russia thing is just a big nothing burger.” The video is the second in a series Jame O’Keefe’s investigative organization dubbed American Pravda, which aims to expose media bias at the now scandal-plagued CNN.

“The Russia thing is just a big nothing burger,” Jones admits. The far left-wing commentator called his victory “a white lash” and repeatedly says Democrats need to be “demanding investigations of all his BS,” as he wrote on Facebook.

In the first video, a CNN producer admitted the Russia narrative was “bull$#!t.”

John Bonifield can be heard on the video openly admitting that there is “no proof” of President Donald Trump “colluding” with or having ties to Russia. He also admits it’s a ratings stunt.

“We don’t have any giant proof,” Bonifield said. “And so I think the President is probably right to say, like, look, you’re witch-hunting me.”

Bonifield, who has worked at CNN for nearly 15 years, also said CEO Jeff Zucker told senior producers and staff in a meeting to move on from covering the climate accords and get back to Russia. Zucker is an anti-Trump zealot.

CNN is under fire for having to retract a patently false story claiming Trump associates were under investigation for holding previously undisclosed meetings with Russian officials. The story was completely untrue and three CNN employees “resigned.”


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  • where there's smoke, there's fire. even if no hack found Russia has been too much a focal point in our country. They speak of putin and Russia as inclusive as if any moment Putin will be calling the shots to American life..

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