[brid video=”154332″ player=”2077″ title=”Tulsi Gabbard Defends President Trump on Ending CIA Ops in Syria”]
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Ha., defended President Donald J. Trump’s decision to end the covert Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operation in Syria. The Washington mainstream media exploded over the news, with The Washington Post running a headline claiming that the move serves Russia.
“It’s been widely reported that for years now that the CIA was providing arms, intelligence, money and other types of support to these armed militants who were working hand-and-hand and often times under the command of al-Qaeda in Syria. This isn’t a matter of we are giving weapons to other people and they’re falling into the wrong hands. We are directly arming armed militants who are working under the command of al-Qaeda all in this effort to overthrow the Syrian government.”