Did Fmr. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. Get Off Easy?
UPDATE: Not only did fmr. Rep. Jesse
UPDATE: Not only did fmr. Rep. Jesse
Mark Levin certainly appears to have succeeded in laying the groundwork for having a discussion on how best to rollback the size and scope of government. It’s amazing how fast Americans are willing to stifle free speech when the words they hear challenge their worldview, or better put, how they want to view the world. I recently left a review on Amazon for his new book, in which he proposes the adoption of liberty amendments to the Constitution through Article V, or the state option.
The AFL-CIO will reportedly aim their political barrels at incumbent Republican governor races next election cycle. They will devote much of their time and financing to defeating Republican governors, rather than backing embattled Democrats in Congress.
The mystery priest who recently showed up at a crash site, anointed a victim and then seemingly vanished into thin air has, in fact, been identified. He made himself known by posting his identity in the comments section of a Catholic news site. The story unfolded on Aug. 4, after one Aaron Smith, 26, struck Katie Lentz, 19, in a terrible head-on car crash. Over the next couple of days, the story of an unknown faith leader – some even speculated a spirit – who disappeared went viral.
I have posted this free eBook before, but now a video has been produced for Economic Growth: Unleashing The Potential Of Human Flourishing. The eBook is another primer in the AEI Values & Capitalism series intended for college students, but made available on this site for all to enjoy. The video below is a prelude to the argument made in the book, which is a moral case for capitalism.
The two disgraced New York City politicians who have attempted to make a comeback following sex scandals may still have some serious convincing to do. A new NYT/Siena Poll out showed that a majority of New York City voters are embarrassed by the attention from disgraced congressman Anthony Weiner and former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, two Democrats seeking citywide office this fall. Weiner is running for mayor, while Spitzer for comptroller.
A gauge of U.S. consumer spending rose in July at its fastest pace in seven months, a sign of quicker economic growth that could strengthen the case for the U.S. Federal Reserve winding down a major economic stimulus program.
California Gov. Jerry Brown signed an extremely controversial bill into law Monday afternoon allowing the state’s transgender public school students to choose which bathrooms they use and whether they participate in boy or girl sports.
CNN’s Don Lemon became a target of the vile left when he agreed with Bill O’Reilly’s assessment of the perpetual problems hurting the black community; in fact, Lemon said O’Reilly didn’t go far enough. Lemon gave what he felt was correct advice to his fellow-blacks to “pull up their pants, stop using the N-word, finish high school and don’t have children” out-of-wedlock.
This beach bum surfer dude, who is an otherwise able-bodied physically grown man, shows zero shame for mooching off of the hardworking taxpayer. In fact, San Diego beach bum Jason Greenslate thinks “it’s awesome” dude. People like this is why I have such a hard time convincing some conservatives that we need to show more compassion for the suffering of our fellow-citizens.